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LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo has filed a motion for a hearing Friday before Judge Michael Sauer to argue that LA Sheriff's Department disobeyed the judge's direct orders that Paris Hilton would not receive special treatment.
Paris Hilton was released this morning after serving only three of her 23-day sentence because of an undisclosed "medical condition" which LA City Sheriff's Department says it cannot divulge.Outrage has been spreading across LA and the country after news hit early this morning that Paris Hilton's sentence was reduced to a house arrest in which she would serve her original 45 days, with five days already served and have to wear a monitoring anklet.
Rumors and speculation about what medical reason Paris Hilton was released for range from a "rash" to "mental anguish" (duh, it's jail) to perhaps withdrawals from drugs or alcohol.
DISCUSS: Is there a concern of riots in LA if they don't send Paris back to jail? You never know - it's LA!
STAY TUNED: Regular updates
- You can read the motion filed by the LA Attorney's Office to put Paris Hilton back in jail.
I know I am not the only person who found coverage of the Paris Hilton debacle completely fascinating. I don't like Paris Hilton; I've never even really followed Paris Hilton. But I was absolutely glued to the television on Friday, watching the drama unfold.
What made this such a media event? It wasn't as if she was suspected of killing anyone. Certainly, DUIs and driving with a suspended license are serious issues, but they are also (sadly) somewhat commonplace and nothing that would typically cause such public fascination. If the same events had happened to someone like Reese Witherspoon, I doubt we would have seen such a brouhaha.
So why Paris?
The answer is simple: she just sucks. She first became a household name when she arranged for the release of her own sex tape. She has had no work output of any value whatsoever. (And say what you will about Lindsay Lohan, but she has made some decent flicks.) She comes across as a simpering, spoiled brat and not even a remotely nice person. And yet, she is constantly given special privileges, media attention, and has more money than most of us. She is a glaring example of the "haves" who think they are better than the rest of us. And so, watching Paris treated like a common criminal - and fighting it every step of the day - was kind of an awesome affirmation that maybe we are all equal in this country.
Interestingly, Sheriff Lee Baca was also suspected of some celebrity favoritism with regards to Mel Gibson's arrest last summer when Gibson's racist remarks and resisting arrest were not included in the original report. Baca has given a plethora of excuses for Hilton's release ranging from overcrowding to her mysterious illness, despite the fact that the judge had specified "no house arrest."
Oh, and for the record, my guess is that Paris's "medical condition" was detoxing from whatever drug she was on when she was admitted. Which sucks, but hey, its jail.
On the eve of the important summer tourist season, the island of Nantucket has a dirty problem on its hands, or, really, on its feet.
The island's dogs have been leaving more than paw prints on Nantucket's beautiful beaches, and the human visitors who've paid $500 per night for a hotel room aren't charmed when a mushy misstep ruins a romantic walk on the beach.
Dog poop has become such a mess on the island's beaches and parks that the town is telling beachgoers to leave their mutts home this summer. That's right. No more Frisbee with Fido at Jetties Beach.
As it turns out, there are a few problems with Nantucket's clean beach movement. The town doesn't have the authority to ban dogs from its public beaches. It can enforce its leash law, but dogs -- leashed dogs anyway -- have as much right to the island's public beaches as do the CEOs who fly to the island on their own jets. So the new order is more like a request.
And Nantucket has a reputation as a dog friendly travel destination. In fact, published a blog earlier this month about a new, 12-room hotel, the Woof Hotel, that caters to dog lovers and their pets. You can even fly your dog to the island on Cape Air. (And you thought the guy sitting next to you on the flight to Miami drooled a lot.)
I'm guessing that a lot of dog lovers won't comply with the Nantucket Park and Recreation Commission's request. Some will blatantly ignore it. Others will smuggle their yippy Paris Hilton dogs onto the beach in their Nantucket Lightship baskets.
So how about a compromise that will enable dogs to enjoy the beaches and romantics to enjoy their sunset walks? How about doggie diapers?
One Hawaiian company even makes jam-style diapers for dogs. The hip Hawaiian prints might make trendsetters out of those Nantucket hounds and take some of the bite out of their having to wear diapers to the beach.
Celebutante" and reality TV star Paris Hilton gave her first post-jail interview to CNN's "Larry King Live" Wednesday. Here is a transcript of the show:
TAGS: reality TV, Paris Hilton
LINK: Paris Hilton on 'Larry King Live' CNN International from Boxxet News
Paris Hilton on CNN?s ?Larry King Live? - Bosh
Hilton to give Larry King post-jail interview - ABC Regional Online
MORE FROM NBC | WFSB | TV Squad | Huffington Post | CNN | TV Squad | I4U News
A US newscaster refused to lead her program with a story about Paris Hilton, arguing she was fed up with media attention given to the controversial Hollywood socialite.
TAGS: Hollywood, socialite, Paris Hilton
LINK: US newscaster refuses to read Paris Hilton news AFP from Boxxet News
Paris Hilton drives newscaster nuts -
US newsreader refuses Paris Hilton lead - Daily Telegraph
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LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo has filed a motion for a hearing Friday before Judge Michael Sauer to argue that LA Sheriff's Department disobeyed the judge's direct orders that Paris Hilton would not receive special treatment.
Paris Hilton was released this morning after serving only three of her 23-day sentence because of an undisclosed "medical condition" which LA City Sheriff's Department says it cannot divulge.Outrage has been spreading across LA and the country after news hit early this morning that Paris Hilton's sentence was reduced to a house arrest in which she would serve her original 45 days, with five days already served and have to wear a monitoring anklet.
Rumors and speculation about what medical reason Paris Hilton was released for range from a "rash" to "mental anguish" (duh, it's jail) to perhaps withdrawals from drugs or alcohol.
DISCUSS: Is there a concern of riots in LA if they don't send Paris back to jail? You never know - it's LA!
STAY TUNED: Regular updates
- You can read the motion filed by the LA Attorney's Office to put Paris Hilton back in jail.
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