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Dv8's blog: "Randomness"

created on 11/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/randomness/b23088

This is my story.

Ok, so for those of you wondering how I became a wrestler..here's the story. The whole story filled with nothing but absolute truth and nostalgia! This also goes right on up to current. So enjoy! So I was 14, and it was a Sunday. The big WWF Pay Per View was going to be on that night and me and a couple of my friends were going to go to Hooters to go watch it. I had been a huge fan of The Hardy Boyz. I grew up basically watching them and Lita because I loved their high fly, high risk style in the ring. Anyway, earlier that day my friend Jeff came over and gave me an article out of Creative Loafing (a newspaper in our area) for a wrestling school. He knew that I wanted it because I had been searching for schools to attend 2 months prior to this date. Anyway, he gave me the clipping. I stuffed it into my back pocket and we hung out all day. Later that night, we were at Hooters, whooping and hollering at the TV. A guy I had never met before walked up and placed a business card on the table and basically said that it was for me. What he said was so hazy. He said it so fast and so low, it was hard to hear due to the crowd. Anyway, I looked at the card, and it was the same school as the article. I even pulled it out of my pocket to compare. So I figured it was a sign and that I'd call the next day. I did. Eventually, I went with a friend of mine to go check it out. I didn't expect to actually get into the ring that day, but I did. They wanted to see how I was in the ring, so they invited me up into the squared circle. I had never done any type of bump for one day in my life..and the first couple of bumps were addictive and painful. Immediately, I was hooked. I left there shaking, excited, and begging for more. I didn't tell my parents about the experience. They were against it. My dad was really against it. He didn't want me to get hurt. They were more worried about my grades. I kept going back, everyday for 2 or 3 hours a day. My trainer was understanding about my situation and that I couldn't pay him. But he told me not to worry about it much. He said I definitely had what it took to make it. He wanted to push me to get into Tough Enough. I wasn't so sure I wanted to go that route. I wanted to do it the way everyone else had. Pay your dues, travel the road, and take the hardships with the rewards. He continued to train me..and my parents were still oblivious to the fact. Everyday I woke up with bruises and sore muscles, but everyday I hid my bruises and pushed on throughout the day at school. I figured if I worked hard enough, I could keep my grades up and do the wrestling gig too, and that my parents would be cool with it...but I kept it from them, trying to ease them into it gently. That didn't work so well when I had my first show. It was in Maysville, GA. I remember the Elementary school's gym, and even what I wore. The black and silver garb with my feather boa and my Dawn-esque face paint. I only had a small spot that night, and was in the battle royal at the end of the night. At practice a couple weeks before this, I was excelling. I had learned how to do a top rope hurricanrana amongst a few other hurricanrana arsenals. My spot in the show was simple. I ran out, interfered in a single match. Well, once I crotched the guy on the top rope, I'd bounce around like that was awesome and I was happy that I did it. I asked his opponent for a high five. He said, "If I give you a high five, will you go away?" I said yes, lying of course, and he gave me one. We wrapped fingers, I ran to the turnbuckle, walked the top rope and swung into a hurricanrana. I slid out of the ring and walked outside, acting like I was checking out the guy I crotched. Well, he threw the guy I hurricanrana'd outside the ring, then I gave him another on the concrete. After that I left slowly. Later that night I was in the battle royal, and eliminated by a huge powerbomb. I had fun, but my fun was shattered quick, when my parents found out where I was. We had told them that I was going to my friend's family reunion..which..the story actually worked..until my friend's mom called looking for her son. Yeah, that sucked! So I got chewed out on the phone..and ended up crying all the way home to a very upset mom and dad. So I got all my wrestling privileges stripped completely. I threw away all my posters, boxed up all my action figures. I thought I would never wrestle again. Until my trainer came to talk to my parents and told them how good I was. My parents got passed the fact that I lied to them, and forgave me for it. I got everything back, and I was allowed to wrestle again. They even came to my shows! I worked shows with them for a while. PWA was the school I went to, and also the show I worked for at first. I