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bungrot's blog: "Random Nonsense"

created on 10/13/2006  |  http://fubar.com/random-nonsense/b13491

Advise for FFRs

Sure, I'm a dude, but I can still tell you that you dress like an FFR. See, FFR is the new replacement for BFF, except that it stands for Fat Fucking Retard. So many dirty slobs looking like a douche. Well, I'm hear to help with some friendly tips for you losers:

If you wear it to the gym, they are not clothes, they are sweats. This goes for all you IROC driving hair metal fuckers still wearing wrestling crazy pants. Be comfortable in your own goddam home. When you are out in public, try to look a little better than the jackass that always hogs the treadmill just to walk at 1MPH. Damn FFR.

If you wear it to bed, they are not clothes, they are pajamas. You stupid little bitches know what I am talking about. Sure, you think it is all cute to wear fucking PJs out in public. Where is your dumbass teddy bear? Here, let me read you a bedtime story - "There once was an angry old fuck that kicked the shit out of people wearing pajamas outside and the world was a better place. The end."

If you wear it to the club, don't wear it during the day. Sure, looking like a fucking ho is pretty OK at night (and if you're lucky, I might let you talk to me), but looking like a jizz skank during the day is pretty lame. And if you really are an FFR, then I don't want to see your night life outfit that is a combination of sci-fi goober and hog farm.

If you are not a hunter or in active military, camo and fatigues makes you look like a dillhole. Oh, you say that you ARE a hunter. Well, you are in the city, so hunting male bunghole doesn't count.

Ugh boots. Seriously?! Just because dumbshit Cameron Diaz wore Uggs with jeans once in 2004 doesn't mean they are cool. She is also razor thin and you, well, you aren't. You look like a fucking cave dweller. And if you are an FFR, then you looking even shorter and dumpier. Get some normal shoes you jackass.

I'm here to help. You're welcome.

It's just not working out. It's just that,....well, you're a goat and I'm a human. People don't understand what we have between us.

Baaaaa baaaaa

No, this isn't easy for me...

Baaaaa baaaaa

Don't you think this hurts me, too?! All those sleepless nights I stayed over in your pen.

Baaaaa baaaaa

Of course I remember the weekend in Paris.

Baaaaa baaaaa

Sure, and the weekend in Rome, too. But that's all behind us now, we have to move forward.

Baaaaa baaaaa

No, don't look at me like that. I can't bear to see tears in those big eyes.

Baaaaa baaaaa

I'm sorry, this is how it has to be. Here, I have a carrot and some oats for you.

Baaaaa baaaaa Baaaaa baaaaa Baaaaa baaaaa Baaaaa baaaaa.....

People are reaching out and giving me virtual drinks. Mighty neighborly. Then I start thinking, "You know, that beer looks pretty damn good right about now", but I'm at the computer and too lazy to go get a real one. So I start licking the screen. Damn screen doesn't taste like a frosty cold one, it taste like dust and plastic. How the fuck is that cool and refreshing?! Where the hell is the 3D web I was promised? I want to see the virtual beer, then have the screen open up and give me a real beer. Star Trek is full of shit.

My new standup routine...


"Hey, open mic night at the Red Room. Last time I was involved in 'open mic' night, it turned out to be a contest at a gay bar.."

Then the drummer would be all, 'badoom psssshhhh'

"drummer, thanks for the rim shot. It reminds me of the same night..."

'badoom psssshhhh'

"I saw a sign driving in that said 'speed hump'. That'll give you friction burns..."

'badoom psssshhhh'

"Hey, somebody ain't laughing. There's always an asshole in every room. I just never seem to find him..."

'badoom psssshhhh'

"The other night my lady runs out of the bathroom and yells, 'Super Pussy!'. I said, 'I'll take the soup'..."

'badoom psssshhhh'

Right about then a Hollywood agent will walk in and tell me, "you're just like Chris Rock, only your white and not funny. How about a billion dollar contract?"

And I'll look at him and say, "I'll take the soup"...

And we'll both start laughing and I'll be rich and famous and get my own TV show. Yep, that is how it's gonna happen....

9/11 Remember the fallen

Today is the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and we need to remember those that have perished as a result.

  3,017 - Twin towers attack (including 24 presumed dead and 19 hijackers)

  1,297 - Coalition deaths in Afghanistan (746 are US)

  4,544 - Afghan civilian deaths by insurgents

  8,074 - Afghan civilian deaths by US

  9.010 - Iraqi police and military deaths in Iraq

    187 - Media personnel (civilian) deaths in Iraq

  4,261 - US Military deaths in Iraq

  1,315 - Contractor (civilian) deaths in Iraq

 30,182 - US Military wounded in Iraq

100,971 - Iraq civilian deaths (We don't do body counts - Gen. Tommy Franks)


Is there a right and wrong? It's not that easy. Good people do bad things, especially in the name of God and country. Lies, deceit, brainwashing, recruitment from the poorest neighborhoods, indoctrination of the hopeless looking for a way out. Which country and group am I describing? Therein lies the problem...

