As a first note i write poetry. It depends on the person on whether or not they like it. If you don't like it then please keep your comment to yourself cause I honestly do not like anything I write but I don't need critics when I'm my own critic. If you like it tell me why and what you think of it and email me sometime and talk to me or something.
Blue Goddess
Goddesses are lords,
They are my life,
I bow down to them,
And my rights are stripped,
I want to do things,
I want to show them stuff,
I want to love them,
I want to do so much,
But they have a leash,
That binds me from my rights,
From what I truley want to do,
But they do not force it on me,
I let the collar be tightened to me,
I cry out in pain,
But I know theres nothing I can do,
For I have no rights as a man,
But all I ask,
Is that you consider what I say,
I won't view things differently,
I won't get angry,
For I know the word no,
But please don't hurt me,
Please don't get angry at me,
Please don't let me harm myself,
Please don't let harm come to me,
Just love me,
Don't view me differently,
For view you differently,
And I will love you,
With all my heart,
I will love the Blue Goddess of my life.