also won the PWA Tag Team Championship. I was the only female to attend the school. I worked shows with them for a long time, and then they merged with WWA4 in Atlanta. We did shows there at the club next door. In PWA, I grew up with guys like Jay Fury, Mustang, and Lunasyc. I got to meet some very cool people, and a couple of people who made it into the Biz. Like Kris Kanyon, Glacier, and New Jack. One of the worst nights of my life. It was a small show at WWA4 and we were throwing it for family and friends. I was in a three way dance with two other females. So I came up with a good idea. I would make an illusion in our match to make it look like I got hit with an illegal object. The idea was, that I would get hit with an empty chocolate box. That box would get thrown out the ring, opposite side of the crowd (since the crowd was only on one side of the ring, instead of 3 sides.) The valet outside would then place a metal pipe in the box and hand it back in after the match was done. That way, it would get the heel over with the fact that she hit me and would stand over me, pulling the pipe out and bragging. It didn't go as planned. The pipe was never pulled out, and so, she had come flying off the top rope, hitting me over the head with this box. I fall backward, selling normally. I couldn't figure out why my head hurt so badly. Little did I know, until I sat up, I was busted open and was drenching the ring. No stitches required (Thank God!) After a while, I worked for smaller federations. Some I traveled to with friends, others were local. I began to work for a place called NWF after a friend of mine told me about it. This friend had grown up with me to at PWA. There is where I met Brandy Scotch. We became friends and eventually practiced together at WWA4. We bettered ourselves there and began to work with FWF. We were both named Women's Champions there. And one night, we were working a Toys for Tots benefit. There is where we both met John Johnson. We gave him our numbers, and we then got a call from Greg Hunter. He asked us if we could travel to wrestle for MAXW. And we did. We had tons and fun and enjoyed the travel and the scenery. We loved the locker room most of all. The people were polite, and we met several folks from NWA Anarchy. We were excited that it was televised locally, and we became local stars. To hear people talk about you and recognize you every time you go to the mall was definitely a treat! It got to the point where we would give out autographs here and there. I developed a pretty big fan base and was overjoyed. I was crowned MAXW Women's Champion, (But that's a whole different story!) Then came the time I moved to North Carolina. I still traveled to some of the shows in GA and SC, and soon was introduced to the scene up there. I got set up with a federation called GOUGE Wrestling. I wasn't certain on what I would be doing for the first show, but I was asked to show up anyway. So on what little gas I had left, and not sure of any pay, I traveled anyway. I didn't expect anything. I went with an open mind, an eagerness to work, and a positive attitude. Before I had arrived, I was told I'd be in a three way women's dance. When I got there, that was changed. He said it wouldn't make sense to throw me into a fight I had no business being in. I could understand that and told him I was there for whatever he needed. Match or valet wise. He asked me to gear up anyway, so I did. He ended up placing me in a match with a guy with double personas. I faced Skelator that night. We had a great match, and right off the bat I was accepted. It felt great. The crowd was awesome! Later that night I was paid and thanked and praised. I hadn't expected any of it, and left in an even better mood than when I arrived. I promised I would definitely be working for him again. Shortly thereafter, I met a guy named Tim over Myspace. He said that he was coming up with a federation soon, and would like to recruit my talent. I found out there shortly afterward, that he too worked for GOUGE, but he couldn't make it to that show. I attended a show with him as a guest, and was able to speak with a few big names. Marty Garner was there, Brad Hunter was there, and Jeff Hardy was a guest that night. I was able to say wassup. Not to mark out, but this was one of my childhood heroes – and I was in the same room with him. It was an awesome feeling. I duly noted that he was busy, and made sure to leave him be. After all, famous folks are people too…and they don't want other folks crowding them with questions on their endeavors. So I continued on with what I had to do that night. I didn't get a spot, but I would hopefully be able to work for them in the future. House of Pain wasn't ready for Toni Monroe yet. So, I hung out with Tim or "Dead Lee" as us folks in GOUGE call him. We became good friends and we even trained some of his friends to wrestle. We carpooled to GOUGE shows together