I'm just a middle age Grandma. who gets a little time in the evening on the internet! I love BIRDS, birds, and birds..(smile)..I am owned by 2 blue and gold macaws, a Patagonian conure, and a cherry-capped Amazon and a Blue-crowned Amazone. I also have 7 dogs, 2 big goldn labs, 2 small blond chihuahas, and a couple of mixed breed. Oh, yeah, and 13 year old black chow. I have 5 kids, 12 grandkids, and am TOTALLY family oriented. I love to garden,and that is where I usually am in my spare time- in my garden- with about 10 kids from the neighborhood "helping"..I also love photography, reading books and good movies!www.myspace.com/pattrellplace
I like birds-all birds- but especially my macaws! I love to read- anything, and I like pretty much all music. I am usually in my garden if I am not on my computer- but with my 2 week old grandson, well-I usually am rocking him as much as I can!
S-M-A-C-K !!!! You've been hit! Did it hurt? You have been chosen as one of the very best looking people on my friends list. Once you have been hit, you have to hit 15 good looking people. If you get hit again, you'll know you're really good looking. Now go hit 15 other good looking people on YOUR friend list!
If a kiss was a raindrop...I'd send you showers.If hugs were a second...I'd send you hours.If smiles were water...I'd send you the sea.If friendship was a person...I'd send you me.This poem shows lots of appreciation...so send this to all of your friends and let them know you care.
A Hug Certificate for You!*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸This poem is very sweet. It will be interesting to see who sends it back.Forward this on and back. Thanks!*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸If I could catch a rainbowI would do it just for you*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸And share with you its beautyOn the days you're feeling blue.*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸If I could build a mountainYou could call your very own;*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸A place to find serenity,A place to be alone.*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸If I could take your troublesI would toss them in the sea,*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸But all these things I'm findingare impossible for me.*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸I cannot build a mountainOr catch a rainbow fair,*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸But let me be what I know best,A friend who's always there.*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸Send One to All Your Friends Who You Think Deserve A Hug(Which, Hopefully Includes the Person Who Sent It to You).*´¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. ¸♥?¨`*•.¸♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥?.•*´¨`*•.¸If you receive this back 5 times. You're a good friend.and there are angels watching over you....
I know...I'm a bit late. Been trying to get to LOTS of folks before bed. (And I'm late for that too haha) Hope you're all doing well. MISS and love yas dearly!!
REAL FRIEND TEST !This is GOOD..I expect it back too! I especially like the lastSentence!!!!!!A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens YourRefrigerator and helps himself (and doesn't feel even the least bit WeirdShutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!)A simple friend has never seen you cryA real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears..A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.A real friend could blackmail you with it.A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.A real friend calls you after you had a fight.A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.A real friend expects to always be there for you!A simple friend reads this e-mail and deletes it.A real friend passes it on and sends it back to you!Pass this on to anyone you care about......if you get it back you have no beginning, no end and it keeps us together, like our Circle of Friends.Today I pass this on to you. Pass it on to someone who is a friend to You...INSTANTLY WHEN YOU RECEIVE THIS LETTER, YOU'RE REQUESTED TO SEND IT TO AT >LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU
Hey Ma!! Just coming by to say hi & remind you how very much I love & miss you all. Sending *BIG HUGS* and much love & kisses to everyone.Oh....& of course...Happy Humpday! *grin* COMMENTYOU.com
hey i need some help plz come and comment bomb this pic all u have to do is click the pic and comment i well give u a ct gift if u get me 100 comments and let me know and its happy hour so u get double points i need 25000 comments by may 31st to get a free month long blastbabysmooth