Life through a demented window, what my world has become. I see it all through smeared glass, there's a bustle of activity...all the movement an oddity to my senses. A trickle of light here and there only to be banished moments later by the chaos. What is that lies just out of reach? What is that I can't make out? A puzzle in the corner holds the secrets, pieces lie scattered across the floor. Pieces of dreams, hopes, ambition, and self...pieces that are getting smaller, drifting away with the breeze. Pieces I will never recover from their lost recesses. I just see it different then you do, I see the reality, I see the truth, I choose to see what's actually there, not the facade that we are always putting on for one another. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!! Can't you hear me screaming!?! Stone faces still walking notice given. I cry...I cut...I heal. A vicious cycle of mutilation that keeps me focused. What else is there to concentrate on? All we see is the evil, the nasty, our news is full of the horrible. I would never want the world to suffer with me, why should we tell them that a 5-year-old little girl was killed playing on the playground when the flag poll toppled over. What is possibly useful about that information? We all have our demented little window, we see through it into a world of falsehoods and lies. We see what we want to see, we make of it what we want, and we move on. Competeing in an endless, senseless, self-made race. Is there a purpose? A task? An answer to all the questions? Or are we all merely exsisting? Clawing, Ripping, Biting, Lying our ways to the top of something that is obsolete? Can you tell me? Can you be my anchor in the darkness?