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Woodland Death


    Four girls, Zane, Sera, Kaylie, and Theresa, got bored and decided to take a walk in the woods. They packed a couple things into backpacks; stuff like sandwiches, drinks, and band-aids.

     They found a trail and decided to follow it. Theresa decided she would take the lead, but soon got them all lost. Zane began to argue with Theresa saying, “I thought you knew how to navigate the woods!” Theresa retorted with “I do, but I’ve never been in these woods before!” Zane sighed, and threw up her hands “Why did I follow a bloody idiot? I swear I should knock your block off for getting us lost!”

    All four girls then decided to sit down and cool off while they ate, and try to think of a way to find their way back home. They thought for a good while before they heard gunshots ringing through the woods, then someone screaming in pain. This frightened all four of them, but though they wished to get home it was getting way too dark to try getting out of the woods right then. So they made a plan to try and sleep in the large clearing they had found that evening.

    When they woke the next morning they discovered Theresa missing. They decided to try calling out for her, with no luck. They figured she got mad and left earlier so they decided to head on out and try to get back home. Along the way, not far from their starting point, they spied a puddle of blood. They didn’t think anything of it, assuming it from a wild animal’s prey. However something overhead caught Zane’s attention and she looked up, and at that moment the very thing that caught her eye fell. It was Theresa’s bloody body! All three girls began screaming in terror. After a good while Zane calmed down somewhat and then got Sera and Kaylie calmed down to a degree “Freaking out like this isn’t gonna save our butts you two!”

    After calming they begin to discuss a plan of action. Right then they heard a rustling in the brush nearby. Attempting to discourage any would-be attacker Zane calls out “Show yourself! I warn you I have a gun!” Suddenly a soft, though masculine, voice rings out “So do I.”

    This frightened all three girls, causing them to nearly run smack dab into one another trying to get away. They then hear the rustling moving further away from them, thus calming them down slightly.

    After awhile they move back to the clearing where they slept at, to try and devise a plan of action. They decided to try and find the path that led them there, however that plan did not work, because they soon found their selves deeper in the woods.

    They eventually wandered upon a small cabin nestled amongst the trees. Figuring that someone who lives in these woods would know how to get the heck out of them, they knock upon the door.

    They knocked a few times, but there was no answer. As they turned around to leave, a large lumberjack looking man was standing there “What do you want?” he said in a deep rumbling voice. In surprise the girls screamed out. Zane quickly moved in front of her younger friends, looking to the man “We’re trying to get out of these bloody woods!” The man nearly chuckled “Where you kids heading?” he inquired. Zane looks to him suspiciously “Scranton Elementary School” she tells him, not wanting to tell this perfect stranger where the heck they live. The man nods “Ah, yes, I know where that is. I’ll lead you there”

    The man then waves to them to follow him “My name’s Mark, what might be you girls’ names?” They look to him and being very smart they only give their first names. After awhile they begin to notice that he is leading them even deeper in the woods. Zane gets angry with this “Hey buddy! You’re going the wrong bloody way!” He feigns surprise at her words “Huh? Oh no this is a shortcut, trust me” Zane humphs “No thanks, we’ll find our own flaming way out if you don’t mind!” With that they all nearly run away from the man. All of a sudden their retreat is stopped as a large hole is blown into the center of a thick oak in front of them by a gun. They quickly run in a different direction.

    They would run for about half a mile before they suddenly catch the scent of food cooking. The smell made their stomachs growl; having not eaten since the previous day, they were quite hungry. They began to follow the smell until they came to another small cabin, this one very different from the last. This cabin seemed a lot homier. Some form of meatpie was sitting on the windowsill; it’s strong aroma wafting through the forest on the breeze.

    They decided to go closer to the cabin, their rumbling stomachs guiding their feet. As they got close to the cabin a woman, looking to be in her late twenties to early thirties, stepped out of the cabin, startling the girls. The woman even seemed a bit surprised herself. The woman greeted the girls with a slight smile “Hello, my name is Kirsten, who might you be?” The girls once again only gave their first names. With a nod, and upon hearing their growling stomachs, she invites them in for some food.

    The girls quickly fill their empty stomachs with the delicious meatpie. Kirsten chats away while they eat, even though they obviously aren’t paying attention; too hungry to worry about manner. When they finish they tell her about Mark leading them further from their destination. Kirsten sighs softly “Oh geez. Don’t worry about him. He’s always drunk or on some kind of drugs.” Zane nods and rolls her eyes “I figured as much”.

