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Mr. Right Now: PNH & Big Ben Make A Video
Friday, October 20th at 7:30pm
Saturday, 10/21 at 12:00 am
Sunday, 10/22 at 6:00 am, 1:30 pm and 10:30 pm
Monday, 10/23 at 12:30 pm
Sunday, 10/29 at 10:30 pm
Mr. Right Now: PNH & Big Ben Make A Video
What does a Super Bowl-winning quarterback do on his summer vacation? He makes a music video with one of the hottest country breakout bands in America!! And, of course, the POVERTYNECK HILLBILLIES just happen to be from Pittsburgh! And who better to play the title role in their brand new video, than MR. RIGHT NOW himself, BEN ROETHLISBERGER - quarterback of the 2006 World Champion Pittsburgh Steelers! We’ll take you behind-the-scenes of this madcap two-day video shoot, from the Poverty Neck farm in rural Pennsylvania (yes, it’s a real place!) to the gridiron at Heinz Field. Who gets the girl? Who flubbed their lines? And what was the one thing Ben couldn’t do? Plus - learn how to do the Hillbilly Shake! It's a half-hour of fun for the whole family!