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44 Year Old · Male · Invited by: skatediva2000 · Joined on February 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 9th
44 Year Old · Male · Invited by: skatediva2000 · Joined on February 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 9th

My name is John and I am a fairly easy going guy. I am an 8 year Army combat Veteran of Field Artillery with 2 tours (going on my third fairly soon). I am currently in the National Guard finishing my college to become an Artillery Officer (hopefully) and finish my retirement. I am blunt because I am military but I am always respectful.

44 Year Old · Male · Invited by: skatediva2000 · Joined on February 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 9th
Since I'm military I still lean towards military things. I like shooting for both practice and sport. I like going to the gym to keep in shape and reduce stress. I love skydiving whenever I get an opportunity, which isn't often, but I still love it. I love Longboarding (too old to skateboard now, kinda feels stupid), going to the movies and getting out, I hate being couped up! I hike up by Mount Pilchuk or Lake Kachess with friends when the weather is nice, especially up to Rachel Lake. I enjoy going out at least once a month with friends and shooting pool, having fun, or partying ..hey, I'm a Leo, gotta party sometime!
I like songs from just about every type of Artist and don't limit myself to any one form of music, although I lean more towards old grunge rock like Nirvana and newer music like Nickelback and Linkin Park. I appreciate both artists and entertainers, but especially artists like Alicia Keys, Tori Amos, and recently listened to Anne DeFranco, Nickelback, Fallout Boy, and basically any band who actually writes and plays their own music, who don't borrow lyrics from song writers and synthesize their backgroung. Not to say I don't appreciate entertainers, but I truly like musical artists, especially those that deliver a message.
I am an absolute fan of War movies like Black Hawk Down, Platoon, We Were Soldiers (once ..and young), The Patriot, The Kingdom, etc. I also like comedies, I'm a big Adam Sandler fan ..even Little Nicky (hey! It had a Henry Winkler Cameo! ..nobody turns down the Fonz!) , Austin Powers, National Lampoons (especially Van Wilder)
Any former Medal of Honor recipient, deceased or alive is my Idol. Denzel Washington for what he did for the soldier's down in Texas, donating 3 million dollars to repair and construct a Fischer House so that family would have a place to stay while visiting their wounded son's and daughters. Oprah Winfrey for all the wonderful things she's done for the American people in return for helping in her success (and never forgetting her fans). Bruce Willis, cause he's older, bald, and still get's the girls LOL! (same with Jack Nicholson). Barack and Hillary, not necessarily for their political standpoints, but for being an example that glass ceilings can eventually be overcome, and their is hope for this country yet.

"It is the Soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of press. It is the Soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, serves the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag that gives the protester the right to burn the flag"

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