    Kirsten offers to lead them in the correct direction and they graciously accept the offer. After they get cleaned up a little, washing hands and faces a bit, Kirsten gets her boots and a thin jacket on and heads out the door. Of course even though she is leading them the girls, especially Zane, is very skeptical. Good thing because Kirsten begins to lead them towards Mark’s cabin!

    Sera furrows her brows in confusion and nudges Zane “Hey, isn’t this the way we came earlier?” Zane then hmms to herself and looks around, eyes widening “Yes it is! Flaming, bloody idiots!” She then grabs hold of Kristen’s arm and stops her “You’re leading us the wrong bloody way!” Kirsten then looks around and begins muttering to herself, suddenly seeming out of her mind. While Kirsten was preoccupied the girls slipped away. After a few moments they heard Kirsten’s voice calling out “Hey! Where’d you three go?”

    The girls ignore Kirsten’s attempts to call them back, Kaylie shaking her head “I think that woman should be taken to the funny farm, she’s nuts!” Zane and Sera nod their agreement rapidly.

    Now without a guide the girls sigh and try to think of a way to get out of the woods. Kaylie looks to the sky and groans “Oh no, it’s getting dark, we’re going to have to spend ANOTHER night in these woods!”

    Once again the girls find a small clearing, this one a bit smaller and flatter than the last. After making makeshift beds they lay down and eventually fall asleep.

    During a restless sleep, oddly enough both Sera and Kaylie have the same frightening and oddly true dream experience. They both dreamt that Zane had vanished without a trace!

    They quickly bring their selves awake and look around quickly. To their dismay the dream they both had was indeed correct! The makeshift bed Zane had slept in was very empty, and her backpack was lying there, it’s contents spilled about the ground.

    They began to panic, screaming out Zane’s name in hope that Zane had simply went off to take a leak. Unfortunately their cries fell on deaf ears. No answering call is given from Zane. Finally Sera calms down enough to grab Kaylie and shake her to get to get a grip on herself.

    They repack Zane’s things with trembling hands and begin to head out on the nearby trail. All of a sudden they wander upon a young couple, the man holding and comforting the woman. Nearby them is another figure, possibly female, though hard to tell with the amount of blood covering the form. Upon hearing the two girls’ approach through the brush the man jumps up and angrily shouts out “Who’s there?! Come out or else I’ll drag you out by the throat!” Kaylie lets out a squeak at the man’s words, causing him to look straight towards her and Sera. He blinks “Who are you?” he would question. Both girls step out into view. He looks to them, speaking in a much softer voice “What is your names young ladies?” The each softly give their first names. He nods a bit before speaking “My name is Austin and this is my fiancé Justine”

    Sera turns her attention from the man to the figure upon the ground, and with a soft trembling voice asks, “Wh-Who was that?” she then blinks and her cheeks color a bit “I’m sorry for how rude that sounded.” The man bites his bottom lip gently before looking to Justine “She was Justine’s sister, Callie”

    Kaylie looks down sadly, hands beginning to tremble even worse “We’ve lost two friends to that idiot with a gun.” Austin shakes his head, a look of anger on his face “I’m sorry to hear it, do not worry, he will pay”

    Sera looks to Austin, a vengeful look in her eyes “Yes, oh yes, he WILL pay!” Kaylie looks between Sera and Austin nervously, not enjoying the talk of violence.

    Justine looks to her fiancé and after what would seem like hours she speaks in a voice hoarse from crying “First we must get out of this horrid place my love, before justice can be done.” Austin moves over to her and takes her hands in his and locks his gaze on hers “Justice will be served one way or another, I promise you that.”

    The couple agrees to try and help Sera and Kaylie out of the woods. They all begin to head along a side trail, in hopes it will lead to the main trail out of the woods. They walk for nearly three hours, before suddenly the sound of a gun goes off and Austin clutches a hand to his chest, moments later deep crimson liquid spills past his fingers. Seconds later he hits the ground like a sack of potatoes. Justine screams, falling to her knees beside her fallen love, and begins to sob heavily. However she has little time to mourn his loss because within no more than a few heartbeats another shot rings out, killing her instantly with a shit to the temple. Sera and Kaylie stand looking in shock and horror, though that doesn’t last long before Sera grabs hold of Kaylie, pulling her into the trees. Echoing through the woods they hear “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” followed by insane cackling.

    Kaylie nearly screams at the words though Sera quickly puts a hand over her mouth to prevent her from doing so, for fear of their location being revealed to the killer. Tears silently roll down the cheeks of both girls, as they hide. Tears shed both from fear for their lives, and also tears of mourning for Zane and Theresa.

