I saw you across a crowded room. Among all the others that were there, The lights seemed to shine down on you alone. I knew then I had to have you for my own. Willingly, you came with me to my home. From the car, I carried you & threw the door. Looking at you, I admire your body, your well shaped legs, and breasts. Slowly I remove what wraps, around your body so tightly, fitting you like a glove. Exposing your tender white skin. From your neck I remove your charms, and carry you off in my arms, to the warm water that awaits. The water cascades down your neck, flowing over your soft breasts then, making your legs glisten with wetness. Droplets of water cover your taut skin. My hands rub your body, ummmm running them threw the beads of water. Making them trickle down off your body. I place my fingers inside you. You are warm and moist, so ready. I carry your still dripping body, to a laying place, so that I can put inside you what was well prepared to enter you before we even came through the door. As soon as I lay you down your legs spread open wide. You are ready now and so am I. I put a little in slowly at first, getting a feel for how much you can take in. I put in more, you take it willingly. In anticipation, faster and faster I put it in, pushing it in deeply as far as I can, until I can't put any more in, you are so tight. With your legs wrapped tightly, not wanting to release any of it, I make you so hot for a very long time, until your sweet juices escape from within. Then I taste you, with my tongue at first, your skin is so soft and tender. I taste more of you with my mouth, you are so hot and moist, you taste so good. Your juices coating my mouth, making me drool in anticipation of eating you more, with every taste."Oh yes", I say to you, I must say Grace"Thank God for Butterball turkey.... Amen"
member is OnlineNovember 3, 2007 @ 9:01 pmI just got a call from God,He said he lost an Angel..Shhh, I didn't tell himwhere you were, because Iwant to keep you forever.Send this to all of yourTrue Friends including meif I am one""""""
I’m out and about just showin a little weekend luv!! I hope yours is off to a great start. If you get some down time, come hang out with us in the Underground.
♥ leaving you some love and rated your profile a 10 if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of you i hope you are having a great week feel free to add me if you'd like♥ :D
I need your help bad. I have a goal with Slave Princes to have her reach godfather by 10/29. Please help us by at least fanning, rating and adding her. We can use all the help we can get! She does not have to far to go. ~Slave Princess~ Owner of ~Castle Secrets~ @ fubarWhen you get done, please check out this..Please allow me to introduce my lounge to you! Castle Secrets is the first Fubar dungeon, where everyone of like minds can come together and enjoy each other's company without hassle, drama, discrimination, or anything to worry about! Stop in, say hi, and hang out and get to know each other! Promising to be one of the hottest lounges to hit fubar, just click on the banner to enter! Joining or not is strictly up to you! Stop by, say hi, show us some love, and let us know what you think!Introducing Castle Secrets! @ fubar