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Emanon Eranatos's blog: "RANDOM STUFF!!"

created on 10/18/2006  |  http://fubar.com/random-stuff/b15189  |  2 followers

fubar office on drugs?

..been a while since I posted a Blog....


My current avatar has been my avatar since January 27 2012

hm ...apparently while off yesterday I got this message.. my Avatar was not removed and ... was still my avatar when I got on..


Your avatar has been removed for violating our main photo guidelines. Avatars and main photos must be pg rated and not contain the following:

* no bare chests. (men, or women... duh)

* no lingerie, bras, bathing suits or underwarez.

* nothing deemed sexually suggestive, at our discretion.



I shall just use my avatar when I read the message


I am sure Che Guevara is mighty flattered in his "stress face" that he is as NSFW as bra, lingerie, bathing suit, underwear ...and the showing of man boobs



"nothing deemed sexually suggestive, at our discretion."

Well it is not my fault that ladies love a beard...


lmao... now back to my cave...

Blogging Buffoon Activated


My attempt to cure my leftism…

These are the original Twelve Steps as published by LEFTIST ANONYMOUS
1-We admitted we were powerless over leftism—that our lives had become unmanageable.
I admit that I am powerless to leftism…

2-Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Power greater than me?... fuck, to cure logical thoughts and a care for a common man I have to believe in god? So god is why man has such a hatred for their fellow man.. I knew it!!! I knew it!!!... I will skip this step.

3-Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
This again? Sorry, but if I must give up caring for others, and wanting to help when I can, and my socialistic views, you must offer me something greater than a friend I gave up when I was a child.

4-Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Um, I am a liberal. My moral inventory is intact, I am here trying to lose it…

5-Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Back with this again? How do you expect me to give up my liberalism if I cannot be free to think what I wish without having to give in to the idea of some man made power hungry, killer?

6-Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
FUCK!!!! ..moves on

7-Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
FUCK!!! FUCK!!!! FUCK… moves on

8-Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
I will harm more once my conservative conversion is complete

9-Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
… I have yet to convert yet…

10-Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
…. So you say 12 steps when two steps are the same?... bad at math, oh conservative I am half way there.

11-Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
FUCK!!! I mean really? Fuck, you telling me only way to become a dick is to accept your god?..damn

12-Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to leftists, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
FUCK!!! Okay, for my conversion to be complete, I must accept god, to be a conservative, I must accept god.

How America works? Understanding how  idiotic some are...here is a joke I just heard on the Rachel Maddow show..

"A public union employee, a tea party activist and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it. The CEO takes 11 of the cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie."

Okay I was told to do a blog, what is in it is not important, just talk below



Innocent conservative betsy, meets evil atheist liberal who is having a bad day...

Okay my conservative friend, I guess we are done here

Carry on Comrades

Another blog made out of boredom...

Blogging Buffoon Activated


I, Einstein, being of sound mind and body will be playing the role of the Leftist propagandist!



I, Pyro, being of sound, mind, and body will be taking the position of 2nd amendment loving REAL American


So I just found out that Obama is a socialist. He also has a deep seeded hatred for white people or the white culture. He hangs around with fascist and commies. He bowed to some commie and is handing America over to them.

I hear he was born in Kenya and is not a citizen. I, as a god loving American want to know why is he allowed to be president?

I will go through a few points of why he is not qualified to be president!!! I think all of my REAL Americans will agree with me!

He bowed to the Emperor of Japan!

I as a REAL AMERICAN know that we should never bow to any foreign leaders!!! He is a typical Democrat always bowing to show that we are weak and will submit to foreign leaders


Yes, every American knows that no real American would ever bow to any foreign leader. We all know that shows that we are submitting to them! I guess we should forget when president Eisenhower bowed to French President Charles de Gaulle

Oh yea…and when President Nixon bowed to Chinese Communist Dictator Mao Zedong

Since I know my American friends love video more than photos graphs, here is the video.. you can see at 15 seconds in it was a bow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahWLRV-Kblc

Typical liberal propagandist always twisting the facts!! It is not just about the bowing!

Then what else?

It was his use of the teleprompter!! I mean how weak is he! He can't remember a speech and needs a teleprompter!

I know, I mean if only there were past presidents and presidential candidates that used teleprompters....

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

George HW Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

...and then there was one...

John McCain

Stop changing the topic!!! you don't get it!!! HE BOWED TO THE SAUDI KING!!!!

I know right!! how dare he... well you take your pick. A bow which several presidents have done.... or ...

I cannot recall any other president doing that to a visiting dignitary...

I got you now!!! He does not qualify to be president!!!!

Really? Let us look at the criteria for president in the constitution

"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shabll not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

NO!! It says both parents must be born here to be president!!

Really? My dear comrade, you are thinking of the a part of the constitution that was written about people being born abroad to US citizens, can you prove that Obama was born abroad? It is no secret that Obama's father is not a US Citizen, which is not required for him to be a US citizen. The Civil Rights Act of 1886 which states that ALL PERSONS born within the United States are considered citizens of the US unless they are under some foreign power, such as foreign dignitaries etc... unless my friend is saying Obama was born before 1866 or born in some foreign nation.... Let me guess? Kenya?



You do know that Obama is the 7th president of the United States to have had a foreign born president right? In fact one president even had both parents born outside of the United States.

That is just a liberal lie that propagandist like you put up to take attention off of the Kenyan!!

Well okay let us look at the previous Presidents shall we?

I bet none you list will be after the 1700's!!!

Okay here goes...


Thomas Jefferson

The third president of the United States; Without argument one of your most well known and most important founding fathers. Jefferson who was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party. The key writer of the declaration of independence. As well as considered one of the most influential presidents in our nation’s history. Jefferson was born to an American born Father, yet an England born mother.


Andrew Jackson

The Seventh President of the United States; Jackson was a member of the Democratic Party.  Jackson who aside from his presidency itself is known by many for being the first president to invite the public to his inauguration which for the first time the common people, the poor to come and see the president being sworn into office. Jackson was the only president born to two foreign born parents, both of Jackson’s parents were born in Ireland.

James Buchanan

The fifteenth president of the United States; Buchanan was a member of the Democratic Party.The biggest scandal around Buchanan is many of the time thought Buchanan to be a homosexual because of his close relations with several males in his cabinet. He is also the only president to remain single throughout his entire presidency. Anyway, Buchanan was born to an American born mother and an Ireland born father.

Chester Arthur

The twenty-first president of the United States; Arthur was a member of the Republican Party. Arthur is known for many things of this including the Chinese Exclusion Act which denied citizenship to all China born residents in America. He is also known for the Edmunds act which denied bigamists and polygamist the right to vote or hold any elected office. He is also known to be the last incumbent president to seek his party’s nomination and not get it. Arthur was born to an American mother and an Ireland born father.

Woodrow Wilson

The twenty-eight president of the United States; Wilson was a member of the Democratic Party.  Wilson is known for his support of southern businesses to segregate which until this day tarnished his presidency. He is also known for antitrust laws. Wilson was born to an American born father and an England born mother.

Herbert Hoover

The thirty-first president of the United States; Hoover was a member of the Republican Party. Known for having the first native American vice president in US history. As well as known for some of his humanitarian acts. Hoover was born to an American born mother and an Canada born father.

Barack Obama

The forty-fourth president of the United States; Obama is a member of the Democratic Party. Known mostly for the greatest health care reform in the nation’s history, as well as one of the largest credit reforms. As well as signing the repeal of Don’t ask, Don’t tell which would stop the military from kicking out soldiers they suspected or knew to be homosexual. Obama was born to an American born mother, and an Kenyan born father.



Okay liberal I did not need the history lesson.
Sure comrade, so since all of your arguments have been debunked are we now done?

What Arguments? I made no arguments.

Okay let us look.

Bowing Argument... done.

Teleprompter Argument... done.

Not eligible according to constitution...done.

Foreign born parent argument... done.

Are there any others that I missed?


Okay my conservative friend, I guess we are done here

Carry on Comrades

Another blog made out of boredom...

Blogging Idiot: ACTIVATED


This is an E-mail that crazy lips sent to me that someone had sent to her.. I will post it below.

All of the writing in white is the original email, all  of the writing in red is from me…

Something to think about.
This should be good.

Only hope we find GOD again before it is too late ! !
I once found such a thing as god, only I found in the minds of a delusional people. In the hearts of an unrealistic ideal, and in the bodies of a illogical society.

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday  Morning  Commentary.
This should be fun

My confession:
I guess I am a priest now hearing confessions.

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish.  And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees...  I don't feel threatened..  I don't feel discriminated against.. That's what they are, Christmas trees.

I am a mutt, mixed with Jewish, Irish, Russian, German, Native America, African  lineage… So you went on a long Jewish thing to say you have no issue that people calling an evergreen coniferous a Christmas tree. Good for you… But, they are trees mostly used for Christmas, their existence is not simply for that…

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me.  I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto.  In fact, I kind of like it.  It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu ..  If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

Okay, it does not bother me when people say Merry Christmas, yet some do it for spite. Unless I am just the only atheist that always get cards from people who know you are an atheist saying one day you will find the glory. Sure, if you want to say merry Christmas and move on…sure, yet when they try and make a conversion project out of it, then I do have issues.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians.  I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period.  I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country.  I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

I do not like getting pushed around for being an atheist. Yet that is what this email is about. Conversion, saying people should recognize god or somehow they are not equally in their patriotism or something to that extent.

