50 Year Old
Joined on June 28, 2007
Born on May 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
so here is the 411 on me...... i am 33 years old...... i have two kids.......who are my life in every sense of the word..... my son is 9 and thinks he is 19 and that my friend gets him into a wee bit of trouble at times.....i am only 5'4" and he is 5' so he is practacly looking me in my eyes as i tell him to go to his room and then has the balls to look right at me and tell me no....wtf.... but he is also the loving son a mother could ever want and every day he does something that makes me so proud to be his mommy...smile.... then there is my daughter who is 7 and she too thinks she is 17 and way far from that......but she does get away with a tad bit i should not let her.... my daughter was born with C.P and is a epileptic. then when she was about one she had one kidney fail...so for that i feel as if i let some things slide when i shouldnt...and well if anyone thinks i am a bad mother for that ...here is my proposal to you....walk one week in my shoes and then tell me that ...if you happen to feel the same way and say i am a bad mother then go f... off..i dont have time for you anyway... now for the $1,000.00 question.....am i married...the answer is yep....have been for 14 years..... i live in arizona where it is also know as i live in HELL yep HELL ....so for all you that dont believe in HELL come here for ohhh lets see one week.....seems to be a good amount of time to change your mind and i mean in JULY not NOv or OCT or FEB i mean JULY OR AUG.....let me know if you still think everything is perfect after that week..... if you do well then your uncle is the devil..... i love the color pink and i love to garden and i am 33 hence the name pink garden 33...... ok i think that about sums that up ........any other questons.....you know what to do...
50 Year Old
Joined on June 28, 2007
Born on May 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
hi my friend, how are you?i write you because i would like you fan me and rate my pics...if you want......i will return the favor of course.....thx and sorry if i bother youkisses
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you an 11!!!I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa
Good Morning !Thank you very much for your visit and the rating!I hope you will return more times ,You are always welcomeGreetings from the nice blue Danube !
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