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Stuff White People Like.

Here is a hilarious website discussing everyones favorite future minority White People. Click Here For Full List Here’s an example from the list: 116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore All music genres go through a very similar life cycle: birth, growth, mainstream acceptance, decline, and finally obscurity. With black music, however, the final stage is never reached because white people are work tirelessly to keep it alive. Apparently, once a music has lost its relevance with its intended audience, it becomes MORE relevant to white people. Historically speaking, the music that white people have kept on life support for the longest period of time is Jazz. Thanks largely to public radio, bookstores, and coffee shops, Jazz has carved out a niche in white culture that is not yet ready to be replaced by Indie Rock. But the biggest role that Jazz plays in white culture is in the white fantasy of leisure. All white people believe that they prefer listening to jazz over watching television. This is not true. Every few a months, a white person will put on some Jazz and pour themselves a glass of wine or scotch and tell themselves how nice it is. Then they will get bored and watch television or write emails to other white people about how nice it was to listen to Jazz at home. “Last night, I poured myself a glass of Shiraz and put Charlie Parker on the Bose. It was so relaxing, I wish I had a fireplace.” Listing this activity as one of your favorites is a sure fire way to make progress towards a romantic relationship with a white person. Along with Jazz, white people have also taken quite a shine to The Blues, an art form that captured the pain of the black experience in America. Then, in the 1960s, a bunch of British bands started to play their own version of the music and white people have been loving it ever since. It makes sense considering that the British were the ones who created The Blues in the 17th Century. Today, white people keep The Blues going strong by taking vacations to Memphis, forming awkward bands, making documentaries, and organizing folk festivals. Blue and Jazz music appeal mostly to older white people and select few young ones who probably wear fedoras. But that doesn’t mean that young white people aren’t working hard to preserve music that has lost relevance. No, there are literally thousands of white people who are giving their all to keep old school Hip Hop alive. Even as you read this, white people are telling other white people about the golden age of Hip Hop that they experienced in a suburban high school or through a viewing of The Wackness. If you are good at concealing laughter and contempt, you should ask a white person about “Real Hip Hop.” They will quickly tell you about how they don’t listen to “Commercial Hip Hop” (aka music that black people actually enjoy), and that they much prefer “Classic Hip Hop.” “I don’t listen to that commercial stuff. I’m more into the Real Hip Hop, you know? KRS One, Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, De La Soul, Wu Tang, you know, The Old School.” Calling this style of music ‘old school’ is considered an especially apt name since the majority of people who listen to it did so while attending old schools such as Dartmouth, Bard, and Williams College. What it all comes down to is that white people are convinced that if they were alive when this music was relevant that they would have been into it. They would have been Alan Lomax or Rick Rubin. Now the best they can hope for is to impress an older black person with their knowledge
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." -- Winston Churchill "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." -- Clarence Darrow "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." --William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway) "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." -- Groucho Marx "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - MarkTwain "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends." ----Oscar Wilde "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend... If you have one." -- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill...followed by Churchill's response: "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second, if there is one." -- Winston Churchill "I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here."-- Stephen Bishop "He is a self-made man and worships his creator." -- John Bright "I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." -- Irvin S. Cobb "He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others." -- Samuel Johnson "He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up."-- Paul Keating "He had delusions of adequacy." -- Walter Kerr "Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?" -- Mark Twain "His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."-- Mae West "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." --Oscar Wilde Lady Astor once remarked to Winston Churchill at a Dinner Party, "Winston, if you were my husband, I would poison your coffee!" Winston replied, "Madam if I were your husband I would drink it!"
You Know You're From New York City When...
You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means Manhattan. You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Wisconsin on a map. Hookers and the homeless are invisible. The subway makes sense. You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual. You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "The Big Apple". The most frequently used part of your car is the horn. You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a yard. You consider Westchester "upstate". You think Central Park is "nature." You see nothing odd about the speed of an auctioneer's speaking. You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it�s a "steal." You've been to New Jersey twice and got hopelessly lost both times. You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent. You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went away to camp as a kid. You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed. Your closet is filled with black clothes. You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since the 80s, and when you did, it terrified you. You pay $5 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28 cents. You take fashion seriously. Being truly alone makes you nervous. You have 27 different menus next to your telephone. Going to Brooklyn is considered a "road trip." America west of the Hudson is still theoretical to you. You've gotten jaywalking down to an art form. You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise. Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes. $50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag. You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories. You don't notice sirens anymore. You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns. Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watchseller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Indian and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian. You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you. You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills. You think $7.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price. Your door has more than three locks. Your favorite movie has DeNiro in it. You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression. You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection. You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license. You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available. You're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent. There is no North and South. It's uptown or downtown. When you're away from home, you miss "real" pizza and "real" bagels. You know the differences between all the different Ray's Pizzas. You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve. Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect. You know what a bodega is. You know how to fold the New York Times in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats. Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet..... You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from NYC.

