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tjtoaster's blog: "Ranger Down"

created on 09/02/2007  |  http://fubar.com/ranger-down/b123513
The Rangers have the address of the place they are going to hit, and the layout. They have learned from far too many urban engagements how to play this. They take nothing for granted, they don’t underestimate their opponent, or overestimate their own prowess. This is always the worst part, putting the pieces in place. It is when they are most vulnerable and when you are least flexible to adjust the plan. None are worried, the soldiers have faith in their leaders, and the leaders have unwavering faith in their Rangers. Their friends should be back, or called in that they killed the guy in the hospital. But it has been a while and no word. Not even anything on the news. They are starting to get worried, and one again their captive is muttering to himself. “Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.” The bad news that one of their own was killed only inspires the Rangers, the news that one of them might still be alive inspires them even more. As much as they hate it Bravo Company has to stay in place securing the hospital. Now Alpha gets a chance to get its hands dirty. Some people are pulling double duty, the recon elements are being yanked from certain positions to assist with the rescue. You want your sneakiest bastards going in for the take down. Colonel Knight is waiting outside for Chong and Bell when they go rushing out. “I have a mission for you,” he says pulling Chong aside. Command Sergeant Major Roc walks up and tosses something his way. Chong catches it easily, he opens his hand to see the three stripes of a Sergeant. He is getting promoted! “We don’t have time to do this right,” Roc says, “you have proven yourself and we need you to lead a team on this. We will need a medic on scene in case our boy is injured. Are you up to it?” “Yes Sergeant Major.” Not that there was ever any doubt, then the commander puts his arm around the new Sergeant and leads him away to tell him of a mission that he will have a greater chance of success, than others. Getting into position can be tricky, but while the building sleeps, getting to the roof is just a matter of not running into anyone who happens into the halls or stairwells at this ungodly hour. However once the fireworks start, getting out unseen will be a challenge. Reconnaissance in an urban setting is a little more difficult than in the great outdoors. In the woods you can just sneak up with little chance of exposure. In the desert it is child’s play. You just have high power binos and look from far away. In an urban environment it is a little more tough. They have to start almost half a mile away and sit and observe for a while. Then one team goes past the first and watches before signaling the next team up. They even do this bounding overwatch from rooftop to rooftop. The sniper teams climb to one roof, then spot a place for the next one. Slowly on the ground and up top the circle closes. The sentries are easy to spot. They are the guys wandering up and down the street, they are also the ones adjusting weapons straps under their oversized jackets. They do move in a somewhat random pattern but nothing too difficult to beat. They are smart and even meander into the ally from time to time. On the target building roof there are two guys smoking cigarettes. From time to time they move to the edges and count the number of guards out there. They have exposed rifles however. Which means they will have to go first. The ones on the street might have concealed pistols, but more likely submachine guns. The thing about being a good sentry is knowing how traffic flow, both vehicle and foot, is in your area throughout your shift. Just before dawn you get the hardcore partygoers stumbling home. There will be a van or two, usually delivery trucks making early morning runs. There is always a couple shift workers either coming home or heading out. A muscle car this time of night would stick out, but the minivan driving by wouldn’t raise suspicion. Anything parking too close would attract attention, so would a group of whites this deep into Chinatown. By now, any white guys would have been harassed, beaten, or realized they were lost and left by now. A couple black guys are not so out of place, most likely a couple brothers who have yellow fever. Asian men and Black women are the two most unmarried groups in the country, for this very reason. Boring guard duty breeds complacency, complacency breeds a lower state of awareness. That is not good to have in a sentry. So it takes a while for the pieces of the puzzle reveal the big picture. One of the rooftop guards stats scanning the scene below, something doesn’t seem right and maybe if he looks hard enough he can find the missing piece. Sentries also usually smoke. It does two things, gives them something to do and gives them a shot of nicotine which helps them stay awake. However it does have a bad side effect (outside the lung cancer of course) lighting a match and putting it close to your face ruins your night vision. The light emanating from the ember burning towards your lips keeps your eyes from fully adjusting to the dark and you can’t see that the shadows are alive. That light does illuminate your face when viewed by night vision devices. Three blocks away Isler watches a man smoke on top of the building. He lives as long as he keeps the weapon slung, as soon as he raises it, that cigarette and the face it is attached to is going to disappear. As instructed the alley is walked a couple times a night. It can be kind of creepy, but being armed and having a bunch of armed friends nearby takes the power from the boogieman. If he would have had nightvision he might have seen the fireteam that is using the alley as an insertion point. He does not, and so he does not see them. When he is grabbed from behind his confidence disappears. “Rangers motherfucker,” a voice hisses in his ear, “we own the night.” That is all he hears as his world fades from the blood choke put on him. He is gagged, disarmed, and restrained before he loses consciousness. Once satisfied that he has passed out, they throw his limp body into a nearby open dumpster. “Got a light?” one of the passing partygoers asks one of the sentries on his way home. That is when it hits him, there is a couple roving guards who should be out of the alleys by now, also the random people wandering the street are suddenly close to all the sentries on the ground. One lighting a cigarette for the pair of Asians, another three Asians are stumbling right into the path of a roving guard, and the two black guys are talking quite loudly drawing attention to themselves as they pass another. Just as he draws in a deep breath the yell an alert, that breath is taken form him. No one hears the soft “thup, thup” from a couple blocks away. “Roof clear,” the Isler reports. Sergeant Chong cups his hands to block the wind from the flame. As soon as the piano wire goes over the man’s head, Chong drops the cigarette from his mouth and secures his hands. He follows the two to the ground. A half block away that action attracted the attention of another sentry, as he reaches into his jacket to pull out his MP5K, he feels a knife enter between his ribs as a large black paw pulls the gun out of his hand. Distraction is only the friend of the one doing the distraction. One Asian, stumbles into another, who pushes him off and right into a patrolling guard. The first two steps in his direction wild, the last is very deliberate. Too late does he realize that PFC Chin is about to take him out. In a blink the three rangers are on top of him and he gets the most efficient ass kicking of his life. It is quick, painful, and takes all the fight out of him in a matter of seconds. At least he is alive. “Street clear.” is heard by all over the radio. Phase one, insertion was done without incident. The first part of phase two, approach is complete, the guards are taken out and the teams now have to get in close. Isler starts at one end of the street, his spotter starts at the other as they shoot out the street lights with suppressed rifles. So far so good, however according to Murphy’s Law of Combat, no plan survives the first contact intact. As soon as the street goes dark, two squads pour out of two nearby alleys. On the roofs to the North and South of the target building two man sniper teams appear. They are diagonal from each other so they can cover a alley and a street. Chong is the only one in street clothes that joins the assault team. He is handed his medic bag, body armor and rifle then falls into step with his entry team. For some reason they are drawn into what their captive is saying. One has dropped to one knee so that he can better make out the words. “Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.” Unlike the teams you see in movies, there is no dramatic pause at the door, the one with the battering ram just busts the door and clears the way for the point man. The point man has just enough distance to give the ram space for a good backswing, however not enough that he isn’t through the door before all the splinters from the frame have hit the ground. Inside they hear the crunch of the door getting crushed, knowing that there is another in the room to watch the captive, the one closest to the door heads into the hall to see what the source of the noise is. The other was kneeling listening to the last of the Ranger Creed when he is distracted by the noise from downstairs. Before he can realize what it is, he is taken out of the equation by a swift head butt. Not sure if that is enough, the Ranger topples his chair on top of his captor. The first team heads right up the stairs, the second sweeps the first floor. The primary teams knows that they need to get to their brother before they can kill him. That is the hardest part of a rescue, getting to the captives before the captors have a chance to kill them. They see a man shutting the room that their man is supposed to be in. The point man has a suppressed M4, it will give them an edge, if there are more targets for the rest of the team, they are in it too deep to need stealth anymore. Within twenty seconds of entry Chong is cutting Brown loose, immediately he starts treatment. In that first minute the operation is going flawlessly. The first floor is cleared, the hostage is secured and the second floor is being covered. When the long burst of AK fire fills the building everything goes to shit. Getting first hand intelligence is the best kind you can get. However when the people you are getting the information from need to be well informed. The ones they interrogated were not. For a large criminal organization, compartmentalizing information is good for survival. So when you send out prospects to your group to kill someone just out of surgery, they don’t have a lot of information to tell if they are caught. Unfortunately the information they did not have, would have been very valuable to have. The Rangers were counting on their speed to get them in and out with minimal resistance. Once someone pops a can of firefight, the whole neighborhood would be up and it would be harder to extract with the police showing up. Taking down bad guys is what they do, but fighting local cops is not what they do. Running from them is fine; fighting is crossing a line none are willing to go near. Everything was going smoothly, until they reached the end of the hall. No matter how well trained you are, or how practiced the movement you can only clear a building so fast. Any faster and you will miss something any slower and you lose the advantage of stealth and speed. It is in the room that is the farthest distance from the front door that the plan breaks down. He opens the door and sees Rangers moving down the hall, he slams the door and dives for his rifle, lacking good discipline or shooting skills he just empties his gun t full auto at the door. Rangers know better than to loiter in a hallway, and they also know not to hug the walls. Bullets tend to travel along the walls, so more towards the center is actually the safer place to be. As soon as the weapons starts firing, most drift into an open door or behind cover, the point man just drops to the floor. At no point does his weapon leave his hands, he lands on his elbow with his rifle covering the door. As soon as the bullets stop firing he pops up and crashes through the door. He sees a surprised young man trying to eject the magazine. He gives him two rounds to the chest and sweeps his gun around the room quickly, “CLEAR!” is the signal that lets everyone know the threat has been dealt with. The long burst of fire from the AK-47 wakes up half the neighborhood, and unfortunately for the Rangers, half the neighborhood is bad guys. Lights start turning on and armed men start dumping into the streets like a flood gate being opened. Usually the soldiers are able to maintain radio discipline, even under the extreme situations they deal in, so this transmission lets everyone know how serious the situation is. “Oh shit, oh shit, street not clear, I say again, street compromised, too many tangos, we’re fucked.” “How many,” comes the calm response on the radio. Chong has just thrown Brown over his shoulder when he hears the radio call. Everyone freezes for a second, they turn out to make 360 security and wait for the order that will have to come within the next three seconds or they take matters into their own hands. “Egress, egress, ramble and scramble, NOW!!!” This whole night started with a call that no one had every heard, “Ranger Down.” It is going to end with one that no one has ever heard either. Ramble and scramble is an order that very select groups know. It is when the situation is so screwed that the best you can do is mitigate the losses on your side. While it isn’t an everyman for himself, the teams know that trying to consolidate and fight out together will end in a massacre. Smaller teams can punch out easier, once in the clear they will reset and try to help others out. Urban fighting can end in massive losses if you don’t take control of the situation right away. The sniper teams head for the roof exits and see that there are men streaming up the stairs. Unfortunately the bad guys know the importance of holding the high ground. Just as the group hits the door, they duck behind cover and prepare to fight their way out. The team on the southwest corner throws two grenades down on top of the advancing gang. As soon as they hear the explosions they start running down shooting anything moving. They are able to punch out the back door and haul ass down the street. Once they are clear they find cover and turn back ready to cover any friendlies coming their way. Ed has always hated the minivan. He doesn’t know why he let his wife talk him into getting it. However he was able to drive past the target building, park down the street and report what he saw. Now that he hears the ramble and scramble call, he knows what he can do to help out. From the drivers seat he is able to push a button and the back of the minivan opens. Kyle has been lying in the prone position behind the M240 machinegun just waiting for the door to open and getting the green light to let loose some lead. When he sees the large group down the street closing in on his guys he is not shocked by the mass of them, it still takes him back. With the seats removed he has plenty of room to move and SPC Scott Darby will feed him all the rounds he can fire. “Get some!” is all he needs to hear to unleash rounds. The sniper team still stuck on a roof is happy to see that the bad guys didn’t really look around before heading to the edge and looking for targets. This is a situation they can take advantage of. And they have a little help. Three blocks away SSG Isler is on a rooftop that doesn’t have easy access. He tells his spotter to watch the fire escape ladder so no one can sneak up on them. Then he starts picking people off. He has the advantage of distance and being set in a hide position. His suppressed rifle doesn’t make enough noise to be heard over the racket currently blanketing the area. Right now his only concern is running out of Ammo. Chong lowers the Brown to the ground and hands him a pistol. “This might get a little hairy.” The ramble and scramble extractions aren’t really random. Rangers plan everything, they have a PACE plan, primary, alternate, contingency and emergency. This is just the emergency plan put into action. Every team should know their emergency plan. Chong’s team heads for the roof. The team on the first floor, exits out the back and punches through to the next street before they can be trapped in. The sound of the choppers attracts a lot of attention. Bravo Company’s sniper team on the roof start to take out the guys on their roof top. Since they are firing suppressed weapons, no one knows that is happening at first, until the buddy to the left or right of them hit the ground. Quickly the snipers turn on the infrared strobes on their vests to signal who they are friendly and hopefully they will get an extraction. Chief Warrant Officer Lancer wasn’t lying when he said he would get everyone up. The Little Bird helicopter is a welcome sight. It comes in fast and low, slowing only as it goes over the roof. The two snipers throw their rifles over their shoulders and grab for the quick extraction lines. The new system is a line dropped from both sides onto the roof. The helicopter will slow, but not stop, and they will only make one pass. With the lines dragging along the roof they put their hands through the loops tied off a few feet from the ground. Once the chopper passes over the edge of the building, it lifts up, the weight of the body pulls the loop tight around the wrist and then they reach down and grab for a second loop that they link onto the rappel rig. This will keep them secure until they can get out of danger. Of course neither can resist pulling out their pistols and taking a shot at anyone firing at them as they make their escape. With most looking skyward, the Chong and his team hit the roof. Anyone on a roof nearby is free game. They are able to clear out some breathing room with a few rounds launched form the 203s. Once they toss the strobe the Blackhawk comes in hot. At the last second it flares and hits the roof with a solid thud. Everyone jumps in so fast they are piling on top of each other, as soon as he gets the signal, the Lancer lifts off. No one has time to strap in, but they can grab and hold onto the seat harnesses. One team is still trying to get out down the alley when an armored car appears down the street. The hail of gunfire from the minivan was able to give the team in the alley some breathing room, but the Brinks armored van will take away that buffer. Instead of inspiring dread, Darby smiles. “The bad guys have an RV,” he says to himself. He had been feeding rounds into Kyle’s machine gun, now he jumps over his friends and pulls the blanket off the Barrett. Quickly settling behind it he lets out a breath as his finger dances across the trigger. Three fifty caliber rounds are sent down the street before he inhales again. In a swift movement he yanks the magazine out and slaps in a fresh one with sliver tipped bullets. Those first three rounds took out the tires and stopped the truck in place. When the tires blew out they lost control and steered into some parked cars. Of course no one was hurt, and the armored behemoth provides protection. Even from a .50 cal. That would have been the case had he not loaded in the silver tipped sabot rounds. The next ten rounds go through the armor like rice paper. They were laying on top of each other when the van crashed, they were barely able to untangle themselves when the fifty caliber sabot bullets start penetrating the mass of criminals. Darby smiles knowing that bringing the big girl was a good call. Fortunately he can’t see the mess he is making in the back of the vehicle. Seeing the damage he brought would haunt him. Isler ran out of rounds a few minutes ago, he had to switch out with his spotter and cover their escape route with his sidearm. Once secure in the feeling that they can extract now they decide to rappel off the side of the building to minimize exposure. They know they only have a couple minutes before their ride leaves. Isler gives a quick call on the radio to let them know they are coming to make sure they don’t get mistaken for hostiles before approaching the minivan. As soon as the chopper is gone, Ed punches the button and the back of the minivan starts to close as he pulls away. He will never talk bad about it again. Nor will anyone tease him about it. Whenever he drives it he will remember this moment, mainly because the smell of carbon and gunpowder will never fully leave the upholstery. In fact when he goes to trade it in years later, they will still be digging shells out of nooks and crannies. The department of Homeland Security has enough information to piece together the big picture. He doesn’t care who they think they are, no one especially the military is above the law. He goes marching right into Harborview and demands to talk to the man in charge. Colonel Knight is calmly standing by one of the nurses stations when he comes up in a huff. Before he can unleash, Knight hands him a paper coming fresh out of the fax. Without a word, he walks away and leaves the bureaucrat to deal with what is left of the situation. Knight does the “rally up” signal and walks out. It seems like the entire staff follows him as medics in scrubs, Rangers in civilian clothes and injured patients follow him. At the same time a few miles away, the perimeter set up by the waterfront is torn down and packed. They are on the road within fifteen minutes. The paper is a set of orders that originate from Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg. It spells out a serious threat to national security, the details of which are still top secret. It also authorizes the Rangers as the only force in place to deal with it on such short notice. With that, the man decides to go back to bed and delegate the details of the aftermath to someone very junior to him. Rangers Lead the Way! That is it. Finally! I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to make a few things clear. I wrote this for my own amusement, and this is the second draft. Second, I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the Ranger Battalion nor have I ever attended Ranger school. This is just something I have had in my head that I wanted to get out. Take it for what it is, something to be enjoyed.
