I really would like to know when some ppl are going to grow the fuck up and realize that ppl do change. Since the day I found out I was pregnant with my daughter my life changed. The moment I found out that I was going to be a mom I made the choice to change so I could be there for her. I dont take kindly to ppl talking shit about me behind my back espically if they dont have the balls to say it to my fucken face. I've done nothing to deserve the shit that I take from my daughters sperm donor. All I have done is insure that she grows up in the best enviroment possible and that means one with no drugs around including ppl that use them. Its fucked up that I can sit here on my computer and hear from differant ppl all the time that Im back on this and doing that. Fucken plz I would like to see him take a surprize ua and pass the fucker. Yeah not going to happen. I've worked my ass off for 5 years trying to provide my daughter with the safest enviroment possible and what has he done jack fucken shit he cant even pay his god damn child support let alone spend time with his own child without his parents making him. Give me a fucken break grow the fuck up and act your age. Hes 27 fucken years old its time to grow the fuck up and realize life isnt a game. I was damn lucky that my drug habbit didnt effect my child before I found I was pregnant. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont thank God that it didnt effect her in anyway. She is my angel. She changed my life in so many ways. And it just really pisses me off that I can sit here while doing my home work and hear this shit over and over again. Sorry to those that read this I just had to get some shit off my chest.