What baffles me about America is the money that we spend every year on the destructive and unappreciative Jew. We are one of the most powerful countries on the face of the earth, yet we are frightened of the stolen land that we support. Is it just me or has the white race been taken over by the hooked noise bastards who stole a country and who can not keep that country afloat without aid from the United States. The Jew has killed American popularity in the world theater due to their standings in the middle east, and now it seems that our troops are sent over to the middle east every five to ten years in order to save the jew from being totally overrun. We are living in a time that we are taught to fear and loath, the jew is involved in our everyday lives but most peoples eyes are still shut to the fact. With the jewish run media and the Jewish influenced schools a child can not learn anything that hasn’t already been tampered with by the Jews greedy hands. It is harder today to learn about a historical feat without being mislead by modern text. America is falling further down the totem pol due to the Jewish control over the media. I know that America was never a really popular country to begin with, we stole from the French in order to create our nation and refused to pay them back, we took our land away from the Indians through force and trade, we were threatened on many different occasions but we always managed to pull through. Until WWI we were for the most part a neutral country, and up until WWI we would usually fight on the side of the oppressed and weak. It used to be America would not go to war unless it’s borders were being threatened, but now we are the quickest to pick up arms and fight for no apparent reason. Up until WWII America was a self reliant nation, the Jew had little power and what power he may have had was always thrown out by those Red White and Blue Patriots. It was the 1960’s that changed the way America thought, the Liberals and Jews started to stir the pot so to speak, they preached for integration they said that the way America had been was not the way of the world, they told us that we must love our black neighbor and we must tolerate our browns we mustn’t go on the so called destructive path that we were on, and we mustn’t ever speak with an ill tongue against Gods chosen people. The Jew from that point in American past to American present has ruined every sacred institution that once dotted our lands and has turned the media into one big joke. I has been over sixty years that the Jew has been able to get away with making the white men and women feel as if they are not worthy of being in their country, it has been sixty plus years since the jew ruthlessly took over our governments mind and to me sixty plus years of jewish lies is too long. We must put the jew back into their place, we must not let them rearrange the text in our history books, we must place checks on their television and newspaper media, and we must keep a very close eye on every move they make. It is not to late to reverse all the wrongs that have been placed on our nation, but if something is not done soon it may be. We must take our borders back and not allow those flooding into our country go untouched by the legal system. We must protect ourselves before we can help the rest of the world. We as the American people need to tell the powers that be that we are no longer wanting to be a policing force for the world, we must tell them to fix society within our borders before we can go out and help the world. We need to tell our government that the Jew is no longer welcomed on American soil and in American politics then and only then will America be a democracy, then and only then will white Americans feel safe once again and then and only then can our fight be taken to the streets.