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Karma test

You have scored 957 karma points out of 1000 potential karma points. Of all the ways you've been building your karmic future during this time, your compassionate nature is your strongest asset. In fact, you seem to have a real knack for both understanding what people are going through and finding ways to support them during difficult times. By being a sensitive person with a keen sense of empathy, you can do much to alleviate others' pain. This has been an important way you've earned your karma up to this point. You're likely to be the one friends turn to when they need to talk or want a shoulder to cry on. This is because you're the type who can usually be counted on to listen and comfort those in need. This kindness not only strengthens your current relationships but will also come back to you positively in the future. Through your concerted efforts to care about and tend to the needs of others, you generate good karma for yourself and the universe.You might be asking yourself, "How does what I feel create good karma?" The answer is, karma isn't just about what you do, it's also what you intentionally think and say to others. By having compassion, you're able to remain connected to the people around you. This keeps your life from becoming isolated or two-dimensional. Also, by being willing to put yourself in others' shoes and feel their pain — practically as if it were your own, you prevent others from being alone in their sorrow. This is truly a gift. Such actions build positive karma so that you'll receive the compassion you've earned when you need it. Sometimes it helps to look at a real life example to understand karma in action. Take Maggie, for instance:Like you, Maggie's karma is most beneficially impacted by her compassionate nature. Maggie works at an ad agency where she is responsible for supervising an entire department. Deadlines at the agency are tight and the hours are often long. It's the kind of stressful environment where people have little patience for slip-ups. However, because Maggie is known for being kind and supportive, she is often the person co-workers turn to when they're having a hard time.Recently, one of her employees named Seth was going through a particularly difficult divorce that involved a custody battle. Seth let Maggie know that the emotional strain was causing him to fall behind in his work. Maggie was getting pressure from her own boss to get more work out of Seth, but she understood why he was not performing up to his usual standards. Maggie could see how painful the situation was for Seth and felt a deep sense of compassion for everyone in his family.Rather than give Seth an ultimatum, Maggie chose to have an honest talk with him to see how much he could realistically get done. Together, they decided that he'd take one vacation day each week while things were still being worked out in his personal life and that she'd reallocate some of his work accordingly. Her compassion as a boss and as a person bred an atmosphere of support and trust in her department. Over time, this led to higher productivity from her team and better morale. Those positive effects soon led Maggie to be promoted for her excellent managerial skills. Karma revealedWhat exactly is karma, anyway? When you run into a friend who you've been thinking about calling, is that karma? What about when you find out that your co-worker was born in the same hospital you were on the same day? Or when you meet a new sweetheart at a place that neither one of you normally go — is that karma?Actually, none of these scenarios would be directly related to karma, although many people would mistakenly think so. Karma is different from coincidence or destiny or luck. Karma is the universe's infallible justice system. According to karma, what goes around comes around and you get what you give. Karma states that nothing is by chance or luck. Instead, karma is based on anything you intentionally think, say, or do. According to the laws of karma, your past actions have determined your present life, and your present actions are shaping your future. The generation of karma is an ongoing process. This means that your actions today, or on any given day, will directly affect your lifetimes of tomorrows.Karma is known as "natural law," which means that your actions will bring equivalent rewards or punishments regardless of whether another person ever knows about them. In this way, your future is always in your own hands. You have the opportunity to reform or enhance any area of your karma in any given moment. It's believed that by building your individual karma, you guarantee that good things will come to you in the future. Achieving good health, financial well-being, abundant love, and overall satisfaction are felt to be linked to your thoughts, words, and actions. However, according to the Buddhist principles of karma, the effects of your personal karma spread far beyond yourself. Buddhists believe that your karma also impacts the collective karma of a group — be it your family, your community, or the world population. Therefore, the ultimate goal is to use our karma to eliminate