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35 Year Old · Female · Invited by: oaks05 · Joined on March 31, 2008 · Born on August 14th
35 Year Old · Female · Invited by: oaks05 · Joined on March 31, 2008 · Born on August 14th

**Under Construction**

About Me:
Hi, my name is Shana but it's pronounced like "Shaina" or "Shayna".

** I don't check this much, so it would be much easier to catch me on AIM, Facebook or MySpace( Read on the find out what those are. I also have a lot more photos on my MySpace and even more on my Facebook =P ) **

I am no longer accepting random Friend Requests, to many useless people, and way to many spammers! So just send me a message saying who you are and whatnot. It doesn't need to be anything special, just a simple message. However no message first means you WILL NOT be added. Period. Thank you! ^_^

Don't just request a friendship with me just because, unless I already know you. If you want to be a friend, TALK TO ME FIRST!!!! I don't like when people request a friendship without letting me know anything about them first. Try sending me a message first or catching me on AIM. Then maybe I'll add you.

What words wont even begin to describe..

I am shy at first, but I warm up once I get to know you; yet it also depends on the 'vibe' that person gives off. I can never seem to look at people in the eyes or the face when I first meet them, and if I do, then you're special ;) So if we ever decide to hang out, and you keep spotting me stealing glances at you, or not looking at you, it's not because I don't like you, it's because I'm shy. =P I am a hopeless romantic I guess you could say, and probably always will be. I just graduated from Berkley High and I am into anything related to the arts. I like to cuddle, I love body heat, and I'm a hug-whore! I love music, I love to compose and write poetry, songs, and quotes. I like to think I am unique and quite random. If you ever hear some random person shouting "FORK!", it was probably me ;) I love my friends to death, and will always be by their side unless they break my trust. I don't smoke or drink, but I don't have a problem with people who do-- I'm just not for it, thats all. I tend to get depressed at times so I start coming off "emo", now you'll know why-- I have mild depression. Hmmm lets see, I love to goof off and just be myself. I can be shy/quiet and outgoing, and possibly one of the craziest people you will ever meet. I am indecisive, so don't ask me to make choices =P I am not anal about grammar and spelling, even though I do promote it. I can be a bitch if you provoke it, but in general, I've been told that I'm a sweety. I get guilty often, so don't use that against me =P I have a tendency to flirt a lot, but 99% of the time I don't even know I'm doing it. I have a tendency to poke people, and you will frequently find me engaged in some intense poking fights. I'm a huge procrastinator, but I get things done. I'm stubborn, but open-minded. Lastly, I love to be asked questions of any kind, (so ask away ;)) and I love to ask questions. I have a continuous thirst for knowledge, and I am quite the curious cat. -- If you read my profile put "moo" somewhere in your comment or message =] -- I am opinionated, and I will speak my mind. I love to engage in "heated" debates, for I love to be challenged. I am sarcastic, I am a smartass, but I am true to myself. Lastly, I love to meet new people, and I have met people off the internet before.. =P


AIM/AOL: PeanutButterWhOr ( thats an 'O', not a zero ;) )
Yahoo: moondash2000@yahoo.com
MSN: moondash2000@hotmail.com

Hmm well, anyone that likes Green Day is a friend of mine.. My favorite kinds of music are all types of rock, metal, punk, emo, screamo, alternative, ska, etc. but I'll listen to pretty much anything ^_^

IM WEIRD! I also like to draw and make bracelets and design clothes and redo them and yea. lol. Well I could put more in here, but I wont bore you to death. XD

Turn On's: S&M (sadomasochist (sp?)) handcuffs, wips, chains, kinkiness, biting, cuddling, compliments, tattoos, PIERCINGS = SEXY, good-kissers, drummers, guitarists, musicians in general, intelligence and big vocabularies, good cologne, someone who likes me for me, GREAT personality, tickling me (if you can) ear biting, lip biting, tracing my face with your fingers, playing with my hair, eyes I can stare into forever, passionate guys, sweet guys, funny guys, abs, scratching, light touches, ice, candle wax, FA-BREEZE!, haha I love that shit. (not a turn on) aside from those, I have a few more.

Turn Off's: fakes, cheaters, manwhores, shoulder rubs (unless i like it and your special) posers, show-offs, stuck up people, bad breath, uncleanliness, B.O, IM's of people asking me who I am when they know damn right where they got my S/N from. People who aren't honest and can't trust me. Someone who isn't themself, someone who gets embarrassed to be seem with me =/

35 Year Old · Female · Invited by: oaks05 · Joined on March 31, 2008 · Born on August 14th
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