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Rhonda aka RaRa's blog: "Personal"

created on 07/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/personal/b100330
Since today was my 2 year Fu-Anniversary, I figured I'd find my way back to the Fu and go through the huge number of friend requests, many unread messages and photo comments because I honestly have not done so, in a long time. I have been signed in the entire time but truly have only looked at my profile comments here and there and then went on. I just needed a break, due to everything that I have had going on personally and it was also the only chance I had to get the spotlight. Unfortunately, the fubucks it takes these days, it was just impossible for me to attain it so all my pics are open now to friends. (I will still do something special for those of you who tried to help me by giving me fubucks! Don't think for a second that you have been forgotten! That is by far NOT the case!!)Sorry to those of you who didn't read my title which said that the albums were shut off until I spotlighted. I have noticed a lot of messages asking how you could see my pics. They weren't open to ANYONE but they are now, just to friends. Anyways, I won't be on here ALL the time and it will take me probably days to get through all of the requests and comments and such BUT I will try very hard to get through them and be more of a Fu. lol Hope everyone is doing good and hope to see you around! xoxo

What a day!

Okay, my cousin's accident wasn't even all that happened...the sad saga gets worse. A very close friend of mine's mother was taken by ambulance Friday (they live in the mountains of PA and are 1 1/2 hours from nearest hospital) after having a stroke and seizure at their home. She has had a spot on her brain for the last 10 years and was told by her doctors then that if she ever started having severe headaches to let them know for it might be a sign that she would end up needing surgery. Just recently, she started having headaches that were severe but didn't quite make it to a doctor. Once they finally got her to the nearest hospital, she had another stroke and seizure. They wanted to stabilize her before they moved her to Univ. of PA but even if they got her stabilized, there was a winter storm happening and it's actually still snowing there so there was no way to move her and apparently, the hospital she is in is not equipped to perform the needed surgery. She is more stable than she was Friday but it's not good either so we're holding on to hope that she can hold on and pull through. Meanwhile, another good friend called and asked me to pick up their daughter from school, my oldest goddaughter. Her Dad is very ill and had just recently suffered from a bout of Salmonella poisoning and was in a rehabilitation center. He has been suffering from severe blockages, COPD...it's bad, actually terminal is what they confirmed today when he was so short of breath, they had to rush him back to the hospital. So, they have put him on morphine drip for the pain and all of his organs are shutting down and it's just a matter of waiting. He now has a DNR order and will most likely be moved into a Hospice center. So, I have my goddaughter here with me and she might even be spending the night depending on whether they have to stay at the hospital. For a 9 year old, she's VERY mature and can hold very interesting conversations and has such a great personality. She understands what is going on with her "Poppy" and only wishes that he didn't have to live the way he's living. (Did I mention she's 9??!!!) My boss was very understanding today and told me to just take off early and not worry about the short staff issue. Unfortunately, he just lost his mother a few weeks ago. (Yeah, it's been a rough couple of months!) So, I might show as online because I'm back and forth but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm actually right here tonight because with my goddaughter here, I'll be doing a few things with her before she goes to bed or home, if that is the case. If you leave me a message, I will get back to you. Remember, my shout box fills up really quick so probably not the best way to let me know you were here. lol But you know I'll be back at some point! :P So, like I said, WHAT A DAY!!! Hope all of you had a much better day!!! xoxo

Too Young!

Okay, here at my house, if the phone rings before 8, generally, it's not good news that comes through from the other end of the line. The phone rings at 7 this morning. For starters, although an only child, I have a pretty big family and a lot of aunts and uncles, who are at "that" age. But this time, it was someone, no where near that age! My aunt called to let me know that my cousin died last night in a car wreck. Mind you, she just got a brand new car last week and not the first vehicle that she wrecked. I wasn't close to her...I had not seen her in a long time BUT she is gone. Just that quick! She was 20!!!!!!! She has a brother who is younger and hopefully with the help of one of my aunt and uncle's raising him, he will be in a better place as he becomes an adult and carries on because he wasn't exposed as much to the drug & alcohol world like she had been by her mother, who I love but she had/has (will have again I'm afraid now) lots of those issues. At one time, I was extremely close to her grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my uncle has been battling cancer for some time and I especially feel so bad for them because every time we turn around, there is another loss it seems. Anyway, just needed to get that out. :( UPDATE: They haven't determined as of yet what caused Laura to loose control of the car but I was told that she lost control, hit a tree, bounced off of that and flipped the car around hitting another tree. (Possibly slick road & leaves but there is chance they were drinking.) Her and her b/f were in the front seat. Her b/f's best friend was in the back seat; he was killed instantly. Laura was killed instantly as well but they have flown her to the medical examiner to determine complete cause of death because there was not a mark on her. We're guessing possibly a broken neck. Her b/f was the only survivor. They said that she couldn't have been going over 40 mph and she was only approximately 150 from her house where the accident took place! Unreal!!