suffering for as many people as possible, in addition to ourselves.Karma can serve as a clear and practical moral gauge that you can use in your everyday life. For example, when you're having negative thoughts about someone else, consider how these thoughts negatively impact your individual karma, as well as the collective karma of the world. Instead of simply indulging in your negativity, you may decide that everyone would be better served if you transformed these ideas into more positive and constructive thoughts.Karma is like an extension of the Judeo-Christian golden rule: "Do unto others as you'd like to have done unto you." Imagine a future for yourself that entails a bounty of kind thoughts, compassionate words, and caring actions streaming toward you and from you. According to karma, this is an entirely possible outcome, completely in your own power. Your karma reading Your karmic profile Tips for improving your karma The history behind the Karma Test Further reading You've earned 957 Karma Points Your karma reading Your karmic profile Tips for improving your karma The history behind the Karma Test Further reading Caring You've earned 162 karma points for Caring. Nurturing others through caring acts builds both strong relationships and good karma. It also reminds the people you care for how important they are in your life. This encourages loved ones — and even strangers — to care for you in turn. Your high score in Caring indicates that over the past year you've worked quite diligently to nurture those around you. Meeting others' needs not only strengthens their ability to thrive, but it also helps you to thrive through others' support. The laws of karma state that kind acts will be reciprocated. Sometimes it's the little things that matter most. You appear to be doing a great job at those important small things that make those around you feel loved. Keep it up and good care will come back around to you. True caringSometimes caring can feel like an obligation; it becomes something you think you should do, or something you feel is expected from you. Seen in this light, nurturing others can become a burden that builds resentment over time. To avoid this outcome, check in with yourself regularly to make sure that your intentions are pure. Being nurturing should feel rewarding, not like a task. When you're caring for others, ask yourself if you're acting simply to get something in return or to alleviate your responsibility to them. If so, take time to step back and find your compassion. Decide only to do and say those things that come from a place of tenderness and love. It doesn't take much to show someone how much you care. Here are some easy ways you can be extra caring:· Call or send cards to people you love on a regular basis. · Contact people on special occasions. Tell them about the traits that you think make them truly special. · When loved ones are sick or stressed, cook them nourishing meals. Remember, grand gestures are always welcomed, but it's the little things in life that can really keep your relationships going strong and rack up those karma points. Nobility You've earned 165 karma points for Nobility. It's believed that noble actions directly impact your karma: When you do a good deed for someone else, good things will come to you in return. Noble actions can be powerful in several ways. They help alleviate the suffering of others, make you feel better about yourself, and enhance your karma, all in one fell swoop. Your high score on Nobility indicates that you've done your fair share of good deeds over the past year. Everyone needs help now and then. By doing noble acts, you help to assure that on a grand level everyone gets the support that they need. Your generous actions are helping to make the world a better place. Keep up your good works. More and more good will come to you as a result. True nobilityKarma is not just about what you think, say, and do. It's also about the intentions behind your thoughts, words, and actions. Doing a good deed solely to impress others or reap the personal benefits isn't going to boost your karma. Genuinely noble actions are more about helping others than about one's own profit. Noble actions can be large or small in scale. Here are a few that you can undertake in your own life:· Dedicate your time or money to a just cause. · Drop some change into the meter if you see a car that's about to get a ticket. · If someone's car breaks down, offer to call a tow truck or help them push their car to the side of the road. Helping someone else in a small way each day doesn't take much time, and it makes all the difference in the world. Compassion You've earned 166 karma points for Compassion. The ability to truly feel for another person because you understand their perspectives and experiences is a generous gift. By offering the people in your life your genuine compassion, you prevent them from being alone during times of sorrow. The laws of karma dictate that through such acts you'll receive the emotional support you need in tough times as well. Your high score in Compassion indicates that you've regularly offered your sincere warmth and concern to others over the past year. Being