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GEORGE CARLIN ON RELIGION The Ultimate Bullshit In the Bullshit Department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergyman. 'Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit! But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is fucked up. Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say "this guy", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man. No woman could or would ever fuck things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person, and which would explain a lot of these bad results. So rather than be just another mindless religious robot, mindlessly and aimlessly and blindly believing that all of this is in the hands of some spooky incompetent father figure who doesn't give a shit, I decided to look around for something else to worship. Something I could really count on. And immediately, I thought of the sun. Happened like that. Overnight I became a sun-worshipper. Well, not overnight, you can't see the sun at night. But first thing the next morning, I became a sun-worshipper. Several reasons. First of all, I can see the sun, okay? Unlike some other gods I could mention, I can actually see the sun. I'm big on that. If I can see something, I don't know, it kind of helps the credibility along, you know? So everyday I can see the sun, as it gives me everything I need; heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the lake, an occasional skin cancer, but hey. At least there are no crucifixions, and we're not setting people on fire simply because they don't agree with us. Sun worship is fairly simple. There's no mystery, no miracles, no pageantry, no one asks for money, there are no songs to learn, and we don't have a special building where we all gather once a week to compare clothing. And the best thing about the sun, it never tells me I'm unworthy. Doesn't tell me I'm a bad person who needs to be saved. Hasn't said an unkind word. Treats me fine. So, I worship the sun. But, I don't pray to the sun. Know why? I wouldn't presume on our friendship. It's not polite. I've often thought people treat God rather rudely, don't you? Asking trillions and trillions of prayers every day. Asking and pleading and begging for favors. Do this, gimme that, I need a new car, I want a better job. And most of this praying takes place on Sunday His day off. It's not nice. And it's no way to treat a friend. But people do pray, and they pray for a lot of different things, you know, your sister needs an operation on her crotch, your brother was arrested for defecating in a mall. But most of all, you'd really like to fuck that hot little redhead down at the convenience store. You know, the one with the eyepatch and the clubfoot? Can you pray for that? I think you'd have to. And I say, fine. Pray for anything you want. Pray for anything, but what about the Divine Plan? Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn't in God's Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn't it seem a little arrogant? It's a Divine Plan. What's the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plan? And here's something else, another problem you might have: Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the fuck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing. So to get around a lot of this, I decided to worship the sun. But, as I said, I don't pray to the sun. You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. For years I asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog, Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a simple baseball bat. So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself. And for those of you who look to The Bible for moral lessons and literary qualities, I might suggest a couple of other stories for you. You might want to look at the Three Little Pigs, that's a good one. Has a nice happy ending, I'm sure you'll like that. Then there's Little Red Riding Hood, although it does have that X-rated part where the Big Bad Wolf actually eats the grandmother. Which I didn't care for, by the way. And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I like the best? "All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again." That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None, not one, no God, never was. In fact, I'm gonna put it this way. If there is a God, may he strike this audience dead! See? Nothing happened. Nothing happened? Everybody's okay? All right, tell you what, I'll raise the stakes a little bit. If there is a God, may he strike me dead. See? Nothing happened, oh, wait, I've got a little cramp in my leg. And my balls hurt. Plus, I'm blind. I'm blind, oh, now I'm okay again, must have been Joe Pesci, huh? God Bless Joe Pesci. Thank you all very much. Joe Bless You! (Copyright 1999 by George Carlin.)