He is one of the many nameless, faceless homeless that exist in every major city. However in the few blocks around Harborview he is known as Cardboard. He is dirty, smelly and drug addicted. He is a regular customer in the ER, usually trying to get out of the cold or dry off on a wet night when the rain destroys his house. He got his name from the well thought out cardboard structure that he fashions every night on the stoop of a storefront that doesn’t open until later in the morning, long after he is gone on his daily search for cans. Once again he was turned away for trying to fake symptoms and score some drugs. This day he isn’t trying to get high, he just wants to take the edge off. How can they not understand that? So tonight he is going to teach someone a lesson, a lesson not soon forgotten. There is always a nurse or orderly who sneaks out the back for a cigarette and he will be waiting. Raelene is getting off a double shift and just doesn’t have the time or energy to track down or wait for a security person to walk her out to her car. However there is usually a guy out smoking that will be happy to walk her to her car. As she exits the building she sees that there isn’t anyone around. Despite the fact they work in healthcare, nurses and doctors smoke like chimneys. So it is a mild surprise that there isn’t a group gathered. She is just too tired to find someone and heads toward the parking garage, which is where Cardboard finds her. His primal scream freezes her in midstep, instinctively she pulls her arms up to protect herself and curls her upper body down in anticipation for the impact that never comes. They know they are not supposed to leave their position. They know that they are not supposed to expose themselves, but that bum was acting suspicious. With too many combat tours under their belts, they can recognize the look of someone who is going to bring violence upon others. Each one of them joined the Rangers because they wanted to be the best. They joined the Army because they wanted to protect their country. It says right in the oath of service, to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And this guy is without a doubt a domestic enemy. They see him sit in ambush and wait for someone to exit the door, as soon as the young nurse walks out he starts to rush forward. At first she is so weary that she doesn’t see the threat, it isn’t until he starts screaming that she knows that she is in trouble. The Rangers are in motion, long before that. Cardboard is rushing forward, ready to take his anger out on an easy target. Then men in dark clothing don’t appear out of nowhere, they appear out of everywhere. One shields Raelene with his own body, not that he needs to, because before Cardboard can get within striking distance his vision is clouded with a rifle butt to the face. His body doesn’t even hit the ground before there are hands on him. Honestly he isn’t sure what is more frightening, the five men standing over him, the one sitting on him, the three barrels in his face, or the knife at his throat. “Are you okay ma’am?” Shaken, she looks around and sees three men standing around her, they all have rifles slung over their back so as to not appear threatening to her, and while none of them look over 22, their eyes are filled with an ageless compassion. She has seen the same look in police and firefighters, it is the look that heroes give to the people they live to safeguard. When she turns to look at Cardboard, one takes her arm and guides her away. “Can we escort you somewhere,” he asks in a kind voice. All she can do is shake her keys and they lead her towards the employee parking area. As soon as they start off two of the men break off, one ahead one behind. They swing their rifles around and pull security as the third leads her away, making sure she doesn’t look back at what his comrades are doing to her would be attacker. The last thing he will remember is a fist coming at him as he hears, “We do NOT hit women.” With all their bravado the members of the Ranger Battalion follow some very specific rules. Abuse of women is something not allowed. The strong protect the weak, and the Rangers are some of the strongest. Not just in body, but in heart and mind. Cardboard will wake up miles away and will be instructed not to go anywhere near the hospital. They will be watching and checking up. “What if I am dying?” “You die.” The man steps into a humvee and drives off. He did not appear to be someone you could negotiate with or who has a better nature you can appeal to. For the rest of his travels, Cardboard never again has line of sight with Harborview Medical Center. At first his absence is noticed, never missed, and eventually forgotten. He is not the only one who suffers from the Ranger presence. Clint absolutely loves the hospital. The long hours, the shortage of staff, especially security, and the egos of the surgeons which gives them exclusive parking spots and the need to fill them with expensive cars. Clint is making his usual rounds of the hospital parking areas when he sees the new Jag of the Chief of Surgery. This is going to be sweet. While it is a rare car and harder to sell, once he finds a buyer, it will be worth big bucks. The act of trying not to look suspicious is itself very suspicious. Especially when you have people monitoring your actions from the shadows. And while walking from one garage level to the next isn’t unusual, walking up every level and back and forth among the rows can be. Most people would take the elevator if they were going more than one floor in a parking structure. Clint has no idea that not only is he being watched, but that his movements are being reported from one level to the next. This isn’t his first car prowl as the police call it. So he knows what to look for before starting his crime. Once he is sure that there is no one around he pulls out of his pants the tricks of his trade. The lock is popped without incident. Why people have car alarms anymore is still a wonder to him. He can deactivate it in seconds and no one really pays attention to them anyway. But every time one goes off in the car he is breaking into, it makes him smile. Unfortunately that sounds also masks the footfalls of the men rushing up on him. As soon as he gets the alarm silenced he stands up to see if anyone was around to hear. Once he had a staffer asleep in a car nearby and he had to ditch his prize. This time it is much, much worse. Men dressed in the grey, black and white urban camouflage are all around him with guns drawn. Through the face paint he can see them smiling. One slips his rifle behind him and approaches with a gloved hand out. Wordlessly Clint hands him the slimjim and other tools. “You are having a really bad night,” he says as the bag slips over Clint’s head. In addition to chopper pilots, Rangers really like medical personnel. The pilots fly them out of trouble, and the docs patch them up so they can live to fight another day. Stealing from the man who patched up the reason they are all here just isn’t okay. Tonight Clint will see the errors in his way. And tomorrow he will be reformed. It will not be pleasant, but it will be permanent. The security guards, however, love the addition of more bodies to make their lives easier. Some people are difficult to deal with and more people who have your back is always a good thing. In the ER, people can be especially difficult. Screaming at the nurse will not make things go faster, and it forces the security to remain in the area when they could be doing other things, like escorting some of the female staff to their cars. For some reason some people don’t understand that hostility is not the way to communicate with someone who is already overworked, understaffed, and greatly underappreciated. Not only is he not the first person to yell at this nurse, he isn’t the first to yell at her this hour. And if she gives in it will send a message that yelling is the way to get things done and then all hell will break loose. Specialist Bell isn’t happy. His Ranger Buddy is still upstairs recovering. They had gone through Basic Training together, Infantry AIT, and even Airborne School at the same time. It was Bell that talked him into going into the Ranger Indoctrinate Program. Brown had gotten Bell through RIP, and now he is upstairs fighting for his life. Command Sergeant Major Roc had said that Bell can’t suit up until his head is in the right place. So he has been waiting for news. He was talking to one of the injured Rangers disguised in the ER waiting room, but for the last few minutes he has been sitting there with his head in his hands. Most warriors do not like to show weakness and do not respect weakness in others. However, there are times it is okay for a man to break down, and this is one of those times. Out of respect, the other soldiers ignore him. It isn’t a lack of compassion, but this way he doesn’t lose face. If he really needs to break down someone will pull him aside, but as long as he holds it together, he is fine. Tomorrow everyone will act like nothing happened. He may be in the Ranger Battalion, but he is still human. Once again he stands up and goes toward the nurse at the desk. His mannerism is that of a man broken. His posture is slumped and he barely shuffles up to get information on the status of his friend. Since there has been no radio call saying a change of status, his friend is still unconscious. In this case, no news isn’t good news. He stands behind Jake still looking at the floor as Jake continues his tirade. “This is not productive,” he mutters. Through his screaming Jake hears a voice behind him and he turns. Looking down, because he must look down he sees a boy that is just breaking five foot six. Compared to Jake’s six two, he isn’t what one would call intimidating. It isn’t even worth the trouble so Jake turns around, and starts yelling anew. “Stop yelling,” Bell says to the floor. “Or what,” Jake spurts quickly turning and moving close enough for Bell to bump into his chest. “Or I’ll stop you.” There is no malice, there is no emotion, it is just a calm statement. By now he has the full attention of the Rangers in the area. While none of them move, they are very interesting in the outcome. This also sparks the attention of Jakes two brothers-in-law who previously had been tending to their sister. They are comparable in size to Jake, and both know from personal experience that Jake can handle himself. Jake figures he can use the stress relief, so he uses his chest to bump the kid back a step and then cocks back to throw a punch, that is as far as he gets before he can’t breathe. The Rangers aren’t just trained in jujitsu in the Gracie system, but by the Gracies themselves. All, if any, hand to hand in the military will be down and dirty. You will fight to win, and win quick, or you will die. As soon as Jake opens himself up to hit him, Bell lunges in which will prevent any real damage from a punch, then shoves his hand into Jake’s throat. Jake’s body wants to break the chokehold, and that is its main concern, so he is not ready to for the leg sweep that puts them both on the ground. With one hand Jake tries to open the grip of the young Ranger to provide his body with much needed oxygen, the other is flailing around trying to hit the body on top of him. That arm is quickly locked up and his world is filled with pain. The two brothers stand up and before they can get three steps a man with his leg in a cast impedes their path. “You don’t want to do that,” he warns in a sincere voice. “You want a piece too?” With that Jordan steps aside. He gave them a chance, if they don’t want to listen, at least his conscious is clear. Various men stand up throughout the ER, all wanting to join the fray, but he stops them with a hand. Bell needs this. The only help he gives is to alert his fellow grunt by singing in a high pitched voice, “Belly.” Bell hears his name and turns to see two large men bearing down on him. Instinctively he reaches back and pulls his pistol from his waistband behind him. That stops them in their tracks. Jake is losing consciousness, so Bell finishes him off with a pistol whip to the temple and stands up. Kevin really wasn’t ready for getting a gun pulled on him when he left the party to take his sister to the emergency room. Of course they also thought she had another week before she went into labor. He did what most honest men would do and had to back up his sister’s husband. Jake can be a little abrasive, but he didn’t deserve to have the life choked out of him by some guy. As soon as he sees that they have reconsidered, Bell puts the gun back in his waistband and addresses the two behemoths. “You don’t want this, pick up your friend and leave now.” Once the gun is not in their faces they start to relax. Then Kevin does the math, he knows the distance he has to cover, subtract the distance of his outstretched arms, divide by his top speed and the amount of time he has to accelerate to that speed and Bell has “X” amount of time to pull out that gun to shoot him. If the number is a deficit, Kevin will have his hands on the guy before he can pull the trigger, if the number is a surplus Bell will kill Kevin before he can reach him. That thought takes a split second and Kevin figures he knows the answer. The slight dip in his shoulders before he lunges telegraphs his intention. Bell is of course ready. Unfortunately Kevin’s brother is not, so when he sees his big bro surge forward he is taken by surprise and is a couple steps off. Bell doesn’t go for the gun which is what most are expecting, he slips low and sidesteps Kevin. Kevin’s large body was blocking his brother’s view of the events. So he is startled to see Bell in front of him. Bell knows that he has to end this hard, and fast. While Kevin recovers, his brother gets a kick to the knee as he passes. As he drops to the ground Bell is already heading back and drives his forearm into the back of the screaming man’s head. Since he is out of the fight Bell turns his attention to Kevin. “Last chance.” Kevin isn’t one to give up easily, but once again his path is blocked, this time by a very large black security guard. “You are going to have to leave.” The mountain says. “But that guy has a gun,” Kevin pleads defensively. “Do you have a gun,” the man asks without turning. “Nope,” Bell states pulling the pistol from his waistband. “There you have it.” Bell bends down to the slowly recovering Jake and puts the gun in his moth. “You will unfuck yourself or I will unfuck you for you.” No one doubts the truth in his words. “I will not deny any of you treatment if any of you are injured,” the security guard continues, “now can I expect you to play nice with each other?” That is when Jordan circles a finger in the air giving the rally signal. All of a sudden, most of the young men in the vicinity stand up and stand behind Bell. Once again Kevin does the math, he has one crippled brother, Jake is 100% but peeing his pants, and then there is the sister in labor, he is looking at about twenty men in very short haircuts and the staff have made it clear that these guys will be able to act with impunity. At least there are few better places to be injured than a hospital. “I think we are okay,” Kevin states as he picks up his brother who is holding his shattered knee and moaning in pain. Jake nods over and over chattering his teeth on the barrel. In movies they like to uncock a pistol by pulling the trigger and using your thumb to slow the travel of the hammer. That is just asking for it to discharge. The safest way to put the Beretta 92 series 9mm pistol into a non-firing mode is to click the safely. In truth it isn’t a safety, it is a decocking lever. And the “click” of the hammer going forward on safe is almost deafening when the gun is still in your mouth. Plus is it some intimidating than the Hollywood way. It does not take long for Jake to collect his wife in the middle of a contraction and help his in laws out the door. “As a trauma hospital Harborview is the best, but I recommend Swedish for the birth of your child,” the security guard calls after them. “Thanks,” Bell says walking back to his seat. “Airborne,” the guard answers. For those close it sounds like Air-born, but for those who know it sounded more like Err-bone. The way that only a true paratrooper says it. “Rangers lead the way,” Bell says smiling. “Hooah.” He was never a Ranger, it wasn’t the life he wanted, but he did spend his first couple tours with the 82nd Airborne. And those that wear the silver wings are all one big family. Just as Bell sits down, Chong goes running past, and taps him on the arm urging him up, “Payback time,” is all he says without slowing. A few short miles away in a dark room the only sound is a young voice reciting: “Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.” Bravo Company had inserted by helicopter in two trips. The Arms room was open before the first troop got on one of the whirly birds. The Rangers fall under different rules and so they have rounds in the arms room. What good is a unit you can deploy anywhere in the world if they don’t have bullets for the fight. It does not take long to issue weapons and night vision and they are on their way. The other units are prepping and planning. Charlie and Delta just hope there is still a city standing when they get on line. You hate to get pumped up and not have a fight to go to. Alpha Company formed one large convoy. Mostly humvees and cargo trucks. Due to the limit of helicopters they have to drive the 50 miles into Seattle. Of course they have a place to go. One of the shipyards is empty at this time of night and gives them a good place to set up behind all the containers. There is even a nice large spot for the choppers to land for rest or refuel. By this time CW4 Lancer has woken everyone up and given the lowdown on what is going on. The only snag is getting bullets for the choppers. There isn’t a single flight crew member not on board. All the activity near the waterfront attracted the attention of the Coast Guard. It takes the full talent of their world class bullshitter to get them not only to back down but to give them a wide berth. There is no reason to get them involved. There continues to be organized chaos until the Blackhawk touches down. When the two guys with hoods over their heads are taken out, everyone noticed. Prisoners can mean a good thing, or a very, very bad thing. They are brought into a tent that was set up a part from the rest. There is triple strand concertina circling it, the only tent with that. The people who occupy the tent brought their gear in rolling pelican boxes and no one has seen them since they went it. Things do not bode well for the persons under custody or “PUC” as is the abbreviation. Especially considering that is the tent with the biggest generator. It is also the smallest tent, and they have battery powered lanterns. How much power do they need? Hopefully the loud generator noise will drown out the screams. Sitting on metal chairs the hoods are abruptly removed. Except for the canvas sides, this looks like any other interrogation room (now called interview rooms since it sounds better) in any police station around the country. A couple metal chairs, a metal four sided table in the center and the single hanging light bulb. The two uniformed soldiers in the corner are a new twist, and the guy sitting across from them is wearing a polo shirt and not the cheap shirt and tie most detectives wear. But these two guys know how to handle this situation and feel confident that they will outsmart whoever this is. Usually the interrogator flips through files to look official or like he has some secret information but this one is oddly cool. “I am sure you are familiar with good cop/bad cop,” he starts, “but this is a new situation for you. Today we are playing ‘no cop’ and it isn’t as fun.” He lets that sink in for a minute before continuing, “I am not a police officer, I am a soldier. Which means that your world just got a whole lot worse. I am sure that you have heard of the Geneva Conventions?” “You do know it is conventions and not convention,” he says digressing, “there was more than one. You don’t think that so many countries agreed upon the rules of war in one sit-down did you?” “So the military has the Geneva Conventions,” he replies getting back on track and enunciating the ‘S’, “part of the Geneva Conventions cover prisoners of war, and how humanely they will be treated. The conduct is very specific for the captors.” That very though puts the two at ease and they exchange a glance that shows that they are of the same mind. “Unfortunately, you are not prisoners of war.” He lets that thought hang in the air, “so this is new territory, legally I am free to do pretty much what I want. However, never let it be said that I am not fair, I will give you one chance to tell me the information I want and you will walk out of here. You might limp, but you will be alive.” Now they decide to play the one card they love to play above all others, a quick rattling in a foreign language to play that they don’t speak English and they are at a stalemate. Both smile smugly as the guy has to figure out his next move. Without a word he walks out. Carter Mann is a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army. Currently he is attached to the S-2 section of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. He is an intelligence analyst, and a damn good one. However that makes him a pogue, someone who has a non-combat arms Military Occupational Specialty. While he can be Airborne, with his MOS he will not be allowed into Ranger school. Even if they change the rules, there is no way he will get the chance in the Ranger Battalion. He will always be an “untabbed bitch” and he has come to terms with it. There are two types of Soldiers in the Ranger Battalion, those with a Ranger Tab and those without. Those without are untabed bitches. Of course they are still called Rangers. Anyone who wears the Ranger Scroll unit patch is a Ranger. Having the tab just means you finished Ranger School, or as those inside the fence of the Ranger Batt will call you a tabbed soldier, you aren’t a “real” Ranger unless you were in the Batt. They don’t overtly look down on him, but he knows that they will never consider him equal. As always when it is time for him to work, they look at him like he has all the answers. There is no way that he is going to let some punks make him look bad, not after all he has been through. Especially since time is of the essence, he doesn’t have the time to play fuckaround. Fuckaround is not a game you play with angry Rangers. They are still smiling when he bursts back into the tent. “Sorry you don’t speak English, you won’t understand what I am saying, but I will tell you anyway.” With that he throws a large net over each person. “Okay, here is the deal. You don’t speak English and since I am not a police officer, and you are not prisoners of war, I am not obligated to set you free. I will however let you go, of course I am letting you go over the water in the middle of Puget Sound.” Then he starts cinching the nets closed with padlocks. “These are nice heavy duty cargo nets. They can support a lot more weight than either of you have. So here is the deal, I am going to close them with these locks. The keys of these locks will be worn with the dogtags of the squad members of those that you attacked. Every time they look at them they will think of you, of course you will be crab food.” “We are going to weigh these nets down with ammo cans filled with dirt and rocks, then we are going to load you up one at a time one the choppers and throw you out over the water.” As if on cue, they can hear the helicopter spooling up. “I don’t care if you understand me, but you should believe me. I will promise you this, whichever one learns English the fastest gets to live, the other one will feed the crabs. And before you think it is a trick that I am going to take you out and drop you off one at a time, it is because I have too many grunts who want to ride out with us and try and shoot you on the way down.” “The reason for the nets is so that your bodies will not float to the surface or wash up anywhere on shore. The loops in the net a large enough for the fish and crabs to feed on you.” His tone is full of malice and his face is stone cold. Once he has one wrapped up tight, he tells the other one, “don’t go anywhere.” And has a couple large Rangers pick him up, net, chair and all. They carry him and heave him onto the floor of the chopper. Once it lifts off it gets very real. They waste no time flying out over the water. There is no fly in circles and let the tension build. In less than a minute, Carter is pushing him towards the edge. “I SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!” He screams at the top of his lungs. “I’LL TELL YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW!!!” Carter just looks at him with dead eyes and points to his ears. He mouths, “I can’t hear you.” And points straight up, the rotors are drowning out his voice. With that the captive understands that he waited just a few seconds too long. He is shaking his head back and screaming at the top of his lungs. Finally he feels something clamp over his ears and the loud rotor noise gets muffled. “Ready to talk?” The intercom voice says? It is the most complete confession, anyone has ever heard. Carter’s reaction is unexpected. “Sorry,” he says pushing him toward the edge, “your stupid get away driver was not on the same sheet of music, he already talked, you have to give me something more.” That is when he gets into as much detail as he can. Hoping that there is just one piece of information that will save his life. “Thanks, that was helpful.” And with that, Carter pushes him out the door. He falls screaming, for about four feet. He lands with a splash into the zodiac being helmed by two Rangers. They steer him back to shore as the chopper flies back. “Nice bluff,” Lancer says over the headphones. “I wasn’t bluffing, if he hadn’t talked, he was going in.” Lancer mentally crosses off SSG Mann from his list of potential poker buddies. As soon as they land Carter jumps out of the chopper and yells, “Saddle up, we have a target. And a live Ranger!” He looks at the sobbing get away driver and thinks that was the fastest he has ever broken a man. Then back into the tent, best thing to do is to confirm the story from three different angles. When he opens the tent it is rank with the smell of urine. This is going to be easier than he thought. The senior man for Homeland Security in Seattle has been getting calls all night. There have been reports of armed men running through the streets and helicopters flying all around. The reports give the impression of something BIG going down, but he hasn’t heard of anything. And if the streets are full of armed men, where are the reports of gunfire? He needs to get to the bottom of this right away. Few things will get him out of a warm bed in the wee hours of the morning, this is not going to be a good day for someone. If he knew how right he was, he would have stayed in bed. They have the worst duty of the rest. But as is true in the military like any other organization, even the worst jobs are still necessary for the group to function well. So while they do not enjoy it, it must be done. Someone has to scour the morgues for the bodies of their comrades. It doesn’t take long to come across a body they recognize. He died at the scene with a shotgun blast to the chest. Had he been wearing his ranger body armor, he would have a tough time breathing, but he would be okay. However no one carries the RBA out to the clubs. When they call to report in there is good news and bad news. They provide the bad news to inform the commander that one of his soldiers is dead. The good news is that the last one is accounted for, and possibly alive. The captives spill their guts. They are part of a new predominantly Vietnamese gang operating in the International District called by outsiders as “Chinatown” Seattleites consider themselves too progressive to use such a limiting term. Especially since there are so many Asian groups there, to refer to them as one seems insulting. Of course it is the Caucasians who use the term ID, like everyone should just know. They are snobbish in their progressive mindset. This gang is different than the rest. They have no set territory, no clear membership, and no name. The members of most groups like to give themselves a cool sounding name. So you feel like you belong, these guys know that once you have a name, the police will have something to call you and have something to target. This way there is no organization to chart, if they have no name, do they even exist?