I guess I forgot the part of any atheist saying we are an atheist nation, yet we are a SECULAR NATION, we are not to endorse nor denigrate any belief or lack there of.  You can’t find it in the constitution? The first Amendment? The establishment cause? Thomas Jefferson in the Danbury letter saying “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” .. yea I guess this you believe is a grand endorsement of a religious society.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?  I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too.  But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

Where the idea come from that we should only worship deities? Where is this absolute notion of faith in America comes from? There are a lot of us that do not want the America you knew back, you know, depending on how far back the America you knew is…was not so good for interracial couples, blacks, women, Japanese, children, workers…. So what is this nostalgic world that you wish for us to go back to?

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different:  This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

You are correct, it is anything but a joke when religious institutions attempt to continuous intertwine and blur the lines of faith and law. Where ones beliefs are deemed more important than ones ideals.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina)..  Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response..  She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.  And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out.  How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

So if we had kept religion and government intertwined things like Hurricane Katrina would not have happen? If your god is so petty as to demand worship or start an onslaught of your comrades than that is a god that I am glad has devolved over time. If such a god is fit for worship than such a god should be fit for opponents. If such an idea is lost to the masses, and thus the punishment for the want of something better without mental enslavement is mass death than I suppose I can only think of a quote, “the price of freedom is death”. If freeing someone from their mental enslavement is what one will then use to ask reasons why such a thing happen, that further proves of your small mindedness of a delusional people. With their sky god of an immoral morality.

In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc..  I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.  Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school.  The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.  And we said OK.

OH REALLY!!! You blaming an atheist for RELIGIOUS fundamentalist bombing our schools for RELIGIOUS students shooting places up? Actually you did not say “Okay” in fact you said NO, and the case went all of the way to the supreme court when they upheld the constitution the AFTER SEVERAL PREVIOUS NO RULINGS, and took out prayer from schools.

The bible also says you can stone your mom, sell your daughter. Let us not pick and choose what part of the book you will read only to disregard the passages that will not support your empty idiotic rhetoric.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide).  We said an expert should know what he's talking about..  And we said okay..

Oh, yea, it is so god like to use a man’s son that killed himself and attempt to show that this his non spanking or not physically disciplining his child was the reason. Now, let us look at all of the kids who were spanked and killed themselves, should we blame their early discipline on the parents now?

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Oh yea, they do not know right from wrong because you stopped spanking them. Using that logic than kids that were physically abused should be the most mannered kids in the world. People have been killing since we made our evolutionary jump, for land, food, honor… so is the countless millions killed because of following the bible okay then?

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out.  I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

I think it is a great deal to know it is because of such an intolerance of anything different that is the reason the children are the way they are. Atheist, or theist, if you raise your children to respect others they will grow up to respect people. What reason would an atheist have for hating gays? What would reason would an atheist have for wanting to kill someone for premarital sex? What reason would an atheist have for hating someone who believe something else? Shall we now go through the moral of the bibles where pretty much every social norm is a bad thing that can get one killed?

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.  Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.  Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.  Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Funny how simple it is for people to trash others in the name of their god while continuously blaming the want for the laws to not be intertwined with such biblical bigotry. Funny how questioning has become a bad thing. Funny how you can send jokes through the email, while blaming atheist for religious fundamentalism What is more lewd, intolerant, bigoted, obscene than the bible? What is more unrealistic that such a boob of immoral morality is the number one selling book in the world… hm funny.

Hm, did I miss the memo that said you cannot talk about god in school? Or am I simply understanding the memo that says you cannot say THIS IS THE ONE AND TRUE god in public schools, and silence any differing opinions?

Are you laughing yet?


Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

I am sharing it in a public forum, whoever will look at it..will just see it. Funny how one thinks they know what others will do.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.
I am passing it on, for I think it shows why many atheist have issues with theist. You blame atheist and secular people for things like hurricane Katrina, you blame secular people for school shootings, for religious fundamentalism… do tell us, how you taking your belief to the extreme is our [atheist] fault?

If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did.  But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in. 

I discard the thought process because it is the typical blame game, blame atheist, blame secularist, blame parents who did not spank their children, blame people for upholding the constitution of the modern day… when will you take responsibility for what you do?

My Best Regards,  Honestly and respectfully,
… not so honestly, since when was blaming everything on secularist for religious fundamentalist respectful?

Ben Stein

Emanon :P


Blame Crazy Lips for this....

WARNING: Lots of reading ahead...


Blogging Buffoon Activated

Though it shouldn't need to be said, since this is my blog these are my points of views, and may or may not be the exact same views of people who even claim to share to share the same politics as me. As I said at the bottom, there are no absolutes in politics

Crazy Lips was reading Freedom’s mumm and asked me to define several things:

“her exact comment:

His last MuMM-separating together or all?

Who and what are they trying to separate?
Is he talking about separation like how blacks and whites used to be?

Define for me the following:
Private sector
Bail outs
Democratic Republic
Democratic Socialism

What does privatizing health care mean?
What affects will it have on the people?

Who is in November's election?
What can you tell me about them?

This is enough for now.
I shall ask more as time goes on

Please put all of your answers to this in a blog just for me,
that way you can just add to it as questions arise.

I will have it permanently bookmarked, and use it for the sole purpose of learning”


So from here on.. I will put each comment, I will put what I think freedom [the mummer]means or rather what I think freedom  if what I think it means… Here goes

Who and what are they trying to separate?
In freedom’s mind there is a big secret war for domination and control of America, in his mind the democrats want to control the entire country, while the republicans want to free the people…

In reality, freedom only seems to care about power only if the ones he supports is in power, when asked of his ideal America he described a very fascist country where only conservative republicans would have a voice and any who does not agree with his political ideology will have no voice, and will be as second class citizens.

What I believe he means is separation of power, from the wealthy and the lower middle class. In that the upper class will not be allowed to dominate the lower middle class people, and the lower middle class will have more of an influence on society.

Is he talking about separation like how blacks and whites used to be?
No, he is not referring to separation based upon race, only separation based upon social, wealth and political classes..

What does privatizing health care mean?
Privatizing health care can have two meanings, in which two difference conservative ways.

First: It is to simply allow all health insurance to be privatized, with this, that would mean that medicare/medicaid will be taken out of the government control and privatized, As well as what has been coined “Obamacare” that insures many people who would not be able to afford provide health care will therefore be privatized as well. As well as the privatizing of veterans benefits.

Two: Other Republicans/right wingers are in general not opposed to the medicare/medicaid, and veteran benefits. Yet they are opposed to “obamacare” or the government insuring more people, which is using tax money to be able to cover people who may not be insured as is done in every other industrialized country in the world.

What affects will it have on the people?
Well there are/will be several things that will have  an affect on the people.

1- because of the “obamacare” rules which says that companies must insure kids even if they are sick, as well as saying kids if they are financially unstable can stay on their parents health care until the age of 26 [it use to be, depending on the policy, that once the child turned 18 or 21 they could no longer be covered under the parents policy]

-    in light of this, many big health insurance companies have said they will stop insuring children. With kids not covered means that now all medical care needed will have to come out of the pocket of the parents, which of course means many kids many not get the needed surgeries, or able to see doctors as much as needed.

2 - If things are privatized, it would be as any other privatized health system in which if you can afford a policy, then you can see a doctor, and be treated for whatever illness you may have as well as get any surgery you may need through your insurance policy.
-    with all privately owned companies this would mean things like medicare, veterans and Medicaid will all be privatized, in that if you cannot buy a policy you will not see a doctor. Which means the lower income people, or elderly people who are on medicare and Medicaid may not be able to afford these private company policies in which case unless they can find a hospital that will treat uninsured people [which means usually they will be billed later …which they cannot afford] will continue to die of illnesses.

3 -  Harvard did a study years ago that showed every years 45,000 Americans die from having no or having a lack of medical insurance, if everything were to be privatized then that means that each year, we can look forward to more and more Americans dying each year because of a lack of medical coverage; simply because they are lower income people.

-    you often year of the greatness of privately owned companies and how it is much better than that government insurance. I will briefly discuss the case of Kyler Van Nocker, here is a kid who had private health insurance. Who had a rare cancer and needed surgery that were thought to be life saving treatments…. yet his insurance company [a private company] denied or rather would not approve the surgery that was recommended several times by his doctors. After constant denials, it was that big evil Medicaid [that evil government program] along with donations from the citizens of NJ, and around the country, and the doctors who donated their time to do the treatments that allowed him to get the surgery … though some time later the five years old lost his battle with cancer and died.

So when I hear this I often have to ask people who are against this big evil government health care. What are 45,000 Americans lives worth? What is the life of a child worth. Since all of this arguments seem to be only about money, it is not about the people at all.

Who is in November's election?
Well this depends on your state, this is a midterm election not like a normal election where people are all going for one position like president.  For your state they are running for local government seats like governor, mayor, etc etc

What can you tell me about them?
I would have to say look at your local governing body, and see who first is running, and then research them.

[These are the Emanon definitions… not the dictionary ones, as I am too lazy to go get the exact definition for each which may have been easier]

Define for each of the following:

Fascism – is a far right wing ideology view which generally focused on extreme nationalist views with authoritarian control. Under authoritarian rule the nation, the people and its properties are all at the behest of the person, or those in charge. Fascism is opposed to individualism, which says a person can be independent and strive for self reliance as far as financial of society power or prestige. It completely opposes democracy and the people having the power to vote in…and by extension vote out those in charge. Under fascism morality is deems at the behest of those in charge. So you may see things that they think as “morally” wrong may be illegal, this has included not being of a certain religion, being homosexual, not being of a race that they believe is the right one. It also separates its people based on what it deems as “the way” what is deemed as the way is determined by those in charge… this is but a bit about fascism.

Democrat – In general this is merely a formal title which does not truly tell of ones politics, in general or rather modern democrats are generally thought of as the “liberals” since the majority of democrats would consider themselves more liberal or left leaning.

