+Ten Things Losers Do On Cherrytap.......
To the people who have like 25,000 friends,
are you serious?
You're stupid.
Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG, I'm so fat"
because if you were,
you wouldn't post them.
And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid.
Nobody cares about threats over the internet.
Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics;
even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quit crying
b/c you didn't win a contest.
who cares?
People who have whoring contests such as creamy coochie,biggest breasts or whatever other nasty and degrading contests your little brain can conjure up.
*to the guys that do these* go find a girlfriend and fuck her b/c apparently you need something to occupy ur time!
*the girls that have them and are entered in them* ur just making it okay for guys to do that shit. what's that say about u?! ur an embarrassment.
Who really cares if
I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request or message asking
"what's up with you not adding me?"
I don't want you as a friend,
that's what's up!
Little 15 and 16 yr olds who have Cherrytap
and look like sluts, and act like whores
go somewhere else because nobody
wants you here. And Parents
quit blaming the internet,tv..etc for your kid being a hooker, she was a whore before, a
nd she'd be a whore without it!
What does that say about your
parenting skills? Think about it!
If you have decided to read this,
you are a true CHERRYTAP Friend.
Real friends read their bulletins.
I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get through people's brains(but i won't hold my breath for it)
And if you open a bulletin and it says something like
repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog
tonight,or some dead skinless girl is gonna rape your mom"
Added by: S. Michael -
***ELEVEN (Postscript)
Nobody...and I mean nobody...really gives a shit about you...your site...your profile...your interests... your pics...your preferences...and especially your life.
They only care about their own personal self-endulging cyber pleasure-trip. And if you think this postscript is wrong, than answer this: "Why don't people here on CT...or MySpace...or Facebook...or whereever...put as much effort into living a real life that adds quality and value to the lives of other in the physical world - as we do in this fake-ass virtual playhouse?
Understand this: We're all born naked. And if we're fortunate enough to die naked, then all we have are our "REAL" experiences in life that just might create some wonderful memories for each of us. And, hopefully, we'll be afforded the opportunity to share some real experiences with those we truly love...and those who truly love us.
CT might as well be a colony on Mars. Inside, we benefit from the safety of a "controlled" environment (Thank you Baby Jesus), and we simply try to survive without drama, or being hurt...or expousing our greatest fears. Outside, unless we are really in control of our own destiny...many of us will suffer the fate of dying a very lonely death.
This is a (real) test to see how many people in your friends list actually pay attention to you. (Don't hold your breath!) Wisdom or idiocy? Who the fuck really knows!