Women all around the world know of the pain that domestic violence causes. They know all to well about the wounds that never heal the ones that most people never see. The wounds that you are too blind to see. The wounds that you pretend not to notice as you walk by on the streets. They know all to well the never ending fear,terror and lose of self-respect that comes from those wounds.These women i speak of could be your best friend,mother, daughter sister nieces or even your aunts,or ot could be you.The men you beat these women are cowards all they want is control and power over these women so that they can feel good about themselves. They may be drunk or high when the beat these women or they might be straight and sober. It doesnt matter anyway its still no excuse to hit a women.
You say its not your problem when you see these women with black eyes and bruises.You say its not your place to say or do anything. Well guess what you are wrong if you dont say anything no one will. Even the cops are afraid of doing anything when they get a domestic violence call.
when you see one of these women ask yourself one question. Would you stand by and do nothing if it was some0one you knew and cared about?
Now i am going to let ya all in on a secret I am one of those women. i have lived thru the terror of domestic violence 3x over the last one left a ring of bruises around my neck when he tried to kill me. So if ya consider me a friend plz repost this and save the life of someone ya know cause domestic violence kills more than just someones self-esteem. It kills people very slowly some women die try to escape an abusive relationship i was one of the lucky ones i got away and put one of my abusers in prision. I dont have piece of mind tho as he has threatened to kill me when he gets out but as of this posting he has been denied parole 3x. So plz speak up if you know of someone going thru this help them in anyway you can. Dont let your friends and family die because you didnt say anything.