The kind of mother I have choose to be,
Is the same kind who raised me.
Understanding with gentle hands to wip away your tear,
Still stong enough to scare away the ugly monster we fear.
She's alway's you'r mom and your friend,
No matter what her love does not bend.
Yet when we need picked up, dusted off and put on our feet,
Mom is there putting us back on the right street.
Just don't forget mom's have heart too,
Sometimes they need to hear " I LOVE YOU "
For all the special memories we have made,
All the homework you helped me with to get the grade.
The wonderful holidays,vacations,and silly days,
You fixed the boo boo's with magic kiss's in your special mom way's.
Now I see you laying here sick and pale,
You'r body lifeless and fraile.
You made us a family gave us a home,
Because of you we were never alone.
So Mother if you leave us on this very day,
I ask one thing, no more pain just happiness,memory's and peace,
This is what I pray.
And when I look into my daughters eye's I will see,
That lil bit of you mom looking strait back at me!
Wrote by Jenni
Dedicated to my mother when she was ill thank GOD she is still with us today she is my hero!