This is the second draft of my Ranger Down story. It has some content changes and some errors were fixed. The doors explode open and a hurricane of activity comes screaming into the emergency room of Harborview Medical Center. The doctor who was waiting outside is getting the patient’s stats from the paramedic who is rattling off a stream of information. Theresa, the nurse, was outside on a smoke break when they came in so she really doesn’t have anything to do since there are so many hands on the young man. His hair is cropped short like he is right out of a Leave it to Beaver episode, he doesn’t look like he is old enough to drink, hell he barely looks old enough to shave. But there is something in his eyes, it is a determination. When she makes eye contact she can see his eyes pleading with her, she just isn’t sure what they are trying to say. He keeps trying to talk but only gurgles up blood, his one arm that works keeps trying to remove the oxygen mask. The paramedic places it back over his mouth in a practiced motion. Clearly he has been trying to do this for a while. Most people who come in with gunshot wounds are more than happy to lay there and accept treatment. Especially when they have multiple gunshots wounds. Some even wail and moan, but this kid looks like he wants to get off the gurney and do something. Not run away like the criminals they get, but he clearly wants to go somewhere. Theresa looks at him and asks, “what are you trying to say?” She sees his hand limply try to reach behind him, so she stops him and checks in the area he is trying to go. Her hand returns with his wallet. She opens it and sees a picture of an older woman, maybe his mom. “Do you want me to call her,” she asks. Frustrated he grabs the picture and throws it aside. In a crowded hospital ER, he may never see that again. Now that she is no longer distracted by the picture he keeps pointing at the wallet. What could be so important in the wallet? Undaunted Theresa keeps digging. Next she comes up with his military ID card. That explains the haircut. Again he grabs it and throws it aside. Military ID cards are very important from what she understands and it is bad to lose it. There must be something very important in that wallet is he is willing to cast aside his ID card so casually. When she picks out a white business card he grabs the wallet and throws it aside. Theresa looks at the card and sees him extend his thumb and pinky. “Yeah, hang loose,” the paramedic says. With that the young solder collapses and she stops, watching him disappear into one of the trauma rooms. Not hang loose, that was the signal for “call me”. He wants her to make a phone call. On one side of the card is a couple phone numbers, on the other side is two words. She knows not what havoc she is going to unleash with one phone call. “Rangers lead the way,” the voice says with the way he has been instructed to answer the phone in the headquarters, “Second Ranger Battalion, Sergeant Jordan speaking can I help you sir or ma’am?” Sometimes he throws in that it is an unsecure line, but it is late, it is a weekend and he is at that point where he doesn’t care. The Private on duty is playing Halo to pass the time on the 24 hour shift. Private Diaz listens to the conversation in case he has to do something, but he has been at the unit less than a month and wouldn’t know what to do anyway. He sees the Sergeant cover the phone and say, “Another Rangerette, this one is a nurse. She hooked up with some guy and is now calling CQ.” “Yes ma’am when I see him I will tell him you called,” he states. Jordan has had to deal with his share of Rangerettes or ‘CQ Mary’s’. CQ Mary is the best, they are Ranger groupies and if you play your cards right they will stop by and give you some stress relief. He is surprised when he is hung up on. “Bitch.” When she dials the next number the answer is much less formal, and a lot more gruff. “Life, limb, or eyesight?” the voice asks. “What?” “Is this a matter of life, limb or eyesight? If I am getting a call at this hour someone had better be about to lose their life, limb or eyesight, if not there will be very soon.” Clearly he is not pleased, but the young kid seemed very insistent so Theresa pushes on. “Life I guess. There is a young man who came into Harborview Medical Center with multiple GSW and handed me a card that says simply ‘Ranger Down’.” With those tow words Sergeant Major Roc sits up straight, instantly awake. “Can you confirm that you said ‘Ranger Down’ and that this isn’t a joke?” Theresa starts from the beginning, gives him a number to be reached at, and is hung up on. It isn’t rude, just curt and she can tell that this man is going to make things happen. She doesn’t know what those things are. “Rangers lead the way this is Sergeant Jordan can I help you Sir or ma’am?” “This is Command Sergeant Major Roc, Ranger down!” Jordan sits up so fast in his chair he almost falls over, “Yes Sergeant Major!” “Call everyone in, I will be in riki tic, I want the red cycle unit to be standing tall in formation when I get in. Anyone is Seattle needs to stay there and wait by a phone.” “Yes Sergeant Major.” “Oh and Sergeant Jordan, if you are ever that unprofessional to someone calling in again, I will personally end you, Hooah?” It isn’t a real question, and he hangs up before he gets an answer. Sergeant Majors are Gods in the Army, no one questions them, and the Ranger Battalion is no different. While being a Battalion Sergeant Major can be like herding cats, being the senior enlisted man for Rangers is like herding tigers and getting them to do your bidding without question. CSM Roc is perfect for the job. The Ranger Battalion becomes a flurry of activity. There is always a unit on “Red Cycle” that means that they can be anywhere in the world in eighteen hours. Shock troops as they are sometimes called. This time Bravo company is on Red Cycle which means that none of them can be more than an hour away, and have to check in all the time. They issue out pagers for those who want to leave the base. Since they can’t drink most don’t go anywhere. Only those that have girlfriends off post or are from the local area. Fortunately there is a phone tree for just such an emergency so the NCO on Staff Duty only has to make a few phone calls and sends the private to round up whoever is around. Jordan doesn’t know what is going on but this is big. In his time in the Ranger Batt he has never known of a Ranger Down situation, so he just does as he is told and calls everyone. There are a few things that will stop everything in the Army. A Red Cross message, a congressional inquiry, and the sound of a pager that never goes off. The reason it never goes off is because nothing ever happens. There are never any test pages. You sign it out, go off base, have your fun, and turn it back in later. So when the permanently silent pager makes noise, you answer. Scott Darby is sitting back and enjoying the show, literally. Since he is on Red Cycle, he can’t drink, neither can his squad mates. So they decide to hit the strip club. Because they are traveling together, only one person has to sign for a pager. When it goes off he reads the message and stands to leave. All he has to do is raise his index finger in the air and make a circle and everyone else gets up to follow him. The “rally” signal is pretty common and is unmistakable. Of course it is easy to follow the guy who has the car keys when he is leaving. Drew is the only one who didn’t see it, of course he is distracted by the lap dance he is currently enjoying. When Scott whispers, “Ranger Down” into his ear, he pushes the half naked stripper off him and follows them out to the car. Sergeant McCoy is in the middle of chatting up a girl when his hip vibrates. It startles him so much he almost spills his soda on her. After reading it, he gets the guys who are came to Pioneer Square with him and tells them all to, “stand by for further instructions” he makes a quick call on his cell phone and continues to talk to the girl. Not that he is interested in her anymore; he is just killing time until someone contacts him. Staff Sergeant Samuel Isler has made an investment in both time and money. He has been seeing Janet for a few weeks. They both knew how tonight would end, but she still wanted the dance. So he took her out to a nice dinner, they took a walk along the Tacoma waterfront, and then as he dropped her off, he politely waited to be invited in. Sam isn’t what you think of as your typical Ranger, he is smart, articulate, level headed and well read. He isn’t just trying to drink away his military career, or try to see how many notches he can put in his bedpost. However he does share the qualities with how you think of your typical Ranger, he is in top physical condition, he is an aggressive fighter and can outshoot your average soldier even on his worst day. He is also takes a lot of pride in his Ranger tab. It is no wonder that he checks the pager as soon as it chirps. “You have got to be kidding,” Janet mutters looking at the naked man reading the text message on the pager. It reads, “RANGER DOWN! REPORT IN, THOSE IN SEATTLE STAY THERE AND WAIT FOR ORDERS ALL OTHERS RTB.” Knowing there is no way she will understand Sam looks at the Trojan package with the single tear in the wrapping and throws it away as he grabs his clothes. He does manage an “I’m sorry,” but he is not sure if she will believe, understand, or forgive. And right now he doesn’t have the time to get into it. Specialist Walter Chong found himself in a similar situation, but his girlfriend lives in Seattle, not far from where he was raised, so he jumps back into bed. While he is waiting for further instructions he might as well pass the time. And this is indeed his favorite pastime. Rangers take pride in being Rangers. There are a couple distinct ways that the pride is manifested. Some believe in the Ranger Creed like it is a mantra. They believe that it is up to them to “Set the example for others to follow” that being a Ranger means that you live by a higher standard. They accept that burden and live in that way. There are the others that believe the hype. They think that “elite” means better. They are the ones with the arrogance, the ones getting drunk and fighting. They look down on “big Army” soldiers and consider everyone who doesn’t wear the Ranger Scroll unit patch to be lesser. They even look down on those in the Special Forces community as glory hounds who get the better press. It is exactly this type that Sergeant Wright is. Since he is better than the rest of the Army, their rules don’t apply to him. Unfortunately he also thinks that some rules of the Ranger Battalion don’t apply to him either. He is very wrong. The halls are alive with activity everyone is running around grabbing uniforms and checking gear. Even those on their cell phones are moving with a purpose. He is standing in Alpha companies barracks when he hears the shouting “Ranger Down!” echo through the halls. No one really knows exactly what this means, but Rangers aren’t exactly lacking in enthusiasm, especially when it means looking after one of their own. The company duty NCO walks the second floor of the barracks and calls out, “Stand by, you will have more information as it comes in. If you are in Bravo company you are to report in formation….in uniform…time fucking NOW!” That announcement runs a chill through Wright’s spine. He is standing outside a friend’s room, holding a beer. Yes he is on Red Cycle, but they never get called up. The idea of being in formation with alcohol on his breath is not a pleasant one. There is nothing he can do except pour out his beer and head to his unit. At least he can grab some mouthwash once he is back in his room changing. He is stopped by Bravo company CQ. The Charge of Quarters private is stopping everyone coming in and says, “Top says that formation is come as you are.” That is not good. The company First Sergeant is already there and doesn’t want to wait for people to get changed into uniform. He not on;y sees soldiers in civilian clothes but BDU pants and civilian t-shirts or sneakers and not boots. No one is getting yelled at, they really mean come as you are. There is no way he is going to be able to disguise his breath. He is screwed. The benefit of the phone tree is that most people only need to call one person. Platoon Sergeants call squad leaders. Squad leaders call their fire team leaders. Everyone just calls the name on the list below his own. If he can’t get reach that person, he calls the next name on the list. The last person call the top person and reports who could not be reached. Command Sergeant Major Roc pulls into his parking space and walks right up to the First Sergeant for Bravo Company. He is in the middle of getting the report when the very familiar car of the Battalion Commander pulls into the fence that separates the Ranger Battalion from the rest of Fort Lewis. “Shit.” CSM Roc takes the Commander into his office. No need for the troops to see this. The CO settles into his chair for what will be nothing but bad news. He is wondering why he wasn’t informed at first, is his senior enlisted shielding him, or keeping him out of the loop? He will listen objectively; this man deserves the benefit of the doubt so when he is ready he simply says, “Report.” “Sir,” Roc starts off respectfully, “The information we have so far is that a Specialist from Charlie company is in a Seattle Hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. Information is still coming in, but what we know is that he was with two other soldiers that are at this time unaccounted for. He passed off the card to a nurse in the emergency room. I have accounted for most of the soldiers in the Battalion, with everyone coming in except those in the Seattle area in case we need to stage a group or to gather Intel.” The Commander is hard to read, so he continues, “with all due respect Sir, the more you know the less deniability you have. This goes for all officers. You have careers, the enlisted can just say they are following orders. Unless they make an E-10 rank, this is as far as I can get. You might want to consider sitting this one out.” That is how any good Non Commissioned Officer would handle it. Give the commander options. He can know that Roc will take care of the situation, and he can be insulated from the fallout. He doesn’t say anything at first, just contemplating what his options are. After a while he says, “Send in the officers.” With that, Roc salutes and leaves. When this goes to court-martial, and this most likely will, he wants to remember his last salute before he had to appear before the board. This is a good one, saluting a man he has known and served with for a very long time. Your last salute should be to someone you respect above all others. On his way out to the waiting soldiers he sees a man in a black flight suit strolling up. He has the unconcerned swagger of a Chief Warrant Officer. CSM Roc doesn’t even have to see his face to know who it is. There are two things that are ever present with this guy. He is popping gum and carrying a spill proof metal coffee mug. No one has ever seen him put gum in, so maybe he has been chewing the same piece for the past three years, and that coffee mug just might be permanently attached to his left hand. Chief Warrant Officer 4 Lancer is the typical flight Warrant. He gets the best of both worlds, the respect of NCOs, and gets saluted. The pay is better and he gets to fly all the time. He gets paid to play, and you can’t beat that. Warrant Officers usually have the confidence, but lack the arrogance of other fliers. They have nothing to prove, considered “subject matter experts” they call each other by first names and keep it as relaxed as possible. Flight Warrants don’t have troops, either to lead, or set an example for so their lives truly are cake. “Sup Sarent Major,” he drawls in his lazy style. Calling him Sar-ent because Sergeant is too long. “What are you doing here Chief,” Roc asks, overlooking the name change. “Ranger down,” he says taking a sip, “I came.” Helicopter pilots and Rangers have had an unspoken agreement that was cemented In the Vietnam War. If a pilot ever went down he knew that the Rangers would come get him, and if a Ranger was ever in trouble, he knew that pilots would fly through anything to get him out. Both will do all they can to get the other out alive, but if that isn’t possible, they will bring a body out so your family has something to bury back home. “Not sure you want a piece of this Chief, might get a little sticky…legalwise.” “Okay stop with the hard sell, I’m in,” he replies smiling. “Unfortunately I have a chopper already stowed in the C-17 for travel as part of the Red Cycle; however I can give you one Chinook and two Blackhawks right now. I can wake up more if you need.” As they walk out the door Roc first hears, then sees a Blackhawk helicopter maneuvering from the hanger to real estate on the airfield nearest to the Ranger Battalion. “I love chopper jocks,” Roc mutters to himself. First Sergeant Carver clearly is not pleased. As the First Sergeant of Bravo Company it was his unit’s responsibility to be on Red Cycle. If anything happened they should be able to have a formation within an hour, be wheels up in two hours and anywhere in the world in eighteen hours, ready to fight. This ragtag group in front of him is a disappointment. While it is true that Red Cycle comes and goes without anything happening, but rules are rules, and some of his troops have obviously been drinking. His first order is to separate them. “Whoever has been drinking is to go to the dayroom and sleep it off. If you leave right now, I will not recommend Article 15 punishment. If you lie and jeopardize lives, I guarantee full punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” When put that simply, several men step out of formation. It looks bad, but not as bad as being a private tomorrow. Or getting a buddy killed. “Wright,” Carver calls after the group identifying the ranking member, “take charge, they can get poncho liners and that is it. They will not leave the day room until ordered too, understand?” “Roger First Sergeant,” is wisely all he says. This is one order he doesn’t dare screw up. Command Sergeant Major Roc comes up behind Carver and whispers, “I want their shit out of my rooms and I want them out of my Battalion before they wake up. Their platoon sergeants will report to me when this is all over. Sergeant Jordan hobbles over to Roc to give him a message, as usual the ones on duty are either screw ups or injured. Jordan broke his ankle on a jump a few weeks ago. Like a good troop he has yet to complain about it, like most Rangers he would rather be out in the woods blowing shit up rather than sitting behind a desk. The sight of him inspires Roc. “Get every brokedick on the chopper,” he bellows to the assembled leaders. They are going to a hospital after all. “They will wear civies and concealed pistols.” No sooner do the words reach the assembled troops, every solder with a cast or brace hobbles to the arms room. Most thought that they would be left out of the festivities, but now they are going to the show. That is when everyone knows this is real. They are going somewhere armed. Finally he addresses the assembled men. With no officers in the crowd he keeps it informal. “Here is the situation, Specialist Brown from C CO has been shot. As soon as he is stabilized, they are going to operate. He was with two buddies, neither is accounted for. Your first priority is to protect Brown, then we will find the others. This is a no-shit operation. Deadly force is authorized according to standard rules of engagement.” After letting that sink in, he passes out assignments. “Bravo Company will take point as a quick reaction force and establish a beachhead at the hospital. Alpha will follow on and set up a more static TOC, Charlie and Delta will prep and relieve them later. Headquarter platoons will get instructions individually. RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!” “HOOAH!!!!” The collected mass responds and with that, they are in motion. SSG Isler is one of the lucky ones, as a member of red cycle he gets to be first in line, and as a sniper, his rifle and gear is set aside. Knowing that this is going to be an urban environment, he knows which gun case to bring, throwing the pack over his shoulder, he picks up the case and heads for his room to get the rest of his gear before he has to catch the flight. In his peripheral he sees something that catches his eye. “You aren’t taking that monster are you ,” he queries rhetorically. “This,” Darby asks hefting the Barrett .50 cal rifle, “better to have too much than not enough.” Not having a good rebuttal Isler leaves it alone. He isn’t responsible for everyone, and needs to find his spotter. There is some special gear he wants the second member of the two man team to grab. He shakes his head as he gives Specialist Darby one last glance. Snipers work in two man teams, and the Rangers have no shortage of them. Usually the team is made up of a Sergeant and lower enlisted soldier. But some of the best teams are two E-4s. The trouble with them is that they can lack the oversight and wisdom of a more senior soldier. You can’t argue with the numbers they have been posting at the range and field exercises. Besides, it may come in handy. Scott Darby looks at his teammate patting the M82 and states, “we are going to need more guns.” Drew sees the odd look in his eye and heads to the far corner of the arms room for something appropriate. Specialist Chong followed the instructions to the letter. As a native he knew the fastest