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44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on December 30, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 17th · I have a crush on someone!
44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on December 30, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 17th · I have a crush on someone!

provide safe, efficient luxury transportation. Discreet VIP/ celebrity meet and greet services to and from public and private airports. Consult with meeting planners and individual hotel guests about maximizing their dining/ entertainment experience in North Texas.
freelance project manager/ lead stage hand for special events including corporate meetings,
training seminars, awards dinners,large weddings, fund raisers, private parties,etc.

44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on December 30, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 17th · I have a crush on someone!
reading (scifi/fantasy/alternate history), cooking,listening to music, mixed martial arts/UFC, watching WWE/TNA/HOF/New Japan/ Lucha Underground,watching MLS/PremierLeague/LaLiga/ChampionsLeague Futbol
(currently on phone) AC/DC, Aerosmith, Apocalyptica, BlackEyedPeas, Bond, Chris Botti, Disturbed, Eminem, Epica, Evanescence, FooFighters, Godsmack, Gorillaz, Halestorm, Hellyeah, Isaac Hayes, Josh Groban, Journey, KidRock, Korn,Linkin Park,Lyndsey Stirling, Metallica, Michael Buble, Motley Crue, Naked Rhythm, P.O.D., Pantera, PrettyReckless, RichardCheese, Rob Zombie/White Zombie, Carlos Santana, Shakira, Sarah Brightman, SixxAM, Skillet, Stevie Ray Vaughn, U2, VanHalen,

favorite movies? That's a very, very long list.
When I'm not on FUBAR, I'm on Netflix,HBO, CBS, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, or saved way too much crap on my DVR
"The most interesting man in the world"
Video Games
No video games (no XBOX, no PlayStation, etc.) For fun "Wii" go outside and enjoy real life, not a virtual one.

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