On Wednesday, one of my good friends (actually have pics in album of where I was in their wedding over a year ago) texted me and asked for me to call her as soon as I got a chance.
Amanda became my friend several years ago when she started dating one of my good friends, Bruce. Her and her daughter Kailee (9 but as mature as some adults!) have come so far to have been put through what they have in their life. Although we don't get to spend much quality time together, the time we do share counts and we know that we can always count on one another when we need a friend.
Here lately, she has been going through a lot, with her father gonig through some major health issues and not knowing just how long he has left to live. Therefore, they have decided to sell everything and move closer to Amanda.
With the expectation of her needing me due to all of the trouble with her Dad, I called her back immediately (and it helped that it just happen to be at a moment when no one was in the office surprisingly). She said that although she had already done it, she wanted to make sure it was okay. I, of course, thought she meant putting me down again as an emergency contact at the school for Kailee again since the school year just begun. So I immediately reminded her that I was fine anytime she did so, especially knowing that she doesn't have hardly anyone, family or friends, she can depend upon anymore, for one reason or the other. Well, little did I know, it was much more.
Amanda decided that even in her 20's, she had better think about the future knowing what can happen unexpectedly and has created a will. In her will, I have been named Kailee's godmother, so that if anything, God forbid was to happen to Amanda, I will officially be responsible for helping Bruce parent Kailee. I was speechless, teary-eyed and honored all at once. Being a godmother already, I reap many benefits such as smiles, laughter and certainly, the "I love you's". It truly touched me that Amanda would trust me with her daughter in that way. And even though, I know for fact, that she trusts me with Kailee, this is by far the most trust a mother could leave to someone!
Kailee is a very sweet, smart, cute young girl who anyone who meets adores and admires and I am now honored to not just call her a friend's daughter but my goddaughter. :D