You know your from Long Island if…………………………. Jones Beach is the best place in the world to see a concert. CASE CLOSED Billy Joel said it best "Either you date a rich girl from the North Shore or A cool girl from the South Shore "What’s the big deal about the Hamptons? If you’re not from Long Island or NYC, you’re not from New York You don’t go to Manhattan, you go to the "City" You never, ever want to "change at Jamaica…" You never realize you have an accent until you leave. You can name at least three bands that came from Long Island. You curse. A lot! Is Huntington really that cool? You’ve been to Utopia at least once. The damn geese are everywhere! If your parents didn’t, your grandparents lived in the city. At some point in your life you or someone you know has owned an animal that came from North Shore Animal League. You walk around the mall aimlessly. You drive around you town with your friends, and that’s the most exciting part of your evening. On the weekend, your evening consists of seeing a movie, going bowling, or playing pool. When you walk in the city and you see two men holding hands…it’s normal to you. No word ends in an ER, just an A. You feel like you know Howard Stern. You live in the shadow of the greatest city in the world, but you never go there. When you’re away from Long Island, you love it and when you’re there, you don’t You know that the beach sucks during the day and is the most magical place in the world at night. You know the exact point at which Suffolk turns into Nassau simply on intuition. You’re still waiting for a bridge to Connecticut You’ve tried to use your father’s monthly ticket to ride the LIRR. It Worked! No matter what you do, you end up at the diner. Your distant future might involve the state of Florida. High School sports aren’t that important. You’ve never been to Times Square on New Year’s Eve. You’ve tried to find the Amityville Horror House. Each one of your diverse friends mercilessly makes fun of their own background. You love the salty smell of the ocean. The most exciting day of your summer is when all tickets to every Jones Beach show go on sale. You know White Castle is terrible for you. But, you periodically "Get the Crave". You want the Yankees to stay in the Bronx, but would probably go to more games if they moved to Manhattan. You felt slighted when Snapple sold out. You don’t associate Fire Island with gay men. You watched a game show and wondered, "why are these people so happy that they won a trip to New York?" When you hear Billy Joel’s "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" you try to figure out what places on Long Island he’s talking about. You know that parts of the "Godfather" were filmed on Long Island. You always liked Billy Joel, but as soon as you leave, you love Billy Joel. At some point in your life, you’ve gone clamming. You’ve been to the Tanger Outlets and came home with nothing to show for it. You have or someone you know has fallen asleep on the LIRR and ended up in one of these places; Babylon, Port Washington or Hicksville. You have been to Mulcahay’s on Thanksgiving Eve, the largest ladies night of every year. You think Islip MacArthur airport is cute and you enjoy watching it grow up. You’ve missed that "Drunk Train", the 2:42 out of Penn and had the dreaded wait unit 5:30. Your parents took you to Nathans or Carvel. You hate the radio commercials for the Dublin Pub. Public Beach? What’s that? You can correctly pronounce place like, Happauge, Commack, Islip, Islandia, Connetquout, Massapequa and Patchogue. You know the location of 6 malls and a dozen McDonalds and 36 7-11’s. You grew up thinking Chinese Food was a basic food group. Oh, your parents are from Brooklyn? So are mine. Your elementary school promoted dodge ball as the top gym activity. You were upset when all the Roy Rogers turned into Wendys. You consider nachos and cheese at the Coliseum to be a suitable dinner date. There’s nothing better on this earth than New York Pizza. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friend from Long Island !!!!
You Know You're Puerto Rican When.... You have been spanked with a folded leather belt and/or "chancletas" ...leather ones! You know your mom is sneaking up on you cause you can hear her "chancletas" flapping on the linoleum floor. Your mom yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner and you only live in a one bedroom apartment. You've ever called linoleum floor a "rug" You can get to your house blindfolded by the smell of the "chuletas." You say "Vamoj pa' encima" or "mete mano" instead of "Let's get started." You got scared whenever someone mentioned "el CUUUCO"!!! You remember every Christmas those "aguinaldos" that abuela used to sing for you. You've gone to titi's house and passed through the "bead curtain" in the living room. You know someone who owns a conga, bongos and/or a cowbell. You step into a house that has all those little figurines taking up every inch of space on the tv and under the tv. You have a porcelain cat/dog/rooster or frog on a doilie in your living room. You have a perpetually semi-drunk uncle. Someone in your family is named Maria, Charlie, Papo, Ana or Carmen. You call rug-carpeta , roof-rufo, parking-palkin, stress-estress, library-libreria (instead of biblioteca), boiler-boila, sucker-soca, or to knock-noquiar. You have told your kid not to walk the floor barefoot or they'll catch a cold. You need a cup of coffee after every meal, expresso boricua style "con leche". Your sister has hair on her legs and as much moustache as your father. One of your aunt's weighs over 300 pounds. You have one or more cousins in and out of jail. Your uncle has more gold in his mouth and/or neck than you've ever seen. You have sat in a two-passenger car with over 5 people in it. You put a big Puerto Rican flag on your car... an a PR bumper sticker. You have a picture of "Cristo" or a crucifix in your house. You actually think some names begin with "Ave Maria pur..nos and/or fingers for pasteles during Christmas time. Your car has fifteen speakers in it and you fix it every weekend. You remember when Heineken replaced Shaeffer and Schlitz. Your dinner consists of a "mixta"...rice and beans and some kind of meat. Your uncle has a wife and a "corteja" or "chilla". You've put a penny on your forehead to stop a nose bleed. Your mother has put a balled up piece of thread on your baby cousin's forehead to stop her hiccups. You have at least thirty cousins. You know how to drive "estandard" or "estick" shift. You can tell the difference between Cafe Rico and anything else. A coqui's sound has driven you crazy. Your grandmother thinks Vick's vapor-rub is the miracle cure for everything. You're proud to be Puerto Rican - and you pass these jokes on to all your Puerto Rican friends!

