Main Entry: copulate
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: have sex
bang, bed, boff, breed, cohabit, conjugate, couple, dork, fool around, fornicate, have coition, have relations, have sex, hump, lay, lie with, make it, make love, make out, mate, screw, sleep together, sleep with, unite.
I was reading a book today--hey shut up I was--when I heard the most annoying voice I've ever heard in my life. The voice surrounded me quickly, crippling my thoughts and stopping me mid-sentence. It was from a person, I think. Ya know, I'd heard myths of sailors getting so sex-hungry out on the seas that at night, when everybody was asleep, they'd copulate with fog horns. I didn't believe these outrageous stories until this afternoon when I encountered a half man/half fog horn offspring. He looked to be around 16 years old and much to my surprise, he seemed to be generally liked and socially accepted. Long story short, right before I threw a rock at him, I recalled the horny sailor stories from my childhood and suddenly felt bad for the poor guy. Shoot, he didn't know any better; how could I be mad at him? I can't. Instead, I'll accept the loud-mouthed freak as he is.