I am having another moment of random thoughts (or as a good friend says "brain diarrhea" LOL). I recently started reading this book "The seven levels of Intimacy".
It is quite a good book and my reason for reading it is to gain more knowledge in True Intimacy. Already I am surprised at how well I can relate and how true the Authors words are. Here is a paragraph from the book: "The problem is, we are afraid. We are afraid to reveal ourselves, afraid to share ourselves, afraid to allowed others into our hearts, minds, and souls. We are afraid to be ourselves. We are afraid that is people really knew us they wouldn't love us. That is the deepest of all human fears, lurking in the heart of every person. Consciously and subconsciously, we are always asking ourselves, "If they really knew me, would they still love me? Employ me? Want to hand out with me?" We desperately want to love and be loved. But we want to be loved for who we are, warts and all. And although we are afraid to reveal ourselves because of the possibility of rejection, it is only by reveal ourselves that we will ever open the possibility of truly being loved.This is quite true. Something we all seem to consciously know at some level, yet really stop and think about it a moment. When we meet someone new we put our best foot forward "First impressions are the lasting ones".. why? Because we want to show our best image to others to have the lasting impression that we are "great". If someone knew you.. inside and out. Knew your worst fears, you dreams, your total thoughts, why you do everything you do... will they still love you? Will they still think you are a wonderful person inside and out? I believe deep Intimacy comes from showing someone our "true" selves and everything that we are. By putting our guard down we are showing we are human. Most important we are showing exactly who we are inside and out. Only when someone knows you for who you are (completely) can you share the wonderful experience of true intimacy.
What a shame it would be for you to go through your life not allowing this wonderful feeling to happen.
First Question, If we all evolved from a single cell then where does religion fit into Darwin's Theory? I have always been one to have an extreme faith and deep setted believe in a higher power. Even after studying Evolution I still feel there is a higher God among us. Yet, having said that I do have my questions and these questions are difficult because you nor I can give me the total honest answer to them. Such as Evolution, where does God fit into Evolution? IF we all were created from a single cell, progressing through the years and changing into what we are now Homospaiens, then where does God fit into it? Some can say, God is the existence into what has been before the single cell and what is. A good friend of mine said, you can think of it as not so much a "creator", but a higher being that oversees. I thought about that and comprehended that fully and yes that is an option. Another option is God has been there for all existence and he also helped in the mutations that were in existence and the mutations that will come into existence. I know understand the word "Faith". It is ironic that most scientists do not believe in what we call "God", they believe in their scientific ways. Even after having read and studied I do have a deep feeling of "faith" that there is a higher power. I think the most frustrating aspect is I am not able to see this higher power, feel or touch this higher power, hear this higher power and listen to words he/she makes and different sounds in pitch his/her voice makes. I am to rely upon only faith and my belief in this subject. Sure you can tell me there are years and years of study that proves there is a God, but there is also years and years of study that proves there is not one. So once again I am basing my belief on "faith".
Ok, now you are thinking I am crazy, LOL. Yea I am a little... hmm eccentric, haha. No seriously, I enjoy learning and using my brain. The more knowledge in life you have the more capable you are of understanding, feeling, thinking, perceiving and judging the situations around it. If you have any comments on this post then feel free to reply. I enjoy a good civil debate every once in a while, LOL.
Many Hugs, Kel