I need to vent before I blow.
I get an email from my ex. You all know the one, that moved here, used me, then left and broke my heart? A broken heart I am still mending? Ya that one.. Ok.. SOO I get an email that just blantenly takes shots at my integrity and character. Which is funny considering its coming from the shadiest person I know. Case in point:
Hasn't had a stable job in years
Has been mooching off of friends and women off the internet
Claims that Hurricane Katrina is something that he hasn't "dealt" with
Says he loves someone, then asks someone else to marry them WHILE living in his g/fs house
Talks daily, nightly to his ex that he's still in love with while living with his current g/f
Lives with his current g/f and never offers to pay a single bill yet blows $300 on an uneeded IPOD
Lives with current g/f and never bothers to look for a job cause he's uncomfortable
Accepts $4k from a police officer for services of building an engine, yet proceeds to BLOW the $4k
Tells everyone that he hates liars yet everything out of his mouth is a lie ( I have proof and witnesses )
Left his g/f for his ex who was technically engaged to another man
Once at airport and current g/f is crying, he leaves and tells new room mates she was "making a scene"
At a later date, has cam sex with both ex's at the same time, then proceeds to tell his 3 room mates about it
Has a friend of his come to visit him, makes her lay in bed UNTIL he decides she can get up
Proceeds AGAIN to tell room mates about thier sexual escapades
As the friend is leaving, he can't BOTHER to get up off the couch and hug her
Tears apart his room mates kitchen and then lays on the couch for 3 weeks and does NOTHING
Swears to room mate he's not racing her mustang, when in fact he has a video of it
Hasn't had a drivers license in 5+ years
About $15k in debt for child support
Goes from woman to woman via the internet.
Hasn't seen his son in years and hardly ever speaks to him
Oh and he's 32 fucking years old
Oh and wait the BEST! he stole quarters from a little girls bedroom which she had been collecting. Now not only was he told NOT to, but she passed away 3 years ago!!
Sooo for him to question MY being is soo fucking obscure to me that I am THIS close to calling that police officer he stole that money from and turning him in!!! He used me, then broke my heart.. and I am the bad person? I risked EVERYTHING by accepting him into my home and life and I got NOTHING in return. He continuely hurt me when he was here. Stating he didn't want to have MEANINGLESS sex once we knew he was leaving. MEANINGLESS when he told me he loved me the first night he was here. When I asked him about his ex, he told me I was crazy and to let it alone. Yet he LEFT ME CAUSE HE WANTED TO BE WITH HER!! Then when all was said and done, she tells him she just wants to be friends. Ha! He acts like he is this BIG important person and he's really a worthless piece of shit. I can't believe I ever loved him, but I did and it STILL stings. I will ABSOLUTELY MURDER HIM if I see him again. I am sooo angry and hurt by all this I want to SCREAM!
He then goes on to attack my friends ( his former room mates ) cause HE says they treated him like shit. WELL when you MOOCH off of someone for WEEKS, make up excuses for reason you can't do this or that and then LIE to thier face and abuse thier kindness THEY AREN"T GOING TO BE HAPPY WITH YOU!! I don't get how someone can just simply be SOOOO far in left field on their outlook in life it scares me. I worry about my son growing up in society around this and even running into someone like this in this life. But I am in such a fucking foul mood over this asshole that I want to hit someone.
PS something funny... he left an ass load of stuff at my house. So I recently cut up a baseball cap of his, given away his car models and am now in the process of selling his beloved poker ships. FUCKER