I hope everyone had a great, safe, fun, enjoyable Thanksgiving! Did you all get your belly's full today? :P Mine was nice...would've been nicer to have been spent with that special someone but someday... As I was driving up the road today (long drives make your mind wonder), during a crazy storm that came through after waking up to a beautiful sunshiny day, I got to thinking about an old friend of mine. He had been through some really rough times over the last year and ended up divorced. He even stayed with me for a little while but the drama in his life took over and unfortunately, I had to distance myself from him completely because I couldn't take it anymore..it was starting to mess with my life! Something I had never done before but had no choice due to stress, I turned my friend away and literally walked away from it all, saddened that I had to but determined to get the drama out! Well, today is not a great holiday for a lot of people, especially those who are alone or lost someone dear to their heart. Me personally, I always TRY to make the best of everything. I lost a few people near and dear, one on Christmas Eve but I get through it by spending time with people I love and care about and making the best of it all. Thinking about how it affects different people, I got to thinking about this friend of mine and how this has been a particularly difficult holiday for him. So, I texted him. He texted back. And so it begun. Come find out, right after we stopped talking, I guess the stress got the best of him and he had a heart attack! :( But he's fine, thank goodness! 2-3 months later, I find out....what a friend I am...he thought because I was disgusted with all that was going on, that he couldn't call me from the hospital! OMG! Well, he was assured tonight that no matter what, he should NEVER doubt, that at the end of the day, I am his friend! He's fine now, actually almost better than ever I think. He was very happy and relieved that I sent him that "Happy Thanksgiving" text to his phone and you know what, so was I! :) See people what DRAMA can do?!!! Ugh! I so hate drama!! Anyways, it made me feel good to know that I made someone's day and am still someone they consider one of their best friends! :) I'm so thankful for one of the greatest gifts, friendships!! :)


Well, I just received a phone call that I have been dreading for a couple of weeks. One of my aunts passed. It was just a few weeks ago, we learned that had cancer of the kidneys and a couple of other spots as well. She had been having problems with Alzheimer's and she was older; she was 78 but in my eyes, she was still a young, beautiful woman who was filled with so much love for everyone she met. I spent so much time with her as a child and throughout my teenage years and even throughout my 20's. She was one of my all time favorites! A few years back, there was drama in the family and I stayed away for I knew she had enough on her plate and I knew it was best to just let some things settle. Well, too much time passed, her and my uncle got a little older and ended up with more health problems than they could handle. So, their daughter moved them in with her and her husband, sold their house and started truly taking care of them under her own roof. Unfortunately, in the last few years, I have not been to see them for one reason or the other but have stayed in touch closely through the one aunt I have that is like my mother and through their granddaughter, my cousin, who is like a sister to me. Well, I knew the day was coming. Unfortunately, it was just a few minutes ago. My aunt called and told me she passed at 4:30 this morning. On top of everything that I have going on in my life, this is certainly not one I want to deal with right now...then again, who would?!!! She was fortunately not in any pain, believe it or not but I, at least know she is in a better place and she can be reunited with her daughter who passed when she was 49 (from a brain aneurism). Okay, that's all for now. :( xoxoxoxo


On Wednesday, one of my good friends (actually have pics in album of where I was in their wedding over a year ago) texted me and asked for me to call her as soon as I got a chance. Amanda became my friend several years ago when she started dating one of my good friends, Bruce. Her and her daughter Kailee (9 but as mature as some adults!) have come so far to have been put through what they have in their life. Although we don't get to spend much quality time together, the time we do share counts and we know that we can always count on one another when we need a friend. Here lately, she has been going through a lot, with her father gonig through some major health issues and not knowing just how long he has left to live. Therefore, they have decided to sell everything and move closer to Amanda. With the expectation of her needing me due to all of the trouble with her Dad, I called her back immediately (and it helped that it just happen to be at a moment when no one was in the office surprisingly). She said that although she had already done it, she wanted to make sure it was okay. I, of course, thought she meant putting me down again as an emergency contact at the school for Kailee again since the school year just begun. So I immediately reminded her that I was fine anytime she did so, especially knowing that she doesn't have hardly anyone, family or friends, she can depend upon anymore, for one reason or the other. Well, little did I know, it was much more. Amanda decided that even in her 20's, she had better think about the future knowing what can happen unexpectedly and has created a will. In her will, I have been named Kailee's godmother, so that if anything, God forbid was to happen to Amanda, I will officially be responsible for helping Bruce parent Kailee. I was speechless, teary-eyed and honored all at once. Being a godmother already, I reap many benefits such as smiles, laughter and certainly, the "I love you's". It truly touched me that Amanda would trust me with her daughter in that way. And even though, I know for fact, that she trusts me with Kailee, this is by far the most trust a mother could leave to someone! Kailee is a very sweet, smart, cute young girl who anyone who meets adores and admires and I am now honored to not just call her a friend's daughter but my goddaughter. :D

In my thoughts....

I know that only a few of you know personal friends of mine, outside of Fubar but I just received horrifying news. A long time friend of mine just lost his son due to a motorcycle accident that happened last night. Realize that I met them through a classmate of mine many years ago. The father is a Sgt. at our local police station and just an all around great guy and most importantly, a great father! We just talked a few weeks ago before he left on a road trip with his 2 sons, 17 & 12 years old, who are his life. He fought long and hard, while going through a divorce years ago to gain custody of them and they have lived a happily family since until this tragedy has happened. Just last week, we were talking about what a great time they had and how much fun they have together and how his oldest was about to turn 18 next month, etc. & then this morning, I get many phone calls and messages telling me his oldest has died. 17!!! And so sad to say that he had just gotten the bike but had been on one since he was a kid. I would never want to guess what happened. It is just devastating that such a young life was taken and I just can not imagine what his family is experiencing at this time and for many years to come. They were raised well and turned out to be such great kids! Unbelievable how things can happen! Please, if you would, keep their family (sorry I have to keep their names out of this blog) in your thoughts & prayers and remind your loved ones not only how much you love them but that they should cherish every moment they have here on Earth because tomorrow may never come! :( Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket R.I.P. Andy
Party Time!Thanks for all of the love! 💚 💜 💚
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