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Random Things About Me

10 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME 1. I love helping people 2. I had straight hair til I was in junior high, then it got really curly, now I have it chemically straightened 3. I'm really good at offering advice 4. I almost went to school in New Orleans 5. I applied to go to Harvard 6. I play guitar 7. I have a younger brother, and he's a metrosexual 8. My favorite show growing up was Thomas the Tank Engine 9. I am told I have "the softest bed ever" 10. I am told I make "the greatest margaritas ever" 9 WAYS TO WIN MY HEART 1. Laugh at my jokes 2. Be willing to have deep talks 3. Be honest 4. Smile, a lot 5. Put up with me when I'm a dork 6. Don't get jealous, trust me, I don't cheat 7. Tell me if something I do upsets you 8. Compliment me 9. Be worthy of respect 8 THINGS I CARRY/WEAR EVERYDAY 1. Wallet 2. Phone 3. iPod 4. Contacts / Glasses 5. Watch 6. Cologne 7. Keys 8. Underwear? 7 THINGS THAT ANNOY ME 1. LYING! 2. Drama 3. Crying over nothing 4. Counting your drinks when you go out 5. Kissing a professor's ass 6. Guys acting like douchebags and getting the girl anyway 7. Ditzyness 6 PLACES I'VE VISITED 1. Florida 2. Mexico 3. St. Thomas 4. Bahamas 5. Canada 6. California 5 THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE 1. Get a medical degree 2. Save a life 3. Start a family 4. Hear "thank you" (can be repeated) 5. Go to Europe 4 THINGS I'M AFRAID OF 1. Something happening to a loved one 2. Failure 3. Death 4. Puking while drunk 3 THINGS I DO EVERYDAY 1. Listen to music 2. Check facebook, CT, and email 3. Eat 2 THINGS I'M TRYING NOT TO DO NOW 1. My homework 2. Screw up friendships 1 PERSON I WANT TO SEE NOW 1. Anyone really, I'm kinda bored and lonely at the moment