way to the hospital, however he was slowed by the shower he had to take. As ordered the senior man (SGT McCoy) took charge. Since most do not go to the city to party with a weapon they are unarmed. But even without guns, Rangers aren’t defenseless. Some blend into the crowd, others wait for the reinforcements that will arrive soon. As the only medic assembled he is the one who enters the OR when Brown is wheeled in. He thought that he could sneak in with the “acquired” scrubs, but most doctors know who is on their staff and who should be in the room. “Who are you,” he demands. “Specialist Chong Sir,” he answers with respect. “Get out of my OR!” “No can do Sir. If I leave you will have another patient on your hands, either the person who tries to remove me or it will be me when Sergeant major gets here, I am here to be able to give him a first hand report and he is not the kind of man you disobey,” Chong answers in all seriousness. Then adds, “I am a trained combat medic. I have assisted in countless operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as patched up Rangers under fire. I am sterile and qualified to be here.” “Stay,” the Doctor decides, he really doesn’t have the time to argue, and what can it hurt. Chong didn’t think he needed to add that the Glock in the small of his back is sterile too. Except for the gun oil you could eat off a Ranger’s handgun. He also didn’t want to say that he was ordered to not leave Brown’s side in case someone came for him. While medics aren’t combat troops, they are allowed under the Geneva conventions to protect a patient. He is not sure how the Geneva conventions cover this situation, but then again he is just following orders. Granted that didn’t work out too great for the Nazis, but one thing at a time. The Commander offers them the lifeline. The collected officers have careers to protect so they aren’t forced to participate in this. He has assignments for those that choose to go, and the rest should just go home. The less they know, the better. Alpha Company’s Commander Captain Dunn offers to take pass out the assignments and makes it clear that he is staying. Delta’s commander Captain Robinson makes it clear that he is not. They are ordered to go home and get their gear, any officer who comes back is volunteering to participate. With that The Commander exits his office and drives his car outside the Battalion fence without looking back. While the choppers fly over I-5 on their way north a young man sits slumped over in his chair. He doesn’t even bother to wipe the blood from his face. His hands and feet tied to a wooden chair, he appears to be in a state between conscious and unconscious. His captors aren’t sure he is even aware of what is going on around him. They can’t quite make out what he is muttering, but it seems to be the same thing over and over again. They lean in to make out: “Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and high "esprit de corps" of my Ranger Regiment.” Lord Falco is the most powerful man in all the realm. When he is online that is. In the real world he is no idiot though. He buys all his computer parts separately and with cash so that he can’t be tracked. There is no way the government knows his IP address. His work, his fun, in fact his entire life is done online and the last thing he needs is the government looking in on what he is doing. Unlike his friends who live in cabins like hermits, “Falco” as he likes to be called lives in the city. Out in the woods you are one person for every five square miles, but here he is one of millions! The men in black can’t sneak up on him from the safety of the woods on his own property. Nope, here he can see them coming. Plus he can cache his stuff for escape nearby without any worries of discovery. Wisely he shops at night. The area he lives is well lit and the satellites that track over cities at night use mostly infrared and the lights near the hospitals cause flares so they can’t see him. He is happily snacking on the cake and creamy goodness that is a Twinkie when his worst nightmare unfolds in front of him. They were right, the black helicopters would come when he least expected it. He is surprised that the government figured out a way around the tangles of the power lines in this busy part of town. They used the innocent hospital landing pads to insert their storm troopers. The first group fast ropes down lines dropped from the choppers and the moves out of the way for the next one to land. It is well rehearsed and swiftly carried out. Somehow they must have been able to track his blogs and they know he is on to them. He alone has the proof that Dick Cheney staged the terrorist attacks on 9-11 to get at the gold underneath the towers and eliminate his rivals at the pentagon. If it weren’t for the Patriots aboard the other flight, he would have gotten away with taking out most of the reporters of the Washington post (his nefarious next target.) When he sees the soldiers running up the street towards his apartment building he drops his groceries and hails the next taxi. Another benefit of staying so close to hospitals. He has the driver speed to a nearby parking garage, and as he watches the skies, he can see another helicopter circling, most likely looking for him. Once in the parking structure it takes all the money he has to convince the driver to take him to the airport, but with him in the trunk. That way “the man” will think that he is in the next car to leave the parking garage. The driver lets him out of the trunk in the long term parking where he has a car waiting. He makes sure that there is still a “clean” laptop and a bag of clothes. Where his spare tire should be is a stash of cash and a fresh identity. Unfortunately Lord Falco will have to die. He may have to use his “norm” name until he is able to find a new network. As he starts up the car he checks under his seat for the pistol and makes sure it has a bullet in it. If they try and capture him he wants to make sure he has it handy. One bullet is all he has, and one bullet is all he needs. They are making good time, unlike the smaller Blackhawks the large twin rotor Chinooks cannot land on the helicopter pads on the hospital. As directed they dropped off the 28 Rangers in a field and they had to run the half mile to secure the perimeter. They might be a little winded, but moving at a full run with gear on would take a lot out of anyone. However they are members of the elite Ranger Battalion. If any of them fall behind, they can expect to be wearing a new unit patch Monday morning. Staff Sergeant Todd notices that they collect some curious stares from most people as they pass by. Armed men running the streets is something you don’t see everyday. But since they are in uniform and running in a file formation the natural assumption is that things are okay. So while there is no panic, there are some interesting reactions. One guy tosses the drugs out of his pocket and places his hands against a nearby wall spreading his legs. Todd just tells him to report to the nearest police station without losing a step. He doesn’t care if the guy does or not, but it is a funny story he will tell later. He does make sure he stomps on the man’s drugs as he passes. The best reaction by far is the fat guy who squealed like a little girl, dropped his bags and waddled into the nearest cab. Todd watched the half eaten Twinkie drop from his mouth as he freaked out. He doesn’t know why he had the reaction, but there has got to be a good story behind it. As soon as they reach the front of the hospital, they see CSM Roc standing there waiting. There will be an asschewing to come if he had to wait long. It will not matter that one landed on the roof and rode an elevator down and the other had to run in. No Sergeant Major is ever left waiting. Without waiting for instructions, the men form a semi circle around the entrance. The squad leaders go to the middle and wait for orders. The Sergeant Major looks around and smiles, if this is going to be his last chance at leadership, he is happy that he gets to lead this caliber of men. One Blackhawk continues to circle with the sniper teams on it waiting for where they are to be employed. This is the hardest part, circling and waiting. The sooner you get in place, the sooner you can start doing the bad things to the bad guys. You can’t do anything up here doing a circle jerk in the air. Specialist Chong takes off the surgical mask to give CSM Roc an update. While it can be difficult to remember every single soldier in the Battalion, he remembers this young man. When he was a private the recon platoon requested a medic, but he didn’t have any with Ranger tabs as they requested. So they got the most high speed medic in the battalion, Recon isn’t an easy platoon and you need someone who can keep up. Private First Class Chong was the only one who could. He proved himself beyond expectations, but still the Platoon Sergeant brought him in front of Roc complaining that he didn’t want an untabbed medic in his platoon. Chong was crushed; he though he had earned the respect of the platoon, to satisfy the Platoon Sergeant, Chong was on his way to Ranger school the next day. It he was the only medic to be recommended for Ranger School that year, and he eared his spot. The whole recon platoon insisted on it. “He is out of surgery,” he says clearly tired, “three of Delta Company guys who were in town are outside his recovery room right now. He lost consciousness as he was being prepped for surgery and most likely will not wake up for a while.” “They pulled two bullets out of him and he lost a lot of blood. If he would have gotten here five minutes later, he would not have made it. That is about all the good news that I have.” “Give me the bad,” Roc orders. “He has some blood on his shirt that does not correspond to an injury and they had to remove a few pellets from his left arm.” “What does that mean?” “Most likely that there is someone out there with a shotgun wound. He was nearby when they were shot and tried to help which is where the other blood comes from. So either there is a civilian out there who is some serious trouble, or there is another wounded Ranger.” That thought fills Sergeant Major with dread. If there is another one of his soldiers out there, he will find him before sunrise. Even if he has to turn over the entire city to do it. Within a half hour Harborview Medical Center becomes the most secure facility in the city. There are uniformed Rangers in the parking lot ensuring good traffic flow and watching for suspicious activity. There are Rangers in civilian clothes sprinkled throughout the place; the ones with injuries are in the halls and blending in the ER. This is the first time in years that there hasn’t been people sneaking a smoke in the stairwell. With Rangers strategically placed, no one lingers too long. Finally the Blackhawk stops circling overhead and teams are deployed on the rooftops. The teams are happy to finally be out and in place in case any action happens. While the city sleeps, Rangers maneuver all around the area. By the time people are going to work, there is an invisible force ready for anything. Which is good, because something is going to happen…….very soon. Teams are in place, the area is secure, and the staff is assured that this is not going disrupt their daily routine. In the short time the Rangers are there, the place actually runs smoother than the normal chaos. Just as he finishes the radio checks and steps outside to get some fresh air before planning the next step, Sergeant Major Roc sees a familiar vehicle pull up into the loading zone. Colonel’s Knights truck is hard to miss. He has an old Chevy Bronco, it has to be at least 15 years old. It has that deep throaty engine and huge tires. It is clear that it has seen more mud trails than asphalt in its life. And carried more than its fair share of deer out of the woods. “You know you can’t park here,” Roc says to his commander as he climbs down. Smiling he responds, “I’ll find someone to move it later.” Colonel Knight is the only one in a pressed camouflage uniform. He knows that he is going to be the face on this, and wants to look presentable for meetings with the local police and government officials. Right now he wants to have the impression of being a tactical leader. When the time comes, he has his dress uniform in the back of his truck. When he left the unit after giving his officers a way out, he drove his car back to his house. Got his uniforms and personal weapons, threw them in the back of his Bronco and drove to the city. “I gave you an out Sir,” Roc says respectfully, “you should have taken it.” “Fuck you.” Knight states flatly. Gaining newfound respect for the guy Roc replies, “you wouldn’t like it Sir, I would just lie there.” There is some comfort in knowing that you will have others with you at your court-martial. “How many officers left?” “We lost a few lieutenants, Delta’s company commander and the XO. Alpha stayed 100%. No one took the lifeline.” The Executive Officer, or XO, has always been suspected of being a shady bastard. Knight knows that he is hoping that the SGM and CO will be relieved and he will get command. Of course that will never happen. In the Ranger Regiment you are not rewarded by stepping away from risk. “If any of them are still assigned to the Ranger Battalion Monday morning, you won’t be Sergeant Major.” It isn’t a threat, it is the gospel. And with that, the Commander walks off to check on his men inside. When the doors open, the mood changes, here is the Commander! He is here to personally lead, taking risk upon himself but mainly he is directing any blame his way. Now no one is going to be the one to drop the ball. Inspired, every position, observation post and sniper team is inspired to tighten their shot group and they feel invigorated in the early morning hours. They have been keeping the man in the room for a few hours now. Of course he wasn’t going to talk in the first hour. He needed to be “encouraged” to tell them what they want to know. He will break, they always do. Of course it is getting a little hot inside the masks. And for a while their prisoner hasn’t been too active, he remains slumped over repeating the same thing over and over. This part sounds like: “Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier, who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air. I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other soldier.” Before he can get to the next part, one of their group bursts into the room. “One of them survived and is in the hospital.” Everyone shares a collected thought. If that guy talks, they all are in trouble. No one knows how much he saw or knows, but it isn’t worth the risk. He was taken to a trauma hospital that is second to none in the state. There is usually enough chaos in those places that a few guys can slip in and out without too much trouble. Quickly four men are selected and sent out. Had they known what was waiting for them, they would have said more lasting goodbyes. Then again if they really knew what was waiting, they wouldn’t have gone. There is that moment when you set up an ambush where you are so excited that it is happening, you almost blow it. First you have doubts that anything is going to happen, then when it looks like things are going your way, you want to jump at the chance before your target can get away. The hardest part is having the discipline not to do anything at all, but to let them get farther into the trap. That is exactly what most of the Rangers have to do. First there is the team on a rooftop half a block away that reported the car dropping off one passenger who then runs into a hospital entrance that has less traffic in and out. He passes near the ER where Sergeant Jordan is invisible among the other patients with casts and slings. He confirms the sighting and lets the guy get deeper into the trap. Of course he is just a scout, and they want the whole group. He finds the entrance that leads into the alley and opens the door. One of the guys waiting outside hands him a sawed off shotgun and they head up the back stairs. They try to be stealthy but their footfalls echo in the empty stairwell. Fortunately they know where they are going and will be in and out in a few minutes. Nothing creates chaos like gunfire. All they have to do it dump the guns into one of the red buckets that are used for biohazards and run out with the crowds. The car is going to circle and pick them up at the arranged site. One of the problems with being the get away driver is that you tend to get focused on the getaway and lose sight of the peripherals. For example you are so intent on watching the door your friends are supposed to come out of that you don’t notice the four Rangers sneaking up on you. Usually get way drivers don’t leave the cars running, for fear it will look suspicious, however it is good to be able to peel out and get away. So when he sees the men moving through the shadows and he tries to start the car, his window explodes inward and a barrel is shoved in his place. If he would have been ready he could have just pushed on the accelerator, but alas it is not to be. He is yanked out, searched, bound with zip-ties, and shoved in the trunk of his own car. Part of the team rides with him, the rest return to the OP. Suddenly he feels empathy for the man in the little room. Unfortunately, some things you can’t undo. Exiting the stairwell suddenly they rush through the halls. This is the point where they are exposed, but also when they can do the most collateral damage. Most people will not be sure of what they are seeing, they will wonder if they really see men with guns. Those that don’t see it out of the corner of their eyes will usually either freeze or hit the ground. Either one will do. Naturally anyone who freezes in their way will be knocked down, but that is the risk they take. This is step one in the chaos. After the shooting starts, everyone will be running every which way. If you no longer have the guns in hand, they won’t be able to remember who was shooting and who wasn’t. By the time anyone figures it out they will be long gone. When they round the corner they find the first of a few surprises of the night, or for a couple the last surprises of their lives. “Hi,” Wendy says in a chipper voice. They hit a bottle neck in the doorway, there are things they were expecting to see, but a smiling, good looking girl was not one of them. She seems remarkably relaxed for the given situation. Her hands are clearly visible and not threatening. Slowly she raises them and only has a keychain in one of them. As she raises her hands, she eases to the head of the bed next to the still unconscious solider and slides her body as close to the wall as possible. If Chong wanted a ride to the hospital, she was going to have to drive him, and if she was driving she wanted to know what was going on. Wendy knows that someday she will be Wendy Chong and she knows what to expect from the life of the Ranger wife. They couldn’t talk her out of doing this. Someone is going to have to stay in the room and the nurses won’t bother a woman as much as a man, especially if the only relationship is that of a fellow soldier. She was given a simple keyless remote. The lock button arms it, the unlock disarms it. But all she had to worry about was get out of the way, and push the panic button. The rest would be taken care of. What she didn’t understand is why they told her not to close her mouth after pushing it. For the two guys who are inside the room, practically stepping over each other, time seems to slow down. They have their guns raised and not really caring why the girl is in the room. But she closes her eyes, yet keeps her mouth open. It is the “beep, beep” coming from the window that draws their attention. Anything too sudden might make them pull the trigger in surprise, but the sounds draws their attention right before the windows shatter from a small shaped charge on the outside ledge. Now everything starts to come together, when they got the call the men on the roof checked their ropes. “Oz” is visibly excited. His nickname doesn’t come from a compression of his last name “Oswald” it is because he likes to rappel “Aussie” style, which means head first. Plus like the people from Down Under, he is more than a little crazy. He pulls out he thinks is the right amount of rope and starts walking back. Right before the explosives go off, they glow green. One guy is leaning over the side and as soon as he see the glow yells, “Green light!” With that Oz takes a running start and leaps over the edge into the night air. His “Ranger Buddy” or rappelling partner just rolls his eyes and starts down the side at a swift, but manageable speed. Across the street the SSG Isler has been watching the men enter the room through his Leopold scope. His spotter sets down the binos and pulls up his silenced M4. Isler has a M14 with a suppressor. Knowing that this would be urban, Isler made sure he brought the silenced rifles. No need to wake up the neighbors with loud rifles. Not that this is something new, they are part of the Long Range Recon Platoon, LRRPS were almost done away with, but COL Knight kept a platoon around for the Headquarters company. Just because the Army didn’t know their full potiential doesn’t mean he couldn’t keep a platoon for himself. Stealth is greatest asset of the LRRP. When the word came over the net that they had targets inbound, Isler started to take slow controlled breaths. Every time he hears “snipers free” on the radio his heart skips a beat. This time is different, this time he knows he hearts starts to race. That is because this time he isn’t going to be scanning for targets, he knows exactly where they re going to be, and he knows that this time he will be taking a shot. They are going to have a very short window when they can shoot or the outcome could be catastrophic. Snipers prefer to take the shot at the time of their choosing, but he is a Ranger and this is how it has to be done. Just as the men enter the room, his takes a pause in his breathing. As soon as they see the green light, both sniper and spotter shoot. In the half second it takes for the 7.62 and 5.56 bullets to cross the distance from barrel to target, the window shatters. Their sights filled with the two men. One shot left, the other right. Oz can actually see the vapor trails of the bullets below him that pass as he continues his almost freefall decent. He is still a few feet from the window when the line goes taut. His rappel harness squeaks as it stretches from the strain, but doesn’t give. Just a quick jerk and he lets off the brake long enough to lower him the last meter and as he swings into the room he turs himself rights side up. As soon as his feet hit floor, his pistol is out and he is covering the room. His partner is not far behind. The two in the hall run at the first sign of the red mist that was their friend’s chest. Panic isn’t a rational act by the mind or body. They don’t get three steps before they are taken down by the “patients” who were sitting outside in the hall. One of the orderlies pulls out a pistol from under his scrubs and covers the two would be assassins. It is then that they see that most everyone in the immediate vicinity is here to protect their target. Soldiers from the medic platoon are sprinkled throughout the floor. They even try and help out the nurses on duty. While it is seen as a kind act, they are really just hoping for some play when this is all over. As soon as Oz detaches himself from his rig he and his partner grab the two who are restrained in the hall and drag them to their feet. They hustle them up stair and onto the roof. The last thing they get to see before the bags go over their heads is the Blackhawk flaring into a landing, ready to take them away. The pilot has the perfect porn mustache and take a sip from the metal spill proof cup in those brief seconds they are on the roof. Where, they are going they can’t imagine but there is no way it will be good. The same reasons why the Rangers are going through such extremes for their comrades is explained in the first sentence of the mutterings of a slumped over Ranger captive. If only they would listen they would understand as he speaks: “Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One hundred percent and then some.”

