~~ LOVE ~~
LOVE! what is it really ? does everyone have there own real visions on what it really is .. who actually knows what it is? alot of people say you always have that feeling and it never goes away that you have butterflies in your stomach and everytime you see them your heart melts... do you feel it's true? i personaly don't.. i feel love is different in all ways like everybody is different everyone has diffent types of love... list what you think is true about love see how many people actually say what they think love is you'll be surprised!... i think love is all and all fairy tale that everybody looks for and hopes to get one day and once they find it they try everything to hold on to it even if the love has grown apart. but i do believe you can fall in love yes but i believe also that it can fool you and it can actually be lust! so if you do find love think real hard about it and make sure it's real love or just lust!....