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from PETA to Gore

i found this letter on glennbeck.com that was posted on drudgereport.com. It is a letter to Al Gore from PETA...after you read this you will laugh, because its basically says that Mr. Gore is a fraud! just click the link. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash2.htm

American Icon Assainated

According to CNN, Captian America was assinated. An All-American hero, from the 40's, when he fought against the nazi forces, to the communists of the 50's. He was a hero to all who remember him. In the comic he is in, the Patriot Act forces all super hero's to register with the government. On his way to court he was shot, and killed. This is no more than an attempt by the writer to show his discontent for the Bush administration. Even if you were to bring him back for some reason, his resurrection still would not make much of a difference. You may say that he is just a cartoon character, but to many of us he is more than that. he is a symbol of freedom, much like the Statue of Liberty. Liberty that kicks ass, and takes names. If you don't recall who he is, he was the one dressed as the american flag, with a shield that had a star on it. This really saddens me to see a great American icon leave us like this. they could have let him die a peaceful death if the wanted to kill him off, but not an assasination.
When is enough, enough? Well a boy by the name of Casey, from a Texas didn't even pull the alarm he took the cover off. chuck rosenthol says the was compentantly trying to defraud, or scare. the boy is a A/B student. He was arrested and was charged with a felony, but was dropped to a misdaminor. He was taken to jail, finger printed, and photographed. he was asked if he had ever been raped, drunk, or high. his father is a teacher, and his mother has a degree in child development, and a teahing degree. His trial is set for May 15th, and the da refuses to drop the charges...Personally I think you scared him enough! Damn, leave the poor boy alone. He screwed up, and made an innocent mistake. Let it go! I think a year of Juvi Hall with hardened teens is not the place for a child that has never done anything wrong till now. It's embarrasing enough that he had to go through that but damn it, let it go!!! This goes against our "cruel and unusual punishment" law!!!

today's rand

WELCOME TO THE UNITED 'COMMUNISTIC' STATES OF AMERICA!!! Okay, anyone who knows me knows that i'm very political. My philosophy is that i'm right and your wrong, and if you agree with me on something that just proves that im right. If you still think im wrong do your research, you will see that im right. Please don't get my head line wrong I love America, i just hate who's running it and how its being ran. I am a Libritarian. If you don't know what that is look it up. I'm not Libral or Conservative, I just vote for who i think will do the best for us. One of the most influential people in my life is Glen Beck, and i agree with him 99% of the time on things. issues: 1) The smoking ban. Although smoking causes cancer, its is still my decision. There are no proven cases of deaths related to second hand smoke. And why is it ok for for someone to get drunk off their ass if smoking is becoming illegal. alcohol cause cancer of the liver, and destroys your kidneys, and you can become addicted to alcohol too. And i've never heard of driving under the influence of a cigarettes, or cigarette related accidents, or some child that was killed by some smoker who was driving, unless he was under the influence of alcohol. 2) eminent domain. this is one that alot of people can relate to. it law said that no can take your property except for public use i.e. highway, public office, etc... it was recent decided by the supreme court that its means for the benifit of the public. let me put that in laymans terms...your paying little taxes on your property, they are going to pay higher taxes. They win, you lose. they being any person, persons, or company that wants to develope your land for commercial use. Your not the only one at risk, so are small businesses, if a big business moves in. What happened to "...life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness?" 3)Gun Control. THIS IS FORBIDDEN BY OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT!!! And a good reason why I won't be voting for "America's" Mayor Rodolph Julianie. He single handedly made NYC a gun controlled metro. To this day you cannot own a firearm in NYC, and yes there are other places doing the samething. 4)Speech Control. THIS IS FORBIDDEN BY OUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT!!! Since when do i have to watch what i say or who i say it to? Oh, yeah since Bill Clinton. Yeah lets sensor everyone so no can every speak their mind or opinion. And for heaven sake don't let recuiters say anything, instead lets assualt them, and make sure no joins our military. Of course im saying this all out of sarcasum. This is for you stupid, ignorant, liberal students who attack our military personel. Its bad enough you shout them down, but also attacking them?!?! You quit voicing your opinion when you through shit at them and physically attack them. You should have charges brought on you for that. And the state should pull their funding from that school since the Dean says that they were just voicing their "opinion". Grow up, your suppose to be adults, not 2 year old children. My 6 year old daughter acts more mature than that! And if she ever did act like that she would have the spanking of her life! 5)Socialism. Socialism is Communism. If you are a liberal, and believe in Socialism, than you are a communist. If you don't know what they mean look them up, learn them they are the samething. we live in a democratic country, that operate on the principal of capitolism. learn the meaning of that one too. However the way our country is being ran it does not matter how you vote we, are already on our way to be a communist nation. Look at Hugo Chavez, he was the president of a democratic country but now he is the king of Venezaila, because the people voted him to be king. Now they are stuck with him for the rest of his life or until they realize they made a mistake and revolt against him. Look around people, we are heading in that direction. Welfare is part of communism, by the way, in case you didn't already know. Its taking from those who work and make more and giving it to those who make less, or don't work at all, to equal out "wealth", but the only way to have wealth is to earn it. 6)WE THE PEOPLE... The most powerful, three words granted by our four fathers gaurenteeing our freedom, and our ability to make changes to things we do not like. Including, but not limited to, our leaders, our government, and how it operates, and our constitution itself, if need be. We need a change, and i say we as Americans change it, if our leaders won't do it. then we need to take action for ourselves, and stand up for whats right. The question is will you stand up? Does the information i provide you piss you off...good, then its about time something did, or will you let our country turn into a the New Soviet Union. And let our children, and our children's, children fight a future Civil War? You decide what you are going to do. In closing. these are my opinions and views on things going on. There will be more entries to come on politics, and other things in the the future. Thanks for your time. And yes this is all original contitnent, that I spent the time to create.
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