Historically, it was not until really after the civil rights movements where the democrats became known as the liberals, before that democrats were the southern conservatives. Even today you have what may be called Reagan Democrats, but their group is called the “Blue Dog Democrats” which are very conservative members of the democratic Party.

Republican -  Like Democrat, it is merely a formal title which also does not tell anything of ones politics, as with democrats the party make up of Republicans also switched heavily after the civil rights movements. Before the civil rights movements the Republicans were known to be more for social causes and issues. Which is why many civil rights workers were Republicans.

Before the civil rights movements, the Republicans were made up of or known for liberal causes. After that they become somewhat more conservatives in what they value. The Republicans were the northern ones who wanted to put an end to slavery, while the southern democrats wanted to keep it legal… it was a huge cash cow…free labor.

Conservative – which roots stems from the latin word conservare which means to preserve, to save, to keep.

 Is someone who leans to the right of the political spectrum who in general advocates for a pure capitalist society who is usually more inclined to support “traditional” ways of life. Who also supports as little government intervention as possible in the lives of the citizens. In general they do not support or are resistant to support what they see as modern things, such as gay rights, abortion,

Liberal – which roots stem from the latin word liber, which ..when used .. liberum which means free,  independent, unrestrained; libere which means freely, without restraint. Liberalise, which means freedom, generous; liberation; to set free or release etc

Liberals by definition support freedom, liberty and equal rights for all citizens, and do not believe such things should be voted on. For this liberals support things such as the constitution, that every citizen has the right to vote [this is more of a liberal concept during the civil rights and for sometime before then it was mostly the Liberal republicans [previously discussed] who were in favor of minorities getting the right to vote, and the opposition was mostly the southern conservative democrats [also previously discussed] liberals in generals are for the most part more proponents of human rights. Also support capitalist, and free trade [yet in general are also against “pure capitalism” in which businesses answer to no one and can do whatever they want] In general liberals are also much more so the proponents of the separation of church and state in which many conservatives believe that it should be up to each state to define the influence of faith in public institutions such as public schools etc.

Liberals are in general more so willing to be more “modern” in the modern lifestyle and trends of a society, not just America. In American history liberalism is that what is America, it is that which came quite popular in the founding of America in the rejecting the need for a king, rejection for need of an established religion, … if you wish to learn more I would suggest reading up on John Locke, a very forward progressive thinker sometimes credited with being the father of liberalism

Rhino- To freedom a RHINO…which really is R.I.N.O or Republican in Name Only is a Republican who either has voted on something that may be considered liberal, or has supported what is known as liberal causes…or even who is more left leaning. It is a smear that that Republican is not a “real Republican”

Leftist – Is simply someone who is more left leaning, so liberals, socialist, communist, etc. Anything that would be considered on the left political spectrum.

Rightist – Is simply someone who is more right leaning so conservatives, monarchies, fascism  etc anything that would be considered more right leaning.

Rightist & Leftist, in America are general used by pundits as insults, as you will hear many on the right call people leftist, lefty etc

Bigot -  Well is this not self explanatory? Anyone who dislikes another for their social class, racial class, race, religion, sexual orientation…basically the judging of a whole group for something you do not like about them ..even before getting to know them as people.

Private sector – Well these are just privately owned companies. So any compmany that is own by a private citizen versus owned by the government.

Stimulus – Well in general this, as it pertains to politics, is things that either will immediately or in the long run produce money…

Bail outs -  Pretty simply is when one group bails out another group. In the most basic they take on their debt usually to stop the company from bankrupting and save the jobs of the people that company may employ… Bail outs is nothing new, it is done by both Republican, and Democratic Presidents…

Fallacy – Fallacy simply means something that is false. Usually, when speaking of politics and political arguments is something is more supported with emotional rhetoric instead of historical facts.

Partisanship -  Simply means when one willing to favor their own group even if the opposition’s view may produce better results in the long one. When often used you will people speak of them playing partisan politics in that they will side with their side no matter what, and in general refuse to even listen to alternative ideas coming from the other side.

Capitalistic – Well capitalism is simply an economic system where everything is produced by privately owned companies as a means for profit and wealth..

Democratic Republic -  Is the type of political structure we have where as the people elect their officials and the officials [senators] elected and they vote. Yet the idea is that the elected people, from president on down are the servants of the people, in which is to say they work for the people. Unlike things like Kings, Monarchs, dictators etc which have ultimate control and in general answer to no one.

Democratic Socialism -  Is the people, or more so a group who is against a pure capitalistic society, and in general support the government stepping in to help when people may need it. Including the support of things like medicare, social security, public schools, as well as support government helping to save jobs of the people. Democratic socialism as it pertains to America is also discuss wealth distribution as to be completely against what is known as wage slavery.

Wage slavery – is a system in which the workers are paid so little as to become so dependent on the system in which they work. Sort of like paying them as little as possible as so they still stay within the legal minimum wage limits, yet is still low enough so that the workers are dependent upon the business for work…making it quite difficult if they wish to look elsewhere etc.

Democratic socialist also should never be confused with national socialism which was used by the Nazi’s in which a select few had control over everything, nor should it be confused with universal socialism in which you will see in many authoritarian/totalitarian communist societies in which is more of a collectivist style of living. Democratic socialist, ..well several type sof socialism are against the collectivist idea.

In the workforce they have for over a hundred years pushed for safer working conditions, they have pushed for the abolishment of child labor laws, were big proponents of a minimum wage, were also big proponents of women in the workforce, as well as getting paid equally for doing the same jobs as their main counterparts.

Democratic socialist also oppose any state of what can be deemed as state sponsored bigotry. This includes, them wanting all races, genders, religions, sexual orientations to be equal in the eyes of the laws. This includes states allowing their citizens to vote on the civil rights and liberties of others.

EXAMPLE: Democratic socialist in several states protested states allowing their citizens to vote on whether homosexuals can get married WHICH VIOLATES THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE OF THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT WHICH STATES “No state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” so to say one group of citizens right to marry should be voted on while another group of citizens right to marry does not be, is not treating the people with equal protection of said clause.

If we can look at America currently, many on the conservatives on the right, I will speak solely of the senators, and not the people. Are against government bail outs, and believe that the companies should simply be allowed to fail, Yet democratic socialist, liberals etc in general supported the bail out for not bailing out the companies simply meant millions of more people unemployed…which cost the country money since that would then be millions of more people going on unemployment …

Yet, in general if I must speak of the senators, I shall not smear the people for the acts of the senators, these same senators, usually on the right supported the bail out of companies when Former President Bush was the one bailing out companies.. this would be a prime example of playing partisan politics; where they support it if it is their side doing it, yet do not support it if it is the other side.


As you and everyone knows, I do not deal in political, social, or moral absolutes, I have no time nor need for the idiocy of partisan politics, or social constraints of a democratic morality. 

As always comrades,

Let knowledge be that truth, which portrays humanity, condemns malevolence; that respects the differences in others while abandoning the hatred and misconceptions of the past.


Funny Irony: Anyone else find it funny that "FREEDOM"'s name comes from that latin word of liber which gave "birth" to the world liberal and not conservative... yet he named himself freedom is conservative hm

This blog was written out of my atheistic boredom, I do not expect a lot of in depth answers regarding the information in this piece, but as usual if I do happen to get any answers I will answer all of em as full and detailed as I can

WARNING: Lots of reading ahead...

Blogging Buffoon Activated

I am bored so figured I would do a blog... but then realized I had nothing to blog about...

so why not the Tea Partys Newest starlet Christine O'Donnell

Christine O’Donnell’s group wants abstinence taught in school, her organization or rather a member from the organization also wants sex education removed from schools…

Since sex education has been shown to be in direct correlation between decrease in STD’s, pregnancies and high school drop our because of the aforementioned should I take O’Donnell’s people seriously?

Then again since this is the same Christine O’Donnell that says condoms have been shown to have no affect on the lowering  or stopping the spread of Aids/HIV… should she even be taken seriously at all?

Like my friend from my Atheistic Assessment blog from a few days ago, O’Donnell is another person that does not believe in evolution because, like many ignorant people she thinks evolution says that humans come from monkeys, anyone who has read a book know that evolution says that monkeys and humans have a common ancestor, not that humans come directly or evolved from monkeys...Thus is the reason we share a considerate amount of our DNA with monkeys.


After claiming for over ten years that she had several degrees from several college and universities, it came out earlier that O'Donnell JUST GOT HER FIRST college degree earlier this month. One of the colleges she claimed to have graduated from put out a statement that they have no record that she ever even attended their school

Moving on … her views on abortion is that it is wrong. I can respect some one who is pro-life until they go to extreme with it. She is on board that abortion is wrong, and should not be allowed even in cases of rape and incest… so the whole force the women to carry their rapist and abusers baby.

Oh noes Emanon is about to give Sarah Palin a compliment.

Unlike Palin who also believes abortion shouldn’t be allowed, even in cases of rape and incest, O’Donnell believes people who perform abortions should be thrown in jail. Palin at least believes while she does not agree with it, it is a legal procedure so people should not be thrown in jail for it.

In case anyone asks, why am I speaking of O’Donnell, according to the right, she is one of the leading faces in this “new right” tea party movement, which their goal as they have said is to get moderate republicans out of office, [moderate is evil in the new republican party…working with the other side is bad!] … they also wish to privatize everything, medicare, social security, veterans benefits, and that gawd awful Obama care.

So does this woman actually have a chance of winning the Delaware November election?

I know some of you remember or know what minimum wage is and why we have it. Minimum wage was enacted because companies were paying their workers below average wages. Unfair wages that they could not survive on as the companies pulled in more and more profits..

