Every word our of your moth is deseving
How can I trust someone so vein
How did I love someone so cruel
All I ever wanted was you
I did everything in my pwoer to have you
I would have given myself to you
I gave up so much for you
This is how you repay meYou go and break my heart
Boy you broke the heart of the wrong girl
I'm not a girl to mess with
Sad thing is I feel so hard for you
I let you take advantage of me
I won't stop you
All I want is to hear you say
I want you back
I'll sit here forever waiting for you
I'll let people pass me by
As I sit down I waist my life away
With time I will learnLove is fake
The saying
Love is like a knie to the heart
Acculy means something to me
Love is a lie
Love is just ment to hurt you