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haraline-pillaroflight.jpg ********************************************************************************************* Hara Line (Pillar of Light) ********************************************************************************************* The Main Central Vertical Current energy line at the center of the body. (see: Axi-A Tonal Lines) In most contemporary human, only a small portion of the Kundalini is used, the Hara Line, and not the fully expanded Pillar of Light. When one begins to actively participate in Soul Integration through activation and realignment of dormant DNA codes, the entire Kee-Ra-ShA energies come to life. The Silver Cord at the Navel expand in diameter, the Main Vertical Current of the body expands to become a Pillar of Light/frequency that encompasses the body and the Kundalini Spirals at the base of the spine and in Earth's core begin to run their UHF and ULF energies through the body system and consciousness. The Kundalini Spirals are brought to life only through activation of DNA strands 4 and above, which occurs through the Soul Integration process. Most people will not experience Kundalini Activation - the process by which the "Pillar of Light" frequency bridge between the higher identity levels connects with the body through the Pineal and the Silver Cord at the navel. (See: E-Umbi) (The Tangible Structure of the Soul – Page 29) The Hara Line - The Central Vertical Body Current that is formed by the 11th and 12th Axiom Lines wrapping around the fixed flash-line sequence of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Central Vertical Kathara Line. (The Kathara Level 2-3 Foundations Manual - Page 62) ********************************************************************************************* Definition: The hara ia a core power-source that resides in the auric field of the human body. It is housed inside the tan tien, existing on the level of intentionality. The hara line continues downwards from the tan tien deep in the the earth's core ********************************************************************************************* Axi-A Tonal Lines ********************************************************************************************* The Axi-A Tonal Lines (Axiatonal Lines or Axiom Lines) are the points where rotating single-axis "flash-line sequence" transmission lines form the embodied Seed Crystal Seals cross over and through each other to form 12 Primary Vertical Flow Lines in the body. The Axi-A Tonal Lines create the web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Kathara Grid and DNA Template translate into the Chakra, Meridian-Nadius Line (Hara Line) and chemical DNA systems. Each Axi-A Tonal Lines corresponds to a Dimension, DNA Strand Template, Chakra, Seed and Star Crystal Seal and dimensional level of consciousness, and carries the color associated with the primary wave-length of the corresponding Dimension. (Voyagers II – Page 516) ********************************************************************************************* THE COSMIC HARA LINE ********************************************************************************************* Introduction The wingmaker uses the cosmic hara line to align to the higher powers and the prime creator. It is also a good way to centre yourself before starting a training session. You can also use the hara line to charge the physical body with fifth force energy and illusional energy by focusing on drawing them into the physical body and your energy system. PHYSICAL EXERCISE STEP ONE First thing i want you to do is stand up in the middle of the room with your hands by your side STEP TWO Then Close your eyes and visualize your physical body is standing there STEP THREE Then I want you to visualize that there is a line of energy running from your Tan tein down into the base chakra and down into the earth below you and see this laser line connecting with the molten core of the earth. The tan tein will look similar to the image below but it will be brown in colour. STEP FOUR Once you have made a connection to the earth i want you to focus your attention on the tan tein at the centre of your physical body. The tan tein should be charging from a brownish colour to a reddish colour as you draw energy from the earth. Just Like the image above. STEP FIVE Now visualize that the connection between the earth and your tan tein is very strong and that the laser line is very powerful. STEP SIX Now i want you to visualize that the laser line between the earth and the tan tein is running up into the soul seat/source ID point on your physical body. The soul seat looks like a diffused light around a candle but it is purple blue in colour and can be found in the chest area of the body and will look similar to the image below. STEP SEVEN Then I want you to see the laser line running from the soul seat out through the crown chakra at the top of your head and into the small upside down funnel just above your head. The is called the gods head and is the connection to the prime creator. STEP EIGHT Now i want you to visualize that the laser line is straight between the five points on your physical body. Being the Gods head, the Crown Chakra , The Soul Seat, The Tan Tein, And the base chakra also make sure that the laser line is strong and powerful and that you are grounded to the earth correctly. STEP NINE Then i want you to hold the laser line for a couple of minutes and when you are ready open your eyes. How do you feel ? ********************************************************************************************* THE CORE STAR PHYSICAL EXERCISE ********************************************************************************************* STEP ONE First I want you to get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Then I want you to close your eyes and visualize that there is a star at the centre