63 Year Old
From Auburn, WA·
Joined on April 12, 2007
Born on September 2nd
·1 referrals joined!
Hi! I'm Patekakes; I'm Assiniboine Sioux from the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana. Now I live in Auburn, Washington, on Muckleshoot Rez (always a rez girl, aaaay)!Im 45 but young at heart, party and play like 29!! =) But I have my serious times and moments (kinda complicated, but what female aint, huh)? Just entered the single life after 9/10 year relationship, were good friends now, but Im only lookin' for good friends and new and exciting experiences... I live on the red road, in a modern world, which can be condradicting sometimes, its all in balancing the two. At Pow Wows, I dance Womens Northern Traditional, there will pictures if'n you want to check 'em out... I was born in Naples, Italy...my real dad was in the Navy, so I was a Navy Brat! Moved to the States when I was around 4 or 5, I still have memories there, weird, huh? Grew up on the rez, now you know why Iam the way I am, complicated uh-huh lol! =)
So anyways, thats all I have to say about Patekakes right now...there will be addditional updates here and there...until then...dang glad to meet ya! xoxo =)
63 Year Old
From Auburn, WA·
Joined on April 12, 2007
Born on September 2nd
·1 referrals joined!
heya sweetheart! just wanted to drop by to show you some love and leave you a nice big juicy ten to add to your collection! hope you're having a fantastic Christmas!
New Graphics Cute ImagesTop Comments Sorry I missed your birthday hunny!!! Hope it was great, just sitting here thinking about you and hoping your well!Much Love!
Hi PatekakesWelcome to the place. Hope you meet a lot of nice people here. I understand about the Red Road as I too walk it. Cherokee, along with Irish and Sicilian. My kids all dance, boys southern straight, and girls fancy shawl. Check me out if you feel like it. Let me know if you would like to be friends. Be well Sister.Peace, Love, and JoyNick
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you a 10!!!!I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa
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