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KrazyKilt69's blog: "Poems"

created on 12/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/poems/b38659

A letter to the massess

Hey everyone I want to thank everyone who has been part of the HG scene up till now and get things moving for the New Year. I would like to say a few things about things up to know and thank a few people at this point. I have wanted to make HG a community not just a club night and I think we’ve done that. And I think our move to Club Gallery will do an amazing job of that. As for the customers and staff that have been there so far I’ve heard nothing bad about the place and I think the community will feel at home there. I hope that the move and the new year will all be good things for the community of HG. I also want to take time to thank both the staff who have worked hard getting the night going and keeping it going. From Fancy, Tigris, John, Tone, Mike, Logan, Decay Gabrielle, and a host of others. You all know who you are :) I also want to thank the patrons. PK, MA, Derek, Steve, Cyanide, Rick and again a host of others. I’m sorry if this feels like an afternoon after school special type letter but I needed it to convey how I feel. About the night the scene and the people of HG. Sincerely, Alan Palo

First instalation

VERBS Throw, Sleep, Blow, Hide, Jump Kiss, Fly, Splunk, Spit, Drink Run, Fuck, Urinate, Act, Inhale Cut, Whisper, Ponder, Rattle, Defenestrate. So we have simple verbs, We have complex verbs. Heck we even have cave jumping throwing people out of windows verbs. Body functions and functioning bodies. But even with al those verbs we’ve seemed to forget how to love, breathe, be and simply live. THE SADDNESS IN HER EYES. The sadness in her eyes led me to want to cry. The fact that I can’t heal it, The fact that I only make it worse kills me. I wish I could heal her mind, give her an emotional baind-aid and take away the hurt. But I can’t because if I want to take the hurt away I have to take away her ability to feel. Her ability to love her ability to live. Nothing can be done about her sadness except be there and not ignore her all that can be done is help her to feel live and love again and forever. THE PAIN OF BEING OUTSIDE The pain of being outside, the unknowing of being lost. I live in a world that thrives on uncertainty; I walk in a universe of confusion. My mind a plethora of mistrust distrust and untrustable thoughts. I follow the path of unresolved emotion pain and heartache. The stars of misery my guides friends allies and adversaries. I seek the planets of understanding. I wish to walk the rings of forethought. To swim on the moons of love and empathy. The constellations of passion call to me. A galaxy of unknown desires and ecstasy’s awaits the homecoming of my heart’s ship. Why then does my heart want to do nothing but go supernova? WINGS OF HUMANITY Humans fly everywhere fast and furiously. Like a pack of starlings they take to there wings and fly. Going in unison left then right most the time with tattered wings like there starling counterparts never knowing where to go. But once in awhile they catch a draft and sore above clouds trees mountains traffic bosses and even bills. They sore to the sky’s like eagles and there wings unfold and make great shadows on the ground below. The Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. Armstrong on the moon. Limburg over the Atlantic. But not all who soured flew. Edison had a bright idea. Gram got burnt by long distance charges. Fords machines race through the countryside still today. And even some who became eagles are unknown. I know people who soared on may 19, 1975 April 7 1978 - august 19 1985 – May 6 1986 November 19 1978 – April 24 1985 – March 20 1978 June 7 1977 – march 21 1996 - august 23 1998 May 11 2000 – April 5 2004 And you……your wings spread wide as you flew and took to the stars. On March 22 1999 you soured to the stars and brought one back for us all to enjoy. And they who are the greatest of all birds for they are called mother. POEMS ARE ABSTRACT THOUGHTS Poems are abstract thoughts of a warped mind. Feelings conveyed in words. I feel words like I feel pain anguish and love. Poets express words through emotion. Or do they express emotion through words. Can you feel words? Can you write emotions? Poets do and we are larger for there art. I can only hope they forgive me for my butchery.
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