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63 Year Old · Female · From Jacksonville, NC · Joined on March 19, 2015 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on August 31st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!




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My friend poohbear's slave certificate photo 981-041-471_zpsunnxy8jq.png

1. Do NOT think about hitting on me. I am not interested in how big your dick is or how well you think can use it. I have everything I
need in my Master, thank you very much.
2. If You are a Dominant I am allowed to be friends, but please show proper respect to my Dominant when posting and commenting. He reads it all.
3. Do NOT ask to cam, video, or Yahoo with me. I am not interested.
4. Do NOT ask for my number, my email, or other social media profiles. Yes, I have them, but only those closest to me have access.
5. Unless I ask for it, don't offer me your, phone number, email or social media profile. I am not interested.
6. Be respectful....to me, but especially to my Owner.
7. Leave drama off my page and don't make me the center of drama.
I have enough drama of my own.

Glitter Graphics Comments Pictures

I am not above blocking ass hats who can't abide by these rules or just generally piss me off. I am here to make friends, of course, and to play the game. It's just a game, so let's not confuse it with real life. Keep the socializing and the flirting for the game.

Acrostic Name Poem by Wishafriend

63 Year Old · Female · From Jacksonville, NC · Joined on March 19, 2015 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on August 31st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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