    They would tense as they hear someone moving loudly nearby. They readied their stance to run, figuring it was the killer coming for them. To their surprise Zane comes stumbling out of the small thicket nearby. Her clothes are torn, dark red lock severely tangled, and blood covering her forearms. Sera and Kaylie rush over and nearly knock her down hugging her.

    Kaylie begins crying again, speaking in a soft timid voice “Oh god Zane, we thought you were dead. You vanished like Theresa did. These two people, they….they,” Sera finishes the words for Kaylie “They were killed. They were stuck in these woods, like us. He was hunting them to.”

    Zane returns the hugs, tears streaming down her own face. Tears both of joy for finding her friends alive, and also tears of joy that she to is alive. She then looks at her two friends “We had best be moving out of here, before that bloody idiot finds us.” Zane suggested in a whispered voice.

Sera and Kaylie both nod their agreement, Sera returning the whispered tone “I think that he is more insane than an idiot.” Kaylie rapidly nods, agreeing with Sera.

    Zane makes a motion for them to follow her, before moving towards the thicket that she came out of earlier. Both girls follow as quickly, and quietly as possible.

    As they move along they can hear the killer’s voice haunting them “Believe me, it won’t hurt…much….You will have peace in the afterlife, trust me!” Kaylie stumbles upon hearing the words, her fear making her knees quiver. Sera quickly grips one of Kaylie’s hands to help her along and steady her. After they run a bit from the killer, Zane points to her right and moved towards a small cave in the hillside. Both girls follow her, and they find a nook to hide in.

    They all huddle silently within the nook until long past when they killer has come by, and having not found them; or the cave surprisingly; and left quite some time ago. Once she judges that it is safe Zane leads Sera and Kaylie out of the cave. Her gaze darts about scouting the environment to determine which way to go. After thinking for a few moments she begins leading her friends West, towards a hill.

    As they get to the top of the hill they are surprised by Kirsten suddenly stepping out in front of them “Ohmygod! There you three are! I mean come on, I may be a bit slow on the lead but I’m not THAT bad!” she’d exclaim in a voice characterized in movies as the typical California Valley Girl. Zane’s eyes narrow dangerously at this. The last two days have been a nightmare and being a typical Goth, wasn’t the biggest fan of the stereotypical prepish attitude. Even Sera seems extremely annoyed by this, evident by her assistance to Zane in grabbing hold of Kirsten’s arms and shaking her, none too gently. Kirsten’s eyes grow wide and she finally yanks her arms free from the iron grip of Zane and Sera “How dare you treat me like that!” Still using the voice that is obviously grating on the nerves of Zane most of all. Finally fed up with Kirsten’s annoyance Zane draws a fist back, sending a mean right hook for Kirsten’s jaw, connecting with a resounding thud; causing Kirsten to hit the ground with the same thud. Sera and Kaylie both stare at Zane, haws gaping wide open. She looks to them, quirks a brow and shrugs “What? You two are trying to catch bloody flies or what?” She’d then stroll away as if nothing happened.

    Zane looks down over the hill and groan a bit. The incline was extremely steep, but there was a road at the bottom! Zane finds some strong vines and uses them to form a lead line among them so that way if someone tried to grab hold of the final person, then the others would know instantly. After having all three of them tied together by the belt loop on each side of their denim shorts, they would begin to head down the hill. Unfortunately Kaylie looses her footing and begins to slide, though Sera catches her. However this causes Zane’s footing to become unsteady and when she falls all three are dragged to the bottom of the hill along with her.
    After a few moments the girls pick their selves off of the ground and brush off the dirt and other debris from their clothes. Zane looks around her to regain her bearings and she spots the house, just up the road! After quickly untying the makeshift lead line from the other two she begins leading them towards the house.

    The house is just a simple white painted, one story home with a small front porch. The girls make their way up to the front door and Sera knocks on the door while Zane stays at the back to protect her friends. It seems like they knock forever before finally they hear from the side of the house a man’s voice speaking “Hello? How can I help you?”

    This surprises the girls, causing them to jump and scream. The young man looks just as surprised as the girls. His eyes widen upon seeing their disheveled appearance. “What happened to you?” He asks. Zane eyes him in suspicion before speaking “There’s a killer in the woods and we’ve been fighting for our lives trying to make our way out and back home.”

   He nods slightly before asking, “Well, my truck’s down or else I’d take you wherever you need to be. Where are you heading?” Zane speaks up “Stanton Elementary School.” He nods with confidence “Yeah, you’re not too far from there, just go down that way,” he points eastward, “about a mile or so until you see a road to your left. Just go down that and it’ll take you right where you’re going.”

