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36 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 11, 2007 · Born on March 11th · 1 referrals joined!
36 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 11, 2007 · Born on March 11th · 1 referrals joined!

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite quote: Screw love, I prefer falling into a endless pit of booze!

Favorite aniamal: Dogs

Myspace account: Www.myspace.com/southernpartygirl92
(you must talk with me and get to know me well before I allow you as my myspace friend)

Anything Else: Ask away!

More about me: I'm a poet, so if you have any class, style, or brains, (LOL just joking)) you should go read them and hopefully comment on what you truthfully thought. I'm also a fairly good writer and hope to get one of my books published one day soon. So far, no luck, but I think I'm getting close. But really...hmm, what else, I also love singing an dancing and all outside activities. Especiallly things like tennis, badmitton, or anything that gives me reason to wear one of those cute sports bras and a pair of tight pants and not be subjected to a whore. Well, yeah thats me, if theres anything else, JUST ASK

36 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 11, 2007 · Born on March 11th · 1 referrals joined!
Interest: Drinking, hanging with friends, Shopping, Aniamals

MySpace Graphics

Heres one of my poem, Hope ya like it, it's actually just a draft for song lyrics...I'm still working on it :) Hope you like it

Today we broke up

Tomarrow I will cry forever

three days from now you'll want me back

tomarow i will need you

and then it begins all again...

(chorus)I want off this roller coaster

Hold on baby, I'll take you for a ride

Tommarow may not be a lie

Come on baby,

lets take it for a ride!

I can't take this anymore

The sex is good

i love you baby

But I need alot more

You left me because I won't trust you

...I have a reason for that

I leave you, because you've yet to understand me

Yet its my fault that I hide myself

(chorus)I need back on this roller coaster ride

Hold on baby, I'll take ya for a ride

Tommarow there may not be the time

Come on baby,

Let's take it for a ride!
Favorite artist: Three Days Grace, Nickelback, Mettailca, Bowling For Soup, Dautry

Favorite song: Wake up (Three days grace)


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