Story Update

So here is the deal. I write my stories with what comes out of the top of my dome first. I have a couple people who look at them and give me feedback. We are working on edits and changing a few things. For example, there is some additional character development and more story to be put into Ranger Down. Nothing will be taken away, just stuff added. And I have an anal friend who is giving me crap about grammar. This is what happens when you only have a GED and spend almost all of your adult life in the military. :) If you want I will let you know when the updates happen. All stories will be put in separate folders so you don¡¦t have to dig through the very long list of my random thoughts blogs to find stories. However, if you have the time, feel free to read some of my other stuff. There are most stories on the way, I just have to find the time. Have a good one, and keep an eye out for more. -tim

Ranger Down #7

The bad news that one of their own was killed only inspires the Rangers, the news that one of them might still be alive inspires them even more. As much as they hate it Bravo Company has to stay in place securing the hospital. Now Alpha gets a chance to get its hands dirty. Some people are pulling double duty, the recon elements are being yanked from certain positions to assist with the rescue. You want your sneakiest bastards going in for the take down. Colonel Knight is waiting outside for Chong and Bell when they go rushing out. “I have a mission for you,” he says pulling Chong aside. Command Sergeant Major Roc walks up and tosses something his way. Chong catches it easily, he opens his hand to see the three stripes of a Sergeant. He is getting promoted! “We don’t have time to do this right,” Roc says, “you have proven yourself and we need you to lead a team on this. We will need a medic on scene in case our boy is injured. Are you up to it?” “Yes Sergeant Major.” Not that there was ever any doubt, then the commander puts his arm around the new Sergeant and leads him away to tell him of a mission that he will have a greater chance of success, than others. Getting into position can be tricky, but while the building sleeps, getting to the roof is just a matter of not running into anyone who happens into the halls or stairwells at this ungodly hour. However once the fireworks start, getting out unseen will be a challenge. Urban reconnaissance is a little more difficult than in the great outdoors. In the woods you can just sneak up with little chance of exposure. In the desert it is child’s play. You just have high power binos and look from far away. In an urban environment it is a little more tough. They have to start almost half a mile away and sit and observe for a while. Then one team goes past the first and watches before signaling the next team up. They even do this bounding overwatch from rooftop to rooftop. The sniper teams climb to one roof, then spot a place for the next one. Slowly on the ground and up top the circle closes. The sentries are easy to spot. They are the guys wandering up and down the street, they are also the ones adjusting weapons straps under their oversized jackets. They do move in a somewhat random pattern but nothing too difficult to beat. They are smart and even meander into the ally from time to time. On the target building roof there are two guys smoking cigarettes. From time to time they move to the edges and count the number of guards out there. They have exposed rifles however. Which means they will have to go first. The ones on the street might have concealed pistols, but more likely submachine guns. The thing about being a good sentry is knowing how traffic flow, both vehicle and foot, is in your area throughout your shift. Just before dawn you get the hardcore partygoers stumbling home. There will be a van or two, usually delivery trucks making early morning runs. There is always a couple shift workers either coming home or heading out. A muscle car this time of night would stick out, but the minivan driving by wouldn’t raise suspicion. Anything parking too close would attract attention, so would a group of whites this deep into Chinatown. By now, any white guys would have been harassed, beaten, or realized they were lost and left by now. A couple black guys are not so out of place, most likely a couple brother who have yellow fever. Asian men and Black women are the two most unmarried groups in the country, for this very reason. Boring guard duty breeds complacency, complacency breeds a lower state of awareness. That is not good to have in a sentry. So it takes a while for the pieces of the puzzle reveal the big picture. One of the rooftop guards stats scanning the scene below, something doesn’t seem right and maybe if he looks hard enough he can find the missing piece. As instructed the alley is walked a couple times a night. It can be kind of creepy, but being armed and having a bunch of armed friends nearby takes the power from the boogieman. If he would have had nightvision he might have seen the fireteam that is using the alley as an insertion point. He does not, and so he does not see them. When he is grabbed from behind his confidence disappears. “Rangers motherfucker,” a voice hisses in his ear, “we own the night.” That is all he hears as his world fades from the bloodchoke put on him. He is gagged, disarmed, and restrained before he loses consciousness. Once satisfied that he has passed out, they throw his limp body into a nearby open dumpster. “Got a light?” one of the passing partygoers asks one of the sentries on his way home. That is when it hits him, there are a couple who should be out of the alleys by now, also the random people wandering the street are suddenly close to all the sentries on the ground. One lighting a cigarette for the pair of Asians, another three Asians are stumbling right into the path of a roving guard, and the two black guys are talking quite loudly drawing attention to themselves as they pass another. Just as he draws in a deep breath the yell an alert, that breath is taken form him. No one hears the soft “thup, thup” from a couple blocks away. “Roof clear,” the sniper team reports. Sergeant Chong cups his hands to block the wind from the flame. As soon as the piano wire goes over the man’s head, Chong drops the cigarette from his mouth and secures his hands. He follows the two to the ground. A half block away that action attracted the attention of another sentry, as he reaches into his jacket to pull out his MP5K, he feels a knife enter between his ribs as a large black paw pulls the gun out of his hand. Distraction is only the friend of the one doing the distraction. One Asian, stumbles into another, who pushes him off and right into a patrolling guard. The first two steps in his direction wild, the last is very deliberate. Too late does he realize that PFC Chin is about to take him out. In a blink the three rangers are on top of him and he gets the most efficient ass kicking of his life. It is quick, painful, and takes all the fight out of him in a matter of seconds. At least he is alive. “Street clear.” At that signal the street lights are taken out with suppressed rifles. As soon as the street goes dark, two squads pour out of two nearby alleys. On the roofs to the North and South of the target building two man sniper teams appear. They are diagonal from each other so they can cover a alley and a street. Chong is the only one in street clothes that is joins the assault team. He is handed his medic bag, body armor and rifle then falls into step with his entry team. For some reason they are drawn into what their captive is saying. One has dropped to one knee so that he can better make out the words. “Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.” Unlike the teams you see in movies, there is no dramatic pause at the door, the one with the battering ram just busts the door and clears the way for the point man. The point man has just enough distance to give the ram space for a good backswing, however not enough that he isn’t through the door before all the splinters from the frame have hit the ground. Inside they hear the crunch of the door getting crushed, knowing that there is another in the room to watch the captive, the one closest to the door heads into the hall to see what the source of the noise is. The other was kneeling listening to the last of the Ranger Creed when he is distracted by the noise from downstairs. Before he can realize what it is, he is taken out of the equation by a swift head butt. Not sure if that is enough, the Ranger topples his chair on top of his captor. The first team heads right up the stairs, the second sweeps the first floor. The primary teams knows that they need to get to their brother before they can kill him. That is the hardest part of a rescue, getting to the captives before the captors have a chance to kill them. They see a man shutting the room that their man is supposed to be in. The point man has a suppressed M4, it will give them an edge, if there are more targets for the rest of the team, they are in it too deep to need stealth anymore. Within twenty seconds of entry Chong is cutting the man loose, immediately he starts treatment. In that first minute the operation is going flawlessly. The first floor is cleared, the hostage is secured and the second floor is being covered. When the long burst of AK fire fills the building that everything goes to shit. Getting first hand intelligence is the best kind you can get. However when the people you are getting the information from need to be well informed. The ones they interrogated were not. For a large criminal organization, compartmentalizing information is good for survival. So when you send out prospects to your group to kill someone just out of surgery, they don’t have a lot of information to tell if they are caught. Unfortunately the information they did not have, would have been very valuable to have. The Rangers were counting on their speed to get them in and out with minimal resistance. Once someone pops a can of firefight, the whole neighborhood would be up and it would be harder to extract with the police showing up. Taking down bad guys is what they do, but fighting local cops is not what they do. Running form them is fine, fighting is crossing a line none are willing to go near. The long burst of fire from the AK-47 wakes up half the neighborhood, and unfortunately for the Rangers, half the neighborhood is bad guys. Lights start turning on and armed men start dumping into the streets like a flood gate being opened. Usually the soldiers are able to maintain radio discipline, even under the extreme situations they deal in, so this transmission lets everyone know how serious the situation is. “Oh shit, oh shit, street not clear> I say again, street compromised, too many tangos, we’re fucked.” “How many,” comes the calm response on the radio. Chong has just thrown the man over his shoulder when he hears the radio call. Everyone freezes for a second, they turn out to make 360 security and wait for the order that will have to come within the next three seconds or they take matters into their own hands. “Egress, egress, ramble and scramble, NOW!!!” This whole night started with a call that no one had every heard, “Ranger Down.” It is going to end with one that no one has ever heard either. Ramble and scramble is an order that very select groups know. It is when the situation is so screwed that the best you can do is mitigate the losses on your side. While it isn’t an everyman for himself, the teams know that trying to consolidate and fight out together will end in a massacre. Smaller teams can punch out easier, once in the clear they will reset and try to help others out. Urban fighting can end in massive losses if you don’t take control of the situation right away. The sniper teams head for the roof exits and see that there are men streaming up the stairs. Unfortunately the bad guys know the importance of holding the high ground. Just as the group hits the door, they duck behind cover and prepare to fight their way out. The team on the southwest corner throws two grenades down on top of the advancing gang. As soon as they hear the explosions they start running down shooting anything moving. They are able to punch out the back door and haul ass down the street. Ed has always hated the minivan. He doesn’t know why he let his wife talk him into getting it. However he was able to drive past the target building, park down the street and report what he saw. Now that he hears the ramble and scramble call, he knows what he can do to help out. From the drivers seat he is able to push a button and the back of the minivan opens. Kyle has been lying in the prone position behind the M240 machinegun just waiting for the door to open and getting the green light to let loose some lead. When he sees the large group down the street closing in on his guys he is not shocked by the mass of them. With the seats removed he has plenty of room to move and his assistant gunner will feed him all the rounds he can fire. It still takes him back. “Get some!” is all he needs to hear to unleash rounds. The sniper team still stuck on a roof is happy to see that they didn’t really look around before heading to the edge and looking for targets. This is a situation they can take advantage of. Chong lowers the guy to the ground and hands him a pistol. “This might get a little hairy.” The ramble and scramble extractions aren’t really random. Rangers plan everything, they have a PACE plan, primary, alternate, contingency and emergency. This is just the emergency plan put into action. Every team should know their emergency plan. Chong’s team heads for the roof. The team on the first floor, exits out the back and punches through to the next street before they can be trapped in. The sound of the choppers attracts a lot of attention. The sniper teams on the roof start to take out the guys on their roof tops. Since they are firing suppressed weapons, no one knows that is happening at first, until the buddy to the left or right of them hit the ground. Quickly the snipers turn on the infrared strobes on their vests to signal who they are friendly and hopefully they will get an extraction. Chief Warrant Officer Lancer wasn’t lying when he said he would get everyone up. The Little Bird helicopter is a welcome sight. It comes in fast and low, slowing only as it goes over the roof. The tow snipers throw their rifles over their shoulders and grab for the quick extraction lines. The new system is a line dropped from both sides onto the roof. The helicopter will slow, but not stop, and they will only make one pass. With the lines dragging along the roof they put their hands through the loops tied off a few feet from the ground. Once the chopper passes over the edge of the building, it lifts up, the weight of the body pulls the loop tight around the wrist and then they reach down and grab for a second loop that they link onto the rappel rig. This will keep them secure until they can get out of danger. Of course neither can resist pulling out their pistols and taking a shot at anyone firing at them as they make their escape. With most looking skyward, the top floor team hit the roof. Anyone on a roof nearby is free game. They are able to clear out some breathing room with a few rounds launched form the 203s. Once they toss the strobe the Blackhawk comes in hot. At the last second it flares and hits the roof with a solid thud. Everyone jumps in so fast they are piling on top of each other, as soon as he gets the signal, the pilot lifts off. No one has time to strap in, but they can grab and hold onto the seat harnesses. As soon as the chopper is gone, Ed punches the button and the back of the minivan starts to close as he pulls away. He will never talk bad about it again. Nor will anyone tease him about it. Whenever he drives it he will remember this moment, mainly because the smell of carbon and gunpowder will never fully leave the upholstery. In fact when he goes to trade it in years later, they will still be digging shells out of nooks and crannies. The department of Homeland Security has enough information to piece together the big picture. He doesn’t care who they think they are, no one especially the military is above the law. He goes marching right into Harborview Hospital and demands to talk to the man in charge. Colonel Knight is calmly standing by one of the nurses stations when he comes up in a huff. Before he can unleash, Knight hands him a paper coming fresh out of the fax. Without a word, he walks away and leaves the bureaucrat to deal with what is left of the situation. Knight does the “rally up” signal and walks out. It seems like the entire staff follows him as medics in scrubs, Rangers in civilian clothes and injured patients follow him. At the same time a few miles away, the perimeter set up by the waterfront is torn down and packed. They are on the road within fifteen minutes. The paper is a set of orders that originate from Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg. It spells out a serious threat to national security, the details of which are still top secret. It also authorizes the Ranger as the only force in place to deal with it on such short notice. With that, the man decides to go back to bed and delegate the details of the aftermath to someone very junior to him. Brown wakes up in Madigan Army Medical Center on Fort Lewis. Once he was stable enough to move, they take him to a place they can better secure him. He will hear the stories for a long time to come, but he will always be remembered as the one who atarted it all. Without his dedication to his fellow soldier he would not have gotten the word out and they would not have been able to rescue him. Of course the strength he gained from reciting the Ranger Creed over and over is what helped him survive captivity. Aside from a few minor wounds everyone made it back alive. Medals will be given out, and stories will passed down but one thing will always be remembered, Rangers always take care of their own. Rangers Lead the Way! That is it. Finally! I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to make a few things clear. I wrote this for my own amusement, and this is the first draft. Second, I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the Ranger Battalion nor have I ever attended Ranger school. This is just something I have had in my head that I wanted to get out. Take it for what it is, something to be enjoyed.

