that I wrote awhile ago....
On those cold lonely nights
I hunger for your touch.
I know that one day you'll be there,
But tonight I'm alone,
With just my imagination,
Memories of you,
And the recorded sound of your voice,
Playing over and over in my mind.
For tonight that will have to do.
But what will happen
When that turns into
Not enough?
When I long for your touch
So much it hurts?
I think to myself,
Just a little longer.
Then your touch will be mine.
Just a few more months.
That's all.
But when you long for something or someone,
This much,
A few months seems like eternity.
But I have to keep telling myself,
I can do it.
I have to.
If not for me,
Then for you.
So I can wait a few more months.
I've already waited this many years,
To be with someone like you.
What's a few more months?