What Else are you to do?
Your heart Breaks
The tears Fall
What else are you to do??
He sits there and laughs
Knowing he has hurt you
What else are you to do??
Living on with every moment
And yet still feeling lost
What else are you to do??
Learning how to cope
But still wanting that love
What else are you to do??
You can't take it
You kill the man you love
What else are you to do??
You kill yourself
To be with him
What else are you to do??
For the first time you kiss him
But he pushes you away
What else are you to do??
Dieing for him
And yet him still not wanting you
What else are you to do??
Crying yourself to sleep while dead
Wishing you could have you life back
What else are you to do??
Waking up from a bad dream
Kissing the ground
Smiling; knowing that you are happy
That's what you are to do!!!!