and I got to meet more people. I had a blast! He even traveled with me to GA. It was back in December. December 2nd. And it was another show for FWF for a Toys for Tots benefit. This was the second worst night of my life. My new friend Tim was my manager that night. I was to face my old friend, Brandy Scotch. It was in the beginning of our match, and we were going for a maneuver we were so used to doing, and my boot got caught on the canvas. The spot messed up, and I hyper-extended my knee and sprained that same ankle. So, Tim and I ended up making a hospital trip that night. The match ended fairly quickly, although I was too stubborn to end it. The match was literally shit. So given pain medication and a knee immobilizer, we ventured back to our hotel. That night was very painful, and yet I remember it like yesterday. A week from that date, I was to wrestle for GOUGE again. I was anxious for my recovery. Tim took care of me the entire trip. And if it had not been for him, I don't know what I would've done that night. I could only think, if I had ended up going by myself. How would I have gotten home? So that next weekend, the GOUGE show was here. It was in Raleigh, and my knee was still a little stiff. I had motion without pain, unless I pulled it back all the way, then it really hurt. I was the only female in a 10 man tag team elimination match. With The Hardy Boyz & Shannon Moore there as special guests, I could care less about the pain in my knee. I was more worried about putting on a good show, better than what I normally would. The match went off ok. You can't really be in a 10 man tag team match without it becoming a cluster fuck. But all I know, I gave more than 110% for that match, and I'm damn proud of myself. It was cool to be able to hang with them a little bit afterward, although once again, they were flocked with folks to talk with..so it was difficult to ask any questions. So I let them have their time. I worked a few more shows for GOUGE before I ended up coming back home. A rough time in my life had come up, and dealing with it has been hard and difficult, but still I persevere! So here I am, still eager to get back into the ring, still working shows, and still having that drive to do what I do best. This has been my dream since I was 12. This will remain my dream until I die. And if there was or is ever a time I am not in that ring…that ring is with me…in my heart…in my mind..in my dreams. Forever.
Eck, and when I thought this week couldn't get any worse!! So, to start off this horrible week - My plans to travel to Raleigh fell through and I wasn't able to make it to GOUGE's last show at The King's Barcade. Yeah, that sucks! Not only was I hoping to see some people that are very near and dear to my heart, but I also missed my chance to help be a part of the last show at The Kings Barcade. No, GOUGE itself isn't shutting down..The Kings Barcade is being renovated I guess..and it'll be a long while until it comes back. Which sucks ass, entirely! So, I had to work on Tuesday.. ...my schedule was from 10am to 3pm. So I drag my ass out of bed to show up for work bright and early..So, to lay a little bit of the "foundation" for the story. It is my 3rd week working at my new job..and I'm the only female on the stock crew. So it's about 10:30 or so and I'm unloading a palate of paper cases into the designated area with a fellow co-worker of mine. (A paper case is very heavy. 1 ream of paper holds 500 sheets. A paper case, holds 10 reams of paper.) So we're working together to get this palate unloaded, and one side gets completely unloaded. Now normally, if the palate is in "rest position" on the dolly..even if one side is completely unloaded, the fucker won't tip. Well...it wasn't..and it did tip! I was reaching up to grab another case as my co-worker was pulling another case off the other side and the whole stack toppled over ontop of me! It mostly hit my left shoulder and my face, but it pushed me into the metal display shelving that was beside me..pushing my ear/head into it. Fucking ouch!! So I end up going to the clinic for worker's comp...and well..this clinic was horrible! The number to the claims office, that was to handle my case, was on the paper that was given to that sorry excuse for a receptionist..Instead of them calling the number within 5 minutes (like they should've done) to even see if they could treat me...they make me wait 1 1/2 to 2 HOURS!! Meanwhile, I'm busted up (not open) and fighting to stay awake with my drowsy self. Just for them to let me back there to tell me they can't treat me. So I let them have it with a few choice words..and gracefully made my exit, still holding my head. Anyways..I ended up finding the right clinic, that we've struggled ALL DAY to find, and get treated. Diagnosis: I have contusions to the skull, face, neck, and shoulder. So, I was off of work Wednesday...and had to work today..Thursday... And well, ended up going back to the clinic both days. My regular re-check was on Wednesday..so I ended up going there and they put me on a new medication. Needless to say, I tried working today and was lightheaded and my head was swimming all day! So I went back today and they told me not to take that medicine anymore just to do what I was doing when it first happened. Keeping Biofreeze on my shoulder, taking tylenol, and keeping an icepack on my head. So, this was a very interesting week...I can only wait to see what happens tomorrow - the start of a hopefully very relaxing weekend. Until next time.... XOXO, Dv8
