Current mood: indescribable
Category: Writing and Poetry

Suddenly the world looks bleak and the fires of hell look comforting in this emotional battle that can not be saved by you
The eternal hell that I live in has lasted a bit to long darkness blinds me from joy and love leavng my heart coated with stone
Does life have but one path to follow, walking endlessly on a road that seems to be a one way travel into that forever darkness
Turning twisting, can I get a glimpes of light to back track to, Fuck I'm stuck, no mercy, no way back nothing to help keep me sane
I'd cast my eyes upon the dark with salty tears, it burns, reaching out touching brick wall surrounding me, looking up close dark crimson in color, like blood
Lonely heart, mangled torn beyond repair, collisions of truth and dreams, lost what's real, reality is where.... what's right..what's wrong..... trust is it scorn
Choise then given, what to think... Black Rose so rare thorns dripping blood, to end emotion, nothing for I dare, taste but one drop, lips a mere inch, I hear STOP
Was that a scream, listening close, I hear you, shake my thoughts..I am losing it, so close, one drip upon my tongue it will be over, done, pain confusion....gone
Walk alone, by myself yet my heart will no longer ache, before the blood can touch my tongue pulled back yanked from death, out of no where there you stand, but......who the hell
You reach out, I draw back, you try to ease me come to light the Black Rose now gone, now what to do I'm afraid, who are you my heart can't bear it, I can't do it, turning away
I try to run your not letting go...look into my eyes...lips will soon touch, my heart will fly, a new love born.. now new fear if it breaks, pain again, surly my heart will stop....then the blood of the Black Rose I will taste and I will Die!