McCain/Palin supporters (i.e. right wing religious nutjobs) cannot get offended by the opposition when they attack Palin's family. Because Gov. Palin parades her family out at every speech and rally and is constantly talking about how her experience as a mother qualifies her to become vice president or even president. If Barack Obama came out and said that he'd make a great president because he's a father and a husband, Fox News and the McCain compaign would be on him like white on rice.
Stop calling it pro-life. It isn't. It's pro-birth. Palin's (and McCain's. I mean, did you watch the last debate? He mocked a woman's health as an extreme reason for abortion) thoughts are a woman shouldn't have the right to abortion, no matter the circumstances of the pregnancy or the health of the expecting mother. Please hope her daughter Piper (it's too later for Bristol because she ignored the abstinence-only sex education she received and got knocked up by her hockey playing boyfriend) doesn't get raped and results in a pregnancy. Because not only would she have to pay for her own rape kit in Alaska, she would be forced by her mother to carry that baby to term.
And stop referring to pro-choice as pro-abortion. I mean, who is FOR abortion? Oh, your friend got raped? Look on the bright side, she can have an abortion! YAY!!!
Jesus freak Republicans (Yes, I'm talking to you, Sarah Palin), stop claiming that the Iraq war is a part of God's plan. Because you need to be aware of something: The Muslims being killed over there pray to the same God you say is the reason we're even over in the Middle East.
Gov. Palin, if you don't know anything about the Bush doctrine, let me educate you: They're against gays, for torture, 9/11 was Iraq's fault, wire tapping is okay, there's no such thing as global warming, tax cuts for the rich, and religion should dictate policy. If you're still confused, just ask your running mate. He believes the same way.
Republicans aren't for alternative energy sources. They're for alternative oil sources, which is COMPLETELY different. Because there's no money in alternative fuel. But there's profit (for the rich anyway) in oil.
Stop accusing Barack Obama of being an elitist. He grew up poor and was raised by his single mother and grandparents. He worked his way into Harvard and became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He earned it. Not like Bush, who maintained a C average at Yale and only got accepted there because of his father. Want to know who is a real elitist? McCain. He is a rich white man who owns several housees and even more cars. Big oil and pharmaceutical companies line his pockets with campagn contributions and influence his policy with lobbyists.
If Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her house, then put her in charge of NASA. I'm pretty sure she can see the sky from her house as well.
Palin, if you become vice president, please learn your role and responsibilities now. You are not in charge of the Senate. You are the understudy and tie-breaker. If something happens to the president and cannot perform his/her duties, the vice president is there to step in. If the Senate comes to a vote on a bill and there is a tie, the V.P. is there to help make the deciding vote.
And I always find it funny (and very ironic) that Republicans have been a fan of claiming that government is bad. That big government is out to get you. Well, then you're part of the problem, aren't you? Maybe you shouldn't be running for public office, then, if it's bad. McCain has been a part of the Washington elite for decades, part of the corrupt political machine that his running mate is trying to rail against.
Republicans claim Obama pals around with terrorists by connecting him to William Ayers. Now a college professor in Chicago, Ayers was once part of the Weather Underground in the 60s (when Obama was eight) as a protest to the Vietnam War. But Sarah Palin pals around with Alaskan sucessionists (the Alaska Independence Party), even welcoming the members to their convention with a video saying "keep up the good work." Her husband was even a member of the Alaska Independence Party through the 90s.
Obama hasn't flip-flopped his stance on issues while McCain and Palin have. Palin was first for then against the Bridge to Nowhere (if you don't know what that is, google it). McCain was a big Bush supporter, especially during his second term, but has now tried to distance himself from the Bush Administration.
On election day, please remember that Barack Obama is an American (just like you), he isn't Muslim or an Arab, and loves the U.S. just as much as John McCain does. Republicans, stop claiming that small town America is the real America. We shouldn't use this type of divisiveness in politics. There isn't real America vs. unreal America. There's smart America and stupid America. And hopefully, smart America will win. Because we've had eight years of dumb America controlling Washington. We don't need another eight.