Well according to another tea party backed candidate, Michelle Bachmann believes we should get rid of minimum wage and allow companies to pay workers whatever they want without any government interference… yea, … bring us back to those glory days of families not making enough to pay bills…

Other great tea party ideas... Abolishing of public schools... isn't that great *sarcasm*

… but hey those days were the days when socialist were a lot more public, before big business and special interest demonized them so much, but hey they still have the unions….and are not as vocal yet are still here.

So please tea party, do go on and show how radical you can be, the days of the socialist shall come again!

Just naming a few who are in this gif I did.

Founding Father: Thomas Paine
[Writer of Common Sense, Praised by Washington, and several founding fathers as being the spark of the American Revolution, and was said to be "by far the most influential tract of the American Revolution....it remains one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language." Paine was so much of a forward thinking that was speaking of things like social security and medicare two-hundred years before the United States ever got it. It was his words that spoke of our democratic republic before we even know which way the nation was going…]

California ACLU Chapter founder : Upton Sinclair
[Sinclair was a big supporter of civil and lawful equality, he believed that if a black man were charged with a crime he should not receive any less adequate nor punishment than his white counterparts. Though several pieces he wrote about the bad process in which food was handled led to the passage of both the “Pure Food and Drug Act“ and the “Meat Inspection Act”]

Civil rights Activist, union Organizer: A. Philip Randolph
[Randolph got the first black run union recognized by the AFL-CIO in America. A big pusher for the equal pay for equal work of the black workers to their white counter parts]

Pledge writer: Francis Bellamy
[Bellamy a Christian Minister, is most known for being the writer of the pledge of allegiance of the United States. While in his original pledge the words were “One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” Bellamy wanted a pledge that every American could say and be proud of, an inclusive pledge that included all people. While under President Eisenhower the pledge was made to include “under god” which then made it exclusive for believers of such a being… a direct contradiction of Bellamy’s wishes… which of course then led to [three years later] in god we trust being placed on the money]

Political Activist: Michael Harrington
[Harrington is most well known as being a staunch critic of some of Nixon’s politics, which earned him a sport on that list of enemies that Nixon had composed of all he saw as a threat to his presidency. Harrington had a voice as a radio personality, as well as writer…]

Six time presidential candidate, pacifist: Norman Thomas
[He ran on the socialist ticket and was seen as too radical for the united states. He opposed racial segregation, law that worked against the laborers. He butted heads with Franklin D. Roosevelt on what he saw as the injustice of internment of Japanese Americans after the Pearl Harbor attacks, he also took harsh criticisms from both democrats and republicans when he was a Staunch supporter of bringing Jewish families to America who were the victim of Nazi Persecution in the 30’s]

Civil Rights & Gay Rights Activist: Bayard Rustin
[One of the organizers of the million man march, top adviser to Martin Luther King Jr. A proponent of non-violent resistance. Rustin was an openly gay male who was thrown out of the church board that he served on for his views, the church urged King to separate himself from Rustin for it would cause issues, King did not separate with Rustin. After Kings death Rustin worked greatly with civil rights causes, and for the last years of his last he was a prominent member in the gay rights movement, trying to get, as he helped do with blacks, gays a equal share of the American dream. Where they would not be discriminated against for being gay, and where they would have the same rights and liberties as their heterosexual counterparts.]

Feminist and Birth Control Advocate: Rose Pastor Stokes
[Stokes is most known for her pushing for equality for women in the work place, which included equal pay for equal work as her companion Debs did with minorities. She was also a pusher of women having the right to be on birth control.]

Presidential candidate, union leader, and co-founder of the International Labor Union: Eugene V. Debs
[Debs was a hard critique of the Wilson Administration, for his continuous speeches speaking of what he saw as being wrong with the administration, Wilson had Debs thrown in jail for treason. To this day Debs is still the only U.S. Presidential candidate to have run for president while in prison to which he got nearly a million votes, [3.4% of the votes]… He went to Prison in 1919…

After Wilson’s term President Harding released Debs from Prison in 1921, earlier than he was suppose to be released by 8 years. While Harding made no mention of his guilt nor innocence, in the release paper Harding made it quite clear his notions by basically saying that speaking against a president you disagree with his not treason.

During his earlier career debs was and remained anti-segregation, to the point of refusing to speak at segregated union houses throughout the south, and even receiving death threats when he would speak at some of these integrated places.

Debs was against child labor, and fought to abolish child labor, for he saw it as robbing the children of their childhoods. He was also in favor of women in the work place which at a time as the late 19th to early 20th century where they had gender roles and such was seen as radical.

During each of his presidential runs, Debs was denigrated and demonized by both democrats and republicans for his as they said “radical views that were anti-American”.  Who would of thought, a want for nondiscriminatory work places, a want for the abolishing of child labor, a want for women to be able to work and earn the same as men… who would of thought these were un-American views.]

These are just a few of the people I put on the scroll in which I made, there have been hundreds of American Socialist leaders, and thousand of American socialist members to socialist groups.

... hm, am I forgetting a socialist that they may have heard of hm


[Albert Einstein chimes in]

Oh you mustn’t forget about me! I too was an open socialist, yet Americans seem to love and adore me enough to never mention that. Even though, I did write out my reasons why I was a socialist in my “Why Socialism?” piece; and other speeches and writings where I told of my socialist views… yet Americans love to forget that which was a very important part of me. Then again my comrade, this should be nothing new, Americans love to remember only the history that will support their ideals


So my dear American comrades.
The next time you drive down to the store, to get your government inspected ground beef with the grade A stamp on it, the next time you have the day off from work, and are not forced to work 12+ hour days, seven days a week with no overtime in unsafe working conditions. The next time your child is allowed to go to school and not be working along side you. Women, the next time you enjoy your equal pay check to your male counterparts, or them not being able to fire you for being a woman, or a minority. The next time you show such outrage at those “evil” people who wish to take the pledge out of schools, why would you want it? I mean it was written by a socialist after all. All the while you are enjoying your days off, not being overworked, being discriminated against for race or gender..etc.. all the while damning the evilness of socialism and socialist… please remember to thank the socialist for your having the time to damn them so much.


Carry on Comrades

This blog was written out of my atheistic boredom, I do not expect a lot of in depth answers regarding the information in this piece, but as usual if I do happen to get any answers I will answer all of em as full and detailed as I can

Blogging Buffoon Activated

Warning: A lot of reading ahead :P

Okay I am bored and figured I would do a blog....what better than on.. atheism.

These are either pictures I found on theistic websites [mostly xtian ones] or stuff I have heard people say in relation to atheism or things that atheist may use to support their position.

This picture is one I found particularly funny.

 Um, this atheist may actually convert to believe in a deity if someone can tell me what the fuck this person was trying to say? Maybe this person was so moved by the spirit he/she forgot how to speak English.

This was a photo that a friend sent me that had been forwarded to her by her Christian friend, the email said it was “kid safe”... I will go through each one and attempt to dissect them as best as I can. Which as always will simply be my interpretation, I do not speak of all atheist, just myself.

“Unlike Christians, atheist believe in “luck” and “fortune”, while Christians know progress and success come from hard work.
Speaking clearly for myself, I do not believe in any type of supernatural forces or things of that nature. I do not believe in “luck” and more so live my life by the “Shit Happens” theme. I do not know any atheist who sit around and wait for things to come to them while “wishing” for it to happen, instead they get out and work for it.

“About 60% of all convicted criminals have confessed to being atheist or devil worshippers”
I will give them two points for at least not equating atheist with devil worshipper. But this of course is a fallacy, the majority of criminals are usually Christian, and admit to not being that religious. Which means they believe in a god, Christ, etc, but do not go to church or may not have much faith in religious institutions. 

Fact is, atheist make up less than 1% of the prison population in America and make up only 2% of the entire world population. While you will look at charts and see 1 billion people in the world identify themselves as secular, nonreligious, agnostic and atheist. Secular does not equate atheist which is what a large majority of that group is. Non-religious for the most part means they believe in a god or something but have no need for organized religions, agnostic just means to have a sort of 50/50 about it.

You have agnostic theist and agnostic atheist. Along with Gnostic theist and Gnostic atheist. Agnostic theist are people who believe in a god yet are open to the possibility that there is no god, agnostic atheist are people who do not believe in any god but are open to the possibility of a god. Then you have Gnostic theist and atheist who are quite set in their ways. Gnostic theist believe there is a god 100%, and Gnostic atheist as I am, do not believe there is no god and find it pointless to believe in such a being without any proof of said being.

“atheism has caused more wars in history than religious has”
Actually no, religious wars have been the source of the majority of wars for thousands of years. If you [the writer] would have said atheist have started more wars in the 20th century …or more accurately caused more death during wars in the 20th century, then I could of agreed with you. Since with Stalin, Mao, Khmer Rouge, etc with their 100M + death toll I would of accepted that

Sorry religious people, Hitler was not an atheist before you say why did I not add Hitler.

Yet if we look “in history” since that was the claim, religion, or more accurately religious people have caused more wars than atheist ever have…and more than likely, ever will.

“It’s shown that atheist do more drugs, and have more violent tendencies than Christians”
Actually studies have shown the exact opposite. Studies have shown that when you have a higher atheistic/nonreligious percentage, the crime rate is actually a lot lower… This includes all crimes, murder, rape, drugs. I am not saying that atheist are morally superior than Christians, for I believe it depends on the person not the belief [though, I do find that theist are in general less tolerant than atheist… especially as it pertains to their precious bible]

“Atheist worship satan, the evil hell god”
speaking for myself only...and in generals. Atheist do not even believe in satan, that is a theistic concept of the embodiment of man made, desires and faults. We do not worship anything, god nor devil, divine nor damned. … these are theistic concepts, not atheist ones.