Ranger Down #6

Bravo Company had inserted by helicopter in two trips. The Arms room was open before the first troop got on one of the whirly birds. The Rangers fall under different rules and so they have rounds in the arms room. What good is a unit you can deploy anywhere in the world if they don’t have bullets for the fight. It does not take long to issue weapons and night vision and they are on their way. The other units are prepping and planning. Charlie and Delta just hope there is still a city standing when they get on line. You hate to get pumped up and not have a fight to go to. Alpha Company formed one large convoy. Mostly humvees and cargo trucks. Due to the limit of helicopters they have to drive the 50 miles into Seattle. Of course they have a place to go. One of the shipyards is empty at this time of night and gives them a good place to set up behind all the containers. There is even a nice large spot for the choppers to land for rest or refuel. By this time CW4 Lancer has woken everyone up and given the lowdown on what is going on. The only snag is getting bullets for the choppers. There isn’t a single flight crew member not on board. All the activity near the waterfront attracted the attention of the Coast Guard. It takes the full talent of their world class bullshitter to get them not only to back down but to give them a wide berth. There is no reason to get them involved. There continues to be organized chaos until the Blackhawk touches down. When the two guys with hoods over their heads are taken out, everyone noticed. Prisoners can mean a good thing, or a very, very bad thing. They are brought into a tent that was set up a part from the rest. There is triple strand concertina circling it, the only tent with that. The people who occupy the tent brought their gear in rolling pelican blxes and no one has seen them since they went it. Things do not bode well for the persons under custody or “PUC” as is the abbreviation. Especially considering that is the tent with the biggest generator. It is also the smallest tent, and they have battery powered lanters. How much power do they need? Hopefully the loud generator noise will drown out the screams. Sitting on metal chairs the hoods are abruptly removed. Except for the canvas sides, this looks like any other interrogation room (now called interview rooms since it sounds better) in any police station around the country. A couple metal chairs, a metal four sided table in the center and the single hanging light bulb. The two uniformed soldiers in the corner are a new twist, and the guy sitting across from them is wearing a polo shirt and not the cheap shirt and tie most detectives wear. But these two guys know how to handle this situation and feel confident that they will outsmart whoever this is. Usually the interrogator flips through files to look official or like he has some secret information but this one is oddly cool. “I am sure you are familiar with good cop/bad cop,” he starts, “but this is a new situation for you. Today we are playing ‘no cop’ and it isn’t as fun.” He lets that sink in for a minute before continuing, “I am not a police officer, I am a soldier. Which means that your world just got a whole lot worse. I am sure that you have heard of the Geneva Conventions?” “You do know it is conventions and not convention,” he says digressing, “there was more than one. You don’t think that so many countries agreed upon the rules of war in one sit-down did you?” “So the military has the Geneva Conventions,” he replies getting back on track and enunciating the ‘S’, “part of the Geneva Conventions cover prisoners of war, and how humanely they will be treated. The conduct is very specific for the captors.” That very though puts the two at ease and they exchange a glance that shows that they are of the same mind. “Unfortunately, you are not prisoners of war.” He lets that thought hang in the air, “so this is new territory, legally I am free to do pretty much what I want. However, never let it be said that I am not fair, I will give you one chance to tell me the information I want and you will walk out of here. You might limp, but you will be alive.” Now they decide to play the one card they love to play above all others, a quick rattling in a foreign language to play that they don’t speak English and they are at a stalemate. Both smile smugly as the guy has to figure out his next move. Without a word he walks out. Carter Mann is a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army. Currently he is attached to the S-2 section of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. He is an intelligence analyst, and a damn good one. However that makes him a pogue, someone who has a non-combat arms Military Occupational Specialty. While he can be Airborne with his MOS, he will not be allowed into Ranger school. Even if they change the rules, there is no way he will get the chance in the Ranger Batt. He will always be an “untabbed bitch” and he has come to terms with it. There are two types of Soldiers in the Ranger Battalion, those with a Ranger Tab and those without. Those without are untabed bitches. Of course they are still called Rangers. Anyone who wears the Ranger Scroll unit patch is a Ranger. Having the tab just means you finished Ranger School, or as those inside the fence of the Ranger Batt will call you a tabbed soldier, you aren’t a “real” Ranger unless you were in the Batt. They don’t overtly look down on him, but he knows that they will never consider him equal. As always when it is him to work, they look at him like he has all the answers. There is no way that he is going to let some punks make him look bad, not after all he has been through. Especially since time is of the essence, he doesn’t have the time to play fuckaround. Fuckaround is not a game you play with angry Rangers. They are still smiling when he bursts back into the tent. “Sorry you don’t speak English, you won’t understand what I am saying, but I will tell you anyway.” With that he throws a large net over each person. “Okay, here is the deal. You don’t speak English and since I am not a police officer, and you are not prisoners of war, I am no obligated to set you free. I will however let you go, of course I am letting you go over the water in the middle of Puget Sound.” Then he starts cinching the nets closed with padlocks. “These are nice heavy duty cargo nets. They can support a lot more weight than either of you have. So here is the deal, I am going to close them with these locks. The keys of these locks will be worn with the dogtags of the squadmembers of those that you attacked. Everytime they look at them they will think of you, of course you will be crabfood.” “We are going to weigh these nets down with ammo cans filled with dirt and rocks, then we are going to load you up one at a time one the choppers and throw you out over the water.” As if on cue, they can hear the helicopter spooling up. “I don’t care if you understand me, but you should believe me. I will promise you this, whichever one learns English the fastest gets to live, the other one will feed the crabs. And before you think it is a trick that I am going to take you out and drop you off one at a time, it is because I have too many grunts who want to ride out with us and try and shoot you on the way down.” “The reason for the nets is so that you bodies will not float to the surface or wash up anywhere on shore. The loops in the net a large enough for the fish and crabs to feed on you.” His tone is full of malice and his face is stone cold. Once he has one wrapped up tight, he tells the other one, “don’t go anywhere.” And has a couple large Rangers pick him up, net, chair and all. They carry him and heave him onto the floor of the chopper. Once it lifts off it gets very real. They waste no time flying out over the water. There is no fly in circles and let the tension build. In less than a minute, Carter is pushing him towards the edge. “I SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!” He screams at the top of his lungs. “I’LL TELL YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW!!!” Carter just looks at him with dead eyes and points to his ears. He mouths, “I can’t hear you.” And points straight up, the rotors are drowning out his voice. With that the captive understands that he waited just a few seconds too long. He is shaking his head back and screaming at the top of his lungs. Finally he feels something clamp over his ears and the loud rotor noise gets muffled. “Ready to talk?” The intercom voice says? It is the most complete confession, anyone has ever heard. Carter’s reaction is unexpected. “Sorry,” he says pushing him toward the edge, “your stupid get away driver was not on the same sheet of music, he already talked, you have to give me something more.” That is when he gets into as much detail as he can. Hoping that there is just one piece of information that will save his life. “Thanks, that was helpful.” And with that, Carter pushes him out the door. He falls screaming, for about four feet. He lands with a splash into the zodiac being helmed by two Rangers. They steer him back to shore as the chopper flys back. “Nice bluff,” Lancer says over the headphones. “I wasn’t bluffing, if he hadn’t talked, he was going in.” Lancer mentally crosses off SSG Mann from his list of potential poker buddies. As soon as they land Carter jumps out of the chopper and yells, “Saddle up, we have a target. And a live Ranger!” He looks at the sobbing get away driver and thinks that was the fastest he has ever broken a man. Then back into the tent, best thing to do is to confirm the story from three different angles. When he opens the tent it is rank with the smell of urine. This is going to be easier than he thought. The senior man for Homeland Security in Seattle has been getting calls all night. There have been reports of armed men running through the streets and helicopters flying all around. The reports give the impression of something BIG going down, but he hasn’t heard of anything. And if the streets are full of armed men, where are the reports of gunfire? He needs to get to the bottom of this right away. Few things will get him out of a warm bed in the wee hours of the morning, this is not going to be a good day for someone. If he knew how right he was, he would have stayed in bed. They have the worst duty of the rest. But as is true in the military like any other organization, even the worst jobs are still necessary for the group to function well. So while they do not enjoy it, it must be done. Someone has to scour the morgues for the bodies of their comrades. It doesn’t take long to come across a body they recognize. He died at the scene with a shotgun blast to the chest. Had he been wearing his ranger body armor, he would have a tough time breathing, but he would be okay. However no one carries the RBA out to the clubs. When they call to report in there is good news and bad news. They provide the bad news to inform the commander that one of his soldiers is dead. The good news is that the last one is accounted for, and possibly alive. The captives spill their guts. They are part of a new predominantly Vietnamese gang operating in the International District called by outsiders as “Chinatown” Seattleites consider themselves too progressive to use such a limiting term. Especially since there are so many Asian groups there, to refer to them as one seems insulting. Of course it is the Caucasians who use the term ID, like everyone should just know. They are snobbish in their progressive mindset. This gang is different than the rest. They have no set territory, no clear membership, and no name. The members of most groups like to give themselves a cool sounding name. So you feel like you belong, these guys know that once you have a name, the police will have something to call you and have something to target. This way there is no organization to chart, if they have no name, do they even exist? The Rangers have the address of the place they are going to hit, and the layout. They have learned from far too many urban engagements how to play this. They take nothing for granted, they don’t underestimate their opponent, or overestimate their own prowess. This is always the worst part, putting the pieces in place. It is when they are most vulnerable and when you are least flexible to adjust the plan. None are worried, the soldiers have faith in their leaders, and the leaders have unwavering faith in their Rangers. Their friends should be back, or called in that they killed the guy in the hospital. But it has been a while and no word. Not even anything on the news. They are starting to get worried, and one again their captive is muttering to himself. “Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.”