The Damned In Concert

That's OK that you haven't heard of The Damned. You're only 12 and your version of Punk is that snappy new Green Day album. But if you are still reading because you are interested, I'll give you props. Real punk will put hair on your chest, and that is just on the girls.

Last Halloween, Bilf and I headed down to The Blank Club in San Jose. This used to be Fuel 44 and was the most bitchin bar in downtown SJC. Now that it is The Blank Club, they book a ton of cool bands like Agent Orange, Fishbone, Faction, and of course, The Damned. We arrived early to grab a seat at the bar and start the evening off right with a few beers and some genral chit chat. Now, I don't have pics of Bilf, which is good for anyone reading this blog, but Bilf is about 5'-8", 220, and bald. He and I both grew up in the LA/OC scene in the early '80s and despite growing into old farts, still really like the old music. Anyway, we were posted up on some bar stools and out of nowhere, 3 thrashed chicks with full tat sleeves started boob rushing all over us to get a drink from the bartender. Definately a good start to the evening. Free, welcomed, cheap feels from thrashed hot chicks. What could be better? I think maybe the girls were part of the Suicide Girls burlesque show and were probably just thanking Bilf for all the money he dropped beating off to their website.

The opening band was OK. They tried. The lead singer had the requisite cool guy shades and stood there like Jim Morrison. I'm sure he saw the movie and figured he'd be original by copying something done for the last 40 years. At least it gave us time to catch up and make shitty comments about the band - a must for the opening "talent".

Then The Damned came on. Holy shit. Holy fuck. Holy Damned. Dave Vanian was no longer totally Goth, but still wore the tux and white gloves, but now sported an age appropriate mustache. Captain Sensible came out with his red guitar. Monty Oxy Moron was on keyboards with Stu West filling in for Patricia Morrison (Sisters of Mercy) on bass, and Pinch still on drums. Sure, the names mean nothing to you, but the first two need to be etched on Mt. Rushmore. Needless to say, they fucking killed it! A lot of earlier stuff came out like Smash It Up, Parts 1 & 2 (covered by The Offspring for you losers), the ultimate old song Plan 9, Channel 7, Neat Neat Neat, Eloise, and Grimly Fiendish, mixed in with newer songs like Domocracy and Little Miss Disaster. I think I am getting a boner just thinking about it. Yep, it moved.

So, as a reward for reading this far, here are some choice tracks. And don't look them up on Youtube, their videos suck, but the music is all that matters.

Neat Neat Neat

Plan 9 Channel 7


Along Again Or

Love Song

Police Funeral Bullshit

4 cops in Oakland got gunned down. OK, that sucks for them, although it is one of the potential hazards of the job. Firemen can get burned. Butchers can lose fingers. Porn stars can get the crabs. Cops can get shot. So there is this massive outpouring of bleeding hearts. That is fine, death sucks, I get it. But then I saw the news coverage. They rented a fucking stadium. Schwartzenpecker, Boxer and Feinstein showed up. Berkeley cops stepped in so Oakland cops could take the day off? Very emotional. Very sentimental. But who the fuck payed for it? Schwartzenpecker has a budget to balance and work to do. Boxer needs to be in DC for Senate hearings. Feinstein needs to answer why she was in charge of oversight of torture, but let it all happen anyway. And were the Berkeley cops on overtime pay? And were the Oakland cops also being paid. And who the hell rented Oracle Arena?

This is total bullshit. The state is fucked. The country is fucked. And these assholes are wasting time and spending my goddamn money on this shit. Who the fuck is going to rent a stadium when I die? I mean, I know everyone will party, but I won't get that kind of sendoff on someone else's dime. Fuck the blue line. They aren't heroes, they are just working a goddamn job like your local 7-11 cashier. And 7-11 cashiers get shot all the time and don't get fuck-all for a funeral. All these bleeding heart assholes think all cops are heroes. Well guess what, most cops are just working a job and many cops are fucking pricks, which is why they become cops in the first place and why they grow that cock-stretchmark hiding mustache to hide behind.

My money should be spent on better things. Your money should be spent on better things. At least bury them with their asses up so I can use them as a bike rack.

Fuck Israel

I said it. Fuck them. Cocksuckers bomb the shit out of Gaza as dumbshit Bush is leaving office, then dumbshit US Democrats are offering $900M to rebuild it. Let the fucking Israelis rebuild the shit. I didn't see any of those mother fuckers rebuilding LA after the ghetto rats burned it down. We now give over $3B annually to these assholes. How about we "only" give $2.1B this year and use the other $900M for the rebuilding? Or better yet, how about if we don't rebuild Gaza at all and stop giving them any fucking money? Last I checked, Johnny still can't read in the Appalachian Mountains. I'm sure we could use a few goddam schools or libraries. Or shit, just give the money to the US citizens. Way better than giving it to other people that can support themselves.