    The girls grin happily, glad to finally be almost home. They all thank him and begin rushing off in the direction he instructed. They were so happy they even begin singing to pass the time.

    With their spirits up they move quickly, their pace set so that it takes them very little time to reach the indicated road, and they turn onto it. However to their dismay after they get a quarter of a mile they see an oh so familiar truck coming towards them. Without panicking they begin running back they way they came hoping to be able to hide somewhere before they could be spotted.

    Once they reach the road they began on they rush up the hill back into the woods. Zane looks to Kaylie and Sera “Hide somewhere you won’t be seen and no matter what do not come out, understand?” They both nod and Zane runs back to the road.

    When she reaches the roadway she sees Mark’s truck parked alongside the road, and he walking around shotgun in hand. After taking a deep breath to gain her confidence she begins throwing rocks at his truck trying to draw his attention to her, and hopefully shatter his windshield so it would make following her in his truck very difficult. One well-aimed rock indeed sends a spider web crack over the driver’s side of the windshield.

    The sound of rock hitting metal indeed draws Mark’s attention and he turns to look to her. Once she spies this she rushes in a zigzag pattern across the road, making herself a harder target to hit.

    He brings up his shotgun and when he fires it Zane feels a burning sensation in her shoulder. A second shot rings out, this connecting with her left calf. Thankfully when the second bullet hit she was at the edge of the road and uses her body weight to throw herself forward over the hill.

    Once she stops rolling she drags herself into some high weeds to conceal her location as she hears the rustling above her, indicating that he is following. She does her best to keep her breathing even so that he doesn’t hear her pained gasping. His voice ringing out through the small valley “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, hoping and praying he doesn’t find her since she is unable to flee.

    After what seems like eons of listening to her pounding heart and his taunting calls his footsteps begin to retreat. Once she feels it is safe she drags herself out of the weeds and up the hill, to discover his truck gone. However with very little strength left she is unable to find Kaylie and Sera.

    Though Kaylie and Sera have their own agenda and they make their way down the hill once they hear Mark’s truck leave. Upon reaching the road they spot Zane’s bloody form and rush to her crying out in alarm.

    After they help her up, her arms over each of their shoulders, they begin to head down the road. After walking a good ways they spy Mark’s truck stuck in a ditch. The girls nearly drag Zane over to it and help her in. Sera getting in the driver’s seat when they notice the truck is a standard.

    After quite a few tries Sera gets the truck started and moving. They drive for maybe a mile, maybe two before noticing a tree down in the middle of the road. Sera sighs softly before telling the two to hold on, she was going to try and drive over it. After putting the truck into gear she presses hard onto the gas pedal and builds up speed. Unfortunately after getting halfway over the tree the truck gets stuck.

    Sera fights to get the truck to move either forward or backwards to no avail and so she and Kaylie help Zane out and help her over the tree. All three girls gasp upon spying Mark coming down the road towards them, from the direction they just drove from. They move quickly trying to get as far ahead of him as possible since he would also have to climb over the tree.

    Zane calls out happily as they spy a house that is slightly familiar to her, and the girls help her there, Kaylie knocking upon the door. A man with red hair and beard answers and cries out “Oh my god! What happened!” The girls explain in little detail what happened the past few days and Zane speaks softly “Fred, we need to get inside, he is following us.” And so the girls get Zane inside and onto a couch.

    While Sera tells the detailed story to Fred, Kaylie dials 911 to get an ambulance for Zane. Fred shakes his head with a growl “Once the cops get here I’m going with them and they better hope they catch him before I do.” He looks to Sera “You know how to use a gun?” She nods slowly “I do yea, my brother taught me how to shoot.” Fred nods quickly and speaks as he begins to move out the door “Good.”

    A woman comes into the room with a bowl of water, some rags, and bandages and begins cleaning and rough bandaging Zane’s wounds until she can get to the hospital. However Zane didn't wait on the ambulance. Once she was bandaged up enough to move she hurried out, and headed back tot he woods.

    Sera and Fred made it to the woods, however the next thing Sera saw was Fred falling forward, and Mark standing there with a knife. He had stabbed Fred in the back. Just as his arm raised to stab Sera a gunshot rang out and Mark's eyes widened. There was Zane standing there with a pistol in her hand. She shot Mark before he could hurt Sera.

   Zane had to stay in the hospital for a few days because of how much blood she lost, but she didn't go to jail over shooting Mark since it was deemed self defense on her friend's behalf. All three girls went home, and vowed to never, ever, go into the woods again.


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