You are a New Yorker if

You are a New Yorker if: You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license. ...You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available. ...You and the other three passengers look at each other and know you have pure grit. ...You take the train home and you know exactly where on the platform the doors will open that will leave you right in front of the exit stairway. ...You know what a "regular" coffee is. ...It's not Manhattan, it's the "City". ...You get upset that a cabbie is obeying all the rules of the road. ...Someone passes out on the train, you mistakenly think he is dead and complain that he had to die on your train because this is going to make you late! ...The rurals scare you, but, you're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent. ...There is no North and South. It's uptown or downtown. If you're really from New York you have absolutely no concept of where North and South are. ...You cross the street anywhere but on the corners yelling at the cars for not respecting the fact. ...You move 8,000 miles away, spend 10 years learning the local language and people still know you're from Brooklyn the minute you open your mouth. ...You return after 10 years and the first foods you want are a "real" pizza and a "real" bagel. ...A 500 square foot apartment is large. ...Your co-worker commutes 45 minutes by train to a 2,000 square foot house in the suburbs that was the same price as that same 500 square foot apartment of yours that takes only 35 minutes to get to and you think he's a sucker. ...You know the differences between all the different Ray's Pizzas. ...You are not under the mistaken impression that any human being would be able to actually understand a P.A. announcement on the subway. ...You know who Dr. Z is. ...You have at least 50 menus in your apartment, two thirds of which you have neither ordered from nor even heard of. ...You wouldn't bother ordering a pizza in any other city. ...You know that the off the shelf insecticides are just laughing gas to the superior roaches cohabitating with you in the 500 square foot apartment. ...You get ready to order dinner every night and must choose from the 4 major food groups: Chinese, Italian, Spanish, or Indian. ...You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve. ...Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect. ...You know what a bodega is. ...You know how to fold the New York Times in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats. ...Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet. ...You don't even notice the nice lady walking down the road having a perfectly normal conversation with her self. ...You pay "only" $230 a month to park your car. ...You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas. ...The presidential visit is a major traffic jam, not an honor. ...Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you. (They take up all the parking spaces!) ...You can nap on the subway and never miss your stop. ...You look forward to riding the subway to read the next installment of "Marisol and Julio". ..The deli guy gives you a straw with any beverage you buy, even if it is beer. You know that the plural form of you is youse. Of course it is!

Survey about me

Survey Name: Ricardo Birthday: 01/11/1970 Birthplace: Medford, NY Current Location: Clearwater, FL Eye Color: brown Hair Color: Black Height: 5'6" Right Handed or Left Handed: Right. Your Heritage: 100% Puerto Rican The Shoes You Wore Today: reeboks Your Fears: politicians Your Perfect Pizza: NY Style with the Works. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Start my massage business. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: How you doin ? Thoughts First Waking Up: It is too early Your Best Physical Feature: You tell me. Your Bedtime: Round midnight. Your Most Missed Memory: Freinds and Family that I've lost touch with over the years. Pepsi or Coke: Coke (with Rum) MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds Single or Group Dates: single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee Do you Smoke: No Do you Swear: Sometimes Do you Sing: No Do you Shower Daily: Yes sometimes twice. Have you Been in Love: Yes. Do you want to go to College: Already did. Do you want to get Married: Maybe someday Do you belive in yourself: yes Do you get Motion Sickness: no Do you think you are Attractive: yes Are you a Health Freak: No Do you get along with your Parents: yes Do you like Thunderstorms: Sure. Do you play an Instrument: No. In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes. In the past month have you Smoked: No In the past month have you been on Drugs: No In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Not a big sweets fan so no. In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes In the past month have you been on Stage: No In the past month have you been Dumped: No In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No but have done it before In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope Ever been Drunk: Yes. Ever been called a Tease: No Ever been Beaten up: Nope Ever Shoplifted: no How do you want to Die: Peacefully What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Massage Therapist. What country would you most like to Visit: Spain
You are given a chance to return to any previous point in your life and change a decision you made, but you willlose everything that has happened to you since then. Is there a time you would return to? If so. would you like to retain the memory of the life you are giving up even though you could never recapture it?
Philosophical Love Question For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing that there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
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