Ranger Down #5

He is one of the many nameless, faceless homeless that exist in any major city. However in the few blocks around Harborview he is known as Cardboard. He is dirty, smelly and drug addicted. He is a regular customer in the ER, usually trying to get out of the cold or dry off on a wet night when the rain destroys his house. He got his name from the well thought out cardboard structure that he fashions every night on the stoop of a storefront that doesn’t open until later in the morning, long after he is gone on his daily search for cans. Once again he was turned away for trying to fake symptoms and score some drugs. This day he isn’t trying to get high, he just wants to take the edge off. How can they not understand that? Tonight he is going to teach someone a lesson. There is always a nurse or orderly who sneaks out the back for a cigarette and he is waiting. Raelene is getting off a double shift and just doesn’t have the time or energy to track down or wait for a security person to walk her out to her car. However there is usually a guy out smoking that will be happy to walk her to her car. As she exits the building she sees that there isn’t anyone around. Despite the fact they work in healthcare, nurses and doctors smoke like chimneys. So it is a mild surprise that there isn’t a group gathered. She is just too tired to find someone and heads toward the parking garage, which is where she runs into Cardboard. His primal scream freezes her in midstep, instinctively she pulls her arms up to protect herself and curls her upper body down in anticipation for the impact that never comes. They know they are not supposed to leave their position. They know that they are not supposed to expose themselves, but that bum was acting suspicious. With tours to Iraq and Afghanistan under their belt, they can recognize the look of someone who is going to bring violence upon others. Each one of them joined the Rangers because they wanted to be the best. They joined the Army because they wanted to protect their country. It says right in the oath of service, to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And this guy is without a doubt a domestic enemy. They see him sit in ambush and wait for someone to exit the door, as soon as the young nurse walks out he starts to rush forward. At first she is so weary that she doesn’t see the threat, it isn’t until he starts screaming that she knows that she is in trouble. The Rangers are in motion, long before that. Cardboard is rushing forward, ready to take his anger out on an easy target. Then men in dark clothing don’t appear out of nowhere, thye appear out of everywhere. One shields Raelen with his own body, not that he needs to, because before Cardboard can get within striking distance his vision is clouded with a rifle butt to the face. His body doesn’t even hit the ground before there are hands on him. Honestly he isn’t sure what is more frightening, the five men standing over him, the one sitting him, the three barrels in his face, or the knife at his throat. “Are you okay ma’am?” Shaken, she looks around and sees three men standing around her, they all have rifles slung over their back so as to not appear threatening to her, and while none of them look over 22, their eyes are filled with an ageless compassion. She has seen the same look in police and firefighters, it is the look that heroes give to the people they live to safeguard. When she turns to look at Cardboard, one takes her arm and guides her away. “Can we escort you somewhere,” he asks in a kind voice. All she can do is shake her keys and they lead her towards the employee parking area. As soon as they start off two of the men break off, one ahead one behind. They swing their rifles around and pull security as the third leads her away, making sure she doesn’t look back at what his comrades are doing to her would be attacker. The last thing he will remember is a fist coming at him as he hears, “We do NOT hit women.” With all their bravado the members of the Ranger Battalion follow some very specific rules. Abuse of women is something not allowed. The strong protect the weak, and the Rangers are some of the strongest. Not just in body, but in heart and mind. Cardboard will wake up miles away and will be instructed not to go anywhere near the hospital. They will be watching and checking up. “What if I am dying?” “You die.” The man steps into a humvee and drives off. He did not appear to be someone you could negotiate with or who has a better nature you can appeal to. For the rest of his travels, Cardboard never again has line of sight with Harborview Hospital. No one misses him, his absence is noticed, but never missed. He is not the only one who suffers from the Ranger presence. Clint absolutely loves the hospital. The long hours, the shortage of staff, especially security, and the egos of the surgeons which gives them exclusive parking spots and the need to fill them with expensive cars. Clint is making his usual rounds of the hospital parking areas when he sees the new Jag of the Chief of Surgery. This is going to be sweet. While it is a rare car and harder to sell, once he finds a buyer, it will be worth big bucks. The act of trying not to look suspicious is itself very suspicious. Especially when you have people monitoring your actions from the shadows. And while walking from one garage level to the next isn’t unusual, walking up every level and back and forth among the rows can be. Most people would take the elevator if they were going more than one floor in a parking structure. Clint has no idea that not only is he being watched, but that his movements are being reported from one level to the next. This isn’t his first car prowl as the police call it. So he knows what to look for before starting his crime. Once he is sure that there is no one around he pulls out of his pants the tricks of his trade. The lock is popped without incident. Why people have car alarms anymore is still a wonder to him. He can deactivate it in seconds and no one really pays attention to them anyway. But every time one goes off in the car he is breaking into, it makes him smile. Unfortunately that sounds also masks the footfalls of the men rushing up on him. As soon as he gets the alarm silenced he stands up to see if anyone was around to hear. Once he had a staffer asleep in a car nearby and he had to ditch his prize. This time it is much, much worse. Men dressed in the grey, black and white urban camouflage are all around him with guns drawn. Through the face paint he can see them smiling. One slips his rifle behind him and approaches with a gloved hand out. Wordlessly Clint hands him the slimjim and other tools. “You are having a really bad night,” he says as the bag slips over Clint’s head. In addition to chopper pilots, Rangers really like medical personnel. The pilots fly them out of trouble, and the docs patch them up so they can live to fight another day. Stealing from the man who patched up the reason they are all here just isn’t okay. Tonight Clint will see the errors in his way. And tomorrow he will be reformed. It will not be pleasant, but it will be permanent. The security guards, however, love the addition of more bodies to make their lives easier. Some people are difficult to deal with and more people who have your back is always a good thing. In the ER, people can be especially difficult. Screaming at the nurse will not make things go faster, and it forces the security to remain in the area when they could be doing other things, like escorting some of the female staff to their cars. For some reason some people don’t understand that hostility is not the way to communicate with someone who is already overworked, understaffed, and greatly underappreciated. Not only is he not the first person to yell at this nurse, he isn’t the first to yell at her this hour. And if she gives in it will send a message that yelling is the way to get things done and then all hell will break loose. Specialist Bell isn’t happy. His Ranger Buddy is still upstairs recovering. They had gone through Basic Training together, Infantry AIT, and even Airborne School at the same time. It was Bell that talked him into going into the Ranger Indoctrinate Program. Brown had gotten Bell through RIP, and now he is upstairs fighting for his life. Command Sergeant Major Roc had said that Bell can’t suit up until his head is in the right place. So he has been waiting for news. He was talking to one of the injured Rangers disguised in the ER waiting room, but for the last few minutes he has been sitting there with his head in his hands. Most warriors do not like to show weakness and do not respect weakness in others. However, there are times it is okay for a man to break down, and this is one of those times. Out of respect, the other soldiers ignore him. It isn’t a lack of compassion, but this way he doesn’t lose face. If he really needs to break down someone will pull him aside, but as long as he holds it together, he is fine. Tomorrow everyone will act like nothing happened. He may be in the Ranger Battalion, but he is still human. Once again he stands up and goes toward the nurse at the desk. His mannerism is that of a man broken. His posture is slumped and he barely shuffles up to get information on the status of his friend. Since there has been no radio call saying a change of status, his friend is still unconscious. In this case, no news isn’t good news. He stands behind Jake still looking at the floor as Jake continues his tirade. “This is not productive,” he mutters. Through his screaming Jake hears a voice behind him and he turns. Looking down, because he must look down he sees a boy that is just breaking five foot six. Compared to Jake’s six two, he isn’t what one would call intimidating. It isn’t even worth the trouble so Jake turns around, and starts yelling anew. “Stop yelling,” Bell says to the floor. “Or what,” Jake spurts quickly turning and moving close enough for Bell to bump into his chest. “Or I’ll stop you.” There is no malice, there is no emotion, it is just a calm statement. By now he has the full attention of the Rangers in the area. While none of them move, they are very interesting in the outcome. This also sparks the attention of Jakes two brothers-in-law who previously had been tending to their sister. They are comparable in size to Jake, and both know from personal experience that Jake can handle himself. Jake figures he can use the stress relief, so he uses his chest to bump the kid back a step and then cocks back to throw a punch, that is as far as he gets before he can’t breathe. The Rangers are trained in jujitsu in the Gracie system, but the Gracies themselves. All, if any, hand to hand in the military will be down and dirty. You will fight to win, and win quick, or you will die. As soon as Jake opens himself up to hit him, Bell lunges in which will prevent any real damage from a punch, then shoves his hand into Jake’s throat. Jake’s body wants to break the chokehold, and that is its main concern, so he is not ready to for the leg sweep that puts them both on the ground. With one hand Jake tries to open the grip of the young Ranger to provide his body with much needed oxygen, the other is flailing around trying to hit the body on top of him. That arm is quickly locked up and his world is filled with pain. The two brothers stand up and before they can get three steps a man with his leg in a cast impedes their path. “You don’t want to do that,” he warns in a sincere voice. “You want a piece too?” With that Jordan steps aside. He gave them a chance, if they don’t want to listen, at least his conscious is clear. Various men stand up throughout the ER, all wanting to join the fray, but he stops them with a hand. Bell needs this. The only help he gives is to alert his fellow grunt by singing in a high pitched voice, “Belly.” Bell hears his name and turns to see two large men bearing down on him. Instinctively he reaches back and pulls his pistol from his waistband behind him. That stops them in their tracks. Jake is losing consciousness, so Bell finishes him off with a pistol whip to the temple and stands up. Kevin really wasn’t ready for getting a gun pulled on him when he left the party to take his sister to the emergency room. Of course they also thought she had another week before she went into labor. He did what most honest men would do and had to back up his sister’s husband. Jake can be a little abrasive, but he didn’t deserve to have the life choked out of him by some guy. As soon as he sees that they have reconsidered, Bell puts the gun back in his waistband and addresses the two behemoths. “You don’t want this, pick up your friend and leave now.” Once the gun is not in their faces they start to relax. Then Kevin does the math, he knows the distance he has to cover, subtract the distance of his outstretched arms, divide by his top speed and the amount of time he has to accelerate to that speed and Bell has “X” amount of time to pull out that gun to shoot him. If the number is a deficit, Kevin will have his hands on the guy before he can pull the trigger, if the number is a surplus Bell will kill Kevin before he can reach him. That thought takes a split second and Kevin figures he knows the answer. The slight dip in his shoulders before he takes off telegraphs his intention. Bell is of course ready. Unfortunately Kevin’s brother is not, so when he sees his big bro surge forward he is taken by surprise and is a couple steps off. Bell doesn’t go for the gun which is what most are expecting, he slips low and sidesteps Kevin. Kevin’s large body was blocking his brother’s view of the events. So he is startled to see Bell in front of him. Bell knows that he has to end this hard, and fast. While Kevin recovers, his brother gets a kick to knee as he passes. As he drops to the ground Bell is already heading back and drives his forearm into the back of the screaming man’s head. Since he is out of the fight Bell turns his attention to Kevin. “Last chance.” Kevin isn’t one to give up easily, but once again his path is blocked, this time by a very large black security guard. “You are going to have to leave.” The mountain says. “But that guy has a gun,” Kevin pleads defensively. “Do you have a gun,” the man asks without turning. “Nope,” Bell states pulling the pistol from his waistband. “There you have it.” Bell bends down to the slowly recovering Jake and puts the gun in his moth. “You will unfuck yourself or I will unfuck you for you.” No one doubts the truth in his words. “I will not deny any of you treatment if any of you are injured,” the security guard continues, “now can I expect you to play nice with each other?” That is when Jordan circles a finger in the air giving the rally signal. All of a sudden, most of the young men in the vicinity stand up and stand behind Bell. “I think we are okay,” Kevin states as he picks up his brother who is holding his shattered knee and moaning in pain. Jake nods over and over chattering his teeth on the barrel. In movies they like to uncock a pistol by pulling the trigger and using your thumb to slow the travel of the hammer. That is just asking for it to discharge. The safest way to put the Beretta 92 series 9mm pistol into a non-firing mode is to click the safely. In truth it isn’t a safety, it is a decocking lever. And the “click” of the hammer going forward on safe is almost deafening when the gun is still in your mouth. Plus is it some intimidating than the Hollywood way. It does not take long for Jake to collect his wife in the middle of a contraction and help his in laws out the door. “As a trauma hospital Harborview is the best, but I recommend Swedish for the birth of your child,” the security guard calls after them. “Thanks,” Bell says waling back to his seat. “Airborne,” the guard answers. For those close it sounds like Air-born, but for those who know it sounded more like Err-bone. The way that only a true paratrooper says it. “Rangers lead the way,” Bell says smiling. “Hooah.” He was never a Ranger, it wasn’t the life he wanted, but he did spend his first couple tours with the 82nd Airborne. And those that wear the silver wings are all one big family. Just as Bell sits down, Chong goes running past, and taps him on the arm urging him up, “Payback time,” is all he says without slowing. A few short miles away in a dark room the only sound is a young voice reciting: “Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.”

Ranger Down #4

Lord Falco is the most powerful man in all the realm. When he is online that is. In the real world he is no idiot though. He buys all his computer parts separately and with cash so that he can’t be tracked. There is no way the government knows his IP address. His work, his fun, in fact his entire life is done online and the last thing he needs is the government looking in on what he is doing. Unlike his friends who live in cabins like hermits, “Falco” as he likes to be called lives in the city. Out in the woods you are one person for every five square miles, but here he is one of millions! The men in black can’t sneak up on him from the safety of the woods on his own property. Nope, here he can see them coming. Plus he can cache his stuff for escape nearby without any worries of discovery. Wisely he shops at night. The area he lives is well lit and the satellites that track over cities at night use mostly infrared and the lights near the hospitals cause flares so they can’t see him. He is happily snacking on the cake and creamy goodness that is a twinkie when his worst nightmare unfolds in front of him. They were right, the black helicopters would come when he least expected it. He is surprised that the government figured out a way around the tangles of the power lines in this busy part of town. They used the innocent hospital landing pads to insert their storm troopers. Somehow they must have been able to track his blogs and they know he is on to them. He alone has the proof that Dick Cheney staged the terrorist attacks on 9-11 to get at the gold underneath the towers and eliminate his rivals at the pentagon. If it weren’t for the Patriots about the other flight, he would have gotten away with taking out most of the reporters of the Washington post (his nefarious next target.) When he sees the soldiers running up the street towards his apartment building he drops his groceries and hails the next taxi. Another benefit of staying so close to hospitals. He has the driver speed to a nearby parking garage, and as he watches the skies, he can see another helicopter circling, most likely looking for him. Once in the parking structure it takes all the money he has to convince the driver to take him to the airport, but with him in the trunk. That way “the man” will think that he is in the next car to leave the parking garage. The driver lets him out of the trunk in the long term parking where he has a car waiting. He makes sure that there is still a “clean” laptop and a bag of clothes. Where his spare tire should be is a stash of cash and a fresh identity. Unfortunately Lord Falco will have to die. He may have to use his “norm” name until he is able to find a new network. As he starts up the car he checks under his seat for the pistol and makes sure it has a bullet in it. If they try and capture him he wants to make sure he has it handy. One bullet is all he has, and one bullet is all he needs. They are making good time, unlike the smaller Blackhawks the large twin rotor Chinooks cannot land on the helicopter pads on the hospital. As directed they dropped off the 28 Rangers in a field and they had to run the half mile to secure the perimeter. They might be a little winded, but moving at a full run with gear on would take a lot out of anyone. However they are members of the elite Ranger Battalion. If any of them fall behind, they can expect to be wearing a new unit patch Monday morning. Staff Sergeant Todd notices that they collect some curious stares from most people as they pass by. Armed men running the streets is something you don’t see everyday. But since they are in uniform and running in a file formation the natural assumption is that things are okay. So while there is no panic, there are some interesting reactions. One guy tosses the drugs out of his pocket and places his hands against a nearby wall spreading his legs. Todd just tells him ot report to the nearest police station without losing a step. He doesn’t care if the guy does or not, but it is a funny story he will tell later. He does make sure he stomps on the man’s drugs as he passes. The best reaction by far is the fat guy who squealed like a little girl, dropped his bags and waddled into the nearest cab. Todd watched the half eaten twinkie drop from his mouth as he freaked out. He doesn’t know why he had the reaction, but there has got to be a good story behind it. As soon as they reach the front of the hospital, they see CSM Roc standing there waiting. There will be an asschewing to come if he had to wait long. It will not matter that one landed on the roof and rode an elevator down and the other had to run in. No Sergeant Major is ever left waiting. Without waiting for instructions, the men form a semi circle around the entrance. The squad leaders go to the middle and wait for orders. The Sergeant Major looks around and smiles, if this is going to be his last chance at leadership, he is happy that he gets to lead this caliber of men. One Blackhawk continues to circle with the sniper teams on it waiting for where they are to be employed. This is the hardest part, circling and waiting. The sooner you get in place, the sooner you can start doing the bad things to the bad guys. You can’t do anything up here doing a circle jerk in the air. Specialist Chong takes off the surgical mask to give CSM Roc an update. While it can be difficult to remember every single soldier in the Battalion, he remembers this young man. When he was a private the recon platoon requested a medic, but he didn’t have any with Ranger tabs as they requested. So they got the most high speed medic in the battalion, Recon isn’t an easy platoon and you need someone who can keep up. Private First Class Chong was the only one who could. He proved himself beyond expectations, but still the Platoon Sergeant brought him in front of Roc complaining that he didn’t want an untabbed medic in his platoon. Chong was crushed, he though he had eared the respect of the platoon, to satisfy the Platoon Sergeant, Chong was on his way to Ranger school the next day. It he was the only medic to be recommended for Ranger School that year, and he eared his spot. The whole recon platoon insisted on it. “He is out of surgery,” he says clearly tired, “three of Delta Company guys who were in town are outside his recovery room right now. He lost consciousness as he was being prepped for surgery and most likely will not wake up for a while.” “They pulled two bullets out of him and he lost a lot of blood. If he would have gotten here five minutes later, he would not have made it. That is about all the good news that I have.” “Give me the bad,” Roc orders. “He has some blood on his shirt that does not correspond to an injury and they had to remove a few pellets from his left arm.” “What does that mean?” “Most likely that there is a someone out there with a shotgun wound. He was nearby when they were shot and tried to help which is where the other blood comes from. So either there is a civilian out there who is some serious trouble, or there is another wounded Ranger.” That thought fills Sergeant Major with dread. If there is another one of his soldiers out there, he will find him before sunrise. Even if he has to turn over the entire city to do it. Within a half hour the Harborview Hospital becomes the most secure facility in the city. There are uniformed Rangers in the parking lot ensuring good traffic flow and watching for suspicious activity. There are Rangers in civilian clothes sprinkled throughout the place, the ones with injuries are in the halls and blending in the ER. This is the first time in years that there hasn’t been people sneaking a smoke in the stairwell. With Rangers strategically placed, no one lingers too long. Finally the Blackhawk stops circling overhead and teams are deployed on the rooftops. The teams are happy to finally be out and in place in case any action happens. While the city sleeps, Rangers maneuver all around the area. By the time people are going to work, there is an invisible force ready for anything. Which is good, because something is going to happen…….very soon. Teams are in place, the area is secure, and the staff is assured that this is not going disrupt their daily routine. In the short time the Rangers are there, the place actually runs smoother than the normal chaos. Just as he finishes the radio checks and steps outside to get some fresh air before planning the next step, Sergeant Major Roc sees a familiar vehicle pull up into the loading zone. Colonel’s Knights truck is hard to miss. He has an old Chevy Bronco, it has to be at least 15 years old. It has that deep throaty engine and huge tires. It is clear that it has seen more mud trails than asphalt in its life. And carried more than its fair share of deer out of the woods. “You know you can’t park here,” Roc says to his commander as he climbs down. Smiling he responds, “I’ll find someone to move it later.” Colonel Knight is the only one in a pressed camouflage uniform. He knows that he is going to be the face on this, and wants to look presentable for meetings with the local police and government officials. Right now he wants to have the impression of being a tactical leader. When the time comes, he has his dress uniform in the back of his truck. When he left the unit after giving his officers a way out, he drove his car back to his house. Got his uniforms and personal weapons, threw them in the back of his Bronco and drove to the city. “I gave you an out Sir,” Roc says respectfully, “you should have taken it.” “Fuck you.” Knight states flatly. Gaining newfound respect for the guy Roc replies, “you wouldn’t like it Sir, I would just lie there.” There is some comfort in knowing that you will have others with you at your court-martial. “How many officers left?” “We lost a few lieutenants, Delta’s company commander and the XO. Alpha stayed 100%. No one took the lifeline.” The Executive Officer, or XO, has always been suspected of being a shady bastard. Knight knows that he is hoping that the SGM and CO will be relieved and he will get command. Of course that will never happen. In the Ranger Regiment you are not rewarded by stepping away from risk. “If any of them are still assigned to the Ranger Battalion Monday morning, you won’t be Sergeant Major.” It isn’t a threat, it is the gospel. And with that, the Commander walks off to check on his men inside. When the doors open, the mood changes, here is the Commander! He is here to personally lead, taking risk upon himself but mainly he is directing any blame his way. Now no one is going to be the one to drop the ball. Inspired, every position, observation post and sniper team is inspired to tighten their shot group and they feel invigorated in the early morning hours. They have been keeping the man in the room for a few hours now. Of course he wasn’t going to talk in the first hour. He needed to be “encouraged” to tall them what they want to know. He will break, they always do. Of course it is getting a little hot inside the masks. And for a while their prisoner hasn’t been too active, he remains slumped over repeating the same thing over and over. This part sounds like: “Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier, who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air. I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other soldier.” Before he can get to the next part, one of their group bursts into the room. “One of them survived and is in the hospital.” Everyone shares a collected thought. If that guy talks, they all are in trouble. No one knows how much he saw or knows, but it isn’t worth the risk. He was taken to a trauma hospital that is second to none in the state. There is usually enough chaos in those places that a few guys can slip in and out without too much trouble. Quickly four men are selected and sent out. Had they known what was waiting for them, they would have said more lasting goodbyes. Then again if they really knew what was waiting, they wouldn’t have gone. There is that moment when you set up an ambush where you are so excited that it is happening, you almost blow it. First you have doubts that anything is going to happen, then when it looks like things are going your way, you want to jump at the chance before your target can get away. The hardest part is having the discipline not to do anything at all, but to let them get farther into the trap. That is exactly what most of the Rangers have to do. First there is the team on a rooftop half a block away that reported the car dropping off one passenger who then runs into a hospital entrance that has less traffic in and out. He passes near the ER where Sergeant Jordan is invisible among the other patients with casts and slings. He confirms the sighting and lets the guy get deeper into the trap. Of course he is just a scout, and they want the whole group. He finds the entrance that leads into the alley and opens the door. One of the guys waiting outside hands him a sawed off shotgun and they head up the back stairs. They try to be stealthy but their footfalls echo in the empty stairwell. Fortunately they know where they are going and will be in and out in a few minutes. Nothing creates chaos like gunfire. All they have to do it dump the guns into one of the red buckets that are used for biohazards and run out with the crowds. The car is going to circle and pick them up at the arranged site. One of the problems with being the get away driver is that you tend to get focused on the getaway and lose sight of the peripherals. For example you are so intent on watching the door your friends are supposed to come out of you don’t notice the four Rangers sneaking up on you. Usually get way drivers don’t leave the cars running, for fear it will look suspicious, however it is good to be able to peel out and get away. So when he sees the men moving through the shadows and he tries to start the car, his window explodes inward and a barrel is shoved in his place. If he would have been ready he could have just pushed on the accelerator, but alas it is not to be. He is yanked out, searched, bound with zip-ties, and shoved back in his own car. Part of the team rides with him, the rest return to the OP. Suddenly he feels empathy for the man in the little room. Unfortunately, some things you can’t undo. Exiting the stairwell suddenly they rush through the halls. This is the point where they are exposed, but also when they can do the most collateral damage. Most people will not be sure of what they are seeing, they will wonder if they really see men with guns. Those that don’t see it out of the corner of their eyes will usually either freeze or hit the ground. Either one will do. Naturally anyone who freezes in their way will be knocked down, but that is the risk they take. This is step one in the chaos. After the shooting starts, everyone will be running every which way. If you no longer havethe guns in hand, they won’t be able to remember who was shooting and who wasn’t. By the time anyone figures it out they will be long gone. When they round the corner they find the first of a few surprises of the night, or for a couple the last surprises of their lives. “Hi,” Wendy says in a chipper voice. They hit a bottle neck in the doorway, there are things they were expecting to see, but a smiling, good looking girl was not one of them. She seems remarkably relaxed for the given situation. Her hands are clearly visible and not threatening. Slowly she raises them and only has a keychain in one of them. As she raises her hands, she eases to the head f the bed next to the still unconscious solider and slides her body as close to the wall as possible. If Chong wanted a ride to the hospital, she was going to have to drive him, and if she was driving she wanted to know what was going on. Wendy knows that someday she will be Wendy Chong and she knows what to expect from the life of the Ranger wife. They couldn’t talk her out of doing this. Someone is going to have to stay in the room and the nurses won’t bother a woman as much as a man, especially if the only relationship is that of a fellow soldier. She was given a simple keyless remote. The lock button arms it, the unlock disarms it. But all she had to worry about was get out of the way, and push the panic button. The rest would be taken care of. What she didn’t understand is why they told her not to close her mouth after pushing it. For the two guys who are inside the room, practically stepping over each other, time seems to slow down. They have their guns raised and not really caring why the girl is in the room. But she closes her eyes, yet keeps her mouth open. It is the “beep, beep” coming from the window that draws their attention. Anything too sudden might make them pull the trigger in surprise, but the sounds draws their attention right before the windows shatter from a small shaped charge on the outside ledge. Now everything starts to come together, when they got the call the men of the roof checked their ropes. “Oz” is visibly excited. His nickname doesn’t come from a compression of his last name “Oswald” it is because he likes to rappel “Aussie” style, which means head first. Plus like the people from Down Under, he is more than a little crazy. He pulls out he thinks is the right amount of rope and starts walking back. Right before the explosives go off, they glow green. One guy is leaning over the side and as soon as he see the glow yells, “Green light!” With that Oz takes a running start and leaps over the edge. His “Ranger Buddy” or rappelling partner just rolls his eyes and starts down the side at a swift, but manageable speed. Across the street the sniper team has been watching the men enter the room. The spotter sets down his binos and pulls up his silenced M4. The sniper has a M14 with a suppressor. They are part of the Long Range Recon Platoon, LRRPS were almost donw away with, the COL Knight kept a platoon around for the Headquarters company. As soon as they see the green light, they shoot. In the half second delay, the window shatter and their sights fill with the two men. One shoot left, the other right. Oz can actually see the vapor trails of the bullets below him that pass just a second before he swings into the room. As soon as his feet hit floor, his pistol is out and he is covering the room. His partner is not far behind. The two in the hall run at the first sign of the red mist that was their friend’s chest. Panic isn’t a rational act by the mind or body. They don’t get three steps before they are taken down by the “patients” who were sitting outside in the hall. One of the orderlies pulls out a pistol from under his scrubs and covers the tow would be assassins. It is then that they see that most everyone in the immediate vicinity is here to protect their target. Soldiers form the medic platoon are sprinkled throughout the floor. They are even try and help out the nurses on duty. While it is seen as a kind act, they are really just hoping for some play when this is all over. As soon as Oz detaches himself from his rig he and his partner grab the two who are restrained in the hall and drag them to their feet. They hustle them up stair and onto the roof. The last thing they get to see before the bags go over their heads is the Blackhawk flaring into a landing, ready to take them away. Where, they don’t know but there is no way it will be good. The same reasons why the Rangers are going through such extremes for their comrades is explained in the first sentence of the mutterings of a slumped over Ranger captive. If only they would listen they would understand as he speaks: “Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One hundred percent and then some.”

