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pIeRcEdMySoUltOdAy's blog: "Poems"

created on 01/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/poems/b45723

Give In To Me

I'm gonna wear you down
I'm gonna make you see
I'm gonna get to you
You're gonna give into me

Come on, come on
Into my arms
Come on, come on
Give into me

You're gonna take my hand
Whisper the sweetest words
And if you're ever sad
I'll make you laugh
I'll chase the hurt

My heart is set on you
I don't want no one else
And if you don't want me
I guess I'll be all by myself

Come on, come on
Into my arms
Come on, come on
Give into me

I'll use my eyes to draw you in
Until I'm under your skin
I'll use my lips, I'll use my arms
Come on, come on, come on
Give into me

Give into me
Give into me


With each tear that falls
I miss you more
With each smile I see
I long for you
With each word I hear
I miss your voice
For every step he takes
I remember you
With each toy I buy
I see your smile
With every breath he takes
I feel yours
With every day that passes by
I miss you more
but today, I have found the love and happiness in our son eyes
that I have lost in yours!!


When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.

Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.

She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?

I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn't love her anymore. I just pitied her!

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.

She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn't have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane.

When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month's time and she didn't want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.

She requested that every day for the month's duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

I told Jane about my wife's divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.

My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside
the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn't looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.

On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn't tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.

She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.

Suddenly it hit me... she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.

Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it's time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.

But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.

I drove to office.... jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind...I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.

She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of our lives, not because we didn't love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart.

Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.

At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I'll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.

That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead.
My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push thru with the divorce.-- At least, in the eyes of our son--- I'm a loving husband....

The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

If you don't share this, nothing will happen to you.

If you do, you just might save a marriage.
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

I got this from a friend... Share it if you like :)

(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!

(5) Loud Sigh: This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.
(UNLESS she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome,' that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying FUCK YOU! (when she doesn't want you to know it )

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.


Take your words and swallow them whole,
watch them fade, like your cold and bitter soul.

You jump from person to person as if it's ok.
One day I hope you receive the pain youve given away.

Don't point a finger on how much I could be,
you're the one who never even respected me.

My wishes were to love and be loved, a wish we all have,
But you took my confidence and cut it in half.

You're hypocritical and pathetic with your blame and your "pitty me" ways.

Well you've done more damage than repair, and pretended your way through the days.

People think you're so generous and sweet,
I've seen the other side, and I beg to disagree.

You don't know what love is, nor I doubt you ever will,
you run away from your problems, and hide so you can heal.

Don't tell me about after friendship because your direct insults cut too deep.
You make it hard for me to think clearly, you make it hard to sleep.

I hope you feel so special, to be written about by me,
This just shows how much you've made a mess of me.

I fell too fast and I fell too hard,
but you knew how to break me, and took it to the longest yard.

I can't believe I thought you were special and one of a kind,
It's weird how someone's actions can completely change your mind.

So it's simply stated that you don't care about my tears and I know why,
it's because you're so cold, and with the light in your eyes, your heart has died.

Two Years Today!

It's been two years,
That you have been gone,
It hurts me to think,
That this morning,
Two years ago was the last,
Something i wish i could rewind,
The lost,
Gives me pain,
Kills me day by day,
In a way that i can't change,
All i need,
Is to see you and ask why
Did you know,
And why didn't you tell,
I need you mama
There is just so much,
I can't say,
All i can do is take everything day by day,
One day i will
See you again,
We will reunite,
With each other,
Until that day,
I love you Mama!!


You never realize how much you love someone until they're gone.  You never realize that...yes...once their love surrounded you but now...what do you have?  Memories.  Why does love hurt so much, when it's supposed to be such a good thing?  It's something that...yeah...I guess it can't be helped but...maybe it's harder for you than it is for someone else.  Faint smells of cologne...a song on the radio...a movie...or a single word...these are things that bring back those memories.  But, you can't hide from these things...because...they're there and no matter how hard you try to, they'll always be there.  Even when you have moved on to the future...and those things don't trigger the memories as much as before...they still do.  You can't forget someone that you've loved...you may want to...but you can't.  Love cannot be forgotten...no matter how hard we try...and how much we think it'll ease the pain...it will always be there...forever.

No Meaning

To be with someone you need courage to understand someone you need brains to stand by their side you need strong feet to let go of someone you need regret to miss someone you need distance to break-up with someone you need rage to forgive someone you need mistakes to truly lose love you don't need any meaning to play with someone you don't need any Morales to date another someone you don't need feelings to listen to that love song you don't need any singing to go online and fall in love you don't need any feelings to never be loved by someone doesn't need any meaning...

What you cant have

You always want what you cant have, and when you try to get what you want you get nothing, becuase you lost what you had and you cant get what you want. then you realize that what you had wasnt as bad as you thought it was, but its too late now you screwed upand this time , its gonna hurt
Wishing on eyelashes. All that glitters... Poisonous hopes. Mindless litter. Bring love to its knees. Lying dead Missing the kiss Searching for the ending That I somehow missed. Stuck in a dream Spiraling away. Whoever said The hopeful must pay? The prince never came. The shoe didn't fit. This voice never spoke, The flame never lit. Stuck in its lamp, The genie just sat. There's nothing but pumpkins And white field rats. Rapunzel lost use for her flowing long hair. Seven little men Never seemed to care. Forced to live life And forced to grow old. It's not playing out like the stories foretold. Stuck in a place So unlike my own, I'm inside my house, But so far from home. Hearts are broken Far beyond mending. We lost sight Of the happy ending.
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