Shell is in the process of setting up a new contest, best cleavage contest in fact. Here's the breakdown for the contest. (and trust me this will be re modified numerous times, because I can already think of one thing I'm forgetting & Shells offline) But moving on, this will be a contest for best cleavage, so if you (or if you can think of someone) would be interested, hit Shell up A.S.A.P. let her know what picture you want to be entered. Now insert the rules;
1) Only SFW pictures are to be entered (by fubar rules, this means you must have your face in the picture, so no straight boob shoots, sorry)
2) Only the serious should enter this contest. We don't need people joining, leaving 5 comments and giving up, we're not here to waste your time, so don't waste ours :D
3) You must have at least 5,000 comments to earn prizes. Meaning this; say the person with most comments is 10,000 ahead of you so you want to give up and figure 'oh well, I'll get 2nd or 3rd place' yes this is true, but only if you have 5,000 or more. Prizes will not be given out to people who aren't trying.
4) This contest will be 1 week, that's 7 days :P
5) The contest will begin as soon as there is 10 contestants. Feel free to join after the contest has begun if you hadn't heard about it until then.
6) Bomb squads allowed. Self bombing also allowed, in fact it's encouraged, you won't get far in a contest if you're not willing to put in a little work yourself :P
7) And most important, this contest will be drama free. Shell will be watching her contest, so she will know if anything is going on. Do not run to her and complain about another contestant for any reason. If you have drama, save it for your ShoutBoxes to save her from a head ache or two.
And on a final note, have fun with it! Yes I know I'm forgetting the most important thing, the prizes, there will be an update tomorrow once I talk to Shell. Now everyone go find all the women on your friends list with the great racks and let them know!

If you're ready to enter now, above is where you can find Shell. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!