able to share someone else's emotional burden can help in vital ways. In times of trouble, people often need a compassionate shoulder to cry on more than anything else. Being able to truly put yourself in others' shoes encourages you to treat them with the respect and care they deserve. If you stay on your current path, your compassionate nature will continue to bring you good karma in the years to come. True compassionIt's one thing to act in a compassionate manner by offering words of condolence or sympathy when the occasion clearly warrants it. It's quite another to be truly compassionate. For that, you need to feel the emotions behind your actions. For instance, social rules dictate that we say, "I'm so sorry," when someone loses a loved one. The next time you're faced with this situation, take a few minutes to really think about how the grieving person must feel. By experiencing those emotions yourself — even by imagining them — you can connect with a deeper, more genuine concern for the well-being of others. Sometimes a little compassion is the best gift you can give. So when the opportunity arises, try one of these compassionate acts:· When people are sharing their heartfelt feelings, truly listen so you can get in touch emotionally with what they're going through.· When someone tells you a painful story, ask yourself how you'd feel in that person's place. It will help you better empathize with them.· Express your genuine regret for the pain and loss of others. From time to time, situations arise where there's nothing you can do to fix a problem. In these cases, it's compassion that eases people's burden and brings you good karma in your relationships. Good will This past year, you've earned 162 karma points for Good Will. Exercising good will is a sign of possessing strong values. According to karma, the more respect you show others and the more integrity you display, the more you will experience the benefits of these traits in your own life. Your high score in Good will is a sign that over the past year, you've used sound moral judgment in your decision-making. It isn't always easy to do what's right. However, your choice to do so has enhanced your karma and hopefully left you with a good feeling about yourself. Acting honorably in your personal life encourages others to do so as well. This slowly builds the momentum needed to positively impact society as a whole. True good willIs there something you've done to someone else that you still feel bad about? It's never too late to apologize. Give them a call or write a letter. As you think about what you're going to say, focus your intention on good will. Be honest about your feelings, without placing blame or continuing the bad feelings. Owning up to your actions and apologizing can be a freeing act of good will. Having genuine good will necessitates that you have the right intentions. Here are some ways you can use karma the next time you're faced with a difficult moral dilemma:· Ask yourself what's right, as opposed to what's easiest. · Take a moment to sense inside yourself which decision seems more just. · Finally, align your intentions with your actions. This means that you should do something because it feels right, not because you're afraid of getting caught or feeling guilty. Intentional good will fosters high self-esteem, strong relationships, and excellent karma. Selflessness You've earned 154 karma points for Selflessness. Making sacrifices for others when it's warranted is one of the benefits of being human. When you act out of love and kindness to assist others, it's believed that the karma you accumulate will bring you the help you need just when you need it most. Your high score in Selflessness attests that you've often been able to put the needs of others before your own over the past year. Acting unselfishly is a sign to the people in your life that you care deeply for their well-being. In addition, tending to those in greater need helps to strengthen our communities and builds deep wells of karma. Over time, your selfless acts will also ensure a steady stream of good karma all your own. True selflessnessBeing selfless doesn't mean entirely neglecting your own well-being. On the contrary, giving up your own fundamental needs on a regular basis isn't healthy. Such behavior compromises your feelings of self-worth and your ability to maintain positive relationships. True selflessness is about putting others before yourself because you can handle the sacrifice. After you've taken care of your own basic needs, sacrificing some of your time and energy for others is an act of generosity that will be justly rewarded through karma. Putting the needs of others first can help you keep perspective on your own blessings and challenges. Here are a few ways to boost your Selflessness karma:· When you're at the grocery store or pharmacy, if the person in line behind you has a crying child or looks exhausted, let them go ahead of you. · Make dinner or offer to run errands for a stressed out loved one. · Do favors for people without expecting reciprocation. It may not always be the most convenient thing to do, but putting others before yourself is an act of loving