And fuck Israel for building that huge wall. Yes, it is a fucking wall, not a fence. You can see through a fence. Remember when you used to visit your dad in prison; you could see through the chain link fence? Israel built a wall that is 40 feet high and 6 feet thick around the West Bank. Yes, Jimmy, I said "around" the West Bank. But doesn't the West Bank border water? Yes, and the asshole Israelis built a wall that cuts off access to the water. Can you imagine if Canada built a wall AROUND the US that cut off our access to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? We would fucking kill them. Gee, I wonder why the Palestinians want to kill the Israelis?!

I have a great idea, how about we pull all our support for Israel and see how long they last? Yes, I know the Jews have been shit on for all eternity. I just didn't realize that gave the Israelis the right to shit on other people.

Secret Admirer = Stalker

Sure, it's a fun game to play. You hide online and when you see a pic scroll by, you think, "Wow, I am too much of a loser to ever get someone like that. I guess I will be a secret admirer". Grow some balls. Actually, if you are one of the ones that hit me, then please, don't grow any balls, but if you are one of the loser dudes that doesn't know how to talk to a female, then grow some balls. Luckily for you, I am here to help. I've seen cases like yours before. It's a common problem known as "underdeveloped nads" where you lack the courage to speak to people, especially some hot fu-nugget. I don't like the heathen term "chickenshit" because that often confuses the rednecks into thinking it's time for dinner. But seriously, learn some tact, some manners, and open up a dialogue. It's easy. Below are some ever-helpful pointers: Don't say, "Damn, bitch, you so fine! First of all, it is bad grammar. The correct sentence would be, "damn, bitch, you ARE so fine". Even with proper grammer all the comment tells a woman is that you wear baggy pants pulled down to your knees - much like the guys getting butt-raped in Deliverance. Don't say, "I'd hit that shit!" That also confuses women into thinking you are either plunging a toilet freshly stuffed with everything from the Taco Bell 59-cent menu or you are just some abusive asshole that hits women. Don't say, "I'd fuck her". Everyone knows you would fuck anything. That is why you are a loser stalker lurker online in the first place. If you weren't so desperate, you'd be meeting girls in clubs or bars or shopping or any of the other normal, healthy places where real people congregate. So, besides me telling you what a loser you are, here is some good, free advise. Quit looking at so much Internet porn and masterbating into your special monkey love sock to fantasies of hot girl on girl action (which never really happens in real life), log off, and go out to a real place and strike up a conversation. What is the worse that can happen? You go home alone? You're alone now, so you've got nothing to lose - least of all any self respect. And if you really are a hot chick that is stalking me, well, you know what to do...
Seriously, you don't have to have money to be clean, you just have to stop being such a lazy pig. I went over to an old buddies house a while back. He had shit laying everywhere and his apartment smelled like mold and ass and dog and smoke and bad food. WTF?! It's easy and cheap to open the windows and air out your pad. Spraying that air freshner just makes it smell like someone shit a pine tree. Clothes and crap laying everywhere. No reason for it. You say your house is a wreck because you have 3 kids? That is total bullshit. Train the little fuckers to pick up there crap after they are done playing. Parents always blame the kids when the parents are too lazy to set a good example. Now as far as smoke, I can't even speak to that. If you smoke, you are already a lost cause. Your breath, skin, and clothes smell like ass. And add coffee to that mix and you smell like you tossed salad on an angry buffalo. You have personal hygene issues to solve before we can talk about that dirty shithole you call a home. And don't tell me it is your choice to smoke. There is nothing redeeming about something that kills you, kills the people around you, makes you smell like shit, and is expensive. I guess it is redeeming if you are so fixated on lighting that cig that you don't see the bus barrelling down on your ass ready to crush you like a bug. But back to the other slobs. No reason in hell to have more than two loads of laundry piled at any given time. If you are one of those lazy fuckers that lets laundry sit for weeks, you should understand why that festering pile of sweat and mold is starting to stink. And vacuum once in a while. Don't worry, you won't hurt the carpet by vacuuming. You actually get out all the carpet mites that jump on you at night and live in your hair. And wash your stinky sheets. Your skin sheds and dust mites live in your matress and eat the dead skin. All the more reason to wash those sheets at least every other week. More often if you ejaculate into your special monkey pillow often. Dirty fucking dishes in the sink are rediculous. If you have a dish washer, load it and turn it on. That gets things cleaner than sink washing anyway. If you don't have one, then start scrubbing, asshole. Cheap generic glass cleaner costs $1 and can be used on cabinets, countertops, and appliances. Lastly, scrub your god damn toilet and shower. "Check the speck" should be your motto. If you have shitstains in your toilet, it doesn't just mean you "could be a redneck", it also means you are a disgusting slob. And soap scum in your bath tub or shower?! Give me a fucking break. Once a month break out the $4 a bottle soft scrub and clean that shit (literally). Now you know how to stop being such a fucking dirtly slob. In our next installment I'll tell you how to stop being such a fat fucking pig....
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