Nacho the 4lb Hero

My parents' chihuahua, Nacho, is a hero. Apparently today at my parents' house, there was an incident. My mom was watching TV and getting ready to take a bath and go to work, when Nacho started scratching and barking at the basement door. My mom thinks the cat is behind the door or something, so she opens it. Black smoke starts billowing up the stairs. It turns out that my parents' dehumidifier had caught fire and it was flaming up good. Not sputtering but HUGE flames. My mother grabbed Nacho and ran outside (apparently leaving the cat to fend for herself) and called the fire department, who promptly sent a cop with a fire extinguisher followed by the engine. She ran inside to move her car for the fire truck and couldn't see for all the smoke. This is how bad it was at this point. Imagine if she'd taken a bath and left. So... Nacho, the 4lb chihuahua, saved the day.
Hasn't actually read the Koran, but has definitely skimmed the Cliff's Notes several times. Cries while listening to Carpenters albums. Busy burning all his valentines from Osama. Merciless chemical gassing of his own people was actually "a cry for help". Former school classmates who teased him now floating in jars in his den. Wants 239th palace to have an Elvis theme. Enjoys long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners after long day of overseeing brutal torture of dissidents. Bought an Abdomenizer after watching late-night infomercial, but it's just sitting on closet shelf in underground bunker. Has a secret plan for reducing desertion rate of troops in future wars to only 96%. Now privately admits that "Mother of All Battles" was actually more like "Third Cousin In Law's Niece of All Battles". Has a nervous habit of flicking his lighter when he sees oil wells. Has a soft spot for his Chief Torturer and presented him with a monogrammed soldering iron for his birthday. Has several Pokemon characters tattooed on his butt. Sometimes gets "just a little creeped out" by 237,984 pictures of himself hung around Baghdad. Deeply disappointed that Estes company refused to supply him with D-size engines for missile program. Favorite Iraqi holiday is National "Compose Glowing Poetry About Saddam While Licking His Boots Clean" Day. Has every episode of Love Boat on tape; likes to dub over dialog with his own speeches. Sleeps with life-size doll of Joseph Stalin that he refers to as "Snuggums". Has finally crossed the Bush family off his Christmas card list. Can't sleep without a night-light and his Scooby Doo pajamas. Official Food Taster number 7,938 is his favorite so far. Wiped out 94 relatives, three army divisions, the whole Iraqi Olympic Soccer Team, and an entire species of moss after suspecting their involvement in a coup plot. Sound management of economy and fiscal discretion will allow complete rebuilding of Iraqi infrastructure by the year 2435. Really, really enjoyed dissections in grade school Biology classes. Favorite activity is being driven down Saddam Street to Saddam Stadium to watch Team Saddam practice Saddam Ball every Saddam Day. Learned his expert military skills through weekly games of Risk. Likes to dig up most-hated former enemies and execute them a few more times for satisfaction. Seeking to establish his own coalition, he's considering a bold diplomatic offensive to reopen embassies in Liechtenstein, Andorra, and San Marino. Has small, adorable puppy named Corpse. Shares pain of economic embargo because he can only obtain gold-plated replacement fixtures for solid gold bathtubs. Top scientists have finally unlocked technological secrets of 8-track tapes and Pez dispensers, but have yet to procure free HBO. Extensive private collection of Barbie dolls has a lot of missing limbs and strange burn marks. Still wonders if Ross and Rachel will get back together. Executed thousands over meager 99.99999% share of vote in recent elections after forgetting to vote for himself. Upset that Slobodan hasn't written for weeks. Gave pop quiz to aides after nine hour speech at "Disembowel the Zionist Lackeys of Imperialism" Rally; those with low marks now carefully reviewing notes by candlelight in Baghdad sewer cages using remaining limbs. Pleased that he's now slightly more popular in Kuwait than flesh-eating bacteria; hopes to overtake botulism after lengthy "hearts and minds" campaign. Bolsters the morale of elite troops by doing the "moonwalk" for them. Still regretting brilliant "Park Entire Air Force in Iran" maneuver during Gulf War. Excelled in the Iraqi Boy Scouts and still treasures his Assassination Merit Badge. Uses various spellings of his name, such as Sadam, Sadamm, or Sahdam, to keep ordering ten CD's for only 1 cent from his favorite record club. Recent rumors of his ill health were repeatedly, vehemently, and fervently denied by his brand-new personal physician. Enjoys hunting trips to Baghdad Zoo. Concubine's continued silence in public explained by lack of tongue. Favorite comic strip is Marmaduke. Still trying to convince skeptical U.N. to replace "Oil for Food" program with new "Oil for Plutonium" program. Believes that Iraqi women have the right to be just as miserable and terrified as Iraqi men. Now has Iraqi currency printed directly on rolls of toilet paper. Still loves posing for paintings while wearing sunglasses. Issued a fatwah against "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown", claiming that only he, Saddam, can be the "baddest man in the whole damn town".
So tonight, I had chem lab from 6:45 until what was suppossed to be 9:35, but we got done at 8 cause it's all that stupid safety stuff. Marquette's Chemistry department continues to hire TAs from other countires with huge huge accents, except mine's from Rwanda, so it's sweet. Definitely easier to understand than Sujit. After I got done, I decided to wander over to Casino Night at the AMU. I thought it could be sweet, I was hoping maybe to play some craps. I walked in the front door on the 2nd floor, and there's an arrow pointing in a general direction that says "Casino Night, Ballrooms." So I walk that way, and I'm thinking "where is this thing?" It was really quiet, and I was heading toward the Chapel. The next thing I know, I'm in a group of people who ALL want to meet me and talk to me. "Is this your first time here?" "How are you tonight?" "What's your name?" I'm kinda freaked out. So I keep on walking, and I see pews and a band and lots and lots of crosses. It was definitely some youth outreach mass. I felt bad, because that definitely wasn't what I was planning to do. But I didn't want to be a jerk to these people. Don't get me wrong, I have faith, I just don't tend to go to church too much. So I start walking back, I say "I have to go get my friend, he wanted to come." Then I go up to the third floor where I find the aforementioned Casino Night. That is where I then spent my night until about midnight. I had a great time with the floormates playing craps and blackjack. So yeah, I took a wrong turn and could have been worshiping God, but instead I lied, left, and went up to gamble. As the title says, "I kinda went the opposite way with that one."

Things to Do Before I Die

Make List Own every Beatles album Go skydiving Play guitar for a group of people (preferably in a gig setting) Write a song that gets quoted in AIM away messages and infos Become friends on a first name basis with a celebrity (Hey Johnny, nice movie you made there) Raise a family Make someone's life better Save a life Have sex on a subway train (a la Risky Business) Bonus points if it's to In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins Fill up my 288-disk binder with movies Never die
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