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Elizabeth502's blog: "Politcs"

created on 11/01/2008  |  http://fubar.com/politcs/b256315
McCain/Palin supporters (i.e. right wing religious nutjobs) cannot get offended by the opposition when they attack Palin's family. Because Gov. Palin parades her family out at every speech and rally and is constantly talking about how her experience as a mother qualifies her to become vice president or even president. If Barack Obama came out and said that he'd make a great president because he's a father and a husband, Fox News and the McCain compaign would be on him like white on rice. Stop calling it pro-life. It isn't. It's pro-birth. Palin's (and McCain's. I mean, did you watch the last debate? He mocked a woman's health as an extreme reason for abortion) thoughts are a woman shouldn't have the right to abortion, no matter the circumstances of the pregnancy or the health of the expecting mother. Please hope her daughter Piper (it's too later for Bristol because she ignored the abstinence-only sex education she received and got knocked up by her hockey playing boyfriend) doesn't get raped and results in a pregnancy. Because not only would she have to pay for her own rape kit in Alaska, she would be forced by her mother to carry that baby to term. And stop referring to pro-choice as pro-abortion. I mean, who is FOR abortion? Oh, your friend got raped? Look on the bright side, she can have an abortion! YAY!!! Jesus freak Republicans (Yes, I'm talking to you, Sarah Palin), stop claiming that the Iraq war is a part of God's plan. Because you need to be aware of something: The Muslims being killed over there pray to the same God you say is the reason we're even over in the Middle East. Gov. Palin, if you don't know anything about the Bush doctrine, let me educate you: They're against gays, for torture, 9/11 was Iraq's fault, wire tapping is okay, there's no such thing as global warming, tax cuts for the rich, and religion should dictate policy. If you're still confused, just ask your running mate. He believes the same way. Republicans aren't for alternative energy sources. They're for alternative oil sources, which is COMPLETELY different. Because there's no money in alternative fuel. But there's profit (for the rich anyway) in oil. Stop accusing Barack Obama of being an elitist. He grew up poor and was raised by his single mother and grandparents. He worked his way into Harvard and became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He earned it. Not like Bush, who maintained a C average at Yale and only got accepted there because of his father. Want to know who is a real elitist? McCain. He is a rich white man who owns several housees and even more cars. Big oil and pharmaceutical companies line his pockets with campagn contributions and influence his policy with lobbyists. If Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her house, then put her in charge of NASA. I'm pretty sure she can see the sky from her house as well. Palin, if you become vice president, please learn your role and responsibilities now. You are not in charge of the Senate. You are the understudy and tie-breaker. If something happens to the president and cannot perform his/her duties, the vice president is there to step in. If the Senate comes to a vote on a bill and there is a tie, the V.P. is there to help make the deciding vote. And I always find it funny (and very ironic) that Republicans have been a fan of claiming that government is bad. That big government is out to get you. Well, then you're part of the problem, aren't you? Maybe you shouldn't be running for public office, then, if it's bad. McCain has been a part of the Washington elite for decades, part of the corrupt political machine that his running mate is trying to rail against. Republicans claim Obama pals around with terrorists by connecting him to William Ayers. Now a college professor in Chicago, Ayers was once part of the Weather Underground in the 60s (when Obama was eight) as a protest to the Vietnam War. But Sarah Palin pals around with Alaskan sucessionists (the Alaska Independence Party), even welcoming the members to their convention with a video saying "keep up the good work." Her husband was even a member of the Alaska Independence Party through the 90s. Obama hasn't flip-flopped his stance on issues while McCain and Palin have. Palin was first for then against the Bridge to Nowhere (if you don't know what that is, google it). McCain was a big Bush supporter, especially during his second term, but has now tried to distance himself from the Bush Administration. On election day, please remember that Barack Obama is an American (just like you), he isn't Muslim or an Arab, and loves the U.S. just as much as John McCain does. Republicans, stop claiming that small town America is the real America. We shouldn't use this type of divisiveness in politics. There isn't real America vs. unreal America. There's smart America and stupid America. And hopefully, smart America will win. Because we've had eight years of dumb America controlling Washington. We don't need another eight.

What if??

Please take the time to pass this on. Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin, what if things were switched round? Think about it. Would the country's collective point of view be different? Could racism be the culprit? Ponder the following: What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the stage, including a three month old infant and an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter? What if Barack Obama finished 5th from the bottom of his graduating class? What if McCain had only married once and Obama was a divorcee? What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife after a severe disfiguring car accident, when she no longer measured up to his standards? What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a long affair while he was still married? What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became addicted to pain killers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable organization? What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard? What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five? (The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.) What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker? What if Obama couldn't read from a teleprompter? What if Obama was the one who had military experience that included discipline problems and a record of crashing seven planes? What if Obama was the one who was known to display publicly, on many occasions, a serious anger management problem? What if Michelle Obama's family had made their money from beer distribution? What if the Obamas had adopted a white child? You could easily add to this list. If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are? This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference. Educational Background: Barack Obama: Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations. Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude Joseph Biden: University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Vs. John McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899 Sarah Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study University of Idaho - 2 semesters – journalism Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B. A. in Journalism Education isn't everything, but this is about the two highest offices in the land as well as our standing in the world. You make the call.
Michelle Obama seems like this warm and compassionate person who would make a better First Lady than that trophy fuck of a wife Cindy McCain. Compare the backgrounds and education of both these women. Thank you Wikipedia. Cindy grew up in privilege. Her father founded Hensley & Co., one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in the United States. She has a B.A. in education and a M.A. in special education from USC. She met John McCain at a bar in Hawaii in 1979, while he was still married, and began having an affair with him. McCain divorced his then wife, Carol (who was in a severe car accident while John was overseas), in 1980. In 1989, Cindy McCain became addicted to Percocet and Vicodin, opioid painkillers, which she initially took to alleviate pain following two spinal surgeries for ruptured discs, and to ease emotional stress during the Keating Five affair. She even used a doctor that was part of the non-profit organization American Voluntary Medical Team to illegally prescribe her pills. Michelle was born to a secretary mother and city water plant employee father in the South Side of Chicago. She graduated from high school in 1981, and went on to major in sociology and minor in African American studies at Princeton University, where she graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985. She obtained her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. Michelle, while an associate at Sidley Austin, met Barack Obama while he was a summer associate at the firm.
When you deregulate an industry like banks and Wall Street, you're basically saying "We're not going to give you guidelines to follow, nor can we enforce any you may agree to follow on your own. We trust you to be honest and fair." And when it comes to greedy corporate executives, it's all about profit, no matter who you fuck over to get it. Yes, people who couldn't afford loan payments should never get a loan in the first place. But if we had regulations on the banking industry the way we did before Reagan, those banks wouldn't have given loans to people who couldn't afford them. I know what it's like to maybe lose your home. When I was younger, my parents filed for bankruptcy. We couldn't afford all our bills all at once and had to pay them off in increments. It's not like that now, but we could have had our house foreclosed and been kicked to the streets. My parents bought their house in 1979 and are just now close to paying off the mortgage. I know what it's like living paycheck to paycheck, hoping we can afford all the bills and the lights aren't turned off. So maybe I'm a little too sympathetic to the people who are facing foreclosure, who just wanted a house to call their own.
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