Ranger Down #3

CSM Roc takes the Commander into his office. No need for the troops to see this. The CO settles into his chair for what will be nothing but bad news. He is wondering why he wasn’t informed at first, is his senior enlisted shielding him, or keeping him out of the loop? He will listen objectively; this man deserves the benefit of the doubt so when he is ready he simply says, “Report.” “Sir,” Roc starts off respectfully, “The information we have so far is that a Specialist from Charlie company is in a Seattle Hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. Information is still coming in, but what we know is that he was with two other soldiers that are at this time unaccounted for. He passed off the card to a nurse in the emergency room. I have accounted for most of the soldiers in the Battalion, with everyone coming in except those in the Seattle area in case we need to stage a group or to gather intel.” The Commander is hard to read, so he continues, “with all due respect Sir, the more you know the less deniability you have. This goes for all officers. You have careers, the enlisted can just say they are following orders. Unless they make an E-10 rank, this is as far as I can get. You might want to consider sitting this one out.” That is how any good Non Commissioned Officer would handle it. Give the commander options. He can know that Roc will take care of the situation, and he can be insulated from the fallout. He doesn’t say anything at first, just contemplating what his options are. After a while he says, “Send in the officers.” With that, Roc salutes and leaves. When this goes to court-martial, and this most likely will, he wants to remember his last salute before he had to appear before the board. This is a good one, saluting a man he has known and served with for a very long time. Your last salute should be to someone you respect above all others. On his way out to the waiting soldiers he sees a man in a black flight suit strolling up. He has the unconcerned swagger of a Chief Warrant Officer. CSM Roc doesn’t even have to see his face to know who it is. There are two things that are ever present with this guy. He is popping gum and carrying a spill proof metal coffee mug. No one has ever seen him put gum in, so maybe he has been chewing the same piece for the past three years, and that coffee mug just might be permanently attached to his left hand. Chief Warrant Officer 4 Lancer is the typical flight Warrant. He gets the best of both worlds, the respect of NCOs, and gets saluted. The pay is better and he gets to fly all the time. He gets paid to play, and you can’t beat that. Warrant Officers usually have the confidence, but lack the arrogance of other fliers. They have nothing to prove, considered “subject matter experts” they call each other by first names and keep it as relaxed as possible. Flight Warrants don’t have troops, either to lead, or set an example for so their lives truly are cake. “Sup Sarent Major,” he drawls in his lazy style. Calling him Sar-ent because Sergeant is too long. “What are you doing here Chief,” Roc asks, overlooking the name change. “Ranger down,” he says taking a sip, “I came.” Helicopter pilots and Rangers have had an unspoken agreement that was cemented In the Vietnam War. If a pilot ever went down he knew that the Rangers would come get him, and if a Ranger was ever in trouble, he knew that pilots would fly through anything to get him out. Both will do all they can to get the other out alive, but if that isn’t possible, they will bring a body out so your family has something to bury back home. “Not sure you want a piece of this Chief, might get a little sticky…legalwise.” “Okay stop with the hard sell, I’m in,” he replies smiling. “Unfortunately I have a chopper already stowed in the C-17 for travel as part of the Red Cycle; however I can give you one Chinook and two Blackhawks right now. I can wake up more if you need.” As they walk out the door Roc hears first, then sees a Blackhawk helicopter maneuvering from the hanger to real estate on the airfield nearest to the Ranger Battalion. “I love chopper jocks,” Roc mutters to himself. First Sergeant Carver clearly is not pleased. As the First Sergeant of Bravo Company it was his unit’s responsibility to be on Red Cycle. If anything happened they should be able to have a formation within an hour, be wheels up in two hours and anywhere in the world in eighteen hours, ready to fight. This ragtag group in front of him is a disappointment. While it is true that Red Cycle comes and goes without anything happening, but rules are rules, and some of his troops have obviously been drinking. His first order is to separate them. “Whoever has been drinking is to go to the dayroom and sleep it off. If you leave right now, I will not recommend Article 15 punishment. If you lie and jeopardize lives, I guarantee full punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” When put that simply, several men step out of formation. It looks bad, but not as bad as being a private tomorrow. Or getting a buddy killed. “Wright,” Carver calls after the group identifying the ranking member, “take charge, they can get poncho liners and that is it. They will not leave the day room until ordered too, understand?” “Roger First Sergeant,” is wisely all he says. This is one order he doesn’t dare screw up. Command Sergeant Major Roc comes up behind Carver and whispers, “I want their shit out of my rooms and I want them out of my Battalion before they wake up. Their platoon sergeants will report to me when this is all over. Sergeant Jordan hobbles over to Roc to give him a message, as usual the ones on duty are either screw ups or injured. Jordan broke his ankle on a jump a few weeks ago. Like a good troop he has yet to complain about it, like most Rangers he would rather be out in the woods blowing shit up rather than sitting behind a desk. The sight of him inspires Roc. “Get every brokedick on the chopper,” he bellows to the assembled leaders. They are going to a hospital after all. “They will wear civies and concealed pistols.” That is when everyone knows this is real. They are going somewhere armed. Finally he addresses the assembled men. With no officers in the crowd he keeps it informal. “Here is the situation, Specialist Brown from C CO has been shot. As soon as he is stabilized, they are going to operate. He was with two buddies, neither is accounted for. Your first priority is to protect Brown, then we will find the others. This is a no-shit operation. Deadly force is authorized according to standard rules of engagement.” After letting that sink in, he passes out assignments. “Bravo Company will take point as a quick reaction force and establish a beachhead at the hospital. Alpha will follow on and set up a more static TOC, Charlie and Delta will prep and relieve them later. Headquarter platoons will get instructions individually. RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!” “HOOAH!!!!” The collected mass responds and with that, they are in motion. Specialist Chong followed the instructions to the letter. As a native he knew the fastest way to the hospital, however he was slowed by the shower he had to take. As ordered the senior man took charge. Since most do not go to the city to party with a weapon they are unarmed. But without guns, Rangers still aren’t defenseless. Some blend into the crowd, others wait for the reinforcements that will arrive soon. As the only medic assembled he is the one who enters the OR when Brown is wheeled in. He thought that he could sneak in with the “acquired” scrubs, but most doctors know who is on their staff and who should be in the room. “Who are you,” he demands. “Specialist Chong Sir,” he answers with respect. “Get out of my OR!” “No can do Sir. If I leave you will have another patient on your hands, either the person who tries to remove me or it will be me when Sergeant major gets here, I am here to be able to give him a first hand report and he is not the kind of man you disobey,” Chong answers in all seriousness. Then adds, “I am a trained combat medic. I have assisted in countless operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as patched up Rangers under fire. I am sterile and qualified to be here.” “Stay,” the Doctor decides, he really doesn’t have the time to argue, and what can it hurt. Chong didn’t think he needed to add that the Glock in the small of his back is sterile too. Except for the gun oil you could eat off a Ranger’s handgun. He also didn’t want to say that he was ordered to not leave Brown’s side in case someone came for him. While medics aren’t combat troops, they are allowed under the Geneva conventions to protect a patient. He is not sure hwo the Geneva conventions cover this situation, but then again he is just following orders. Granted that didn’t work out too great for the Nazis, but one thing at a time. The Commander offers them the lifeline. The collected officers have careers to protect so they aren’t forced to participate in this. He has assignments for those that choose to go, and the rest should just go home. The less they know, the better. Alpha Company’s Commander Captain Dunn offers to take pass out the assignments and makes it clear that he is staying. Delta’s commander Captain Robinson makes it clear that he is not. They are ordered to go home and get their gear, any officer who comes back is volunteering to participate. With that The Commander exits his office and drives his car outside the Battalion fence without looking back. While the choppers fly over I-5 on their way north a young man sits slumped over in his chair. He doesn’t even bother to wite the blood from his face. His hands and feet tied to a wooden chair, he appears to be in a state between conscious and unconscious. His captors aren’t sure he is even aware of what is going on around him. They can’t quite make out what he is muttering, but it seems to be the same thing over and over again. They lean in to make out: “Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and high "esprit de corps" of the Rangers.”

Ranger Down #2

There are a few things that will stop everything in the Army. A Red Cross message, a congressional inquiry, and the sound of a pager that never goes off. The reason it never goes off is because nothing ever happens. There are never any test pages. You sign it out, go off base, have your fun, and turn it back in later. So when the permanently silent pager makes noise, you answer. Scott Darby is sitting back and enjoying the show, literally. Since he is on Red Cycle, he can’t drink, neither can his squad mates. So they decide to hit the strip club. Because they are traveling together, only one person has to sign for a pager. When it goes off he reads the message and stands to leave. All he has to do is raise his index finger in the air and make a circle and everyone else gets up to follow him. The “rally” signal is pretty common and is unmistakable. Of course it is easy to follow the guy who has the car keys when he is leaving. Drew is the only one who didn’t see it, of course he is distracted by the lap dance he is currently enjoying. When Scott whispers, “Ranger Down” into his ear, he pushes the half naked stripper off him and follows them out to the car. Sergeant McCoy is in the middle of chatting up a girl when his hip vibrates. It startles him so much he almost spills his soda on her. After reading it, he gets the guys who are came Downtown with him and tells them all to, “stand by for further instructions” he makes a quick call on his cell phone and continues to talk to the girl. Not that he is interested in her anymore; he is just killing time until someone contacts him. Staff Sergeant Samuel Isler has made an investment in both time and money. He has been seeing Janet for a few weeks. They both knew how tonight would end, but she still wanted the dance. So he took her out to a nice dinner, they took a walk along the Tacoma waterfront, then as he dropped her off, he politely waited to be invited in. Sam isn’t what you think of as your typical Ranger, he is smart, articulate, level headed and well read. He isn’t just trying to drink away his military career, or try to see how many notches he can put in his bedpost. However he does share the qualities with how you think of your typical Ranger, he is in top physical condition, he is an aggressive fighter and can outshoot your average soldier even on his worst day. He is also takes a lot of pride in his Ranger tab. It is no wonder that he checks the pager as soon as it chirps. “You have got to be kidding,” Janet mutters looking at the naked man reading the text message on the pager. It reads, “RANGER DOWN! REPORT IN, THOSE IN SEATTLE STAY THERE AND WAIT FOR ORDERS ALL OTHERS RTB.” Knowing there is no way she will understand Sam looks at the Trojan package with the single tear in the wrapping and throws it away as he grabs his clothes. He does manage an “I’m sorry,” but he is not sure if she will believe, understand, or forgive. And right now he doesn’t have the time to get into it. Specialist Walter Chong found himself in a similar situation, but his girlfriend lives in Seattle, not far from where he was raised, so he jumps back into bed. While he is waiting for further instructions he might as well pass the time. And this is indeed his favorite pastime. Rangers take pride in being Rangers. There are a couple distinct ways that the pride is manifested. Some believe in the Ranger Creed like it is a mantra. They believe that it is up to them to “Set the example for others to follow” that being a Ranger means that you live by a higher standard. They accept that burden and live in that way. There are the others that believe the hype. They think that “elite” means better. They are the ones with the arrogance, the ones getting drunk and fighting. They look down on “big Army” soldiers and consider everyone who doesn’t wear the Ranger Scroll unit patch to be lesser. They even look down on those in the Special Forces community as glory hounds who get the better press. It is exactly this type that Sergeant Wright is. Since he is better than the rest of the Army, their rules don’t apply to him. Unfortunately he also thinks that some rules of the Ranger Battalion don’t apply to him either. He is very wrong. The halls are alive with activity everyone is running around grabbing uniforms and checking gear. Even those on their cell phones are moving with a purpose. He is standing in Alpha companies barracks when he hears the shouting “Ranger Down!” echo through the halls. No one really knows exactly what this means, but Rangers aren’t exactly lacking in enthusiasm, especially when it means looking after one of their own. The company duty NCO walks the second floor of the barracks and calls out, “Stand by, you will have more information as it comes in. If you are in Bravo company you are to report in formation….in uniform…time fucking NOW!” That announcement runs a chill through Wright’s spine. He is standing outside a friends room, holding a beer. Yes he is on Red Cycle, but they never get called up. The idea of being n formation with alcohol on his breath is not a pleasant one. There is nothing he can do except pour out his beer and head to his unit. At least he can grab some mouthwash once he is back in his room changing. He is stopped by Bravo company CQ. The Charge of Quarters private is stopping everyone coming in and says, “Top says that formation is come as you are.” That is not good. The company First Sergeant is already there and doesn’t want to wait for people to get changed into uniform. He sees soldiers in civilian clothes and BDU pants, but civilian t-shirts or sneakers and not boots. No one is getting yelled at, they really mean come as you are. There is no way he is going to be able to disguise his breath. He is screwed. The benefit of the phone tree is that most people only need to call one person. Platoon Sergeants call squad leaders. Squad leaders call their fire team leaders. Everyone just calls the name on the list below his own. If he can’t get reach that person, he calls the next name on the list. The last person call the top person and reports who they could not get a hold of. Command Sergeant Major Roc pulls into his parking space and walks right up to the First Sergeant for Bravo Company. He is in the middle of getting the report when the very familiar car of the Battalion Commander pulls into the fence that separates the Ranger Battalion from the rest of Fort Lewis. “Shit.”
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