34 Year Old
Joined on February 11, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 25th
I have a crush on someone!
I'm a Single father who never gets too see his son unless my x lets me and i take every min and hold tight to those moments cause i never know when it will happen again.....also i'm a funny, dorky guy... that love having fun with family and friends.... i love to cuddle up and watch movies and or while in bed... lol and i'm working none stop all the time lol which sucks in many ways lol but ya take the money where ya can get it lol...
34 Year Old
Joined on February 11, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 25th
I have a crush on someone!
Someone thats funny and laid back like me and loves too spend time together and not blow are money all in one night and etc... and just have fun together over all idk why don't you tell me about yourself....
Linkin Park, Eminem, As i lay dying, Rammstein, and much more will update soon....
Latest Status
Prowelder Hello everyone it's been a while holy shit been away long enough to have 6 kids almost die and then some what's shaking!!!!