compassion that can bring you many good things in return. Forgiveness You've earned 148 karma points for Forgiveness. Forgiveness is the thing that allows you to maintain your belief in others and have hope, even when faced when people's mistakes or misdeeds. According to karma, finding the generosity within yourself to forgive means that you, in turn, will someday be shown mercy or granted good things. Your high score on Forgiveness karma indicates that your heart and mind have been open and flexible over the past year. In your personal life, forgiveness has likely resulted in strong, loving connections, trust, and positive communication. On a larger scale, forgiveness among people and nations can be a path to peaceful human coexistence. Because karma is an ongoing process, continuing to employ this same level of forgiveness will keep you on the right track in this area of your karmic existence. True forgivenessWhile forgiveness is sometimes mistaken for passivity, you don't have to be a doormat to be forgiving. Instead, you can be a welcoming mat. By communicating fair but firm boundaries, you can better protect yourself from continued mistreatment. In addition, by stating your needs and conditions, you provide yourself with a safe space to forgive and offer others the chance to make amends and reconnect with you. It's easy to get worked up if you feel like someone is getting in your way or making life difficult for you. Being forgiving is sometimes a challenge. However, sometimes a little forgiveness can go a long way. If you're faced with any of the situations below, why not try out these forgiving gestures:· The next time someone makes a driving mistake or cuts you off in traffic, try giving them the "No problem" wave instead of an angry look. · When a loved one unintentionally says something that offends you, simply let it pass without comment. · If you have a long-standing grudge, try writing a letter to the person and offering your forgiveness. Even if you're not ready to send the letter, focusing your intentions on being forgiving is a step in the right direction. Offering people tiny measures of forgiveness every day will rack up your karma, while alleviating tension and making others feel good. Your karma reading Your karmic profile Tips for improving your karma The history behind the Karma Test Further reading Historically, karma is a topic associated with reincarnation. However, today more and more people are beginning to use karma as a moral gauge for living their lives — even if they believe they only have one life to live. There are a variety of popular expressions based on the ideas of karma, including: "You get what you give," "You reap what you sow," and "What goes around comes around."Karma is the basis of eastern religion. It also runs through western religions, perhaps most closely resembled by the Judeo-Christian ethic of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." However unlike the Golden Rule, the laws of karma equate actions and their repercussions more directly.In Hinduism, karma is focused on the individual, who is encouraged to offer their actions to God. Hindus believe that the soul is reincarnated, with each soul engaging in a continual process of birth-death-rebirth over many lifetimes. In each life, the soul's karma dictates the kind of life that person will have. If you've accumulated enough good karma, you'll be reborn into a more comfortable life that includes the opportunity to share the knowledge you have gained through behaving the right way in past lives. After living many lives of continued good karma, you reach a state of Nirvana, free from the cycle of birth-death-rebirth.Buddhist beliefs about karma have a good amount in common with Hinduism. This is because both religions are informed by the sacred texts known as the Vedas. Thus, these religions are called the Vedic Faiths. Hindu and Buddhism both believe in reincarnation and karma. However, in Buddhism, instead of offering your actions to God, individuals are encouraged to follow the eight-fold path, which is a course of ideal action that leads to enlightenment. Buddhists also reject the notion of a social hierarchy and with it, the idea that good karma will allow your soul to be reborn into a higher social position.Regardless of your spiritual faith, the concept of karma is a useful one in determining how to lead a good life. By monitoring your intended thoughts, words, and actions, you can see for yourself how much good you're putting out into the world, and thus how much you can expect to receive in return. Your karma reading Your karmic profile Tips for improving your karma The history behind the Karma Test Further reading Browne, Mary T. The Power of Karma: How to Understand Your Past and Shape Your Future. (William Morrow), 2002.Harra, Carmen. Everyday Karma: A Renowned Psychic Shows You How to Change Your Life by Changing Your Karma. (Ballentine), 2002.Lawrence, Richard. Little Book of Karma. (Thorsons Pub), 2001.Mack, Joshua. Karma 101: What Goes Around Comes Around, and What You Can Do About It. (Fair Winds Press), 2002.Markova, Donna, and Rose Kingma, Daphne. Random Acts of Kindness. (Conari Press), 2002.