“76% of Atheist are communist”
I found this also to be very funny, if they would have said 76% of Marxist were atheist, then I could have believed this. Marx was one of the first modern communist to speak of religion having no place in communism.

Yet if anyone looked up the history of communism, it was started by religious people, in fact Christians, one of the earliest teachings of communism was in fact that people were all equal, humans are not above each other, for only god was above them all. The whole everyone works for the common good, was worded early with the bibles own verse of II Thessalonians 3:10-11 and coined into communism with some socialist ideals by Vladimir Lenin when he said the first rule of socialism is “He who does not work, neither shall he eat”.

While Lenin was an atheist, and this may defeat the purpose to the eh...close minded people,  he was known to study biblical text, and saw certain teachings it could be learned from it.

Communism, or the classless system can actually be traced back to ancient Greece, Plato in his written work entitled “The Republic” spoke of a classless system where everyone owned the land, operated the land, and lived off the land. It was practiced back then, by many of the religious people…and even today, in many African tribes they still hold true to these principals of classless style system….yet they still are quite religious.

I would like to see such proof of their absurdity of their false statistics to back up such claims.

“38% of terrorist attacks were committed by devil worshippers?”
The vast majority of terrorist attacks are committed by theistic people, who believe in a god, ..and reject the devil. More modern or rather more recently the majority of terrorist attacks particularly in the middle east and in Africa are being committed by Islamic and Christian fanatics.

"Atheist believe that murder, drugs, and rape should be legal to protect freedom"
Hm, atheism is simply the disbelief of any deity. The idea of atheism is in support of drugs, rape, and senseless murder is just yet another example of an absurdity of a theistic mind attempting to equate a belief in god with having some type of moral superiority.

A belief or disbelief does not make anyone morally superior or inferior. I have known some atheist that were all around dicks, same as theist….

“Atheist believe in abortion, which is the murder of unborn and recently born children for the soul purpose of the thrill"
Hm, if the child is already born.. then it would not be considered an abortion. Since born generally refers to fully out… I would also like to say, I guess all those Atheist Pro-Life groups are not real atheist.. I mean since atheist are all pro-abortion.. so, yea.... I will once again speak just for me. As far as I know, no one “believes in abortion”.. what I do believe in, is that such decisions should be left up to the mother and that the government, state, or country should have no say in it whatsoever.

…once again another theistic attempt to make atheist seem like some immoral people that are there to corrupt your children and harm them.

[Communism Question: When letting a friend read this through before posting, they asked that I give a few sentences about my feelings on communism.

As far as communism goes, if it is pure communism I find the system to be ideally and when practiced to be a great system; as shown by some communal type places all around the world. Where all of the people work for the people; no one is over anyone [this is not to say they do not have some type of government or elected officials, yet these officials are to be elected by the people, and shall step down at the behest of the people] where the group as a whole works to strive for greatness for them all.

But I think generally that on wide scaled margins that it will not work. As stated, for small, communal typpe settlements it could be a system to consider but as society grows larger, as people want to branch for and strive for different things I find this particular system to not be the best system for any society fo scope ... a few hundred people in a very small society .. maybe..  few million people.. um nope.

Like with any system if taken to its extremities then the system is no longer a good one, so I am not in support of authoritarian or totalitarian rule. To me authoritarian and totalitarian type of governments are in direct opposition of what pure communism is, which is no one ideally has ultimate power over anyone else, and no one is to be or be entitled to more than the people simply because of something as trivial as a title they may hold.

America, and most capitalistic systems judge success by wealth. Yes, these systems in general are not the richest, these systems in general may have to sacrifice all of the easy things a capitalistic system may have. But I am not so eh, arrogant in the believing that easy equals right, and the sad notion of money = success. To me a mans ideals, his wants, his love for fellow people, matters much more to me than the wealth he may possess.

I should clarify this since when reading she did not get it, I am not anti-capitalism in general, I am anti free market capitalism, for in a free market capitalistic society, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the sick die, the poor starve Sorry America, your system has not been a pure capitalistic system or a free market system since its founding, you have a capitalistic system, paired with a democratic socialist society, thus your public schools, thus your medicare, thus your Medicaid, thus your recent getting [which may or may not be repealed] of universal health care. Though the funds to these programs could be a lot more, especially in the richest nation in the world to treat your lowest of citizens as such…

I am not against personal wealth, if you are wealthy or rich person [yes, wealthy and rich are two different things to me] great for you. I am not opposed to wealth, I am opposed if said wealth is made on the backs of the workers, the continuous cutting of hours, or wages so that they may line their pockets. The term that would best describe it, I am opposed to any type of wage slavery. If ones wealth is gotten with use of wage slavery to its workers then yes I greatly opposed to it.

I am a democratic socialist, I have discussed this before, and shall not do it again, if you would like me to link you to my politics, and reasons, I will just tell you check out my deviant art page, which has my politics, reasons, and some other writings that I have done

Evolution!!! Oh it disproves god!
Not really, evolution is not really about disproving god per se, yet it is about showing us how we came to be, or rather how we are what we are now.

A friend of mines who is a religious guys, a xtian, said that “Darwin’s theory of evolution is flawed in that it said that we came from monkeys, or rather we evolved from monkeys and if that were true there would be no more monkeys.”

To this I can only say it is not the theory of evolution that is flawed but his understanding of it, evolution DOES NOT say that we come from monkeys at all. What it does say is, and you can look it up online or ask any evolutionary scientist of this, it states that human and monkeys have a common ancestor. Supporting evidence of this is the humanoid characteristics, and more importantly humans and monkey’s/prime apes genes are 95% similar.

So it does not say we evolved from monkeys but have a common ancestor, that ancestor of course which is now long extinct …to put the rest of “if we come from monkeys then why are they still here….”

This same friend also said “there is not one shred of evidence supporting evolution”
… you mean other than the dozens of fossils that have been found to have been dating thousands of years back that showed not only the genetic changes [if any were found, which is rare] but also shows the physical changes of the shape and form of the our ancient ancestors to what we are now? As well as how they evolved differently given the climate, and food available to them?

I found this on another Christian blogger site.

The answer to your question, is yes, I am a godless atheist. But is that not sort of redundant? Does not the term atheist already imply a disbelief in a deity? But that is not my issue.

For this Christian site went on and on of the evil acts of atheist, on their list they attributed “the greatest act” to Hitler; no offense but eh, Stalin, Mao... REAL ATHEIST; who made Hitler’s little killing spree, look like child’s play. They, the real atheist took a back seat to a catholic as the greatest atrocity committed by an atheist.

Sorry to burst your theistic bubble, but Hitler was not an atheist, he was very much a theist and made no secret of it in his speeches, here are a few Hitler quotes:

"To do justice to God and our own conscience, we have turned once more to the German Volk."
...doing justice for god.

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
...wanting to stamp out the atheist movement [which he meant the communist movement...who just happen to be atheist at that time ..well the ones he was referring to]

"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. ...And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exploited."

… hm, feelings as a Christian, god’s truth, our lord….

This is the most religious atheist I have ever seen….


Carry on Comrades

Quick comic strip I did...

This blog was written out of my atheistic boredom, I do not expect a lot of in depth answers regarding the information in this piece, but as usual if I do happen to get any answers I will answer all of em as full and detailed as I can

Blogging Buffoon Activated

Okay I am bored and figured I would do a blog.

This is a partially satire piece.

Just some of the similarities between the two groups. I find it funny at times when I hear the tea party say “WE ARE NOTHING LIKE THE NAZI’s”

As I just said, this is satire, if you are going to take this to heart and start the whining in the comments, spare us both and just go do your own pic comparing liberals to communist… or atheist to eh whatever.

Great quotes I enjoyed:

Quote about fear mongering tactic.. which both the Nazis and tea party people are good at.

“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Hermann Goering
German Politician,
[12 January 1893– 15 October 1946]
Reichsmarschall [highest rank in the military of Nazi Germany other than the Supreme commander -- [Adolf Hitler]-- that any soldier may obtain]

Quote that makes me think of the tea party…
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross”

Sinclair Lewis
[February 7, 1885 – January 10, 1951]
American novelist, playwright and short story writer.

Carry on Comrades

Blogging Buffoon Activated


Here is her original message, nothing has been altered, and since at the end she said to post my own blog for my response

You are attacking what is obviously an emotional (NOT RELIGIOUS OR BIGOTED) point of view for me. As for "politicizing" this issue, even those FOR it are doing so.

"Rejecting this has become like rejecting Islam itself," said Ahmad Moussalli, a professor of Islamic Studies at the American University of Beirut. "The United States has historically been distinguished by its tolerance, whereas Europe, France, Belgium and Holland have been among those who have rejected the symbolism of Islam. Embracing it will be positively viewed in the Islamic world."

So a religious faction is asking us to publicly embrace their motion to build in what many consider sacred ground as a political motion to gain their positive regard? Excuse me if there seems to be a veiled threat behind Moussalli's words. "Not embracing it will be negatively viewed in the Islamic world, and youmay meet with negative consequences." That's what I hear. And maybe that's not what is said, but that's the intonation many Americans.... be they Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, etc are hearing.

If the Muslims are not doing this for any political motive, and they are as peaceful and sensitive as they claim to be, then why is it they won't even consider having a meeting with Governor Patterson when he has offered to broker a new location for them? The possibility of building this park ANYWHERE else is reprehensible, reproachable, and unthinkable in their eyes. Why is that? It's not like anyone is saying "get out of New York." That's exactly what they are NOT saying. What is being said is "In light of the past, in light of those who still grieve and mourn every day of their lives, can you please show some compassion and sensitivity to those who this is impacting very strongly, and move it to another location?"