So, just when I thought I was going to be able to make the trip to NC for the last GOUGE show in Kings (since Kings Barcade is getting closed down for renovations) I find out otherwise. How can you not know what days you have to work the week before? As far as I know, every job posts there schedules up the week before so you know what the fuck you're doing next week. Yeah well..my ride flopped on me after she made me believe we'd be able to go. So..Whatever. I'm tired of busting my ass for people who can't give me the same effort back. Not only did she fuck me..but she also fucked herself. I had lined us up a match for that show..and since she wants to do that shit...it's all good. I don't fucking care anymore. So on a lighter note. I'm re-dying my hair completely black. Yeah, I know..it's gonna kick ass. I got a little tired of the blonde bangs..so I figured I'd go for it and do the ALL black thing all over again. Yup..I know...it'll look completely sexy! Anywayz, stay tuned for my next blog later this week. XOXO, Dv8
Another day with Dv8... Ok, so I know it's been a while since I blogged..I mean truly actually had a topic- wrote down what I felt - BLOG. So I guess, here in a sense I'm going to "bleed" some thoughts and such and just get a few things off my chest. Now, naturally..I say what I feel when it comes to my head..but here lately it's been alot of biting my tongue and standing back to assess the situation. Sometimes, you just have to know when to speak your mind - and when to shut the fuck up. So, here goes.. So today, so far, my morning is going pretty well, but I can't seem to find something to do. So all morning I've been bored out of my mind. So I get on Myspace (of course) and check my email to find out that "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland has passed. My friend Robert says, "It seems that alot of the old school and 80's wrestlers are starting to fade away, and that soon enough, there won't be another wrestler like that alive to tell the tales of wrestling back when it was wrestling, when you wore straight black boots and regular trunks, when you had to drive long and hard to a show that had low billing an little pay - the good ol' days of the territories and paying your dues the right way." Well, Robert. I agree with what you're saying, but the stories of paying your dues and having to travel for low pay was just beginning with those men. They started the stories of hardships and paved the road for us, on another note..people have to sit back and acknowledge that it was extremely hard for people then, than what it is now. I'm pretty sure there weren't dozens of schools to choose from to get into the business/sport, as there is now. So some might say that our stories of hardships wouldn't matter as much...but I'll tell it like this. It does matter. It matters to countless fans that read of our hardships, and our stories make them want to do what we do. They recognize what we go through, and maybe they want to prove to themselves that they can do it as well. Granted, this business/sport isn't cut out for everyone, but it doesn't stop people from trying. When I was in my early teens, I read about the wrestlers that would drive all over the east coast, and make little or no pay at all. I've read about wrestlers who had to sleep in their car, or even in the ring they trained in, because they had no money to get a hotel and had no place to stay. Some roads are paved smoother than others. It just depends on how bad you want it. Speaking of wrestling, there is another concern that has crossed my mind here recently. I can't stress enough that taking care of your body, and knowing the signs when something is wrong, is extremely important! There are so many young wrestlers that have been dropping like flies..and it's not only wrestlers..it's a bunch of people in different sports. Get those routine physicals..don't be ashamed to go into the Dr. every month and get checked out. Times are different now..and things do change. What's to say that now you could be healthy as a horse, but in a month..you develope a heart problem or God-forbid some other type of problem due to the sport you play. This is a message to everyone who plays any type of sport! Take care of your body..it's the greatest instrument you'll ever use..take care