A Desperate Cry
Nov. 23 2003
Raven NightSpell
In this night the darkest blight has befallen me.
As I try to bear in mind what things that may be.
These harsh and cold thoughts run through me.
Time ticks by my thoughts begin to fly.
Each thought grows harsher than the last.
Every time I look time seems to pass to fast.
As each minute passes I feel even more must have past.
Every thing is getting dim every thing begins to spin
With every passing moment my soul seems to fray.
Every minute seems an hour and every hour turns a day.
The world around me is dark, dim and turning gray.
My fear my terror that which haunts my very core.
I fear the light, *that once bright and glorious light* is fading fast.
This lights guiding radiance once brought me out of darkness.
Sadly disparagingly seemingly loosing its brilliance.
Oh the fear the suffering the panicked blindness.
Faster and faster I run never stopping never resting.
Again faster and faster still as the light begins to fade.
Seeking the warmth of its embrace looking not for shade.
Desperately clutching to the light with in ME it made.
Oh how long has in been how long will it be again.
No not again for though light has come before none like this has ever been.
A desperate pleading cry I cry not knowing when OH WHEN.
Yes when now I feel or know, I know not if but when.
When will I finally lose this light of mine I know not but in a desperate cry I cry out hoping begging pleading for this light of mine to stay for in the end if darkness falls this time if falls for good…..