I have a very deep interest in any thing that has to do with guitar. I like to poke smot, I mean, smoke pot. I like to talk to myself, I would like to kill people but can't get away with that so I'll just kill myself, I like to party, I like ice cream with cherries and whip cream, lemonade, a cool autumn breeze, a fresh set of guitar strings, a phat blunt to the face, A DIVA WITH CLASS NOT TO MENTION ASS, IF SHE AINT GOT THAT THROW THAT BITCH BACK. She's gotta be thick but not too thick. I'll meet her someday till then I'm doing the PLAY thing. I like a car with a full tank of gas. I like to drink and drive, but not at the same time. I HATE Jehovah Witnesses, door to door salesmen, telemarketers, cold coffee is really gross, I hate empty tanks and an empty wallet, but probably not as much as I hate you, I am just a normal everyday laid in the shade average Joe. I like to get all out plastered from 151 and such along with the usual dose of blunts every once and again nothing major. If it was not the small bit of obvious truth you might have gathered that I am interested in but one girl. Who I will someday marry. Although, I am a bit of a jealous man I am not bothered by the fact that she is older than me and has but many court ships involving marriage, not to mention the relations are with both man and woman. She is married, has been married, was married, and will probably remarry. The weird thing that get's me though I don't mind sharing her. She is the one girl I would share with all my friends even at the same time all my friends... male or female, young or old, all at the same time. My Lady's name is simply stated in a non-formal fashion by people throughout the world by a title none other than... Mary Jane! /* CherryTap Layout profile Maker *//* http://www.graphics-codes.com */body { background-color:transparent; background-image:url(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b102/GiniKarla/4mom/VyXyN.gif); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:#9900FF; border-width:2; border-style:Dotted; scrollbar-track-color:#000000;scrollbar-face-color:#990099;scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FF99FF;cursor: default; } .my_fans_top_sep, .my_fans_sep, .my_friends_top_sep,.my_friends_sep, .my_fan_of,.my_fans_top, .my_fan_of_top,.user_info,.user_music,.user_music_data,.user_music_hdr, .top_lists,.user_games_hdr,.us.er_games_data,.leave_comment_box,.user_games, .user_movies, .leave_comment_box, .user_rating_box, .top_lists, .user_comment, .profile_viewers, .my_fans, .user_opts, .my_friends,.leave_comment_box { background-color: transparent; border-width: 4; border-color: #CC00FF; border-style: Double;}.commonbox .evenrow { background-color: ;}.user_opts, .user_info_name, .user_info_l,.user_info, .user, .user_info_c, .user_music_data, .user_aboutme_data, .user_games_data, .user_general_data, .user_movies_data, { color:#FF33FF; font-size:12pt; font-family:;} .referral_path_me, .mylounges_small, .poke_box_opt, .new_feature, .blast_link_body,.user_opts a:hover { color:#FFFFFF; font-size:; font-family:; }