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37 Year Old · Female · From Carrboro, NC · Invited by: Rellik Warkiller · Joined on January 9, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 14th
37 Year Old · Female · From Carrboro, NC · Invited by: Rellik Warkiller · Joined on January 9, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 14th

I Like My Music Whens Someone Is Screaming.

I Like My Guys With Metal And Ink.

Give Me A Break...Fairytales Dont Come True.

Stuff About Amazing ME!

¢¾Hey! I'm Angela, nice to meet you :D

♥ I love fashion, and anything that has to deals with it.

♥ I am very indecisive about what I want to do with my life, I flip-flop between wanting to be an cartoon animator and wanting to go to school to study fashion design.

♥ At the moment though I'm just a simple house wife

♥ Even though I love fashion, I'm very much a Tomboy.

♥ But sometimes I wish I was more girly, but I just don't fit into the whole girl mold.

♥ I will love Pokemon until the day I die :D.

♥ I over use the phrase "That's Hot"

♥ I love flip-flops, and any kind of tall heel or stripper heel.

♥ I only buy pants at Hollister because I find that they are the only jeans that are long enough to fit my lengthy legs.

♥ I take alot of pride in my figure, and keeping in shape

♥ I'm a easy girl to please, if I'm upset just tell me something sweet or give me some candy that'll put a smile back on my face :D

♥ I love shopping for clothing...
and I wear A LOT of makeup...

♥ I idolize people like Paris Hilton and Marilyn Monroe.

♥ I love the playboy bunny symbol

♥ I use to live in Hillsborough, but now I live with my husband in Carrboro.

♥ I have a thing against knees, I hate them I think they are the ugliest part of the human body. Why couldn't god make them prettier?

♥ I have some weird fascination with serial killers

♥ I am straightedge..No smoking, and no drugs. Sorry if you dont see where I'm coming from, but it's a personal choice.

♥ I love Anime

♥ I hate when people make a mess and don't clean it up. I have a cleaning OCD (Thanks to my mother) and everything has to be perfect

♥ I hate people that don't understand the concept that everyone has a right to their own opinion, what makes me even more mad are people that tell you your opinion is wrong just because you don't share the same opinion as them.

♥ I'm very clumsy, and I also seem to find away to knock things over

♥ I have a Jewish background, and I'm very proud of it. I hate when people make jokes about Nazi's, the holocaust, or anything related to that (unless I seriously know you, and people that are really close to me.)

♥ I love anything with Rainbows.

♥ I'm very much for animal rights. They have every right to be on this earth just as much as we do, if not more. They should be able to live, and not cruelly used for your Mcburgers

♥ I hate it when girls do eyeliner wrong for their eyes

♥ I am obsessed with Japan. I love watching anime, and listening to Japanese electro/indie/pop/rock.

♥ I stay up late at night.

♥ I am my worst critique.

♥ I find blunt humor so funny I have no idea why, so if I laugh at something really mean don't take is seriously.

♥ I have a very big heart with lots of love.

♥ I'm extremely affectionate.

♥ I love art, especially Japanimation art. I just love the techniques they use to create such a detailed character.

♥ I love to read, I also hate when people say that reading is to only be done in school.....Don't be an idiot go expand your mind or something.

♥ I have the sickest fucking husband of all time and space and foreverness.....be jealous.

♥ I have alot of guy friends, and no that doesn't make me a whore.

♥ I love doing my hair, I am very much in love with my hair.

♥ I have the biggest fear of death.

♥ I enjoy having intelligent converstations with people, especially about politics and current events.

♥ I always act the strongest when I'm hurting the most.

♥ I love life in general and thank God for
life every day :]

♥ I really don't give a fuck what you think about me

♥ I do a lot of shit to my hair, so it's basically dead...

♥ I love spending nights staying up and playing video games, no this does not make me lazy. I'm just not afraid to admit my level of dorkiness. :)

♥ I only have a very limited amount of friends that I value, and I would do anything for them. I charish the few that I have because it is hard to find trust worthy friends now adays.

♥ I love cuddling and holding hands

♥ I have an odd underwear fetish

♥ I've said it once before and I'll say it again to make sure you get it, I don't give a flying shit what you think about me or have to say to me

♥ I'm so fetch...ha!

♥ I'm a vegetarian and very proud of it!

♥ I have the mouth of a sailor, and sometimes I wish I didn't

♥ I hate most females because their bitches and quick to stab in the back for someone else

♥ I finally got a tattoo!

♥ I know I'm a princess, and I should be treated as one. It may sound conceited, but get over it!

♥ I hate people who judge you BEFORE they get to know you. I guess it just shows you that your THE SHIT. Like Paris Hilton says :)

♥ I like to think I'm trendy

♥ I can be pretty bitchy...but I probably want you to talk to me

♥ I'm addicted to Starbucks coffee

♥ I hate awkward moments.

♥ I seem quiet at first..but believe me..I'm NOT

♥ I hate talking on the phone with people that say nothing

♥ I talk during movies

♥ I charish alone time very much, I love my personal space and I need alot of it.

♥ I try to embrace my flaws.

♥ I love Horror movies

♥ You cant help who you fall in love with

♥ I got to be a mommy for 2 hours during my life, and it was the proudiest moment in my life. I LOVE YOU PAIGE!

♥ I like boob shirts

♥ I love dick and fart jokes

♥ And Yes I am one of those people who search the entire room for the "lost" remote because im too lazy to change the channels on the TV maually.

♥ I don't really enjoy being single.

♥ I see beauty in unusual things

♥ There are 4 people I will never hold a grudge against or judge.

♥ If you aren't them I probably talk mad shit about you, but don't take it personally...I probably don't necssarily dislike you.

37 Year Old · Female · From Carrboro, NC · Invited by: Rellik Warkiller · Joined on January 9, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 14th
Skateboarding, Hair Dye, Make-Up, My hair straightener, Cookies, Being Me, Horror Movies, Anime, Sketching Anime, Victoria Secret Panties
Lamb Of God, Priestess, Rob Zombie, From First To Last, Dance Gavin Dance, Dimmu Borgir, Aerosmith, Breaking Benjamins, Billy Idol, Bleeding Through, Misfits, Paramore, The Clash, The Ramones, Sex Pistols, Casualties, Chevelle, Coheed And Cambria, Danzig, Cute Is What We Aim For, Cradle Of Filth, Flyleaf, Foo Fighters, Dead Kennedys, Anthrax, Anti-Flag, Guns'n'roses, Motley Crue, Papa Roach, Senses Fail, Tool, Shadows Fall, Smashing Pumpkins
Video Games
Final Fantasy, Guitar Hero!, Halo, Kingdom Hearts, Any RPG really.

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