Romantic Pattern

Your romantic pattern is Romantic Rescue! Love is all-powerful in the Romantic Rescue pattern. It is the catalyst for change within yourself as well as the means through which you discover if your partner is who you want and need them to be. But, here's the recurring pattern you may see in your relationships: A desire to save your partner from his own self-destruction, or the desire to be saved by someone for the same reason. Some people adopt the hero role in this pattern — nursing an ailing partner back to health, saving them from a string of previously destructive relationships, maybe even saving them from a physical danger. Others cast themselves as those in need of rescue — relying on their partners to swoop in and save them from whatever ill-fate's been visited upon them, either real or imagined. It also sets up one of the parties as a savior. Though perhaps not as epic as seen in the characters in novels or films, this is significant nonetheless. In Hemmingway's tragic love story, "Farewell to Arms," an injured soldier is nurtured back to health and into a blissful romance by a kindly nurse. Not long after, she's the one at death's door. In "Run Lola Run," a woman has twenty minutes to come up with a large amount of money to save her boyfriend's life. How far she goes to obtain it is a measure of her devotion or delusion. If someone is willing to care for a loved one in times of adversity, they've already demonstrated a strong level of commitment, as well as proof that they can carry you through the tough times. They have also inspired in you a confidence that you will not only be willing to, but looking to switch roles when the need arises. There is a distinct comfort in this. So how exactly did you get here? Many people who share this pattern with you have experienced some loss in their life. Did you help take care of family members when you were young? Did you need more attention and care than your parents were able to provide? You tend to repeat your childhood roles in your adult relationships, whether you're aware of it or not. Someone who was a caregiver early in life, may continue to be so in romantic relationships. A person who needed more attention from parents, may automatically provide others with the care they wished they had received. Being needed is a basic human desire. Being able to depend on one another is what gives relationships meaning, so it's no wonder that this romantic pattern is so powerful. Evidence of your archetypal story is all around you — in history, books, and movies. In the classic fairytale "Beauty in the Beast," a woman brings out the softer side of a grumpy monster. She sees beyond his gruff exterior and gains his love in return. In "Breaking the Waves," Emily Watson plays a woman who makes the ultimate sacrifice to have her husband. He comes to regard her as a saint. Your pattern is being told and retold because it resonates with so many people. But this is just scratching the surface of what we uncovered about the romantic pattern that drives your relationships. While you were taking this test, we analyzed your responses to different types of questions, questions that get at the underlying factors of your relationship patterns. These questions measure aspects of your formative experiences, your self-esteem, and your subconscious reactions to romantic scenarios — the dimensions that direct your behavior and choice of partners. This allows us to look at the source of your romantic pattern — how and when this pattern became attractive to you — and allows us to make specific suggestions that will help you make better choices, and find true happiness in love.

The Love Test

The Love Test more romantic You just love to love, don't you? We can tell that you're a die-hard romantic who appreciates the deep sentiment that loving, meaningful words and actions bring to life. Love and romance go hand-in-hand for you, so you adore pouring on the terms of endearment, the hopeful promises, and the doting acts you think your fella deserves. Whether you're in an idealistic and caring mood or being sweet, playful, and impulsive, you're a giving partner who's eager to express how excited you are about your relationship. For you, love is all about sharing your feelings and making your significant other feel cherished. After all, the more often you reassure him of the strength of your emotions, the better, right? And you love tapping your creative side to express how much he means to you and how important you think his needs are. Congratulations — you really know how to celebrate your love.
Red_eye.jpgYou scored as Anger, Your eyes reveal anger, you are likely to blow up over things and over-react. You tend to assume the worst and if it ends up being for the best then well someone else got screwed. I'd advise you to try and find the happier side of things and to remember there is good in this awful world.



Eyes full of Pain




Diamond Eyes




What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)Updated
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1112562097Mermaids1.jpgYou scored as Mermaid, Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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Artistic and maybe even a bit shallow, you belong to the clan of the Toredor. You have a keen eye for pretty things. The embrace is looked on as perserving all beautiful things for eternity. You are the sensual vampires that you hear people talk about that seduce to get what they want. This clan is the one thought of as being the spoiled sort who want to get what they want. However, you usually work right under the ventrue clan as they try to carry out their plans.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
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