"Project organizers denied there was any consideration being given to moving the mosque. A written statement from the Cordoba Initiative, the group pushing to build the Islamic center in lower Manhattan, said no meetings have been scheduled between Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf and Paterson, "nor have there been any communications between the offices of Cordoba Initiative and the governor."

After a similar report appeared Monday in an Israeli newspaper, Sharif El-Gamal of SoHo Properties, which owns the property at Park 51, said it's absolutely wrong to suggest that the site is being abandoned.

"No. No. No," El-Gamal said.

"The reports that we may be abandoning the project are completely incorrect. We are committed to our plans of building Park 51 to serve the community of lower Manhattan. Our mission is one of peace, understanding and tolerance," he said." -Ground Zero Mosque Developers Deny Talk of Relocation

Published August 18, 2010

| FoxNews.com

This should not be an emotional weight-lifting competition. It should not be a political power struggle. If there is a mosque already within 8 blocks of the site, what is the need for another? The building of this mosque has been compared to erecting neo nazi symbolism near holocaust sites. While you may recoil in protest and spout "You can't compare the two," that's precisely the issue at hand. No neo-nazi today persecuted the Jews in WWII, yet they would most certainly be held responsible for it if they were to tout the Nazi symbolism in the face of the tragedies.

Make no mistake, the Ground Zero Mosque is a symbol to the Islamic world and to Mecca where there is no religious freedom, it is a symbol to what they accomplished on 911. The man pushing it, Imam Rauf, does not believe Hamas is a terrorist group and blames America for 911. If Islam is a religion of peace, why are there no Christian churches in Saudia Arabia? And why, in this country, do we use federal money to build mosques yet a teacher in a public school cannot wear a cross out side of their shirts. Why is Christmas now a Winter Holiday, why are there no nativity scenes in the Whitehouse, why are monuments that stood for 60 years be taken down because they make reference to the bible or Christianity. Why is the 10 Commandments, the basis of our laws, removed from court houses. Why is private prayer in public places not allowed yet we fund foot washing basins in public schools for muslims. It is a wonder when liberals all of a sudden remember the other half of the First Ammendment when it comes to the religion of Islam but convienently skipped over when it comes to Christianity.

Now I'm not preaching for any religion, but if we are so politically opposed to allowing any form of religion in our schools, we must take into account that there is a very strong political hypocrisy in offering ANY monetary aid to the funding of ANY religious structure. I personally don't think any religion should be practiced in the schools as part of the school, but at the same time, provision must be made for ALL those who CHOOSE to do so. We cannot provide muslim wash basins without providing for all others.

It's not about this being an election year. I'm not sure where you get that info from, but the majority of this controversy is not being publicly aired. You have to dig for the information. The Siena College poll showed 63 percent of New York voters surveyed oppose the project, with 27 percent supporting it. That compares with 64 percent opposed and 28 percent in favor two weeks earlier.
I promise you, that 63% is not a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites screaming out with a voice of narrow-minded bigotry.

As for you bringing up how we are denying Muslims their "Constitutional Rights," you had better read that again. The Constitution does not guarantee freedom of religion. The 1st Amendment says "Congress shall make no law", it does not say "The State of New York shall make no law". So while Congress can not establish an official national religion, any state can establish an official state religion. In fact, after the Constitution was ratified several states still had official state religions. Eventually they decided to do away with them, but the Constitution did not and does not require them to do so. In order to "respect" the Constitution you have to READ it and UNDERSTAND it. Not to mention, the SITE of a religious building is not covered by the constitution.

Two imams (spiritual leaders) of the Islamic Cultural Center have made controversial statements.

The first, Sheik Muhammad Gemeaha, said in an interview that "only the Jews" were capable of the September 11 attacks and "if it became known to the American people, they would have done to Jews what Hitler did." He also stated that as "Allah described it," Jews "disseminate corruption in the land" and are responsible for the spread of "heresy, homosexuality, alcoholism, and drugs."
In further controversial statements, Gemeaha's replacement, Omar Saleem Abu-Namous, condemned the September 11 attacks, but said there wasn't "conclusive evidence" that Muslims were responsible. Bob Beckel, a supporter of the Mosque construction, sneered, "At some point... New York is going to have to get over 9/11!"

Is that what this is? If you slap us in the face hard enough, we are just going to "get over" what has been done and embrace those who stand in our faces with very thinly veiled hostility and speak smooth, glib words with superficial charm?

There is:
No sensitivity for the families of 9/11 victims
No sensitivity for the first responders whose painful memories are as vivid as last night's nightmare
No sensitivity for New Yorkers who searched for loved ones in the rubble of 9/11
No sensitivity for the millions of Americans who sat glued to their televisions in shocked horror as Twin Towers crumpled, as hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon, as another plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after brave passengers and flight crew attempted to retake the planes
No sensitivity for all of the troops who have died to protect the freedoms of Americans and Muslims all over the globe
No sensitivity to a combined death toll of near 3000 civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries

There is no sensitivity to any of this. Have we become so politicized that we have lost our humanity? Are we simply to become automated robots and go through life with an uncaring, unfeeling attitude and numb ourselves to the horrors we have faced and the aftermath that follows? This is still part of the aftermath. We are still engaged in a war that started on September 11th. I think this is neither the right time, nor the right place for the construction of the Park 51 project or the Mosque. And if I were so wrong about the way I feel, there wouldn't be so many others on a global level who are screaming out with the same outrage I feel.

Now, you may respond to this as you so choose. I am done defending my position to you or anyone else. More than enough has been said, and I am quickly tiring of your desire to debate just to make yourself feel superior. The thought that this doesn't affect you in the slightest makes me cringe and wonder if there is any depth to your humanity. Your neglect in understanding the response and natural emotional reaction from so many in the country is almost criminally negligent from a hard look at things with regards to moral and ethical law. Are politics more important than people? Is a perceived "need" to prove how tolerant we are really so vital that we will swallow our fundamental, natural, human emotions and fake a smile through the tears as we blindly attempt to embrace that which we have grown to hate? And it's not that we hate the religion. We hate the "we're going to do this, whether you like it or not" attitude. We hate the "We're about to become the biggest religion in the world, so get used to us" attitude that has been taken. It's the "I'm better than you, my god is better than you, and there's nothing you can do to stop this" concept that has so many people outraged. I'm not saying christianity is any better. More people have been killed in the name of Christianity than any other religion. However, it appears Islamic extremists are trying just as hard to catch up to that distinction as the faith itself is trying to surpass Christianity in numbers.

This blog was posted to express my own outrage at something so intensly painful for me. It is most certainly NOT here for you to spout off about your own agenda, although I have not stopped anyone from doing so. At this point, I would like to ask you to post your own blog if you have anything else to say, as I'm disgusted with the turn of events that have taken place here.

“added after”
By the way.... just an FYI... for those saying this is not hallowed ground and the site of the new mosque has nothing to do with the WTC attacks... the site of the new Mosque was originally a store that was rendered useless after being damaged by the debris from the Trade Centers. In my opinion, if the ground was touched by the desecration of the attacks, it is hallowed ground and needs to be respected as such.

Here is my response, since I am rather long winded it is just over six pages..so read if you want...

I attacked no one, I did address the blog and the words therein, since the words therein are not written by you, how could I then be in attack of you?

Now, I am asking you, since you posted the blog, with the ending of "HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO LAY DOWN AND LET THEM WALK ON US?" Who is this "them"? Who is this imaginary enemy that will take the place of this... them?

But it is a post of just that, I mean if you listen to her statements, if you see her other post on her blogs, if you see her on fox news and things of that nature, she makes no secret of her not being a fan at all of Islam, and most of her conservative followers know that she is completely anti Islam. So... like many of the partisan puppets and news people who have taken a side on this, she has an agenda... Okay, he lost people, so did the people who want the build the mosque or are in favor of it, one's lost doesn't trump the lost of another.

You say not religious or bigoted, once again, have you seen her other works, simply because this piece may not be as blunt as her other pieces she is quite bigoted. Actually no, before the big news coverage of building it, no one was really talking about, but once it is on the news everyday, then they have to take a side.

Okay? What am I to get from his quote? That a Muslim man feels that not allowing them to build a mosque just because they are Muslims feels like they are rejecting Islam…well... yea. So he made a statement and then praised America for it being generally historically tolerant as it pertained to religion.

Oh yes a religious faction that does not want you to hate their religion... what exactly was the point of that sentence of them wanting us to embrace their religion? Of course they do, no more than Christians want us to embrace Christianity, and Jews want us to embrace to their religion, embrace merely means to include as apart of our life, to stop demonizing it and to stop trying to connect "Islam" attempting to equate it with terrorist, so what is wrong with them wanting us to embrace them?

I don't get the whole sacred ground, okay maybe I could grasp the whole sacred ground if they were building it at ground zero, and it is nearly three blocks away, so where does this "sacred ground" ends?

*face palms* yes it is a threat to say if you mistreat Muslims here, than other Muslims may not be so open to embrace you world wide.... I mean really... I am just glad I am not one of these "many".

Why should they? They own the land; they have their mosque 11 blocks away, governor Patterson already said that the location he would pick out will not be in the same zone as the one they are currently in since as you might have imagined there are not plenty of large open places that are not already spoken for. So why should they, after spending so much money on a piece of land, then simply move when it is... a perfect location with their mosque being only blocks away.

I love this whole why don't they, the question isn't why don't they, the question is, why should they?

Yet the question still remains, how close is too close, you have some people who want it more than a mile away, some want it even further, why should they have to move when their mosque is just a short 7 block walk, and there is no other place within 7 blocks large enough lot for their mosque...

