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My car is totally fucked! I got in an accident today (8/28/08 @ 1:45pm) with a semi. It was my fault, I was busy talkin with my friend in the car and didn't notice that the light had turned red. I'm so pissed off at myself and totally bummed about my car! On the good side, no one was hurt and it looks like it's just body damage on the car. I was able to drive it home and it drove straight and there was no noise from the engine. The hood is crumpled and doesnt latch, but it stays down. Both my quarter panels are messed up and my front bumper is trashed, more so on the passenger side bc I tried to swerve. I'll be posting pictures of it sometime later today I think. Guess I won't be needing that GPS on it now *sobs n cries*


I've had my mobile phone added since I got it (probably a year ago), and I just tried to upload my first pic by cell-phone today, and it wouldn't go thru!!! I deleted my cell number and then tried to add the number with the second option, got a confirmation so tried to upload the damn pic again, and STILL nothing! I deleted my number, AGAIN and added it AGAIN. Again got a confirmation so tried to upload my pic and it STILL didnt go thru! WTF is up with that!? Am I doing something wrong!? So I sent an e-mail to fubar askin whats up, but they don't expect to get back to me for AT LEAST 2 days! If anyone else has had this problem let me know! And ESPECIALLY if anyone has had this issue and resolved it, let me know!!! *rant over* Kkisses n Hugz Kk
So hopefully everyones looked in my Sammy Sammerson file by now. I call him Buppy (short for baby puppy, or beautiful puppy my mom says). I've been the one thats been training him since we got him and I've gotten most of the basics down from reading a puppy training book, but its been no easy task, let me tell you! At any rate, he's a good buppy for the most part, he's very lovey and likes to play. He has the occasional accident and poopies in the house (not too sure its an accident sometimes, since he does it in the same spot all the time no matter how many times we spray with various pet urine odor stuff). He ALWAYS manages to tangle himself up when he's on the lead, which is frustrating to him and us, bc we're the ones who have to go untangle him! lol But today, he really shined and showed his intelligence! (let me first tell you that we put some fencing up this past weekend so he has a place to run without running off) I said "go out side go potty" (which I always say when walkin him to the door). Then "go down and do your business" (which I always say when I put him on the lead n let him off the deck). Well today, we were walkin to the door and I said what I usually say, then when we got out on the deck, I said "go down and do your business" and went right into his part of the yard and did it!!! I was so pleased with him! Then, later, I asked him if he wanted some water, he went ahead of me to the kitchen and went right to his water dish, put his nose in the old water that was there and then looked up at me! *heart melts* Now, as per the puppy book, I've set aside our pantry with a door as his "bedroom". He gets shut in there at nite with a pillow and a toy or two. Giving him his own "room" to sleep in all nite prevents him from "going" in the house unless he just cant hold it anymore, bc pets dont like to soil where they sleep. My mom has been putting him to bed lately, and tonite she said to him "lets go to bed", and Sammy (the bestest doggie in the whole wide world) acutally grabbed his fave toy of the moment, went into his room and laid on his pillow!!!! Im such a proud mommy tonite!!! Yes Im a dork, but anyone with pets knows that they're part of the fam! Ok, gushing over with now!! lol


You wanna tell me WHY with 4 different movie channels there's STILL nothing on but a Lindsay Lohan WRECK of a movie!? I've resorted to watching "I Know Who Killed Me". Please someone stab my eyes out with a rusty fork!!!


So I just got home from visiting my girl Erica in Ohio, was there for a week.

Can I just say that I HATE driving alone long distances when I have absolutey NO CLUE as to where I'm going! I must've stopped at least twice on the way down there just to make sure I was headin in the right direction and hadnt missed a turnoff somewhere. And THEN I did make a wrong turn somewhere and got directions from 3 diff people and they were 3 diff sets of directions! SHEESH!

At any rate, I finally got there. I've had a blast with Erica and her boyfriend, or should I say now, her FIANCE! They got engaged while I was down there! I was soooo happy to be there for it!! I got to help them pick out their rings. Hers is GORGEOUS!!! (jealous!). The band she (we) picked out compliments it beautifully, and his ring is really nice too! Whats even better is that they didnt cost a whole lot (esp. with the price of gold). They got all three rings for a lil less than $2800!! What A STEAL!

I helped her pick out her invitations and helped her get those printed out! Im so glad I was there to help her with all that, made me feel special to be a part of something so huge in her life! *sniffs* (Im a big ole sap! lol)

Anyway, I got home tonite around 9:30, after getting lost only once, YAY ME!! hehe! And am looking forward to sleeping in my big bed instead of sleeping on her couch, which would be comfy if the edges didnt stick up over the cushions! lol

At any rate, I want to thank those of you that were patient with my lack of rating the past week (her pc kinda sux even after I did some work on it). And another thank you to those that gave me gifts or rates in acknowledgement of my 2 Yr Fu-nniversary! Love Yall!!

Thats it for this installment! Hope everyone has a Great Weekend!!!

*Kkisses* Kk!

WTF!?!? Sh*ts CRAZY!

How crazy is it that you can now get a PATERNITY TEST KIT @ fuckin RiteAid!!!!!

Thats just fucked up if you ask me!

The world is goin to hell in a hanbasket, but Im bringin the ice!!!! LMAO!


DAMMMMMNNNNNN!!!! I cant believe how many points it takes to get to Godmother!!!! I have 2,935,122 to go as of this moment!

Guess I'm gonna have to pull overtime in the rating department!! lol!!!

This is also a

HUGE thank you to all my friends and fans that helped me get to Fu-King (level 24)!

You were all a big great help!! Couldnt have made it this far without you!!!

Im thinkin that once I make GodMother, I might take some more NSFW pics and open up my folder for a few days, not sure yet! lol!

Anyway, TY again to all those that have helped me!!! Luv you All!!!

*Kkisses ~n~ Hugz* Kk

Ok, i belong to a lounge, but went to bed. Couldnt sleep and since no one was in my "home lounge" I decided to try some of the other lounges out.

I went into like 3 or 4 other lounges and the people there were, shall we say "unfriendly".

I got welcomed by maybe one person per lounge!!! I mean, most of them had so much stuff loaded into them that it took a while to load, but if they have that much stuff loaded into them, then they should take that into account and give a person so much time to say "hey" or "hi"!

But even so I said "Hi" and got absolutely NO RESPONSE!!! I'm like WTF!? You would think that theyd be happy that new "blood", so to speak, was headin into their lounge, but nope, no hello back from anyone!

These lounges on here need to wise up and realize that it's the members of fubar that make them work!

Welcome new people into your lounge the same as you would a person that has been a member from the start! Damn!

Legitimate Rant Over! LOL!

Effin Ppl!

Some ASSBAG joined with MY link, then proceeds to rate my pics a "1" then leaves comments tellin ppl to stop liking my pics bc "she's fat and ugly". Then he sent me a black rose sayin "a black rose cause u are ugly". If he didnt like me, why the hell did he join under my link!? First person who joined with my link that I've ever had to block. If anyone wants to go "show him a lil love", if ya know what I mean, here's the link:1867623.

A new family member

We got a new puppy for easter, he's a Shorkie (shitzhu/yorkie) and he's a doll baby! I'm tryin to train him and stuff and things are goin good with it, but I think me and my mom are gonna have to cough up the money to get him formally trained bc he's still havin accidents now and then. I took some pics of him and posted them if anyone wants to go look, his name is Samson.
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