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40 Year Old · Female · From Hendersonville, TN · Joined on June 6, 2007 · Born on February 9th · 1 referrals joined!
40 Year Old · Female · From Hendersonville, TN · Joined on June 6, 2007 · Born on February 9th · 1 referrals joined!

Meez 3D avatar avatars games


Well, first things first, I'm Nashville's hottest Rockstar that nobody knows about yet shhh! Nah, seriously though, what you see is what you get. I'm fun, flirty, laid back, easy going, and spontaneous. I dream big and take risks. I look for danger and create fun. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, love you or hate you, make you or break you, you name it and I can do it. I'm powerful. I have control, but I'm not afraid to follow.

I'm lots of fun. I like to argue, twist your words, and philosophize about life. I'll grab your attention, get inside your head and leave an impression. I like to be heard. I guess you could say that I'm a bit spunky. I consider myself to be a little influential and manipulative, because my personality is addictive and the more you hang out with me the more trouble I'll get you into. But, we will have fun doing it! lol. I'm random.

My poison is liquor. Yes, I like to get smashed and rock out to the vocal stylings of the hottest local bands or shake my tooshie at one of Nashville's hottest dance clubs. I love karokee! Drunk people trying to sing is the best thing in the world! I guess you could say music is a big part of my life. I love it. I write lyrics as an escape from reality and a way to cope with stress. Hey, it works. I've met some amazing people who share my passion...ya'll know who you are and I hope each of you make it big. Much love!

Now back to me, I live life on the edge. I'm a firm believer in the saying "If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!" Take risks, hell you only live once. I woke up one morning and realized that life's too precious to just sit around and watch it pass us by. We have to start living it. So that's what I did. I dropped everyone who I didn't matter to me and everyone who worried about everything all the damn time and I started living. I don't care about what happens tommorrow, cause truth be told...no one is guarenteed a tommorrow.

I have a different perspective on life then others, I see it for how it should be and how easy it can be taken away. Most people just take it for granite and watch it disappear before them. I keep track of mine. All my mistakes, all my memories, all my failures, all my victories, everything. It's a good way to live. Do it, open your eyes! Stop living for someone else. Live for yourself! I know I finally do.

As for the rest of you... If you're feeling spunky....Here's my Get to Know you Question:

If you had one shot, your one oppertunity, to sieze everything you ever wanted. Just one moment, but somebody else needed you, would you capture your moment, or be there for them?

P.S. For some fun and some sexy excitement join me in Rock of Love! XoXo.

40 Year Old · Female · From Hendersonville, TN · Joined on June 6, 2007 · Born on February 9th · 1 referrals joined!


Music! Particullary, writing it. I have a great passion for writing and the sound of music just sooths the soul and awakens my passion that much more. I've recently just gotten into song writing and I think one day I would like to try and do something with my work. I've already had a few people compliment me on my writing style, so who knows maybe one day I'll have the opertunity to share my interest with the world. Hey, a girl can dream right?

Anyways, other than writing I love to draw. Another goal of mine is to get into art school, create a portfolio, get an apprenticeship, and eventually open up my own tattoo shop...Wish me luck. That ambition will take lots of hard work and dedication! Well, feel free to browse through my site, if you like what you see drop me a line or two, I always make time for my fans! Much love!




All types. But I gotta give my props to the special men in my life. Michael aka Bonez, Matt and Adam aka Arson, keep your heads up and your hearts in your music. You guys each have worked very hard, and your music is inspiring. Keep each of your passions alive and continue to work towards your goals. I love and believe in each of you and I know one day you guys will make it!


Why be barbie when you can be Betty Page?

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  • SiN Hey guys! I'm back!! How's everyone been?
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