So? The Imam has said for quite some time, that given the close proximity it is to his mosque he has 11 blocks away from ground zero, [7 blocks from the community center] that there is no other places in the surrounding that could accommodate such a building. For this he has made it clear that he is not moving, nor should he.

...okay... he always said he had no plans of moving, he has not changed his words in months, so... it is not secret that there were never any plans of relocation.

*oy vey* are you actually comparing this mosque to Nazis. Why should they not have another mosque? Question for you, there are over 6,000 churches in NYC, several within this same are, so what use of them wanting them build another church a block away? There are over 1,000 synangogues in NYC alone, so what good if a Rabbi want to build another Synagogue?...there are just over 100 mosques in NYC, and NYC has a continuously growing muslim population, so they want to build yet another mosque, and another and another to keep accommodating the fastest growing modern religion, good for them.

The fallacy in your argument is the Nazis are a racist political groups who wanted the destruction of all Jews, Muslims, Blacks, atheists, gays, gypsies, soviet citizens, socialist, communist, cripples etc, Muslims are a religion, who for a very large majority are a very peaceful people. So are we to demonize and denigrate an entire people because of fundamentalist in that religion?

Okay? What exactly does that have to do with American citizens? Of course you have people in the Middle East, fundamentalist, who see the attacks as a great win for them, that has nothing to do with American Muslims and their wanting to build a mosque.

I heard his quotes, and what he said, what he said was that America has to take some responsibility for it. Do we not? If you look at the history of why Al Qaeda hates us in the first place, it is our fault, so I am only guessing since only he knows what he means, yet could this not be what he meant? That because of our past with Al Qaeda and us starting off as allies when we wanted to topple saddam, and all that went down after that, that that is what could be the responsibility we must take for the rival between us?

*face palms* I love the attempting to connect a theocracy type country in the east, with a democratic country as America. Do tell us what exactly is the connection between there being no churches in Saudi Arabia and building mosque here?

What is the difference, hm; same way I suppose was the difference under queen Mary of England. They are not a democracy; they are a monarchy, theocracy of sorts where Islam is the religion the king has chosen for his kingdom. But if you wish to speak of the kindness of it, let us not forget that while he opposed them opening up a church inside his kingdom, he did fully support and they did build a catholic church several years ago right outside the border.

Same reason we use federal moneys to build churches and synagogues... are mosques not awarded the same treatment as these two?

REALLY? Since when? When I went to public schools several of the teachers wore crosses, and no one had any problem with it at all. Now if some small town or state has an issue with a teacher wearing a cross, surely it is not because some Muslim said we feel uncomfortable with a Christian teaching his child.

To be quite honest I had to look this up, though what I find it is not just crosses as you mentioned, they were even trying to take out turbans, yarmulkes, head scarves and all types of religious clothing, so it is not just Christians being targeted... and it also said the teachers will more than likely win their case against the school board. So good for ALL OF THE religious teachers... not as if one religion was just being targeted but all of them.

Well if you mean why have some stores stop saying Christmas and prefer to use happy holidays, maybe because they understand not everyone is Christian and celebrate Christmas? Maybe they have woken up that there are actual beliefs in this country that are not Christian, muslim, Jews, Wiccan/pagan, satanic, etc, who do not celebrate "Christmas"...so they actually want all of them to feel welcomed, I mean how dare they not just cater to one particular belief...

No one is telling the stores, YOU CAN'T SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS OR YOU WILL BE FINED... but if the owners of the store want everyone to be cool and feel welcomed, then good for them.

Why do we need a nativity scene at the white house? They had a huge Christmas tree wasn't that enough? Obama made no secret that he was raised by an atheist mother, and not OVERLY religious grandparents, so maybe his mother did not celebrate Christmas. Could that be why? Is a nativity scene so important?

...maybe because we have a separation of church and state, could that be why?

Well... our laws are based on several things mostly common sense things, I mean doesn't take a genius to say don't kill, don't steal, etc. the majority of the ten commandments are not in our laws. The first isn't, the second isn't, the third isn't, the fourth isn't, the fifth isn't, the sixth is, the seventh was and is not any more, the eight is, nine is somewhat as it pertains to witness testimony, and ten isn't. So of these Ten Commandments, only three are apart of the law hm. If we take murder and stealing which were laws in societies that predate the ten commandments, [well giving the benefit of the doubt of the ninth commandment] that leaves just one out of ten .

Not to mention several of the founding fathers were deist and had no use for the bible...one as far as I know had a deep hatred of religion and the bible... so moving on.

What private prayer in public places, and foot basins in public schools? I googled this and it was a college, not a PS public school. While the school like most college accept anyone, it is still private property. I see nothing in this same school installing the foot basins saying that Christians cannot pray...maybe you know something about these colleges that are not in their pages, they seem to be trying to be respectful of all faiths...

Lmao @ liberals, I knew there was a reason for all these questions, question for you, what does "liberals" have to do with colleges wanting to respect all religions, including their Christian students? What "liberal" has said he is preferable over Islam than Christianity? What "liberal" has spoke of limiting the rights of Christians and expanding that of Muslims, do tell me what "liberal". By liberal I mean someone of importance, not just some average joe. What "other half" of the first amendment? hm

*face palms*... most of the founding fathers were liberals, most of the civil rights workers were Christians and liberals, ..most liberals in America are Christian.. but yes, it is a big evil liberal conspiracy against christianity..

You seem to be preaching for a religion, but okay. You cannot compare what one does as it pertains to religion in public schools, vs what they do in college. College schools are considered private property and not public property, the funny thing, the school I saw installing the foot basins for their muslim students was a Catholic College, you are not saying that catholic colleges are anti Christian now are you?... But I also see other colleges are follwing them, non religious or rather not religiously based colleges, but if they want to allow all of their students free practice of their faith, good for them.

What others? Christians do not have any stipulation that I know of that they must wash before prayer do they? As far as I know, neither do Jews, [maybe they do, I said as far as I know] yet islam, before prayer you MUST cleanse yourself, it is apart of their religious practices, so if a school wishes to help students practice their faith freely, I say good for that school.

*big face palms* it is not about election? They knew about this mosque/community since last years, do you honestly thing they held it to right before elections if it had not been about the votes? "but the majority of this controversy is not being publicly aired" WHAT? It is on every news station every night, especially on the national news stations like Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc, it is a big story on these, so it is very much publicly aired. Dig for information? Fox news airs the imam quotes like every day...

Okay? I am well aware that the majority of people are opposed to it, ... am I to side with a majority  when I do not agree with them?

I just LOVE how you cut the rest of that line off "Congress shall make no law"... there is more to it than that.. now here is the full line of that text  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." is the full line. So yes, the congress, and state shall not prohibit the free practice of ones beliefs.

Actually it cannot, the state laws are superseded by the federal law, i.e. the constitution. Such as in several southern state constitutions [as I am sure you know each state has its own constitution, and then there is the federal one which supersedes them all].. there are clauses in several state constitutions saying a person holding office must believe in god, and they tried to impeach an atheist in one southern state because of their constitution, yet the federal constitution supersedes the states constitution and as such a state cannot do something which goes against the very fabric of the federal constitution.

"In order to "respect" the Constitution you have to READ it and UNDERSTAND it. Not to mention, the SITE of a religious building is not covered by the constitution."
I do understand it, just like you cut off the most important part of the first amendment as it pertained to religion, they are also are not allowed to prohibit the free practice of any religion, so that goes along with buildings, ... and anything else in according with the practice thereof. So since I did READ and UNDERSTAND it as you so capitalizingly [my own word] put it, it still holds true.

Okay? I am pretty sure there was something behind their tirades you were putting.


Okay let me clear this major fallacy up for you, sheikh Muhammad was apart of "A" Islamic center on upper east side, he made these statements not long after september 11th, and left NYC, and had no more participation with that mosque. He was not connected with "the islamic cultural center" that is being built now.... in fact as far as the authorities know he has never returned to NYC since he left.

Oh you mean his replacement who also has nothing to do with the mosque/Community center being built? Who runs a mosque which is overseen by United Nations Ambassadors ...

"Bob Beckel, a supporter of the Mosque construction, sneered, "At some point... New York is going to have to get over 9/11!""

Um okay? What is wrong with saying at some point NY is going to have to get over 9/11. He is entitled to say that is he not? I mean it is not as bad as saying he hates 9/11 families ..as another fox news guy did.... but okay moving on.

They slapped you in the face by having an opinion different from yours? This is America, freedom of speech is not just for the speech you happen to agree with.

Let us go through your there is list...

"No sensitivity for the families of 9/11 victims"
What about the 9/11 families who support the mosque? Who understand not all Muslims attacked us and all should not have to pay for it.

"No sensitivity for the first responders whose painful memories are as vivid as last night's nightmare"
Okay? Once again, what did these Muslims have to do with the attack, nothing.

"No sensitivity for New Yorkers who searched for loved ones in the rubble of 9/11"
Some of those thousands that support the mosque are the family members of people who were searched for, as well as one of the muslim woman on the board of directors lost her son in the WTC center...

"No sensitivity for the millions of Americans who sat glued to their televisions in shocked horror as Twin Towers crumpled"
So yes, we demonize and make all Muslims pay for the acts of a few... I mean that is the American way right?

", as hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon, as another plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after brave passengers and flight crew attempted to retake the planes"
...still waiting on some connection to these Muslims.

"No sensitivity for all of the troops who have died to protect the freedoms of Americans and Muslims all over the globe"
Are they not also dying for the freedoms of MUSLIM AMERICANS, for their freedom to also practice their faith and such as they see fit.

"No sensitivity to a combined death toll of near 3000 civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries"
You say no sensitivity, an Imam who is putting a small shrine in the community center to remember 9/11 victims, who has been known for reaching out with people of all faiths.

