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I was laying here wondering whats up with alot of my friends and decided that I just was getting myself all upset for no reason. I have had alot going on in my head in the last few days...and as some of you have seen my status has read either sad or down...something to those words for awhile now. I just don't know why people can't take others at their word? why does it seem that there is really no one out there that a person can rely on? Why is it that every time I turn around someone else has issues and I can't just lay down my own problems at thier feet instead of them laying thier's down at my damn feet?? Talk about feeling alone alot of the time... AND still no one out there for me to bitch to, cry to, or any damn thing. It's sad that I have to get hugs online and there is no one around me to just want to hug me because they can... I guess I just don't get it. I lost alot of friendships over the years because I moved away and forward in life.....and yet some of these friends are the best I have ever had. I can think of 3 right now that my soul just screams out to be near and talk to {in person}. What good is being a nice person if I can't seem to figure out half of what is in my own head??? I am not stupid enough to think that anyone really gives a crap if I am nice or not. I guess that's part of it...I am too damn nice. Then again I guess I should wake up and realize how f*ucked up it is being nice and become this huge b*tch...it tends to get people places when they are like that. Yea, I am being nippy, but hell even I need a break from being nice at times. I wonder if the rest of the world has this overwhelming need to scream alot of the time. I think at times I am out of my damn mind...I get so sick of how selfish people can be, how they take advantage of how giving others can be. Then people ask where my screen name comes from....well f*ck...its easier to stay in the shadows than the light and the darkness is too easy to stay in. Every day I look wake up and I am not sure if I should be greatful for another long, lonely, frustrating day orrrr if I should just go back to sleep....f*ck, look at me now...up right now for what? I had a friend tell me that if they ever taught me something it was that I am a slave to the world....I argued with them for 9 months, until yesterday I figured out that he was right. Damn {shakes head}, I know he will love to hear that he was right. I am not happy that he was right....not at all.... So, to change??? To stay the same? Can I change who and what I am??? How do I figure that all out....??? Well, I am off to get lost in my writing in my story writing, which I know I have not been doing enough of lately. Don't be real surprised when part 3 of the story takes a huge step the wrong way.... Jess AKA: DarK ShaDoW AnGeL Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

TO ALL MY PEEPS...FRIEND, FAMILY, FANS AND ALL!! I want to set the record straight right now...right here! I do not downrate anyone's photos or pages! Never have and never will! I never say anything negative about someone's pic either......I always stay positive about all and any thing on there! If by chance the page jumps when I am rating a page......I always go back & correct it as fast as I can! I am layed back and a nice person...I don't deal with the drama on here and try to stay away from it no matter what! For anyone else that seems to think I did down rate them, I wish they would be adult enough to come to me...cuz maybe it was a mistake or something. Just don't behind my back, honestly... thats just wrong to try and start a problem when there is none. If you knew me...you would know that I don't do these things. If you are my friend, family, or fan pls repost this because this issue is important to me.... Thanks so very much {hugs} Jessica AKA: ShaDoW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(repost of original by '†ŞħãĐØŴ† {Read My Page Pls}' on '2007-08-18 12:10:15') (repost of original by 'Gimptastic(Fubar Hubby Of Porcelain)' on '2007-08-18 12:16:53')

Beware of language that is in this blog... and of misspellings that I could care less about! This is not to anyone on here at all *well but one person*....it is to a friend of ours that Used us and is a ....well you will see. You wanna fuck with me? You wanna fuck with what is mine and treat me like shit? You wanna lie, decete and be an ugly no good SOB...be my fucking guest, but don't ever ask me for a damn thing! Don't even come at me thinking that you will EVER in a million fucking years have a shoulder to cry on here! Don't ask my family or friends for shit EVER NEVER again! You think you are God's gift to people? Where do you get off? Who do you think you are? GET THIS YOU NO GOOD SOB....you are less than nothing to anyone in my life, on my friends list or in my family's life. You can take you playing games, lying, stealing asses some where else cuz I fucking don't need the drama or shit in my life and I KNOW that there are several people out there that feel the same way....Poor people! I have to feel for them, cuz they don't even know your true damn colors yet....but they will. I usually don't wish bad on anyone but I hope someone finds you some where and gives you a taste of *what you ain't*....which to your little fucking mind is NOTHING! You are less than nothing to me, my friends, and my family. Learn that! You about got me to leave CT *FUUBAR* just to get away from you finally...but nope its not gonna happen, Block button works just fine for me! Fuck you and all that you think you are. You think you have everything....so you tell people...you have and are nothing, hell less than nothing! Stay away from my family and those that I care about...I am warning you off right now! I am a sweet person but I can be a hard cold ass bitch, as you can see right now. You think no one has my back....think again you dumb fuck! I have a few people that can knock you into your next life time....hell I can probably do that myself, you worthless no good piece of shit! I actually feel sorry for you and your stealing & usin ways...cuz you seem to can't help being that way to those around you....thats some pathetic shit there!!!! Get off your BS and start living life like the rest of us have to, and deal with your own shit and treat people like that should be. I think I have said it before to everyone I know...I hate liers, haters, players, & people that steal! You are so pathetic that even others have come to me about it. Now thats pretty fucking sad! I will not have the drama in my life any longer. You ruined a great friendship I had with someone and that right there makes you out of my life! Don't you know its wrong to fucking play games with people and thier lives...oh wait you probably don't know that you using piece of shit! You cut me hard and now I get a chance to get this all out of my system...thank goodness!! If I were you I would forever stay out of my way, for the rest of my life...I don't care if I am 1 mile away from you or 800 away from you...keep steppin cuz there ain't no love here no more....friendship is dead...learn it, live it, deal with it, and then get the fuck over yourself! Later, Jessica AKA: DarK ShaDoW AnGeL Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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17 years ago
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