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(LADY'S FILL THIS PART OUT) *ABOUT GUYS:Turns you ON, OFF or DC (Don't Care) Is taller than you:on Wears a grill: off Dresses Gangsta: on/off Dresses Gothic: off Dresses Skater: on Dresses Preppy: on/off Dresses Emo: on Cuts themself: off Has green eyes: on Has blue eyes: dc Has brown eyes:on Has hazel eyes:on Drinks alcohol:dc Wears glasses: dc Smokes cigarettes:dc Smokes weed:dc Plays sports:dc Smiles a lot: on Calls you just to say hi: on Compliments you: on Good dancer: on Wears jewelry: dc Smiles when you walk in the room: on Has curly hair: dc Has straight hair:dc Has brown hair:dc Has black hair:dc Has blonde hair:dc Has red hair:dc Loyal:on Laid back: on Plays guitar: dc Plays drums:on He can draw:on Easily jealous: off Has a tattoo:on Has a lip ring:on Has a tongue piercing:off Nipples pierced:dc Doesn't party:dc Likes to party:dc Wants to party:dc Laughs a lot:on Funny:on Skinny:on Thick:off Honest and open: on Goes to church:dc Lightly bites bottom lip:on Hugs from behind:on Loves cuddling:on _____________________________________________
1) Are you single, taken or crushing? single 2) Are you happy with where you are? Yeah doing just fine right now 3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? I haven't met the right person yet or I would still be with them 4) Have you ever had your heart broken? truly? Yes 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? Cheating by deffinition would be not faithful to a spouse or lover..violating accepted standards or rules. Anyway, the answer is No. 6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? No. I do give second chances but not for that. 7) Have you ever talked about marriage with another person? So far just with my best friend ...if we're both unmarried by like age 37 we're gonna marry each other. lol 8) Do you want children? Someday I want to be a mommy. 9)How many? 2 10) Would you consider adoption? I would consider it but I really want my babies to be a piece of me. 11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way for them to tell you? Depends. I dont need fancy overdone expressions, just saying it would work fine for me as long as i felt the same way. 12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? I dont do it consiously but i'm sure it does happen. I dont like to play games though. 13) Do you want someone you can't have? I did for a short time a few months ago. It never would have worked out though so it was best that i couldnt have them. 14) Do you believe love at first sight exists? maybe 15) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? yes 16) Do you believe that you can change someone? is it possible, yes. would i ever try, hell no. I wont change for anyone and i dont expect anyone to change for me. WHAT HAPPENED TO 17?? 17's dead !!! 18) Do you have feelings for someone right now? Not right now 19) Have you ever wished you could have someone but you couldnt? once 20) Would your ever consider getting married in high school? Never 21) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? I'm not a fighter. I've never needed to get into a physical altercation because i have a pretty sharp tongue. Plus I don't let stupid shit get to me. 22) Describe your perfect date? renting movies and relaxing at my house talking & stuff. 23) Would you Marry any of your Ex's if they ask? No 24) Worst thing you did to get back at a ex? n/a i'm not into perpatuating the cycles of drama

Survey - My Fisrt...