of yourselves! Speaking of taking care of yourselves, I wanted and had to put this little inspirational message up here for all my fellow ladies out there. I can't stress enough the problems that girls go through over guys..and I'm gonna tell you girls..quit waiting on men to tell you you're beautiful. Baby, if you know you look good..then don't be ashamed to work that shit. Do the damn thing because I'm gonna throw this down there on the table, I eat pizza, cake, icecream, donuts, every thing junk-food that you can imagine..but I also eat healthy. I eat what I want..and I'm not worried about "Oh I need to think about my calories!" Nuh uh..everyone was meant to be different..and why you girls out there want to look like these supermodels that are so skinny they look like skeletons..I will never know that answer. But I'll tell you the truth, there is not one man that I have met that truly thinks that is sexy. Curves, girls, curves is where it's at! Men like something they can hold onto! Eat, drink, be merry, but take pride in what you're body can look like and work it at the gym a little. Don't be afraid to go to the gym because "People are gonna laugh at me because I look dumb" No. Those people are there for the exact thing you're there for. To get their bodies looking right. If they're concentrating on themselves..why in the hell are they gonna bother you? One last thing, and I'll be done with this rant..but if this is what you wanna look like....Oh I don't know..that skinny ass Paris Hilton..anorexic models that look LITERALLY like twigs...then keep on the track you're on. There is nothing sexy about this! (These images were not doctored. Actual images) But here's another thing that disgusts me about this..these supermodels that have this problem..the businesses don't take care of their models. If they did..they wouldn't be telling these beautiful girls to lose weight because they're fat. They would not let these models walk down their runway looking like death warmed over. It's all for the sake of money. They're saying, "Well, we'll just make this tiny dress and if the model doesn't lose the weight then we'll find someone who can fit it..just as long as we're making our quick dollar." That is so so wrong, but it's reality. It's all for the greed and love of money. Think about that. Ok, this rant is done..moving right along. So, as far as my situation presently..I still haven't gotten a car..and since I quit my job at The Pet Company..I'm still waiting to hear from Office Depot. After 3 interviews, and a drug test..you'd figure I'd have the job..but the chick was just like "We'll call you" That's basically a "Fuck off" So I'll wait for them to call me...sure...but my brother is getting me an application to work stocking things at his work. O' Reilly's or something like that. Everyone there starts out making $9.50 an hour. Not bad if you ask me. I've still been going to wrestling practice here and there, but haven't really had the funds to make it to a few shows. A couple of friends of mine have been really awesome about giving me lifts to rides and stuff..and that way they get to see a free show by getting in with me. Not a bad deal if you ask me. Unfortunately, I won't have new videos of shows until after I get things straight..so hang in there. I've gotten quite a bit of fanart and I appreciate the pictures that I've received. THANK YOU! Well, I guess that's all for this blog. Until next time keep your head on straight and think things through. XOXO, Dv8
And so the fun begins.... So, I thought things were shitty enough. Well, my birthday has come and gone....yeah, well I got sick over my birthday. And, not from drinking too much. I ended up going to the hospital on my birthday and found out that I had Pharyngitis. (Throat infection) So I ended up wearing a mask on my birthday so everyone else didn't get sick..looking like I had SARS and all that. It sucked. So then after I got back home it took a turn for the worst. I started coughing really bad and my chest hurt...I think I developed an upper respiratory infection...so anyway I'm still taking antibiotics and such and I'm starting to feel better and all..but I've been sick for so long..I can't wait to get this over with. So, on Wednesday, I had a match against Dead Lee in Raleigh at the Kings Barcade. I was walking around trying to get things ready before our match and the show hadn't started yet. I had seen that The Hardyz, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms were there...but I was looking for my opponent..I found him outside and on our way back in...we accidently walked in on The Hardyz doing their thing on camera for their Hardy Show DVD. (SORRY GUYS!!!) We didn't know what to do so we just stood there like bumps on a log and minded our own business. The match went off without a hitch! We had a really good match, but I tell you what..when Dead Lee powerbombed me at the end of the