There are many different smells-
the smell of a baby is sweet
the smell after rain is fresh
the smell at a fair is of cotton candy and pop corn
at a rodeo is sweat, and must and excitment
feelings are the same, each different in its own way
the excitment of riding your motorcycle makes your heart beat fast and your body feel good
the feeling of driving a new car makes you feel excited over the smell of the new tires squeeling as you burn rubber after the first peel off.
The feeling you get in your heart when you see your baby take their first steps, or say their first words.
the feeling you get when your son leaves for college.
the feeling you get when you get the wire that says we regret to inform you that your son was killed in combat.
Smells, feelings, they all are part of what we go through in life.
Some good, some bad, some we treasure, some we indure.