of your physical body. This is the core star or soul ID point it is also Know as the individual source code and is the home of who you really are. And it will look similar to the image below STEP THREE Now i want you to feel at one with yourself and in your own time see that star expanding throughout your physical body and out into your auric field. Stretch out your feelings and feel the pure essence of who you really are also feel the light energy of this core star healing both your physical body and your energy system. STEP FOUR Now feel at one with the world around you and the prime creator and remember that this energy is the real you. STEP FIVE Then in your own time open your eyes. How do you feel ? ********************************************************************************************* Hara Line Development ********************************************************************************************* Introduction Hara line development is designed to bring your awareness to the grounding and ungrounding process of the hara line in the visual techniques of time travel, dimensional travel, levitation, teleportation, and interstellar travel. I have used the term see your visual body in front of you and make the light being. Now before we begin a little bit about my past with the hara line in 1986 I had read a book on levitation and had learnt the technique for levitation once I had performed the technique I naturally went after the ability of teleportation using the same technique that I had been using for levitation so I filled the body with Kundalini energy focusing on the destination i activated the teleportation channel and proceeded to teleport, things were going well till the body started shunting as the energy moved through the physical body and as the channel opened i saw the brilliant white light of the teleportation channel and as the light ran up the channel the energy disposed with a flash of lightening within in the minds eye and naturally scaring the hell out of me and I knew that I was not ready. The reason why the body had shunted all those years ago where not clear to me till recently. The reason why I had encountered this frightening experience was because who knew about or spoke about a hara line in 1986, we had grounding techniques there was no talk of ungrounding from the earth plain and teleporting. Recently we looked at the abilities of travel and motion again. Years ago when interstellar was perfected we focused on opening the core star of the visual body spanning it and travelling through time and space but still we were not seeing the greater picture at work. This next technique is designed to show you what I mean and it will clearly show you why i had not teleported all those years ago. The time lines and system of time space continuum can be found here. Teleporting Your Visual Body Visual Technique Step One I want you to get comfortable and relax. Step two Now close your eyes then charge your physical body with energy. Then see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Four Now here's were things change in the past i would have told you to spin the core star and become the light being this time I want you to focus on the hara line see it running through your visual body from the higher point above your head down through the crown chakra passing through the sixth and fifth chakra's into the soul seat down through the lower chakra's and the ten tien and out through the base chakra and down into the earth. Feel and see the visual body grounding with the earth technique in the physical body will aid us in the abilities of levitation, teleportation, and all of the travelling techniques mentioned in this site. Warning during this technique and while training in Hara Line Development never charge your physical body with energy and focus on the abilities like levitation, teleportation, and travel techniques because it could be fatal stay focused on the matter at hand remember safety comes first. ********************************************************************************************* Hara Line Development ********************************************************************************************* Physical Body ********************************************************************************************* Introduction As we all know grounding with the earth became a big thing in the new age in the 70's as the world took a greater interest in the new age movement and in the late 80's early 90' when Barbara Ann Brennan released her book light emerging we first learned the technique of the hara line. It became very popular and the grounding technique was perfected but it was only the beginning in hara line technology and now we come to the new era of the modern day grounding and ungrounding the hara line or as it is known the vertical time line it is through this hara or time line that moving beyond time and space is possible but before we can use the physical abilities like Levitation and Teleportation of the physical body we must learn how to ground and unground from the earth plain (The Physical Plain) In the visual technique we observed the grounding and ungrounding process of the hara line in action. In this technique we endeavour to develop this technique in the physical body. Because developing this Aligning your hara line Aligning With Your Life Purpose Aligning your haric level will align you with your life purpose. The exercise that follows will help you to align your hara line and heal any distortions in it or in the points along it. It will align you with your greater purpose. I suggest you do it each day in the morning to heal yourself and each time you set about accomplishing something. You will be amazed at the results you get. As you get used to holding the hara alignment, you will be able to stay aligned with your greater life task in any small thing that you are doing in the