1. Who was your first prom date? Jamie Michelle man she looked good in a tux. lol 2. Who was your first roommate? my (now) ex g/f and her bestfriend 3. What alcoholic beverage did you first drink? straight vodka...but i'm not sure if it was first but i think it was. 4. What was your first job? GFF Foods - Cashier 5. What was your first car? a rusted , paintless, grey 1980 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight. Thing was effin huge!!!!! 6. When did you go to your first funeral? i went with shorty to her uncles funeral first. 7. What was your first vacation? i dont remember when the first one was. 8. Who was your first grade teacher? first name Holly , but i dont know her last name now. 9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? that i remember, 7th grade, trip to DC, mom gave me xanax so i wouldnt freak out on the plane because i'm freakishly afraid of flying 10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time? me and clayton used to sneak out all the time and walk to gff to get food. 11. Who was your first friend and are you still friends with them? Minette...first best friend in the 1st grade...we lost touch when i changed schools. 12. Where was your first sleepover? Leslie's house way back when... 13. Who is the first person you talk to in the morning? my mom cause she's already up when i wake up for work. 14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? the first wedding i was actually in was my dadda & debbie's wedding in april of 2005, the bride and the bridesmaids ( which i was) got to ride from the dressing house to the church in a horse drawn carriage. teehee 15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? tinkle & brush my teeth 16. What was the first concert you ever went to? tech n9ne 17. First tattoo or piercing? my ears 18. First celebrity crush? i dont crush on celebs 19. First crush? brandon haser 20. First love? justin mustain 21. When was your first detention? 8th grade ...for running across the street to sonic instead of staying on campus like i was supposed to. The End
1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship. [he]was crazy[literally] 2. When was the last time you shaved your legs? bout a week ago. haha 3. What were you doing this morning at 8am? friday morning 8 am i was getting ready for work homie 4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?watching a funny video on myspace. 5. Are you any good at math? basic math , yes. anything further and i'm pretty much worthless 6. Your prom night? there was like 6 of us, we got baked, showed up to prom late, took pics, left early and went tot the club. haha 7.Have you ever met anyone famous?i've met tech n9ne and most of the guys he tours with. probably someone else too i just cant remember. 8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school? nope 9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? oh shit i'm gonna have to go look at my profile just to see what it is...i dont remember... ...Fergie "London Bridge" and yes i know all the words. haha 10. Last thing received in the mail? cds i ordered online 11. How many different beverages have you drank today? 3. juice, strawberry soda, & dr pepper 12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? not unless i have to. 99% of the time i send text messages. 13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? uhm i'll just lie and say tech n9ne because i dont remember 14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? oklahoma is beachless...haha 15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? the last one i had a filling below my gum line. the procedure didnt hurt but when the feeling came back in my mouth my gums hurt something fierce! 16. What is out your back door? technically "my back door" is on the side of the house....but in the actual backyard there is a pool and deck and wooden bench, etc 17. Any plans for Friday night? already done cause its not friday night anymore 18. Do you like the ocean? last time i was at the ocean my lil sister got stung my a jellyfish...i acquired a strange fear of water that i couldn't see through once we stopped living at the lake during the summer. so hmmm...lol 19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas? lol no i've never had one given to me but i've eaten out of one before lol 20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? nope 22.Something you are excited about? thanksgiving is coming soon and i've been craving thanksgiving food...o0o0o and presents at christmas! woot! 23. What is your favorite flavor of JELL-O i dont really like to eat jello 24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? nope. 25. Describe your keychain: a pink ribbon ,about 4 keyrings, a canon laser pointer, handcuff key, a CVS extras card,a sam goody card, and some keys. lol 26. Where do you keep your change? in the car, in my pcket, in my purse, on the desk, need i go on? lol 27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? define large? i'm not much of a public speaker. i turn all red and my ears get hot...lol 28. What kind of winter coat do you have? the kind that keeps me warm & thats all i care about 29. What was the weather like on your graduation? nice is was in may few years back. lol 30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? closed because i cant sleep with it open, plus it gets hot if its open, & i have to keepvbmy dogs in my room The End

damnit shit fuck...!

My single biggest pet peeve about being single...its not the sex...or any of that shit. Its waking up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream all shaken without a firm grasp on reality for the first few minutes...and NOT having someone in bed next to me to tell me everything is ok, ask me what it was about,and hold me until i fall asleep again. I mean seriously its not like i have bad dreams a lot, shit i dont even have any dreams very often at all, but when i do it would be really nice if i had someone around. where where where is my one and only prince or princess? does anybody know. *yawn* time to try to go back to sleep. <333 [P|T|C]

i want candy

i want candy bubblegum and taffy skip to the sweet shop with my sweetheart sandy got my pennies save so i'm her sugar daddy i love aqua teen in the morning<3

welcome the weather change

but damn the fact that I get a sinus infection every year when the weather changes from hot hot summer to cool cool fall. It especially sucks because I work on the phone all day...and with a stuffy nose its impossible to sound right to the person on the line. i sound like a big dork trying to talk on the phone and sound professional with a stuffy nose. lol thats all i just wanted to post a blog. ha ha
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