Is it about humanity? If it is then where is it? We expect them to just appease us, for something they had nothing to do it. When we keep comparing them to a group who hates and kills them [Al Qaeda], when every true statement spoken by the imam is taken as some personal American attack, because he has an opinion that people may not want to hear.

If not now, then when? How long will be okay for the "right time", how far away as I have asked several times is far enough? There is a group of people in FL protesting a group of Muslims building a mosque there, how far is too far for it to be good enough?

lmao @ make myself feel superior. You put forth a premise of another, I disagreed with it, I commented my feelings on said premise, if such a thing was meant to make me seem superior, a lot more could have been done.

Oh how I love the little telling me about me, that was great, it does affect me, yet unlike those of the same ilk as many, I am not willing to demonize a whole people for something they had nothing to do with, I am not the one who shall say, because Muslims attacked us, and you are Muslims we want you to move your center as far away as possible so there is no chance of seeing it at ground zero.. we understand that those who attacked us are also your enemies and have been killing your people in the middle east for years, but for America.. muslim is muslim so you must go... no I shall not be that voice to lump all of similars and forget the differences.

"Are politics more important than people? "
What people? You mean those Americans who had nothing to do with the attack? Whose people have been getting murdered by Al Qaeda for years? You mean I am to simply join the mob in protest and not care for that which is demonize without reason?...

You may feel how you want, no one is saying you may not feel how you want, nor is anyone saying that ones wants should be that which dictates the law and a people.

... hate, that is the problem, people have grown to hate islam, not for anything islam as a whole has done, not for anything islam as a whole has abolished, but ..for the few fundamentalist people within that religion.

Okay, so they are the fastest growing religion in the world, any religion in history who has held such a thing has been arrogantly proud... it is nothing new.

Um, "My god is better than you", um, Muslims, Jews and Christians all admit they worship the same god, they just worship him differently... or do you mean better than you as in people, if that is the case then that is all religions...

Eh, when you have Christians in Africa who have killed about 30-50K kids as of this year who believe they are possessed by the devil... the number of Christian casualties are still growing.. Though it is the extremist on both sides that make a faith look bad.

Are we judge these Muslims for what some middle eastern extremist do? Are we to judge Christians for what those extremist Christians are doing in Africa?

...well if we must be fair, it was that Pamela Geller's blog of rhetoric which was reposted, which knowing of her anti-islam and proud, I have issues with such and countered the blog.

My own agenda... well I guess I do have one, to stop the lumping of whole people together for no other reason than they happen to be the same faith.

I mean if we start taking the smallest of similarities and grouping all who may share the say belief or disbelief then... hm all Muslims are all Idi Amin, Catholics/Christians are all Hitler, all atheist are Stalin, Mao....all Jews are like Gush Emunim Underground [couldn't find any modern jewish mass killing dictators so used a jewish terrorist group]

...as per the last part, I will just say, if it good enough for a strip joint, then it is good enough for an islamic community center or any other religious type building.


Okay if you do not want to read all of the debate I shall leave this bottom section for you lazy fuckers :P

My doctor called me and said it has been five years since I  had a check up, I said..yea and?... he wants me to come in.. so should I go?

Second Situation, yesterday someone called me anti-American for saying that America is not the greatest country in the world? Has truth become bad in this country? Just because you are the richest and strongest that does not make you the best... for fucks sake you are not even the most democratic of countries...

Okay, in every one of babyjesus's blog, I ask for a big box of porn, he always approves the comment, do you think I will get my porn? Hm, haha.

*looks at bottom picture* I have watched V for Vendetta at least 20 times in the past week hm, I think I have issues.

Okay Comrades, that is all.

But if you did read the debate, ... do voice your opinion.


Proud American???▬●ΑΘΕΟΣ

Blogging Buffoon Activated


Someone on my list posted the original article from here LINK to which they entitled their blog "I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN"

The words "HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO LAY DOWN AND LET THEM WALK ON US? THIS IS THE ULTIMATE HORROR IN A LONG LINE OF ATROCITIES. IT'S TIME TO STAND AND FIGHT BACK." were added at the bottom I commented and figured I wanted to save my comment ..since I usually save all my long comments anyway.

My Response to the blog.


So basically on June 6th you had a multi ethnic, multi racial coalition of people [saying Americans is rather idiotic and redundant since the people who are building the mosque are also Americans… or did we forget that part?] who rallied against the constitution. Who rallied against a peoples first and fifth amendment rights… Let us dissect this little eh, proud to be a typical ignorant American piece.

“9/11 families were joined by immigrants”

Really? Every 9/11 family were there? I find that a bit odd since several of the 9/11 families are in support of the mosque, let us not forget that on the board of directors for the mosque sits a woman, a mother, whose son died on September 11th. Have we forgotten muslims also died on that day?

“at Ground Zero”

Typical people following the news, it is not AT ground zero, it is 2 and the half blocks away. If everything that was two and the half blocks away was “at” then I suppose I live at a catholic church if we go south, I live at a muslim mosque if we go north, I live at a jewish synagogue if we go two blocks east..

“experiences at the hands of Muslims.”
Oh yes, why not? Let us just continue the stupidity of lumping all muslims together, why not? I mean it seems to work, picking on a minority is very easy, I get it.

“These are parents and spouses of firefighters killed on 9/11.”
Question, are the parents and spouses, kids, etc of the Islamic and non Islamic people who died who are in favor of the mosque, does their word hold no meaning at all?

Why? Are the Christians afraid of competition? It is okay for their belief to run rampant, to take over politics, to take over the ideals of wants of nation. But no, the second largest religion in the world, only 1% of the American population, really this is islamization? One Percent… Oh people, when will they learn. Your enemy?

“It is unconscionable to build a shrine”
Oh yes a shrine, is it any better than planting a huge cross at ground zero? To allow such a symbol to be that which canonize their people, not all people who died in September 11 were Christians, what about the jews, the muslims, the non religious, but no, no one had anything to say about building or rather putting a giant cross down there.

“This is an offensive mosque”
Really? Oh do tell us what is so offensive about it?
“sacred ground”
Really? Sacred ground nearly 3 blocks away? When there is a strip club that opened a block away on this “sacred ground” there is a mosque just 8 blocks south, and another 11 blocks north.

Let us look at facts, there are 6,000 churches in NYC alone, there are 1000 synagogues, there are just over 100 mosques, yet these are the people we because of a fundamentalist group of their religion we continue to pick on them.

“This is historic, this is Islamic history”
I know to whoever wrote this, this is historic in christian society as well. Have we forgotten the crusades, inquisitions, to go around the land, to put down all other faiths, to build churches on conquered lands of a converted people. I love, I love how they seem to forget this, their own history, the bloodiest history of any religion known to man.

I think it is fear of truth, because Islam is 600 years younger, yet only 500 M people or so less than Christianity. One of the fastest growing faiths. Many estimates believe in a few decades it will be the dominate religion of the world, and I believe this thing scares the hell out of Christians.. it is always hard for a dominate people to realize their end is coming

“I do not believe that the landmarks commission controlled by Mayor Bloomberg, is going to stop this mosque”
Why should they? Are you truly advocating that a government, elected officials, go against the constitution? I hate very much these so called Americans, convenient constitutionalist.

“We have to make it happen. You have to get involved.” “
I will get involved, in support of the constitution, against these bigoted ideals of with us or against us, separated Americans by their faith, by their ideals, this is just simple stupidity running rampant in their fetal states of superiority.

“The issues at stake will certainly affect the heart of American freedom, democracy, cultural values and tolerance. America is a tolerant country that allows for the free worship of all its citizens. But our tolerance has limits. Do we have to tolerate intolerant Islamic ideology and Muslims who preach intolerant Islam?”
Oh really, tolerance has limits. This Imam has not preached intolerance at all. But Americans in all of their arrogance and ignorance hate the truth. He spoke truths, that America has more blood on their hands, than al qaeda, I know Americans in all of their democratic and suppression of their own
citizens rights like to think themselves the beacons of peace, but they are not.

"Anyone openly critical of Islam, or terrorist ideology, must surround themselves with security,"

This is the typical American stupidity I speak of. Equating Islam with some ideal of terrorist ideology.

"Moderate Muslims were silent when Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in Amsterdam"
Many muslims spoke against the his murder... so what is the point of this?

" just as moderate Muslims in the United States are generally reluctant to speak out against violent Islam."
...I love how they name muslims speaking against the mosque and then say moderate muslims are reluctant to speak against violent Islam. I know plenty of muslims who do not consider Al Qaeda and their ilk true muslims.

"They hope to inspire Americans to stand up and say enough of political correctness and work to stem the galloping islamization of America and Europe .."
Yes, enough of the political correctness. Let us tell these so called Americans to their face, let us speak of their ignorance to their minds, let us confront their bigoted minds of arrogance with our words of truth.

Yes this is correct, it is time fight back, against a majority that has forgotten their ideals.

I understand it is easier to pick on a minority than to go against a majority, we did it with the native americans, we did it with the africans,  we did it with the Japanese, we did it with the blacks, we did it with the women, we did it with the gays...and now, we do it with the muslims. But in every majority of ignorance, comes a minority of truths, not clouded with the minds of a idiotic perversion of their views of equality.

"Those courageous enough to confront Islamism are criticized by the cowards"
Yes we are cowards, we are cowards for not smearing an entire belief for the acts of a few, yes we are cowards for not following a majority, even though it is easier. Yes we are cowards to go against a majority, to stand up to these so called Americans who seem to have forgotten their own ideals, yes if that is what a coward be, then let me say, a coward I am, a coward I am proud to be, a coward I shall always be.

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9 years ago
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