match..I thought I could die. I decided that no matter what was up...if I was still sick or healthy..I was going to wrestle. So I did wrestle but felt like I could puke when I was done. It was kewl to have wrestled such a good match infront of them...I hope they enjoyed the show! So later that night there was a battle royal at the end...in which I got my ass spanked off of me...courtesy of Cinnamon Snott. yeah...that sucked. My ass cheek is still bruised. It's all out of good fun though...nice hand there girl!! LOL. So yesterday I was rearranging my daughter's room around. And I guess while I was moving the bed around, a piece got chipped off of one of the support beams underneath...well...it eventually found it's way into my foot. The piece of wood was about 3 toothpicks wide, and about an inch and 3/4 long. It went a good quarter way into my heel. I had to call Hubby and he came home and yanked it out got me all cleaned up and stuff...THAT SUCKED ASS! It looked like some horror movie when you get impaled by something..I'm just glad I found it and my daughter didn't. So I got in touch with Shadow Jackson...and heard that the MAXW doors are always open to me...that was pretty nice to hear..I haven't been back there since I had my son...I'm going to try to make it to the next show. Hopefully if everything goes well. I don't know exactly what I have planned for today other than wrestling practice...There's supposed to be a show I'm thinking of going to tomorrow..that is if I have the funds to go...It'd be nice....Although I'm only going to be in the battle royal...we'll see. Until next time... Dv8

Fear and Loathing in NC

Well..it hasn't been all that long since I returned to the ring..and I'm already injured :( On the 13th of this month (Dec) I have a match in Raleigh NC at Kings Bar. I will be in a 10-man tag-team match (Where I will be the only female) Of course I don't mind getting down and dirty with the guys..but with my new injury..i'm beginning to wonder if I'm even gonna be able to do it..I'm pretty sure this road of recovery will be short, I've always been a quick healer. Well..to tell the truth..I'm pissed that I've injured myself. It was such a simple move that I did and ended up fucking my knee up. My opponent was going for a crucifix sunset pin and my knee got all caught up in it and she landed on my leg and my knee and ankle popped at the same time. WAS NOT FUN!!! I lost feeling in my leg from the knee down and it scared me. So after the match was over..(which ended very quickly) My friend and I left for the hospital and got checked out. Luckily..nothing is broken and I only hyper extendd my knee and sprained my ankle. they said things would be fine as long as I could get the strength back up. So I've been going to the gym and taking my time on it. I'm really excited about this match and can't wait...so if you want to see me wrestle..against 9 other guys... 424 McDowel St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Kings Bar I look forward to meeting you all!! XOXO, Me

No internet!

After today, I won't be on the internet for a long while. Unfortunately I have bills to pay like everyone else does..and I can't make the internet bill..so unfortunately it's gonna get cut off for a while. Miss you guys!! XOXO Dv8

Y Halo Thar!

Hello everyone. Ok..so here goes, my first blog for Cherrytap. For those of you who have never heard of me, (And I'm sure that's all of you)My name is Dv8. Of course this is not my real name but for all other purposes I like to stay anonymous at times. If you send me a message or whatnot and I don't get back to you right away..I'm sorry! I'm new to Cherrytap and I don't know what in the blue hell I'm doing!! A little bit about myself.. I'm married. Mother of 2 beautiful kids! My Daughter - Alyssa - is 2 and my Son - Dalen - is 3 months old. I'm a military wife of an Army man..yes..he's a stubborn man..but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been a pro-wrestler for 6 years now..long story on how I became that..but yeah..I am what I am. I love fast cars, movies, animals, tattoos, piercings, movies, music, kids, so on and so forth! I hate it when people tell me what to do..I hate it when I'm told I'll never be able to do something and it makes me want to prove them wrong! I hate to be judged or looked down upon because I've done something wrong. Love me for me..or get the fuck out of the way, because I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not! Ok..I'm a pretty fun person to hang around and I'm constantly hanging with new people trying to make friends! I'm pretty open-minded. Yes, I believe in ghosts too! I'm only 20, but I've accomplished lost of things in my short-lived life. I love breaking boundaries! I'm definately looking forward to my 21st birthday though! Anyways, hope this was a little bit of insight of who I am..enjoy! XOXO Dv8
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