moment. It is very applicable to your task of healing yourself. An Exercise to Align Your will with your life purpose Imagine a sphere of energy inside your body on the midline of your body, located about one and one-half inches below your navel. This point is the centre of the gravity of the physical body. It is known as the tan tein. It is the one note that holds your body in the physical manifestation. The hara line and tan tien are usually gold. In this exercise, you will make the tan tein red. Section One : The Hara Line Stand with your feet around about three feet apart, and bend your knees deeply, as shown here. Let your feet splay outward so that you do not twist your knees. Align your spine. Then pick up a piece of hair that is directly on the top of your head. Pull it so that you can feel the very centre top of your crown. Now pretend that you are hanging from this piece of hair. This will align your body on a plumb line with the earth. Then place the very tips of the fingers of both hands into the tan tein, as shown here. Keep your fingers together. Feel the tan tein within your body, and make it hot. Make it red hot. If you connect to it, soon your whole body will be warm. If your body does not get warm you have not connected to it. Try again. Practice till you succeed. Once you have succeeded, move your awareness to the molten core of the earth. Now place your hands in a triangle position, with your finger tips pointing down into the earth directly in front of the tan tien. Just like in the image here. Feel the connection between the earth's core and your tan tein. Now you will really feel the heat, burning heat, so much that you will start sweating. You may even hear a sound similar to that the one martial artists use as a cry when they are about to strike. If your Higher Sense Perception is open, you will be able to see the red colour in your tan tein. You will also see a laser line of light connecting the tan tein with the molten core of the earth. This is called the hara laser line. If you don't see it, imagine it. You don't have to see it to make it work. Now place the fingertips of your right hand into the tan tein, and point the left palm to the right side of your body with the fingers down. Hold the left hand directly in front of the tan tein, as in the image here. Hold this configuration until you are stable. Then bring your awareness to your upper chest area, about three inches below the hollow in your throat and again on the midline of your body. Here is a sphere of diffuse light known as the soul seat. This light carries the song of your soul, your unique note that you bring to the universal symphony. It carries longing that leads you through life to accomplish your soul's purpose for your life. Place the fingertips of both hands into the soul seat in the upper chest, as you did before in the tan tien. When you connect to it, it may feel like a balloon is being blown up inside your chest. It may feel very safe and sweet there. Feel that sweet sacred longing as it rests within you. It may remain nameless, but you can still feel it. It looks like diffuse light around a candle, but it is purple-blue in colour. Expand the purple-blue light in your chest. Next place the fingertips of the right hand into the soul seat and the fingertips of the left hand pointed down to the earth, over the tan tien. The flat open palm of the left hand faces the right side of your own body. Feel the hara line running directly down from the soul seat through your tan tien and down into the centre of the earth. When you can feel this very strongly, move on to the next step. Leaving your left hand where it is, raise the fingers of the right hand over your head. Let the middle finger of your right hand point up to the ID point, three and one-half feet above your head. Feel the hara line, which extends from the soul seat up through your head to the small upside down funnel opening of the ID point. This small opening is really a small vortex, its open end facing downward. It is the hardest to feel. Try it. It may take some time. This vortex represents the first point of individuation out of the godhead, or is-ness. It represents the first point of individuation from the oneness of god. When you are able to get the hara line through the ID point, it suddenly disappears into formlessness. When it goes through the funnel, it may make an HSP sound like a cork coming out of a bottle. You will instantly feel the difference, because as soon as you connect it, you will have thousands of times more power. Suddenly everything will get quiet inside, and you will feel like a bridge of power. You have aligned your hara line. Wait for several minutes until the hara line is stable. Then lower your right hand, with fingers pointed up and palm to the left side of your body, so that it is over your soul seat. That will be more comfortable for you. Keep the left hand pointed down, palm to the right side of your body, held over the tan tien. Feel the hara line and the three points. Make it straight with your intention. Intend for it to be straight, bright, and strong. Keep your intention until you feel it get straight bright and strong. Straighten your body again so that it is as if you were hanging from a hair on the middle top of your head. Tuck your buttocks under a bit, and deeply bend your knees, keeping your feet three feet apart and splayed out a bit to protect your knees. As you bend your knees they should come down directly over your feet. Check to see, feel, and hear if the points are strong, firm, and charged. If there is weakness in any area, note which area it is. This is an area that needs healing work. Concentrate on it longer. Align the hara line and enhance the points the best you can. ********************************************************************************************* Section Two : Rising The Earth Star ********************************************************************************************* Now just below the earth there is a chakra known as the earth star. It is this earth star that grounds you to the earth and the physical plain of your existence. When you run the hara line down into the earth you would have passed the laser line through the earth star. See and feel the hara line passing through the earth star for a couple of minutes and be at one with the earth. Then in your own time draw the hara line out of the molten core of the earth and bring it up to the earth star and ground it into the earth star. Feel this connection with the earth star and focus on the grounding for a couple of minutes. Warning At this time you are not to focus on the abilities of the wingmaker, during the rest of this technique stay focused on the matter at hand. Then in your own time focus your mind on drawing the hara line and earth star out of the earth like in the image here. Take it slowly as your earth star leaves the earth as your physical body may become unstable. This is normal when you unground from the earth and you must get used to this sensation. If the sensation gets to over overwhelming, drop the hara line and earth star back down into the earth. I would suggest when you are ready to use this technique with levitation first. Do not use any of the travel techniques while you are studying the hara line development. As the earth star rises slowly draw it up to a point just below the base chakra like in the image here and hold it there as long as you can. Then in your own time drop the hara line and earth star back down into the earth. As the earth star enters the earth, your body will stabilize. Feel this connection with the earth; make sure you are grounded correctly with the earth. Be at one with the earth. ********************************************************************************************* Physical Body Technique ********************************************************************************************* Step One I want you to stand in the middle of the room and close your eyes. Step Two Then in your own time visualize the hara line running through your physical body from the higher point just above your head down through the crown chakra passing through the sixth and fifth chakra's into the soul seat down through the lower chakra's and the ten tien and out through the base chakra and down into the earth star and down in to the earths core. Feel and see the physical body grounding with the earth and see the tan tien changing from a reddish brown colour to a reddish colour like the earths core and feel this connection with the earth. Step Three Now I want you to focus on the point just above your head and draw energy from the earth and push that energy through the hara line and make sure it passes through the higher chakra's of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Chakra's. The 12 chakra is our link with the grand porthole network or as it is known the elliptical time line ground the top end of the hara line into the elliptical time line and feel that connection. Make sure you are linked correctly with the time line. Warning At this time you are not to focus on the abilities of the wingmaker during the rest of this technique stay focused on the matter at hand. Step Four Then focus your attention on the earth star six inch below the surface of the earth this is the link that grounds us to the earth plain and the physical plain of existence and in your own time draw your connection with the earth out of the earth and draw the earth star up out the earth with the hara line to a point just below the base chakra and hold it there. Notice Notice ever sensation in your body and as you stabilize your energy system hold it there for a moment. Step Five Now in your own time drop the hara line and the earth star back down into the earth and reconnect both the earth star and the hara line back into the earth and feel this connection with the earth. Make sure you are linked correctly with the physical and earth plains and as you stabilize again notice every sensation in your physical body. when you are stabilized open your eyes. Note Write down every little detail of your observations during this technique and if you wish post your finding under the section Hara line Tech on the message board and we will develop this technology together as a group. Because this technology benefits each and every one of as a whole. see the tan tien changing from a reddish brown colour to a reddish colour like the earths core and feel this connection with the earth. Step Five Now focus your mind on teleporting to a destination of your choice. Step Six Now as we spin the core star i want you to stay focused on the hara line and this connection with the earth and in your own time spin the core star as you've done a thousand times before and this time pay attention Step Seven Then see your visual body teleporting to that destination and when you arrive at the destination return the visual body to normal and as you do focus on the hara line once again. Step Eight Then see your visual body and spin the core star once again and teleporting back to the point just in front of your physical body and return the visual body back to normal once again. And in your own time open your eyes. Note Now if you've done this technique you'll see what was missing when I tried teleporting in 1986. Write down every little detail of your observations during this technique and if you wish post your finding under the section Hara line Tech on the message board and we will Develop this technology together as a group. Because this technology benefits each and every one of us as a whole. Remember Master the visual technique before moving on to the physical technique it is important that you know the visual technique inside out before moving on.
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